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Do Asian expats moan as much as Western expats?


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I must say that in the 11 years that I've been a member of ThaiVisa, I have never seen so much whinging and moaning by posters on this forum. So much negativity here.

But is it all expat nationalities that are moaning? Perhaps I'm mistaken, but I get the impression that it is the 'Western' expats who are moaning, (including us whinging poms), and that the Asian expats (Japanese, Korean, Chinese, ASEAN etc), are happier with their lot in Thailand, or at least do not moan to the world about their complaints.

I am sure that the number of Asian expats on this forum is low, but it would be interesting to hear from some of them as to whether they are a nation of moaners, or whether they accept their lot and get on with life.

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Most of it is constructive objective criticism (for good reason) For sure Thais do not complain about much, the face thing, which I guess applies to all Asians So someone has to do it

For example these jerk Bangkok city bus drivers who stop in center lane for passengers. Its like the Thais would rather be hit by a motorbike than complain.

And what about the locals in Pattaya who regularly run red lights with pedestrians in the crosswalk.

If you think thats being negative then you need to give some specific examples of what you are referring to .

It's the Bwana force. Now there are two threads running that whingers just can't imagine Thais doing anything good. One on fuel prices and another on failing grades in universities. Numerous examples have been given in both threads that fuel has gone down in price and some Thai universities do fail large numbers of people but this information can't be processed by those people who have succumbed to the Bwana force.

Another post is trying to start a rumor about retirement going up in age and another about police it's just the Bwana force trying to start rumors about visas being canceled and the typical chicken little rumor mongering stuff.

The Bwana force normally affects ex colonial masters more than ex colonial enslaved peoples hence not many Asians or colonials have the problem.

Edited by thailiketoo
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I think 99 percent of our Thai Visa Viewers are " absolutely bloody miserable " but i find the constant negativity & misery quite entertaining! Forums should not be taken seriously and i believe nothing i read on here ( it's like " The Sun Online " i find it amazing that people actually take it all so seriously! surely it can't just be myself out of thousands of viewers with a " sense of humour " .......

Have yourselves a splendid day viewers! ( Terry Thomas Voice )

Farang Jaidee giggle.gif

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I wonder how many useful products have been invented because of complaining? Og's missus got sick of the hairy git's whining one day and slipped out of her cave to find a tree branch shaped like a hand, thus creating history's true greatest invention - the back-scratcher.

Not sure I can do this, but perhaps we should experiment and follow Nancy K Napier's sage advice for one day:

Dont compare

Dont criticize

Dont complain

Would be especially interested in any English who conquer this personal Everest. :) (I'm kidding - don't ban me)

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No I don't think Asian men whine like others.....for one thing they are brought up with similar backrounds/culture/understanding/diets/habits/karma so it's not that much of a stretch to assimilate/match up culturally.....

"Westerners" - some seem to just be whiners.....some really never try to learn the culture and blend in.....some are overly critical and everything/everyone else is beneath them.....some want Thailand to change to the way they do things.......

Also - it seems many of the serial whiners here on TVF seem to be from the same countries - maybe some countries produce more whiners than others.....

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I wonder how many useful products have been invented because of complaining? Og's missus got sick of the hairy git's whining one day and slipped out of her cave to find a tree branch shaped like a hand, thus creating history's true greatest invention - the back-scratcher.

Not sure I can do this, but perhaps we should experiment and follow Nancy K Napier's sage advice for one day:

Dont compare

Dont criticize

Dont complain

Would be especially interested in any English who conquer this personal Everest. smile.png (I'm kidding - don't ban me)

To answer your question, none. The products got invented by people who did something and not those who complained. Whingers are whingers doers are doers. As to the question did the Whingers motivate the doers? I just normally pretend I don't speak English so in my case, no.

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I wonder how many useful products have been invented because of complaining? Og's missus got sick of the hairy git's whining one day and slipped out of her cave to find a tree branch shaped like a hand, thus creating history's true greatest invention - the back-scratcher.

Not sure I can do this, but perhaps we should experiment and follow Nancy K Napier's sage advice for one day:

Dont compare

Dont criticize

Dont complain

Would be especially interested in any English who conquer this personal Everest. smile.png (I'm kidding - don't ban me)

I think it was Dale Carnegie - Don't condemn - criticize - or complain......a powerful chapter out of How To Win Friends & Influence People....

