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Starting salary for internatinal fresh graduated in Bangkok

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Hello users of the Thaivisa web site.

I am currently an internatinal student in Thailand I have studied in Thailand in internatinal schools sice I was 12 my comand of Thai is poor in my opinon but I currently activly working on improving it to a decent level.

I speak 2 languages flunet and in business context English and Dutch and I can do a bit of German and Italian. I will be going to a university in BKK and major in ether mecanical engeering or robotics engeenring I have some work experice which I could put down on my CV I tought a electrical desingen club (as in i thought an ECA at my school to the younger kids how to build circuits and thought them how to make surten projects) I was a sports coach for a year and I worked in a resort for a week. I will greaduat probebly when I am 22 ps I did the D of E Gold award where Myself and 3 others cycled from koh samui to koh puket to raise money for a local charity if that looks good on my CV

So firstly sorry for the raint about myself but I wanted to share some genral info to gife any one kind enof an easyer time to awnser.

so going back to my qustion how much could I exspect as a starting salary the reason I am very confuced is I keep hiring so many diffrent things some say 15k thb max and one of my thai friends sad his starting salary was 50kthb so yeah what can I be looking at becasue if I am making less then a KFC worker back in the EU well I can be asked to work in Thailand even thought I love Thaialnd and truly dont want to leave afhtere I graduated. in advenst thank you to all that will awnser

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If you can even find a job one suspects 15k is most likely closest to the mark, from what I a reading here confused as what exactly the skills or experience you exactly have on offer

soutpeel i am new to the forum so this is my atemt at a reply so you sad that you where confused by how I wrote it down so I will re write it doing my best to make it as understandable as I can looking at it now it dose lake some good grametical struckter so sorry for that so secound try.

so my education would be Igcse I A levels and a batcheler of mecanical or robotics engeeniring.

my work experience would be that I was a "electronics teacher" for 3 mounths at my school where I did my Igcses and I A levels where I thought the younger student how to decine circuits build them and some basic programing.

further more I was a Sports coach for 1 year

lastly I had 1 week Job in a resort becasue the owner asked me if wanted to help out while I was off school

I currently speak Dutch and English at a business and standart and know most tecnical terms related to Engeeninring in english. I also have the ability to speak a bit of german and italian. Before I finish my university I want to have a strong comand of Thai that I currently activily working on.

And as a foot note on my CV I would have added about the charity work I did this was the D of E I talked about.

So going back to the qustion doing my researh online I came to the conclution that a thai natinal with a batchlor will make 15kthb a mounth when they start and go up to 20kthb afhter 3 or 4 mounths. however some of my fellow students and oldre Thai friends told me of sums much larger then that when you graduate between 40-50kthb mountly if you work for a larger corperation.

and also just a secound qustion does ones salary segnificantly increase afther one has 1-2 years of exsperience in the related feel thanks for the feed back

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A 15K starting salary is supposedly the minimum starting wage set by the govt for a university graduate. Whether companies are complying with that or there is fine print allowing them to get around it I don't know. So, any starting salary above 15K is going to be purely based on your skills and how much the company is willing to pay for those skills.

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ok guys thanks for the feed back. the info does help so then a last qustion I wanted to add is how much could I relisticly ask. becasue a lot of job adverts tell me to write ecspected salary. also does one not need to make atleas 30 or 35k to get there work permit extended/ issued thanks for any feed back

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If you can even find a job one suspects 15k is most likely closest to the mark, from what I a reading here confused as what exactly the skills or experience you exactly have on offer

soutpeel i am new to the forum so this is my atemt at a reply so you sad that you where confused by how I wrote it down so I will re write it doing my best to make it as understandable as I can looking at it now it dose lake some good grametical struckter so sorry for that so secound try.

so my education would be Igcse I A levels and a batcheler of mecanical or robotics engeeniring.

my work experience would be that I was a "electronics teacher" for 3 mounths at my school where I did my Igcses and I A levels where I thought the younger student how to decine circuits build them and some basic programing.

further more I was a Sports coach for 1 year

lastly I had 1 week Job in a resort becasue the owner asked me if wanted to help out while I was off school

I currently speak Dutch and English at a business and standart and know most tecnical terms related to Engeeninring in english. I also have the ability to speak a bit of german and italian. Before I finish my university I want to have a strong comand of Thai that I currently activily working on.

And as a foot note on my CV I would have added about the charity work I did this was the D of E I talked about.

