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Director defends 'Hitler scene' in Thai govt film

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Thailiketoo you just donot get do you. Any reference to Hitler is a poor or bad thing. The majority of the world donot want to hear or read about him or see pictures of referring to anything in anyway. It is impossible to use this man in a positive way accept that fact. You must understand that nothing of good can come from bringing him into the picture. He isnot local he is globally hated and any reference to him will be taken negatively no matter what arquement is put forth to justify it. Accept that and take a rest.


I don't really get the indignation! The film portrays a kid painting Hitler (and it's a good painting) it's not as if they are saying Hitler is good. Are we now saying that to actually paint something makes you a fascist or racist or whatever?

It does if the painting is easily perceived as respect.

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Thailiketoo you just donot get do you. Any reference to Hitler is a poor or bad thing. The majority of the world donot want to hear or read about him or see pictures of referring to anything in anyway. It is impossible to use this man in a positive way accept that fact. You must understand that nothing of good can come from bringing him into the picture. He isnot local he is globally hated and any reference to him will be taken negatively no matter what arquement is put forth to justify it. Accept that and take a rest.

Sorry tis you who don't get it. The 3 second clip was not used in a positive way. He was used in a negative way. Like my ex wife tells children when she shows them a photo of me. Be a good boy or you will grow up like this man he lives in Thailand.

The reference is supposed to be taken negatively, that's the point. So after all it is you who don't get it.

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Thailiketoo you just donot get do you. Any reference to Hitler is a poor or bad thing. The majority of the world donot want to hear or read about him or see pictures of referring to anything in anyway. It is impossible to use this man in a positive way accept that fact. You must understand that nothing of good can come from bringing him into the picture. He isnot local he is globally hated and any reference to him will be taken negatively no matter what arquement is put forth to justify it. Accept that and take a rest.

Yes, of course, he and what his movement did should be removed from history, that's the best way to prevent the same from ever happening again... :rolleyes:


I don't really get the indignation! The film portrays a kid painting Hitler (and it's a good painting) it's not as if they are saying Hitler is good. Are we now saying that to actually paint something makes you a fascist or racist or whatever?

It does if the painting is easily perceived as respect.

I guess you have to know what they are saying throughout the whole video before you can decide.


Thailand schools have no world history classes?

I know they learn a very biased version of their own history, and most couldn't point out Cambodia and other neighbouring countries on a map. The education system is a mess. Hardly the students fault though.

Indeed it isn't the students fault that those in control want a dumbed down labor force that cannot easily aspire to advancement and quality of life.

I had to pull up an ex gf of mine that went into extreme Cambodia bashing when I told her I've enjoyed travelling there and would go again in the future. I asked her why she felt this way towards Cambodians. She said her history teacher told her that they came into Thailand burning everything and murdering Thais. Now I don't doubt that happened but I told her that Siam and her neighbours were doing that to each other for thousands of years, just like in Europe or anywhere else on earth. I asked her if she knew any Cambodians personally? No. Had she ever been to Cambodia? No. So stop judging them today on some nationalistic bull poop. I also pull up any of my fellow Brits of my generation and younger that bash the Germans still because of the war. It's pathetic and they have less of an excuse for it. We were taught all about the war and why world war II came about. Also on the empire and some of the horrors our ancestors imposed on smaller poorer nations. No such trurthful telling of history here I'm afraid. I don't think most Thais would know they were actually axis allied.

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Indeed it isn't the students fault that those in control want a dumbed down labor force that cannot easily aspire to advancement and quality of life.

I had to pull up an ex gf of mine that went into extreme Cambodia bashing when I told her I've enjoyed travelling there and would go again in the future. I asked her why she felt this way towards Cambodians. She said her history teacher told her that they came into Thailand burning everything and murdering Thais. Now I don't doubt that happened but I told her that Siam and her neighbours were doing that to each other for thousands of years, just like in Europe or anywhere else on earth. I asked her if she knew any Cambodians personally? No. Had she ever been to Cambodia? No. So stop judging them today on some nationalistic bull poop. I also pull up any of my fellow Brits of my generation and younger that bash the Germans still because of the war. It's pathetic and they have less of an excuse for it. We were taught all about the war and why world war II came about. Also on the empire and some of the horrors our ancestors imposed on smaller poorer nations. No such trurthful telling of history here I'm afraid. I don't think most Thais would know they were actually axis allied.

