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Thais Are Not Racists.


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If he wasn't a racist he would have called you Mr. Costas from Greece

But your skin colour was the only thing he saw.

Why, oh why do you have to be so negative?

Costas is a difficult name for Thais to understand and pronounce.

Also I'm not a bit bothered to be called a farang.

Nothing wrong with that as far as I can see.

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If he wasn't a racist he would have called you Mr. Costas from Greece

But your skin colour was the only thing he saw.

How do you know the color of Mr. Costas skin???? By his writing????

Cos they wouldn't have called him 'farang' (white) if he was brown (kairk) or black (neego) or yellow (jin/yippon/gowlee).

If they had a genuine interest in foreigners, they would have asked about his name, country of origin, and home language.

But they don't, farang (white man) speak English.

Edited by BritManToo
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If he wasn't a racist he would have called you Mr. Costas from Greece

But your skin colour was the only thing he saw.

How do you know the color of Mr. Costas skin???? By his writing????

Cos they wouldn't have called him 'farang' (white) if he was brown (kairk) or black (neego) or yellow (jin/yippon/gowlee).

If they had a genuine interest in foreigners, they would have asked about his name, country of origin, and home language.

But they don't, farang (white man) speak English.

We are ALL by and large farang - in the US Mexicans - Indians - Japanese - are seen for their ethicity ..... no different than a Texan being seen as from Texas or people identifying me from California by my speech pattern - that's not racist or profiling it's a reality of cognizant thoughts of people with an interest of others.....why paint with a darker brush?

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I use a beach bar in Bangchang called the crossroads it has a good mixture of falang and Thai custom, ( no bar girls), I quite often get into conversations with the Thai patrons and have got quite friendly with some, and I have noticed when they leave or I leave the bar they will squeeze my fore or upper arm, I asked my T/g/f about this practice and she said it was a male Thai sign of friendship and respect.

We had a great night there last Saturday with the Thai rock legend Lam Morrison over 200 people came to see him it was packed ( only a small bar) and the only one ones making idiots of themselves and falling over drunk were the Falangs I felt quite ashamed of my country men.

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If he wasn't a racist he would have called you Mr. Costas from Greece

But your skin colour was the only thing he saw.

How do you know the color of Mr. Costas skin???? By his writing????

Cos they wouldn't have called him 'farang' (white) if he was brown (kairk) or black (neego) or yellow (jin/yippon/gowlee).

If they had a genuine interest in foreigners, they would have asked about his name, country of origin, and home language.

But they don't, farang (white man) speak English.

TV mods would not allow the words I have for you.

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Can't get it up? Think of liver. (Portnoy's Complaint.)

I think Jewish people are the funniest people on the planet. Black people: a very, very close second.

I love Thais and Thailand. So shoot me, already.

Thai people, racist?

Oh no you didn't.

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Thais are NOT racist, and you know why ? because the average Thai has NO IDEA what it means.

However, most, and those who arent lying to themselves, will agree that they can be prejudice, as in fact we are all guilty of some kind of prejudice sometimes.

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Thais are NOT racist, and you know why ? because the average Thai has NO IDEA what it means.

However, most, and those who arent lying to themselves, will agree that they can be prejudice, as in fact we are all guilty of some kind of prejudice sometimes.

Yep, non singers are bah.gif ...........................laugh.png

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Of course the Thais are racist.

It is in their insular upbringing which. by and large, results in a lack of knowledge of the world outside Thailand.

Almost anywhere else in the world you would have your balls cut off for calling someone 'chocolate man'. Look at the Darlie (renamed from Darkie) range of products. At least in Thailand we would still have the golliwog on jars of jam!

Are the terms Farang and Chocolate Man used in a racist or offensive manner? No of course not.

Just because they are 'technically' racist in their terminology does not mean that they cannot be welcoming and great hosts. I generally do not mix with Thais but this can be affected by where you live. The occasion that Costas described is a very good one to experience a warm reception, Loy Krathong too and Songkran - certainly in rural areas. I have been to Ban Phai several times and found the locals to be very hospitable - I experienced a wonderful Songkran in Khon Kaen a few years back.

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Being fed up listening on TVF about Thais being racists towards farangs, I decided to write about this personal event that happened to me.

I live in Bhan Pai, a sub district of Khon Kaen, with approximately 200,000 inhabitants.

Last night, Sunday, I went with the wife out for dinner and as we passed the Bhan Pai high school, we noticed that all the trees and bushes, were decorated with beautiful Christmas lights and there was an event with young people playing music and singing on a stage constructed on the side of the road.

So, parked the car and went there to see what is all about.

The street was full of food vendors selling all kinds of yameee, stuff and also other vendors selling the usual silly things, like key rings, covers for mobiles hats, etc. etc.

Being greedy with food, started buying all kinds of food available, so with the hands full of plastic bags we arrived to the stage I mentioned before where they had chairs and little tables for everybody to sit down and enjoy their meal while listening to the music.

While eating, a Thai man approaches us and started asking the usual questions.

Where you from? Where you live? How long have you been in Thailand?

I was polite with him, impressed that he can speak English so I had a small conversation with him, expressing my satisfaction of being and living in Thailand.

We kept listening to the performance of different groups of young kids, some of them good some not so good.

Anyway, 15 minutes later the music stops and the man that I was speaking to, came on the stage with another 7 people and started giving a speech.

Then we understood that he was the Mayor of Bhan Pai.

At one point of his speech he started mentioning the farang that is amongst us tonight and how much appreciated the help and support Bhan Pai gets from the farangs living there.

He got an applause from the audience and I was asked to get up, so I did and waied to them.

After the end of his speech we had a lot of people come to us and try to start a conversation in Thai or English.

I felt really nice and I started thinking where is all that racism I hear all about, on TVF, in Thailand?

That was my personal experience and I wanted to share with you.

Sorry the racism is not only between Thais towards farang but also Thai towards neighbouring countries like Myanmar or Cambodge or Laos etc...even between the Bangkok and the East.
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If he wasn't a racist he would have called you Mr. Costas from Greece

But your skin colour was the only thing he saw.

How do you know the color of Mr. Costas skin???? By his writing????

Cos they wouldn't have called him 'farang' (white) if he was brown (kairk) or black (neego) or yellow (jin/yippon/gowlee).

If they had a genuine interest in foreigners, they would have asked about his name, country of origin, and home language.

But they don't, farang (white man) speak English.


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Hmmm Costas2008, I am a bit (just a bit) disappointed, otherwise I am a fan of your often very nice and openminded postings here.

But this time I think you shot over the goal with at least 2-3 meters...... Only because you did find one candle in an otherwise dark world, doesn´t mean that thai have stopped being rascists... Dont forget by the way to pay your "tribute" to their community on your way out of that event......

This is an saga, a "I wish it was like that" fairy tale.............You will NEVER be part of that community and even your offspring (children) will be redujced to falang or lukh khreung in the eyes of thai...... Here in Thailand, they look at your face and than at your skin and finally at your body to determin what to call you,, not your name but a nickname like falang, nicko and so on.. there is always a sutiable "name" for anything that is not born in Thailand...


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Some of them are racist some are not. Usually the simple, not well off thais are the ones that are not racist but nice curious and welcoming.

On the flip side it's usually the wealthy inbred that are stuck in their own illusion and tend to dislike anything that's not pure thai.

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Some of them are racist some are not. Usually the simple, not well off thais are the ones that are not racist but nice curious and welcoming.

On the flip side it's usually the wealthy inbred that are stuck in their own illusion and tend to dislike anything that's not pure thai.

Pure Thai you mean Chinese Thai?

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