So going back to the qustion doing my researh online I came to the conclution that a thai natinal with a batchlor will make 15kthb a mounth when they start and go up to 20kthb afhter 3 or 4 mounths. however some of my fellow students and oldre Thai friends told me of sums much larger then that when you graduate between 40-50kthb mountly if you work for a larger corperation.

and also just a secound qustion does ones salary segnificantly increase afther one has 1-2 years of exsperience in the related feel thanks for the feed back

Here is my response to your post I do work here in Engineering and have done so for the last 14 years and over those 14 have been involved in hiring on graduate engineers and based on what you have written, I would hire you on for 15k/20k starting and after 2-3 years of practical/work experience we might be talking 30-40k dependent on how good you are, I am not sure if your a Thai citizen or not, if your not your chances of gaining a job at entry level are minimal in the first place due to WP issues

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ok guys thanks for the feed back. the info does help so then a last qustion I wanted to add is how much could I relisticly ask. becasue a lot of job adverts tell me to write ecspected salary. also does one not need to make atleas 30 or 35k to get there work permit extended/ issued thanks for any feed back

The problem in the WP process is simple, one has to justify to the DOL why one is hiring a non Thai national over a Thai national, you need to have skills/knowledge or experience which a Thai national doesn't have, from a technical/graduate perspective you don't have any more skills above a Thai national graduate

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Let me firstly apologizes for my poor spelling in my pervious replies I did not realize that there was no auto correction in this forum so I have stopped speed typing to make sure my spelling in on point. Thanks for pointing it out.

I want to thank SoutPeel for his generosity of sharing his extensive knowledge on the subject and all others for there amazingly fast responses.

So on my education history I have achieved my Igcse’s and I A levels in the international school of koh Samui not a big name in Thailand I am sure.

And on the spelling on engineering my apologize specifically because spelling the major wrong multiple times is just kind of bad on my part.

Also I am not a Thai citizen hence I was aware of the work permit issues.

The thing is I am not currently searching for a job as I have not jet started my university I just wanted to ask around how getting a job and the salary even look like and given Soutpeel explanation the I am more aware of how the situation is put together.

Also as I understood from someone I know that had obtain citizenship in Thailand I have stayed in Thailand long in of and can applied for one if I speak, write and read thai fluently which I will be working on while I am undertaking my university course.

And lastly what is was thinking as a back up plane for my self as I do want to continue living in Thailand to go back to the EU for maybe 1-5 years to gain work experience and then return with the gain experience and go try again

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Despite the clarification, I am unsure if the OP is studying engeering, engeenring, engeeniring and even Engeeninring or maybe just has a crap keyboard.

I am rather interested in what international schools the OP attended here in Thailand.

Yeap, he does indeed say ".. will be going to a university in BKK and major in ether mecanical engeering or robotics engeenring..."

So maybe he's just interested in what he might get as salary if and when completing his education goals.

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Despite the clarification, I am unsure if the OP is studying engeering, engeenring, engeeniring and even Engeeninring or maybe just has a crap keyboard.

I am rather interested in what international schools the OP attended here in Thailand.

Yeap, he does indeed say ".. will be going to a university in BKK and major in ether mecanical engeering or robotics engeenring..."

So maybe he's just interested in what he might get as salary if and when completing his education goals.

If the OP is not a Thai national a lot more to it than just completing his education and starting work

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... And lastly what is was thinking as a back up plane for my self as I do want to continue living in Thailand to go back to the EU for maybe 1-5 years to gain work experience and then return with the gain experience and go try again.

Absolutely no fault with that plan. I would consider making it Plan A.

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and also to all if I seem dume or with very little knowlage on the subject it is because I totaly am I only started looking in to this recently as the working world starts afther university and university is at my door step. also thank you all for gifing up your free time on a friday night to help me out.

also if I do first go to the EU to get work experince and other related skills say for 2 years how would my changes/ salery look at that point just as a side note I do try to teach my self as many related skills as posible for exsample at the momnet I am learing how to use solid works and how to program C++ as I enjoy spending my time doing these time of things

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Sorry I have swaped citizenship with Perminted recidence. I was told becaucae I have had non imgration visas for the last 5 years I could applie for the perminted recited

Have you paid tax in Thailand for at least last 3 years ? If not then you would not be able to get PR, in your circumstances you will not get PR and even with PR you still need a WP

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soutpeel thanks for your awnsers but with the wp and pr i am only looking in to at the moment as i still have 3 years before i garduate and know there are alot of string ateted hence am not jet fully read up on the matter. and a final qustion you say you work for the last 14 year in thailand and also hired newly graduateds so for exsample if i go to the EU for 2 years work there in a field and then try my luck back in thailand how much does that increase my changes. also is work experience from aboad favort or pinelised or it gets no diffrent treatment

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

A 15K starting salary is supposedly the minimum starting wage set by the govt for a university graduate. Whether companies are complying with that or there is fine print allowing them to get around it I don't know. So, any starting salary above 15K is going to be purely based on your skills and how much the company is willing to pay for those skills.

True, but that's for Thai nationals and although it's the minimum start salary for new (Thai) graduates many employers don't pay it and even some government departments don't pay it.

The messages from JRoom suggest he/she is not Thai so can I suggest to read the pinned thread at the start of Thai Visa in regard to Work Permits and specifically note the list of occupations which can only taken by Thai nationals.

The OP mentions engineering but not the specific area of engineering. Thailand has plenty of graduates every year in many areas of engineering. If there are Thai graduates who can do the same job then employers are usually more likely to employ a Thai person (there are reasons).

Thai friend started work at 50,000Baht a month. Not very likely unless the person had some very rare qualification or very rare talent and even then would probably need a few years of work experience. Or was the Thai person the son or daughter of the owner, or something similar?

It can sometimes be true that multinationals pay more but not in every company nor in every job.

