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ah... ha, hahahahahaha! Wow I sometimes wonder if they do and say these things just to make us all laugh and question their sanity. What a stupid proposal, this place is run by people not of this planet

What a stupid roadsign, isn't it ? cheesy.gif

For your information, it's in Pai; Chiang_Mai province and everybody respect it ...Royal Thai Police watch ...


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I think WhamBam means walking down the street swigging from a can or bottle of beer or spirit etc. This isn't right no matter where you kive IMHO.

Just exactly how many Songkran festivals have you attended ?

It might well be the law in many countries, but here we have another Farang trying to say what's right and what's wrong in a country that isn't his.

You don't have to go near them if it offends you so much, stay at home and let those who want to party, party!!

Songkran is what brings a lot of people to the country and that means revenue, my son and his girlfriend were over this year and we did Songkran in Issan with my Thai in laws and again down in Pattaya 2 days later, and they loved it so much they had planned on coming next year.

My son even remarked that it beat Hogmanay in Edinburgh hands down, and THAT is saying something, being Scottish we know how to party but Songkran beats it by a mile.

It's really quite simple, if seeing lots of pissed up people having a great time partying and having fun, stay at home and drink 3-1 coffee and watch crap Thai soaps and let those who want to enjoy themselves do so.

You chose to live here knowing full well what the party atmosphere is like during both Songkran and New Year, so why whine and moan ? Nobody is forcing you to attend any parties ?

I chose to live here when Songkran didn't involve drinking like it does today.

I am a farang and have a right to moan.


What a wonderful way to encourage tourism. An alcohol ban at New Year? That is one of the craziest ideas I have heard yet. So many people will stop coming here for the Christmas and New Year holidays if they go ahead with this ban.

People already have stopped coming here, just look around.


Just had to be a piss can jock!!!! Love it!

I drink less than 1 litre of beer a month, I can go for longer if I can't be bothered socialising but I never complain or bitch about other peoples drinking or social habits mate, that's " up to them " as they say.

I lost interest in drink many many years ago, it's not something I miss either to be honest. I didn't even drink last Songkran as I was dedicated driver, didn't stop my wife and family having a great time though


What a wonderful way to encourage tourism. An alcohol ban at New Year? That is one of the craziest ideas I have heard yet. So many people will stop coming here for the Christmas and New Year holidays if they go ahead with this ban.

People already have stopped coming here, just look around.

Mission accomplished - I am also happy with less tourists coming - pain in the arse most of them.

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A great idea , this will have the numbers thru Swampy skyrocketing, unfortunately for TAT the increase will only be at the departure gates.

But hang on, maybe this is a joint venture WITH TAT to ensure that they do not miss their "projected" increase in Middle Eastern and Arab tourist, who as everyone knows never touch alcohol.

You are wrong my friend. There are a lot of "Muslim Lights" hanging around at the British Club in Bahrein enjoying their Scotch from as early as 10'o cock in the morning. All of them wearing a towel with a black ribbon around their head. See for yourself.

Was sarcasm my friend sarcasm

I know. I live in Hat Yai and every weekend you can see those, who get out of their frocks and caps, get dressed in white shirts, black trousers, and enjoy the night life here. Latest on Sunday there are all gone, back to Kelantan, wearing their caftan again, sipping on tea and praising Allah for the wonderful weekend.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Which New year are they referring to, The Thai or the westeren. If the latter, I think it will severely hurt the tourist industry if you can´t get a drink at your local restaurant or pub, on the largest drinking day of the year....

From the dates mentioned, they are referring to both of them.........................wink.png


The only businesses that wont be selling booze are Lotus Central ect . For any corner store it will be business as usual.

Like many of the ideas the come from the top, it sounds good in theory but in reality its totally un-enforcable.

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My family was thinking about going to Thailand over Songkran.......but I like to drink a few beers and my wife somestimes like a glass of wine.... ,

NOW ....it seems that the braintrust off less intelligent people have struck once more !! They dont want Tourists in Thailand !! again....THEY DONT WANT TOURISTS IN THAILAND !!!!!! We will book Malaysia instead !!


If one were inclined to jump to extreme conclusions, one might imagine that there is a movement afoot to rebrand Thailand and encourage only certain "quality" tourists to come here. With limited exceptions, these would include only:

1. Chinese

2. Those staying in high-end hotels and resorts

3. Families

4. Business people

Recently announced initiatives somewhat suggest this, but one is then left to wonder what the many thousands of Thais catering to the large remainder who come primarily for drinking, parties, cheesy tours, cheap food/lodging and sex will be expected to do for a living.

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Perhaps the intent has some merit however this nation does not have the ability or systemics to even scratch the surface of this problem.


If they want the death toll to go down over Songkran, simply arrest all motosai riders without helmets, arrest all drunk motosai riders, arrest anyone that throws water in the face of motosai riders, make Songkran ONE DAY ONLY!!!!

If they want to do this because of face, suggest tackling the overt prostitution in all tourist areas first as THIS is what gives Thailand its dubious image.

If they want to do this because someone up there is a teetotaler, then well done for pushing your crap on other people. If you start banning booze on major tourist dates, you end up shooting yourself in the foot and pissing off thousands of tourists. May as well go whole hog and ban pork also!


