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Shipping personal effects and things I made (I am an artist) to the US


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I am an American and I am an artist (was an art teacher for a while here too, a few years back). I am moving my wife, our son and myself back to the States soon. In the mean time, I have been packing up 7 years of art I have made here and there is some personal stuff that we want to take with us as well. I am very good at packing as I used to be an art mover and shipper in NYC, so I am almost finished with packing and looking at what to do for a crate. I am thinking of using a big cardboard tri-wall container, like on this page. tri-wall dot co dot th/index.php?lay=show&ac=article&Id=53896511 I wrote them an email today in English and didn't hear back. This is better IMO because it wouldn't have to be treated wood or fumigated (which needs paper work to follow it around and would be heavier).

Anyway, I have figured out about what it weighs (150kilos or so), it's estimated inside dimensions 221cm x 76cm x 108cm (LxWxH), I was even able to figure out its CBM (cubic meters) 1.81, I am working on a full list of all contents and plan on putting pictures on the outside of packed art works. The problem I am having now is how in the heck to get it out and through all the customs both here and back in the US. I don't want to pay more than I have to, as it is all my stuff. There is a few objects that are "used personal effects, 6 months old" but most of it is my art works (paintings drawings and sculptures, some of which are made from coconut shells although they are all painted). Also, I have some art supplies.

I did a search on xpress rate but it couldn't be for personal effects (which it is) and it came in around 1000$ USD for what I assume was a sea rate since it took 35 days. I don't mind it taking that long or paying that much going by sea but it makes me anxious as I have read some things about things getting hung up at port (and being charged storage at government rates while there). The air rates are like 3 times and more than this. Also, I am concerned about my things that are made of wood and coconuts and on wood stretchers. Does anyone have any kind of experience with this kind of a situation or know any one who has?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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Going out of Thailand is easy and should be no trouble since only inbound shipments are put in the Customs warehouse, which is quite expensive and there is no duty for outbound shipments

The same is true going into the US, just insure that the shipment is properly labelled "returning house hold goods" and once again you should have no problems since the US Customs is more interested in collecting for high dollar value items, prohibited items, and contraband, not personal effects

Shipping rates are a whole different story and you will just have to check around and find which shipper can give you the best "door to door" rate

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