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If the OP plans on submitting a resume or cover letter in English, please have someone else proofread them for you before sending them in. Looks like a little help is still needed there.

PS - Although it's out of the OP's field, the university in BKK where my wife works just hired a new academic staff person, a young Thai woman who will graduate university from a different school in a few months and who's been doing a paid internship at my wife's school the past few months. The university hired her for 20K per month.

Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Sorry I have swaped citizenship with Perminted recidence. I was told becaucae I have had non imgration visas for the last 5 years I could applie for the perminted recited

Dear JRoom,

Are you meaning you are thinking of applying for Permanent Resident status?

If yes, then I assume you mean that you will apply on the basis of having non immigrant visas for 5 years but in reality most of this time spent as a high school student?

If my assumptions are correct then you should do some further reading about the requirements to apply for Permanent Residency (which are more than just 5 yrs of visas).

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every one thanks again for your replys. i got most of the awnsers I was looking for however the PR etc I just started looking at that 2 weeks ago becasue some I know told me so yes i have no true knowlage if i do or dont applie but i am not jet looking in to that properly. and about my friend how told me about the 50k that is just what I was told he might be full of shit lol and on the conver letter etc I can write them properly etc when I use a word editing software like MS word as it shows me my speling errors so dont wory about that. but on JulieM i am not trolling I just came to ask for some info so dont know what you mean.

ether way I have prity much all the knowlage I need at this point.

for any one replying on this post later dont worry about the PR I will look at that my self as i am aware it is a long prosses etc and if one wants to further reply I am going in to the field of mechatronic engineering which is prity much a mix of electrical mecanical robotics and computer sciens

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Sorry OP but if the above correspondence was an interview (and by the way, it was), then you have just failed it. You have shown yourself to be lacking in your grammar, spelling and overall powers of expression. However, what really grates is your response to those who initially pointed out your weaknesses. First you made some effort to tidy things up and then you slid back to your garbled, scrambled egg communications and finished up with excuses about when you were going to do something about it ie wave a magic Microsoft spellchecker over everything with a hey presto! But just not now, right? When it comes to communications, one is never 'off duty'; it is a labour of love. Which you don't have. One of the things that employers complain about time and again is that new graduates are unable to communicate accurately enough to write reports or even be trained to do so. So unemployable except maybe for peanuts. Go home and sort yourself out.

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All right to every one talking about my grammar it is starting to get a bit irritating.

The user soutpeel has answered my questions to the full extend I required and I am very thank full for that.

To conclude on the matter of my spelling I am dyslexics and find spelling incredibly difficult along with English is not my mother Language.

Never the less I have a large vocabulary in both business and engineering English to fully express my self easily if I take my time for example a covering letter or a business report to make sure it is to the proper standard required.

Lastly I was only curious, as I am not looking for a job at the moment.

I haven’t even finished my degree jet.

Hence I just wanted to look if it was worth my while to stay in Thailand after my time as a student concluded, as I love this country. However every one has their standard of living hence I wanted to know the financial side of working in bkk as I have gotten conflicting reports as previously stated.

So as my questions have been answered hence I now have the appropriated amount of information to make an educated decision to leave Thailand or to seek employment when the day comes that I graduate.

P.S I am not mad at all. Just wanted to make some points clear. And thank you to every one that has contributed with a response to my question in a help full way.

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Firstly, as you are a foreigner, no Thai minimum wage law applies to you. Foreign workers are exempt from the new Thai wage laws.

Secondly, unless you are going to major in English, or another in demand foreign language, there is no degree from a Thai university that would qualify you to work in Thailand as a new graduate, as every Thai that graduates with you in your field of study will be more qualified than you, unless a foreign language you speak, and write fluently is also required for the job. As a foreigner graduating from a Thai university, you are at the bottom of the list for hiring, no matter how well you do in school.

Lastly, Chances are unless you graduate from one of the top Thai universities, your degree won't be accepted outside of Thailand, requiring you to go back to school if you plan on working in your field of study in the EU. Your best alternative is to get your degree at a recognized European university, work at least 10 years in your field, then try to transfer to Thailand with the company you work for, or get hired by a European company that also has offices in Thailand, then transfer here.

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koolbreez thanks for an other good informative answer but don’t worry I am fully aware of the issue of recognition etc never the less thank you for mentioning it. Btw is there a way to close a topic or stop people from answering because I have plenty of information on subject and just wanted to know some quotes on salaries as that was the part I was curious about. any way back home I have plenty of contacts in the engineering world to get a job fast but I just didn’t want to leave Thailand but as the salary’s are pretty low as soutpeel pointed out I am not likely to extend my stay after my studies

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Starting salary for some engineering jobs in BKK is around 25k-30k

My son was offered a job as a new graduate but he has dual nationality and degree from UK .

You really want to be looking abroad if you have the qualifications, but for a year or two its ok.

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thanks cmsally I am considering moveing abroud for my degree any way ethere way I have plenty of time to sort things out hecne i am not worried for now. I am investing plenty of time at the moment to researsh my opertunitce depending on the rout i take and this post on thaivisa was part of the research

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