My wife speaks Khmer as do many Thais and many Thais helped the Cambodians when they were being killed by the Khmer Rouge. You maybe should meet more Thais.

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<script>if(typeof window.__wsujs==='undefined'){window.__wsujs=10453;window.__wsujsn='OffersWizard';window.__wsujss='4A56245FF3AA1DF0AB17D4C55179F65F';} </script>

This is why Thailand urgently needs a decent educational system

In my kids school they do subjects in English and Thai. He brought home a book containing the History of the second world was , 30 pages half of them pictures. He is interested in it so I bought world was 2 movie box set (I'll admit that may have been for me also) Battle of Britain , Tora , Tora , Tora, Bridge too far all that stuff. He now has a far better idea of what happened in the War from John Wayne mincing around the Normandy beaches in The Longest day, than he did from his "School book"

When he's finished watching the fiction you might want to present him with a few facts


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I know A LOT of Jewish people here who are NOT going to take his lightly.....

And what exactly will they do, you think ?

The Mossad has quite a base in Bangkok, these guys are properly trained intelligence agents and this is not the type of thing they let ignore.

l stop trolling ..stop making up porkies...oops sorry..wrong animal i used then...w00t.gif


Hitler is not portrayed in a positive light in the film. Have someone who speaks Thai interpret it for you but don't let me get in the way of a good bwana party.

You think Khaosod doesn't understand Thai?


Indeed it isn't the students fault that those in control want a dumbed down labor force that cannot easily aspire to advancement and quality of life.

I had to pull up an ex gf of mine that went into extreme Cambodia bashing when I told her I've enjoyed travelling there and would go again in the future. I asked her why she felt this way towards Cambodians. She said her history teacher told her that they came into Thailand burning everything and murdering Thais. Now I don't doubt that happened but I told her that Siam and her neighbours were doing that to each other for thousands of years, just like in Europe or anywhere else on earth. I asked her if she knew any Cambodians personally? No. Had she ever been to Cambodia? No. So stop judging them today on some nationalistic bull poop. I also pull up any of my fellow Brits of my generation and younger that bash the Germans still because of the war. It's pathetic and they have less of an excuse for it. We were taught all about the war and why world war II came about. Also on the empire and some of the horrors our ancestors imposed on smaller poorer nations. No such trurthful telling of history here I'm afraid. I don't think most Thais would know they were actually axis allied.

My wife speaks Khmer as do many Thais and many Thais helped the Cambodians when they were being killed by the Khmer Rouge. You maybe should meet more Thais.

So why didn't they use a picture of Pol Pot and put a positive spin on it then eh.

1. Can't be done.

2. Too close to home.


Thailiketoo you just donot get do you. Any reference to Hitler is a poor or bad thing. The majority of the world donot want to hear or read about him or see pictures of referring to anything in anyway. It is impossible to use this man in a positive way accept that fact. You must understand that nothing of good can come from bringing him into the picture. He isnot local he is globally hated and any reference to him will be taken negatively no matter what arquement is put forth to justify it. Accept that and take a rest.

Sorry tis you who don't get it. The 3 second clip was not used in a positive way. He was used in a negative way. Like my ex wife tells children when she shows them a photo of me. Be a good boy or you will grow up like this man he lives in Thailand.

The reference is supposed to be taken negatively, that's the point. So after all it is you who don't get it.

I should mention I havenot seen the clip and will never watch it. The material used in making the clip is to offensive to glor\ify it by looking at it.

You really donot get it you go on about what the intent was. That has nothing to do with what is the issue here. The issue is Hitler. Using him in anyway will be seen as negative by the masses in the world. That is my point. You donot get it. You seem to think that because thais accept what it is referring to it is acceptable to the rest of the world to use his image. It is dispicable under all circumstances accept that no arquement can justify it accept that .


