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This dog needs a blood transfusion can anyone help

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This poor baby needs a blood transfusion within the next week or will likley not survive . The donor needs to be between 25 and 30 kilos to provide the needed blood . I have checked with Care For Dogs already they dont have a donor . If you have a dog that would like to save this dogs life or you know someone who does . You can send me a message or contact Lek at 081-9569153, She is heart broken that she will loose her dog if she does not locate a donor soon



Sorry to hear about the problems . Do not need a donor . Contact one of the uni's in bangkok, they all have blood bank, bigger hospitals , not clinics should also have blood bank or can order.

When my dog in Pattaya needed blood transfusion, vet ordered blood from bkk.


Our fat labrador voluntered. Have to bring her to the hospital later today to see if they are compatible.



Our dog's blood had some problem so not approved for transfusion. So they are still looking for a donor. A Friend of mine is going there this afternoon with his two dogs. Let's hope for the best.


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Well thanks to all here the dog get its blood today froma big black lab , can hope for a recovery , it is so nice we have this forum to help others, thanks to all who responded and much thanks to those who went the extra mile for this little guy ....

Wish him the very best.


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Yes Cesar RIP. Know that you're family BB1955 and lek love you very much. Wait for them at the Rainbow Bridge.


Sad to say last night about 10:30 pm Cesar went into cardiac arrest and could not be brought back .

Sorry to say. RIP Cesar.


So sorry to hear Cesar passed on. I came by to see how well he was doing only to hear the sad news.

I too recently loss another of my pets; even when due to old age, it never gets easier.

As an aside I couldn't make it all the way through the sweetly sad movie 'Hachi A Dog's Tale 2009' a couple of days ago.

My condolences.


I have a minuture doxie that I ve had since she was 6 weeks old . She is 12 years now , I dread they day she moves on and leaves me here. Its sad that dogs can not out live the human owners . They alwaysbtake our hearts with them when they go .


I have a minuture doxie that I ve had since she was 6 weeks old . She is 12 years now , I dread they day she moves on and leaves me here. Its sad that dogs can not out live the human owners . They alwaysbtake our hearts with them when they go .

Not too long ago i lost my big girl at the age of 15.

Was very hard and i still see her around the house when i do things.

I think you looking at it wrong, it is even more scary and sad if they do outlive the owner, because who would look after them?

I was in Australia recently and met a founder of new rescue group.

She was caring for dogs and cats of owners who have passed away.

It was really sad seeing all the pups and kittens who appeared to have lost desire to live without the owners. Woman said, they pass that stage after a while.

But those who made their way to this woman were lucky, there are thousands that are not so lucky and end up homeless or just die.

Enjoy your time with doxie, the older they get the wiser they are and for some reason they do start to act like puppies again.:)

Keep in mind at her 12 years of age, she is probably older than you in doggie years(12x7) biggrin.png so she is definately the boss

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Yes , I know what you mean , we have made a plan if both my wife and I go before her , she will ne well cared for . In her own house , with people she knows . I have often thought about that everytime my wife and I go out on the motorbike . We have good neighbors that would look after her until famley got here. My mother on the other hand had made it bery clear when she passed away her dog was to be put down , she knew that no one would care for her like she did . As it happened , her wishes were carried out . Was a very sad day but it was what she wanted. You dont argue with an 88 year old woman , and I sure would not want to meet her in the here after had her wishes not been carried out .. im sure manywill disagree but she was a true animal lover .

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