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Electricity Shutdown Dec 16 through 22?


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Has anyone heard anything about a supposed shutdown of the electrical system for the entire country from the 16th through the 22nd of december 2014?

My gf was just reading the latest announcement from prayuth and says they are planning this now and will make a final determination on the 15th. I find it unbelievable that they would shutdown the entire country for 6 days.

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This would be big news, you cannot just pull the plug on an entire country, the wheel would come off the economy in a big way.

The other question is of course, why?

Do you have a link to this information (Thai would be ok, but please PM if in Thai)?

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Until we have some concrete information from a credible news source I'm going to close this thread to avoid spreading misinformation, please PM myself or another online mod if anything becomes available.

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