It's solid great advise and if followed for a month (game changer) can change attitudes - if I find myself getting/thinking negative I repeat this to myself....my kids all know the phrase....AND - they were quick to turn it around on me if they noticed something I did/said (or sometimes tried to invoke it when being

chastised/punished blink.png )

My Dad taught me to never share negative - and luckily my wife thinks the same way + never/rarely if ever do I hear any of these from her.....

Not always easy but by and large life is sunnier.....smile.png

Edited by pgrahmm
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I think it was Dale Carnegie - Don't condemn - criticize - or complain......a powerful chapter out of How To Win Friends & Influence People....

It's solid great advise and if followed for a month (game changer) can change attitudes - if I find myself getting/thinking negative I repeat this to myself....my kids all know the phrase....

My Dad taught me to never share negative - and luckily my wife thinks the same way + never/rarely if ever do I hear any of these from her.....

Not always easy but by and large life is sunnier.....smile.png

Read Toby Young's How to Lose Friends & Alienate People and it all will become clear!

Edited by Morakot
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Just wonder how many TV posters actually live in Thailand, permanently?

Or How many have never been to Thailand? Try the news or general forum.

+1 when I read a number of posts I wonder if their posters know Thailand just from books, through internet forums, etc.

Knowing and understanding life in Thailand require a little bit more than few readings and/or a week in the country...

Just my 2 cents

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some its the culture shock for newcomers, frustrations of not being able to have everything so easy like back home. Some older and more cynical some bitter from past dealings and life in general. Frustrations are vented on forums for those with language barriers or plainly just because nobody else except another foreigner with the same bleak outlook, cares.

Asian men seem more content with less or deal with problems in other quieter ways. You wont see a thai blowing up shouting and swearing on the phone to a partner on the bts train or out in public places, unless it was a really serious issue.

Half of the guys here i expect are retired, and their days reasonably relaxing the biggest decision they make is where and what time to retire for a beer, a feed of western food, and whos gonna be sleeping next to them that night. But they are also the least content and often the biggest whingers.

If you came from a different background in life, didn't have things so easy, maybe came from poverty or oppression you would look at your life here and be more than content with what you have and greet every day with a smile. The things that we whinge about here are mostly trivial and in a third world country just seem childish.

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Just wonder how many TV posters actually live in Thailand, permanently?

Or How many have never been to Thailand? Try the news or general forum.

+1 when I read a number of posts I wonder if their posters know Thailand just from books, through internet forums, etc.

Knowing and understanding life in Thailand require a little bit more than few readings and/or a week in the country...

Just my 2 cents

To be fair, plenty that live here don't seem to have learnt much about the place, either.

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The western expats I know are a cheerful bunch. They enjoy living here.

It's not expats in general who are moaning. Just the ones that post on ThaiVisa.

I don't mean to come across like I'm complaining, but not everyone who posts on TVF is into complaining.

Well, actually, now that I think about it, I have been known to complain about people who complain.

I wish there was somewhere I could file a complaint when I think someone is complaining too much.

I'm sure someone will be along shortly to complain that I used the word 'complain' eight times in this post. smile.png

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Perhaps a new forum could be created for those posters who are actually in Thailand, and bar access to all posters who live outside the Kingdom.

The frorum could allow/deny access depending upon the poster's IP address - very unlikely that any poster living outside the Kingdom would go as far to spoof a Thai IP address.

Actually, I like this idea of a new forum - the 'Private - Thai Expats Only' forum.

Good idea I think!


I support this initiative!

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The problem some times I think is a lot of people complain about the "wrong" things, i.e the things that really doesn't affect them negatively, but rather it affects the native Thais more.

Edited by Kaalle
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Funny how you say Asians.

No one blinks an eye.

If you say Farang people will whinge about being called a farang and how its racist.

Just an observation on the level of Moaning...

Edited by wow64
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I don't believe Thais do moan as much as Westerners, it is in their nature not to be confrontational, ie, if a Westerner orders a meal in a restaurant, and is served with the wrong food, 99.9% of us will complain, and quite rightly will ask the waiter to serve what he asked for, but for most Thais, it will be mai-pen-rai, and they will just accept it.

Please don't take this as a criticism of Thais, it is actually a compliment, Thais will not look for things to complain about the way Westerners would, it's just the way they are.

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The western expats I know are a cheerful bunch. They enjoy living here.

It's not expats in general who are moaning. Just the ones that post on ThaiVisa.

Now that's not true SB, how many Thai visa members have you met? I have met a lot, and every one of them have been cheerful, and it's not like they are moaners when they get behind their keyboards, I read their posts, and there is very little moaning, besides, is everyone not entitled to a little moan now and again?

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