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Charter writing: Thailand 'studying, not copying ideas'

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Thailand 'studying, not copying ideas'


BANGKOK: -- NATIONAL Legislative Assembly chief Pornpetch Wichitcholchai said yesterday that political ideas and systems from other countries were being studied by the NLA, but he stressed that they could not be copied and implemented because of their different historical and cultural contexts.

Pornpetch was speaking at the "On the Path to Reform" seminar organised by the Foreign Ministry.

"When we open up to international knowledge, it doesn't mean we have to copy all their ideas. We have to consider and anticipate what would happen if certain ideas were implemented in our country and make adjustments," he said.

He also dismissed as rumour that the country was looking to use a German or British parliamentary or electoral systems in Thailand, saying the NLA only studied them to understand the underlying ideologies. He said this seminar was an international event, with international participants who had come to exchange ideas and give lectures on political topics.

The Foreign Ministry and the Parliament Secretariat organised the forum with the aim to benefit from lessons other nations learned.

Foreign Minister Tanasak Patimapragorn claimed the participation of academics and experts from several countries - and especially Martin Chungong, secretary-general of the Inter-Parliamentary Union - demonstrated international support for this administration in pulling the country through reforms.

The seminar was attended by representatives of the NLA, the National Reform Council (NRC), government agencies, academic institutions, and members of the diplomatic corps, as well as international organisations.

The day-long seminar was split in three sessions - political reform, public administration and local government. In his opening speech, Chungong said this current reform period was "indeed crucial" for Thailand - a time it needed to reflect and learn from experience and identify good practices.

"Reform is difficult. It is not just about changing institutions and law, but also changing the mentality as to how we live together with respect."

He then reminded the government that "the key factor in developing strong institutions is political will, so the people are counting on you to do this". However, he also emphasised the need for public participation. "Freedom of expression and freedom to organise political activity are part of the fundamentals in creating democracy. People need to have a say in how they want the country to run."

He also urged that people needed to change their approach to their political adversaries. "Politics based on hatred cannot provide solutions."

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Thailand-studying-not-copying-ideas-30249118.html

-- The Nation 2014-12-04


possibly someone will believe you Pornpetch Wichitcholchai.

as the thai legal system is already based on the english, german and japanese systems i dont see the relavance of his statement?

cant think of a single original idea the thais have provided to complement these anywaygiggle.gif ...except of course the corruption angle

  • Like 2

These Thais are all pontificating so as not to actually state what's needed but rather to make sweeping platitudes and warnings/cautions as if they are the ultimate source of the right thing to do specifically.


It's almost going to be impossible for the NLA to make any decisions without military intervention......which possibly means that the new charter will be similar to all the others......

As for copying another countries systems....in their own small minds, would be a no no...Thailands different!


No imitation, just innovation.cheesy.gif

I larf I larf I pee I self. cheesy.gif

Can't be a charter writing process designed to be implemented here in Thailand can it?

No doubt there will be a cherry picking exercise from other countries charters and constitutions and the best quality material will then after being collected will be turned into a third rate mish mash of first rate twaddle.

The Thai's will then claim to the world that their new charter is a role model for the rest of the worlds democracies.whistling.gif

(God help Thailand and the world in that case)

  • Like 1

EyesWideOpen post # 6

Hey how about copying the American Constitution ? That document seems to have

worked out pretty well for that country.... Or is that too much freedom ?

SorryEyesWide Open but the colonies are a trifle too immature charter wise. cheesy.gifcheesy.gif



Hey how about copying the American Constitution ? That document seems to have

worked out pretty well for that country.... Or is that too much freedom ?

OK ,except the part about peoples right to bear arms,!

regards Worgeordi

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

possibly someone will believe you Pornpetch Wichitcholchai.

as the thai legal system is already based on the english, german and japanese systems i dont see the relavance of his statement?

cant think of a single original idea the thais have provided to complement these anyway alt=giggle.gif> ...except of course the corruption angle

Best Practice - steal from those who do it best...nothing wrong with that - so common its even the name has been sanitized lol.


Hey how about copying the American Constitution ? That document seems to have

worked out pretty well for that country.... Or is that too much freedom ?

Given the way the USA is doing things currently with regards to elections and freedoms and racism and equality for all, I'd have to strongly disagree with you that it's working out well for them. On the contrary, America is more than halfway down a slippery slope to self-destruction and it's getting worse daily.

  • Like 2

Hey how about copying the American Constitution ? That document seems to have

worked out pretty well for that country.... Or is that too much freedom ?

.......mmm,freedom?...when was the last time you were State-side??


No imitation, just innovation.cheesy.gif

I larf I larf I pee I self. cheesy.gif

Can't be a charter writing process designed to be implemented here in Thailand can it?

No doubt there will be a cherry picking exercise from other countries charters and constitutions and the best quality material will then after being collected will be turned into a third rate mish mash of first rate twaddle.

The Thai's will then claim to the world that their new charter is a role model for the rest of the worlds democracies.whistling.gif

(God help Thailand and the world in that case)

You mean a new HUB is soon to emerge? rolleyes.gif

  • Like 1

Hey how about copying the American Constitution ? That document seems to have

worked out pretty well for that country.... Or is that too much freedom ?

Given the way the USA is doing things currently with regards to elections and freedoms and racism and equality for all, I'd have to strongly disagree with you that it's working out well for them. On the contrary, America is more than halfway down a slippery slope to self-destruction and it's getting worse daily.