Great idea. One I hope the good general is aware of. One cannot abide with these rufians cracking open a 'beer' of all things at New Year. And outside too! How common. What's wrong with Pimms?
Yes, it's good to see a crackdown on these toothless simpletons. Last night, over dinner with a few high ranking officials in Thailand, my Thai wife (who happens to be a doctor) and I were congratulating them on new look Thailand. Anytime they want to inspect my or my wife's bottom they are free to do so. I've had to suffer worse after my twenty years in the SAS and as military advisor to many nations, all of whom congratulated me and my Thai wife (who happens to be a doctor) on our fine work.

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My family was thinking about going to Thailand over Songkran.......but I like to drink a few beers and my wife somestimes like a glass of wine.... ,

NOW ....it seems that the braintrust off less intelligent people have struck once more !! They dont want Tourists in Thailand !! again....THEY DONT WANT TOURISTS IN THAILAND !!!!!! We will book Malaysia instead !!

You'd be better off avoiding Songkran anyway, even though alcohol will be on sale as usual. Malaysia will be far more civilised and then you can come and enjoy Thailand when things have calmed down.


The Public Health Ministry looks set to propose a ban on the consumption of alcohol in public places during the New Year and Songkran holidays.

With the key words being public places.

The reaction to this article proves that there are some absolute w*nker comments that have come out from the shadows. Bunch of doomers and gloomers. Bitter and twisted. Some are so pessimist I swear their blood type is B negative!

​There is nothing in the article stating one cannot drink in bars. You can. You can drink in private residences. In clubs. Pretty much anywhere except public. As far as I am concerned public drinking should be banned 365 days a year in Thailand just like it is in Australia. Last thing I want is to walk down the street seeing people drinking beer and having my kids ask me why they are staggering. Taking my kids to the park and seeing drunk teenagers hanging around the swings. Walking along the beach at the lake in Khon Kaen with my kids pointing at drunk adult at 8am in the morning.

I think it is a wonderful initiative unless you are a public drunk or cannot resist walking around in public with a beer in your hand. And if that is the case a ban on public drinking is the least of your worries.

Well done on trying to align themselves with other western countries. I just hope they extend it for more than 5 days.

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Any parent knows that it's not a good idea to make a rule which you can't or won't enforce. One, it's a useles source of conflict, and two, it undermines your credibility and authority in other matters. Do these people not have kids?


Tourists will only here 'Drinking banned on NYE and Songkran' not the ins and outs of the specific rules as to when and where you can't drink. Walking down the street in a place like KSR and drinking would then be illegal? Madness.

Fat chance of this actually being enforced though. I've been a few different places in Thailand for Songkran and it's just a huge party. It wouldn't be policeable.


I thought the national sport in Thailand was drinking? Can you imagine what the streets of Pattaya would look like....

This might be fun...might have to jump across the pond for New Years,,,,



I hope if it goes ahead and they enforce it with gusto. Alcohol at new year who wants that right ? whistling.gif

See what happens to their tourist recovery next year if they do giggle.gif


Just received an e-mail from friends telling me they've changed their travel plans to Hanoi rather

than Thailand for Songkran dates due to reports they've been reading online. So, now I'll join them

there since it's starting to not sound too inviting here. I guess the slack in tourism does have it's reasons.


I think if they put the focus on road safety this topic would get a lot less insults. It could also boost taxi/tuktuk business. So long as people know there is a lower/zero tolerance for riding/driving with alcohol over that period, and the police will be collecting their fees from you, then there would be time to plan ahead for your preferred festivities.

I mean I could stay in a friends house or my own (a Private zone), get absolutely loaded, and not be drinking in Public at any point, then get outside to my vehicle and be a huge danger to others and myself without breaking the ruling proposed above.

As for SongKran, how about a ban on talc or ice buckets to people on motorcycles who are not participants in the celebrations. I've had a scooter accident by being attacked with those and they just laugh at your injuries. If I'm in shorts and festive shirt on the side of the street then I don't mind being soaked, but if I really need to travel then I'd rather be left alone. One day festival would suit me (as a participant, that's my fill personally), not worrying about how I can get A to B without an accident.


Proposed alcohol ban for New Year and Songkran


BANGKOK:-- The Public Health Ministry looks set to propose a ban on the consumption of alcohol in public places during the New Year and Songkran holidays.

If the proposal gets the go ahead, the ban could come into effect later this month and will start on Dec 31st to Jan 1st and then again on April 13th to 15th - at height of the Songkran celebrations.

According to the Bangkok Post, the proposal was announced by Dr Saman Footrakul, director of the Alcohol Committee Office which is part of the Disease Control Department, at a seminar on Tuesday 3rd December.

Dr Saman reportedly said the proposed alcohol ban would be submitted to the permanent secretary for public health during the alcohol-control meeting which is to take place later this month on December12th.


-- 2014-12-04

Just ban the sale of alcohol nation wide in all mini marts 711's tesco and supercheaps before 5pm i say. I go to my local tesco express same time at 8am daily seeing the same people buying cans of singha and getting into their work car. Its way to easy to get it here. And seems to be the norm.

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