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Devastated in Thailand ... what would it be?


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If there was one thing that totally devastated you in Thailand ... what would it be?

MissFarmGirl is my partner, my lover, 100% best friend, mother to our 2 boys.

Heaven forbid, I was an awefull judge of character ... if it was a long con ... that would rip my guts out.

Mr 'glass half full' would be then the dregs in the bottom of the barrel.

Alternative, a drunk driver cleaned up our car and took out beloved boys away,

keep me away from firearms and machetes.

I'm being honest.

What event would rip your guts out?


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If that was me ... warmest apologies ... not my intent.

Please accept ... wai.gif

What difference does it make whether it`s in Thailand or not?

Everyone lives on a hope and a prayer that the worst will never happen, but most people don`t let these things play on their minds too much.

My advice is to anyone who has these concerns is to change their brand of coffee and cut down on fatty foods, then perhaps they will be able to obtain a good nights sleep and not have so many nightmares.

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Well opening an Email from my bank yesterday and finding one of my Debit cards had been skimmed wasn't too much fun.....maybe crest fallen/scared/angry/unsure/upset for a few moments.....

Devastated....different catagory entirely.....

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I've come close to knowing. One time I thought my baby daughter was involved in a bus crash in which 14 people died. While a Thai colleague (bless you Maem) was checking it out with Khon Kaen police, I stood on the roof of my building shaking like a leaf. When the news came through that it was another bus heading to Chiang Mai, my legs gave way and it took an hour to get back to work.

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I've come close to knowing. One time I thought my baby daughter was involved in a bus crash in which 14 people died. While a Thai colleague (bless you Maem) was checking it out with Khon Kaen police, I stood on the roof of my building shaking like a leaf. When the news came through that it was another bus heading to Chiang Mai, my legs gave way and it took an hour to get back to work.

.WWW ... Feel your pain.

Biting bottom lip.

No words come out.

I know she's sweet now ... but it doesn't take the angst away ... respect.

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never thought much about anything in the past just took everything for granted but since retireing and moveing to thailand there is not a day that goes by without evil thoughts.

enjoying my life i dont want it to end,every time my wife goes out i cant wait for her to return,and my beloved dog he breaths the same air as me,he eats with me,where i go he goes and he sleeps with me but still i worry about him.


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I've come close to knowing. One time I thought my baby daughter was involved in a bus crash in which 14 people died. While a Thai colleague (bless you Maem) was checking it out with Khon Kaen police, I stood on the roof of my building shaking like a leaf. When the news came through that it was another bus heading to Chiang Mai, my legs gave way and it took an hour to get back to work.

Glad all is OK......

(Sadly in the US - opposite happened to me.....Devastated - just not in Thailand)

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I feel I would be devastated if I fell truly in love with a woman here and went the whole hog in selling up at home and buying a house, land and the rest here, only to discover it was a long con on her behalf and I was left destitute and brokenhearted.

Yes, I and we, know some who have done that. They are very bitter.

It is why my assets are safe.

My heart however could come under attack at any moment and in the case of falling deeply in love may not be something I could control. At least a broken heart on its own can be mended with time. Whereas totally broken finances and broken heart may be un-mendable.

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If there was one thing that totally devastated you in Thailand ... what would it be?

When my wife died in June 2011. In one moment I became a widower and a single father to a five year old boy. I've stayed and tried to be the best father I can. But the pain never really goes away now, does it?

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I think losing my wife would do it for me, after losing my 14 y/o daughter many years ago it took me a long time to climb out of the hole i was in and meeting my thai wife has really made me want to be a part of her life for years to come, the thought of anything happening to her terrifies me to be honest

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I think losing my wife would do it for me, after losing my 14 y/o daughter many years ago it took me a long time to climb out of the hole i was in and meeting my thai wife has really made me want to be a part of her life for years to come, the thought of anything happening to her terrifies me to be honest

SJ ... that's a tough jig ... sorry to hear of your loss.

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My big brother has skin cancer, rather bad from what i hear. Had lots of treatments and operations etc.

It would rip me apart if he died, worse it would rip my 85 year old mother apart. Her only son.

But we keep positive, he lives in Germany where treatment is much better than in the UK.

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I'm never really devastated by anything. Such is my character. I keep functioning in any situation. It can be a bit of a curse, but it already saved my life 3 times and other people's lives 2 times. Time just slows down.

The worst that can happen to me is boredom and losing interest.

Usually it means that I began caring too much again about what others want.

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I've come close to knowing. One time I thought my baby daughter was involved in a bus crash in which 14 people died. While a Thai colleague (bless you Maem) was checking it out with Khon Kaen police, I stood on the roof of my building shaking like a leaf. When the news came through that it was another bus heading to Chiang Mai, my legs gave way and it took an hour to get back to work.

Glad all is OK......

(Sadly in the US - opposite happened to me.....Devastated - just not in Thailand)

Truly feel for you. I think you may have mentioned this before. I just can't imagine what it would be like to not have seen my daughter grow up and become a woman.

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I think losing my wife would do it for me, after losing my 14 y/o daughter many years ago it took me a long time to climb out of the hole i was in and meeting my thai wife has really made me want to be a part of her life for years to come, the thought of anything happening to her terrifies me to be honest

You're a better man than me to have survived it. I wish you a long and happy life with your wife.

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Reading the other posts about either the long con or just losing their love of their life terrifies me too . But also in my circumstances , having enough time to make my new to be wife comfortable with all the truly good things in life , and also my ex wife set up away from her parasitic family, before i tumble off into the void. My dying doesn't scare me any more but leaving my loved ones in a position where they may have to struggle does. I had my first grandson a few weeks ago the possibility of not seeing him grow to a young man devastates me too.

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