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The "soul" of Thailand.


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To know that you have to "know" the Thai people - about 1/2 on here are cluess (victims)/losers/bashers that like nothing better than to deride the Thai's and anyone that is happy in/with Thailand.....

The other 50% are a pretty happy lot and are still learning - which will be a lifetime process.....

Universally, men cannot figure women out - now we've got Thai women to add to the list along with 60 odd million Thais - families - culture - religion and subcultural infuences/nuances to add to the list...a lot of it 180 off from what we've ever been use to......

Take a look at the posters on TVF and see if you can identify their soul.....and we're by and large used to farangs.....

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To know that you have to "know" the Thai people - about 1/2 on here are cluess (victims)/losers/bashers that like nothing better than to deride the Thai's and anyone that is happy in/with Thailand.....

The other 50% are a pretty happy lot and are still learning - which will be a lifetime process.....

Universally, men cannot figure women out - now we've got Thai women to add to the list along with 60 odd million Thais - families - culture - religion and subcultural infuences/nuances to add to the list...a lot of it 180 off from what we've ever been use to......

Take a look at the posters on TVF and see if you can identify their soul.....and we're by and large used to farangs.....

Thanks for reading your rant. Any answer to the topic....from your point of view. Thanks.

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as far as I can tell. the soul of Thailand is Family

everything me and my wife does concerning Thailand has one common thread . Family

Steve, I wish you and your wife to be always happy as a family.

But when you come and live in Thailand you will be depressed watching the families falling apart.

Husbands disappearing and living the wife and children without any means to live.

Domestic violence at it's forte, I hear about it everyday from my wife being a nurse.

It's nice to read the fairy tails, but reality is quite different.

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Didn't mean as a rant....one poster came close to the mark I believe with family which is much more centric regardless of miles between....understanding that completely is another matter...I do enjoy it totally when there are family get togethers....it feels like "family"....I think the King embodies that as the countries Father figure....

Didn't mean to derail.....

Edited by pgrahmm
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How can the soul become visible?

Has anybody, ever, seen a soul?

But even if it was visible in Thailand you are not here to see itwhistling.gif

Yasoo Costa, ti canis?smile.png

Dont like to put words in other peoples mouths, but I think what Benalbina meant is , How does Thailand's soul manifests it's self?

and in my opinion , if I had to use one word to describe it, I would say "Family"

I dont believe one needs to be in Thailand to see that, IMO it makes it's self apparent in all of our dealing with Thailand.,

Whether in Thailand or abroad What is the prevailing motivation in most decision making?

For as, and for most I know, whether here or abroad, Is Family,

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as far as I can tell. the soul of Thailand is Family

everything me and my wife does concerning Thailand has one common thread . Family

Steve, I wish you and your wife to be always happy as a family.

But when you come and live in Thailand you will be depressed watching the families falling apart.

Husbands disappearing and living the wife and children without any means to live.

Domestic violence at it's forte, I hear about it everyday from my wife being a nurse.

It's nice to read the fairy tails, but reality is quite different.

Yea I see a lot of that also, My wife's sisters husband (lovely girl love her to death) left her for an other woman, she still loves him and want's him back

Not denied that family dynamics are complicated, in Thailand,

to say the least,

, but good or bad

In my opinion, and from my limited experience perspective, I think motivate most Thais thinking .

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Thai soul ? Working hard, get paid nothing. Send your children to school , don't expect them to wisen up.

Thai soul ? trying to cope with above, and be happy despite all the hardship.

And yes, family !! Sit together, chat, eat Somtum

I don't know many of the middle and upper class Thais, they would probably want to have a say on this, as it is


I would say the soul of Thais is "not giving up and try a smile" but this might not really be a favourite TAT motto

Edited by crazygreg44
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Not a soul baring nation, in my opinion.

Feelings and inner thoughts are not to be openly discussed here.

There are no shrinks here.

... actually, there are.

I can't say, per head of population there, what the numbers are, certainly less then in the USA.

Mate of mine, a Westerner took his Thai relative there when his relative had some issues.

So they are out there.

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To know that you have to "know" the Thai people - about 1/2 on here are cluess (victims)/losers/bashers that like nothing better than to deride the Thai's and anyone that is happy in/with Thailand.....

The other 50% are a pretty happy lot and are still learning - which will be a lifetime process.....