Let's hope the slope returns to the Thai topic.
  • Like 2

Hey how about copying the American Constitution ? That document seems to have

worked out pretty well for that country.... Or is that too much freedom ?

.......mmm,freedom?...when was the last time you were State-side??
No one is forced to enjoy the freedom there. Options are abundant and many flights depart there for destinations with less freedom.

Hey how about copying the American Constitution ? That document seems to have

worked out pretty well for that country.... Or is that too much freedom ?

Given the way the USA is doing things currently with regards to elections and freedoms and racism and equality for all, I'd have to strongly disagree with you that it's working out well for them. On the contrary, America is more than halfway down a slippery slope to self-destruction and it's getting worse daily.

My concept was the idealism of the constitution, and the freedoms that people

enjoy under it. The current perversion of it is sad, and I am sure the founding

fathers are rolling over in their graves. And yes America is indeed headed

down the path of destruction... :-(


Hey how about copying the American Constitution ? That document seems to have

worked out pretty well for that country.... Or is that too much freedom ?

Given the way the USA is doing things currently with regards to elections and freedoms and racism and equality for all, I'd have to strongly disagree with you that it's working out well for them. On the contrary, America is more than halfway down a slippery slope to self-destruction and it's getting worse daily.

Let's hope the slope returns to the Thai topic.

I hope so. Whenever I think of the Thai governments in the past, I think of the Philippines.

A country full of wonderful hardworking people, who are saddled with one crap government

after another. Maybe the nicer people are, the more likely they are to let corrupt people

run the government ???

  • Like 2

EyesWideOpen post # 6

Hey how about copying the American Constitution ? That document seems to have

worked out pretty well for that country.... Or is that too much freedom ?

SorryEyesWide Open but the colonies are a trifle too immature charter wise. cheesy.gifcheesy.gif


Ah, the Magna Carta, one of the greatest documents of all time. And yes the constitution of America was modeled upon it. Damn I was hoping a Brit would not bring that fact up. rolleyes.gif Maybe the Thais should be studying it ?? :-)

  • Like 1

Hey how about copying the American Constitution ? That document seems to have

worked out pretty well for that country.... Or is that too much freedom ?

Given the way the USA is doing things currently with regards to elections and freedoms and racism and equality for all, I'd have to strongly disagree with you that it's working out well for them. On the contrary, America is more than halfway down a slippery slope to self-destruction and it's getting worse daily.

Let's hope the slope returns to the Thai topic.

You better explain what you mean on that one ... was that a comment a la "Jeremy Clarkson"?


IMHO (totally irrelevant just like the opinions of all other esteemed TV members) Thailand does not need Legal Reforms.

There are plenty of good Laws here whether they were written by studying, copying or based on local customs/culture.

Thailand desperately needs implementation of its Laws.

Which so far was an impossible task. I am afraid it will remain impossible for a long time.

A 2,557 years long history is a mighty inertia which cannot be changed without a turmoil that nobody would like to go through.

No change of Government can be expected to achieve this much. Lower your plank of expectations.

BTW the current Government is doing fine, whatever the mechanism they used to come to power... IMHO.


what he really said was that they will not copy any because thais know better than anyone else and are much smarter, if they come up with any great ideas it will be claimed as their own and anyone suggesting they have stolen it will be prosecuted/ridiculedw00t.gif .


I have great respect for people who demonstrate patriotism. Nationalism is a matter of foolish pride and arrogance. Not one international organization was listed, unsurprisingly.

Thais need to do this their own way. If posturing speeds the process, than all to the good. Unfortunately, posturing is often an interdisciplinary method combining double-talk, obfuscation, prevarication, obtuseness and misinformation on the side of the poser that is meant to invoke pride, false-respect and cheers from their subordinate fellows.

The more I see, the less I believe.


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Hey how about copying the American Constitution ? That document seems to have

worked out pretty well for that country.... Or is that too much freedom ?

Given the way the USA is doing things currently with regards to elections and freedoms and racism and equality for all, I'd have to strongly disagree with you that it's working out well for them. On the contrary, America is more than halfway down a slippery slope to self-destruction and it's getting worse daily.

Yeah, that's been the story for the last 50 years. Yet somehow the USA seems to continue to reach new heights of success in almost every human endevour, albeit sometimes after hitting new lows. But that is the dynamic of that nation, to hope, to strive, to scrutinize, to debate, to demonstrate the causes of its people (regardless whether they be citizens or illegal immigrants), and to accomplish.

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"They could not be copied and implemented because of their different historical and cultural contexts."

Translation: They have too much unrestrained freedom.

They have no mechanism for military coups.

Thailand has never been conquered nor a colony.

Thailand is a constitutional monarchy.



Hey how about copying the American Constitution ? That document seems to have

worked out pretty well for that country.... Or is that too much freedom ?

Given the way the USA is doing things currently with regards to elections and freedoms and racism and equality for all, I'd have to strongly disagree with you that it's working out well for them. On the contrary, America is more than halfway down a slippery slope to self-destruction and it's getting worse daily.

Let's hope the slope returns to the Thai topic.

You better explain what you mean on that one ... was that a comment a la "Jeremy Clarkson"?

The poster refered to the slippery slope the USA is heading to. I was merely try to shepherd the topic back to the Thai topic at hand. Often times the topic gets pushed aside and lost in the side traffic.

Don't know Jeremy Clarkson and have no interest in his comments. Thanks for the heads-up.

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