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most beautiful places you have been?

Crazy chef 1

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Australian Outback,

Blue Mountains,


Florida Everglades

Vancouver islands

Graceland Memphis.

Grand ole Opry Nashville.

The Alamo San Antonio Texas.

Los Angeles looking from Universal Studios.

Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco.

Las Vegas,

Niagara Falls.

New York from top of Empire State Building.

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and then someone sang:

'I woke up one Monday mornin' and I throwed my books away...


and I wrote de teacher a letter sayin' I'll try highway 61 today...'

and then:

'and look where that's got you, uncle tutsi...you are a failed aesthete, and not very good at rebellion either...'

dem kids dese days, dey don't know nuttin'...beauty is not visual and dey don't unnerstand...but are beauty and rebellion a conjunction or a dichotomy?...worthy of further consideration...

(where's the vodka...too verbal...)

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to clarify, it's sorta like Raymond Carver's compilation 'what we talk about when we talk about love'...what do we talk about when we talk about beauty?

I remember being on acid in Yosemite and and going around a bend in the trail and then confronted with the insane majesty of Yosemite Falls...I started howling with laughter, surely some one was playing a trick on me...and I looked around and another couple on the trail in front of us were laughing as well...the visual spectacle is sometimes too much to bear...

maybe the doors of perception that morning were opened too wide...unforgettable, nonetheless...

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The Best:




The worst:



The Amalfi coast








The Rhine






The Nile

About 30 Greek islands

New York

and many others..........

Or it's the other way around?

Bradford ??? oh well then....

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I always say ''Beauty'' is in the eyes of the Beholder..

I could go on and on about what i have seen and beautiful Scenery and places, too numerous to mention...

The world is a beautiful place, and even the ugliest of destinations we can still find beauty..

Thailand is beautiful....

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then there was the time when coming out of the Yosemite Valley we stopped at a layby called 'Observation Point'...as a youngster we useta head straight up to the high country with technical climbing gear and traipse about the peaks, ignoring the Valley as that was 'for tourists'...a peak up by Tioga Pass almost killed me and some companions as we read the weather wrong one day...

the Observation Point offers a panoramic view of the Valley and I looked and sat where I stood and wept...what a fool, I had never seen anything so magnificent...

and then the question arose; why does one weep when confronted with beauty? surely, beauty and joy are associated...

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and then in 'Dharma Bums' Gary Snyder stripped off down to his boots and went howling naked with exhilaration over the Sierra Nevada...Kerouac he chronicled but was missin' some cheap wine and couldn't understand and he fell out with Gary who gave him 'a dark look' when he rejected the zen view of beauty/reality...

but Kerouac was east coast and could maybe be forgiven...he just wanted some ham an' eggs and a beer...

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and then there is mundanity and the beauty associated thereof...

I'm at home after an extended absence at work in a middle eastern shithole and we went and loaded up with the traditional supplies and I noted that the new pickup truck was performing well...and we have some other big errands to do, building materials to buy and I haveta renew my retirement extension before the end of the month but no one wanted to go anywhere...the new pickup stayed in the garage...

the teenaged nieces in their shorts and t-shirts scratched themselves unselfconsciously and combed their hair and smiled and went about their normal business...

and that evening my wife slept closely to me and our little grandson was asleep between us...something unspoken was like: 'it's good to have you home...'

I went out to the back terrace at daybreak to track the course of the sun on the horizon like I usually do in December and thought: 'jezuz, who deserves such happiness...?'

another day in a small rural town in SE Asia...

(sentimental and mawkish but who gives a <deleted>...)

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Hiking in the mountains of New Zealand. The guide's price tag of around 4000 baht is not cheap, but there was not a salesman nor insect in sight. It was very beautiful, around 20km in total that day. New Zealand is where they filmed Lord of The Rings.

That was with Contiki. The only downside was that I was allergic to the pine trees while riding a quad bike on a different day.

This is what my view looked like:


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One area i like is the Basque area in France and Spain.

You have Biarritz, you have beaches, you have the Basque people who are great. You have the wonderful Basque Spanish people just over the border.

The water may be a bit chilly, but everything else is great. I lived for 6 months on the Spanish side in Irun. Great memories. Very proud people.

San Sebastien bay with fireworks etc.

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Hiking in the mountains of New Zealand. The guide's price tag of around 4000 baht is not cheap, but there was not a salesman nor insect in sight. It was very beautiful, around 20km in total that day. New Zealand is where they filmed Lord of The Rings.

That was with Contiki. The only downside was that I was allergic to the pine trees while riding a quad bike on a different day.

This is what my view looked like:


holy <deleted>! a vertiginous overload! but some loggers managed to get to the unit to your left...coulda been me an' ol' Ian Forbes in our tin hats and dirty riggin' clothes...

'ye got that turn hooked, tutsi?'...'yeah! go ahead on the mother!...'

and then someone sez: ' but tutsiwarrior?...you useta revel in the wilderness! why do you now choose to destroy it?'

tutsi spits tobacco juice and squints and mumbles: 'dunno...I just stumbled upon it...and it don't suit me bein' educated an' all...mebbe I'll go back to LA an' see what dey gots to offer...'...

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ye want beauty do ye? try makin' love to yer best girl when yer 20 y.o. with the Missa Solemnis on the box, we started on de baid and ended on a pile of shoes in de closet (wardrobe)...the beauty never ended...endowed with holiness forever...

just another reason fer de jihadis t'get poor old tutsi...western crusader heretic!

('yeah...they snatched him outside of a supermarket in Hofuf...)

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I'm surprised people feel the need to go to desolate and far away places to find beauty.


As I mentioned, the Edinburgh Viaduct.

Back in the old country I used to enjoy a ride through the site of the old lard refinery but I don't have any pictures


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That lake looks to be the sister to Donner Lake by Tahoe....from the rock faced overlook....

please don't make that comparison...when I remember the fate of the Donner Party my blood runs cold; horrible death in one of the most beautiful places in the world...they misjudged the weather and then faced mortal peril and I know the Sierra and the same mistake almost killed me once...


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