Universally, men cannot figure women out - now we've got Thai women to add to the list along with 60 odd million Thais - families - culture - religion and subcultural infuences/nuances to add to the list...a lot of it 180 off from what we've ever been use to......

Take a look at the posters on TVF and see if you can identify their soul.....and we're by and large used to farangs.....

I just don't get this whole post sorry.

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It would appear that it's common for a 'certain' group of people in LOS to sell their souls......is that what you are looking for?


Expected better from you. Albeit....swimmers in the juice...will never be forgotten.


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It would appear that it's common for a 'certain' group of people in LOS to sell their souls......is that what you are looking for?


Expected better from you. Albeit....swimmers in the juice...will never be forgotten.


For me, the soul of Thailand relates to food. It's the thing that drives/motivates all of us.

Can't eat like a farang........I'd rath eat the box their food came in.

The soul of Thailand is chilli ?

......how'd I go this time ? :P

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it is what it is...my wife's family are poor rice farmers and when we married their reality became my own...

they are a tightly knit extended family and they've always had to stick together to survive...they still have to struggle but since I've been around the crises have been fewer and more far between and I won't tolerate anything that will harm the children...

that's my view of Thailand's soul which may be a limited perspective and I do the best I can for a California surfer boy...

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as far as I can tell. the soul of Thailand is Family

everything me and my wife does concerning Thailand has one common thread . Family

Steve, I wish you and your wife to be always happy as a family.

But when you come and live in Thailand you will be depressed watching the families falling apart.

Husbands disappearing and living the wife and children without any means to live.

Domestic violence at it's forte, I hear about it everyday from my wife being a nurse.

It's nice to read the fairy tails, but reality is quite different.

Yes Costas, but what you are saying is common in most other countries, not just Thailand.

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it is what it is...my wife's family are poor rice farmers and when we married their reality became my own...

they are a tightly knit extended family and they've always had to stick together to survive...they still have to struggle but since I've been around the crises have been fewer and more far between and I won't tolerate anything that will harm the children...

that's my view of Thailand's soul which may be a limited perspective and I do the best I can for a California surfer boy...

Tutsi ... legend.

How is that Niece of yours?

Still giving you grief?


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it is what it is...my wife's family are poor rice farmers and when we married their reality became my own...

they are a tightly knit extended family and they've always had to stick together to survive...they still have to struggle but since I've been around the crises have been fewer and more far between and I won't tolerate anything that will harm the children...

that's my view of Thailand's soul which may be a limited perspective and I do the best I can for a California surfer boy...

Tutsi ... legend.

How is that Niece of yours?

Still giving you grief?


she's grand...at 12 y.o. she's all long limbs and she likes to run competitively at her school...tutsi: 'ye see dem long legs and dem big feet? dat means that later there's gonna be trouble wid boys and ye better watch out...'

I only get the odd peck on the cheek anymore as she doesn't use me as a climbing frame like she useta but she's always ready to help her uncle tutsi....

I like playing up being an old man with a lot of moaning and fake palsy to get her attention but she's not easily fooled...I get the folded arms with the cocked hip and the even stare business a lot and more of the usual trappings of an insouciant adolescent these days...but what's a falang to do?...they always grow up...

Edited by tutsiwarrior
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it is what it is...my wife's family are poor rice farmers and when we married their reality became my own...

they are a tightly knit extended family and they've always had to stick together to survive...they still have to struggle but since I've been around the crises have been fewer and more far between and I won't tolerate anything that will harm the children...

that's my view of Thailand's soul which may be a limited perspective and I do the best I can for a California surfer boy...

Tutsi ... legend.

How is that Niece of yours?

Still giving you grief?.

she's grand...at 12 y.o. she's all long limbs and she likes to run competitively at her school...tutsi: 'ye see dem long legs and dem big feet? dat means that later there's gonna be trouble wid boys and ye better watch out...'

I only get the odd peck on the cheek anymore as she doesn't use me as a climbing frame like she useta but she's always ready to help her uncle tutsi....

I like playing up being an old man with a lot of moaning and fake palsy to get her attention but she's not easily fooled...I get the folded arms with the cocked hip and the even stare business a lot and more of the usual trappings of an insouciant adolescent these days...but what's a falang to do?...they always grow up...

Tutsi ... your less then frequent missives are missed.

They add colour to, what is sometimes, a grey landscape here ... laugh.png


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