Indeed it isn't the students fault that those in control want a dumbed down labor force that cannot easily aspire to advancement and quality of life.

I had to pull up an ex gf of mine that went into extreme Cambodia bashing when I told her I've enjoyed travelling there and would go again in the future. I asked her why she felt this way towards Cambodians. She said her history teacher told her that they came into Thailand burning everything and murdering Thais. Now I don't doubt that happened but I told her that Siam and her neighbours were doing that to each other for thousands of years, just like in Europe or anywhere else on earth. I asked her if she knew any Cambodians personally? No. Had she ever been to Cambodia? No. So stop judging them today on some nationalistic bull poop. I also pull up any of my fellow Brits of my generation and younger that bash the Germans still because of the war. It's pathetic and they have less of an excuse for it. We were taught all about the war and why world war II came about. Also on the empire and some of the horrors our ancestors imposed on smaller poorer nations. No such trurthful telling of history here I'm afraid. I don't think most Thais would know they were actually axis allied.

My wife speaks Khmer as do many Thais and many Thais helped the Cambodians when they were being killed by the Khmer Rouge. You maybe should meet more Thais.

I didn't say it was the whole nation but it is a prevelent attitude that I have encountered. Another ex of mine was from sisaket and also spoke Khmer mainly but had a similar attitude when I suggested going to Cambodia. Found that so weird, but yes it's not every case.

Edit - and my point was this bile is being taught in schools it seems...


I have watched the video. The offending "scene" is less than 4 seconds long and I really don't find it nearly as outrageous as depicted by a majority of posters in this forum and in some sensationalist media.

The question is: Would have anyone even lifted an eyebrow if the child had been painting Mao Zedong, Joseph Stalin, Idi Amin, Pol Pot, Saddam Hussein, Augusto Pinochet, Nursultan Nazarbayev, Kim Jong-il, Kim Il-sung, Kom Jong-un, Hideki Tojo, Ferdinand Marcos, Francisco Franco, Bashir al-Assad, Moammar al-Ghaddafi, Robert Mugabe, Jean-Bedel Bokassa, Francois Duvalier, Jean-Claude Duvalier, Porfirio Diaz, Anastasio Somoza, or a whole bunch of other ruthless and murderous leaders the world has seen in recent times?

Yes, it was very poor judgement on behalf of the director and the junta to have chosen Adolf Hitler. But that once again can probably be chalked down to the fact that even the most educated citizens in this country have shockingly insufficient knowledge about world history. Throw any of the names I mentioned above at them and see their reaction. My bet is there will be none.

The vast majority of Thais don't even know much about their own history. Ask them about Field Marshal Plaek Phibulsongkhram and his purely Fascist "Cultural Edicts". Don't hold your breath waiting for an answer, though. Chances are they won't even know that there was in fact once a prime minister called Plaek Phibulsongkhram.

Why not let the child paint a flower, a nice landscape, a Buddhist temple, a fake Mona Lisa even? Why Hitler? Because there is something in the Thai soul that seems to be extremely perceptive to authoritarian rule and nationalism, and it harbors an admiration for uniforms and militarism.

Hitler is cool - although they know nothing about him and his reign of terror. And they couldn't care less. The only thing that counts is that he was so powerful, that his military wore such great uniforms and everyone was goose-stepping in perfect synchronization.

I have on occasion shown Thais historic footage of Nazi-era military parades on YouTube, and invariably they watched those videos in awe and with the highest admiration, accompanied by "oohs" and "aahs". These reactions always shake me to the bone and give me a chill, because this prevailing mindset is NOT conducive to nurturing democracy.

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So why didn't they use a picture of Pol Pot and put a positive spin on it then eh.

1. Can't be done.

2. Too close to home.

Because they were trying to be negative.


I have watched the video. The offending "scene" is less than 4 seconds long and I really don't find it nearly as outrageous as depicted by a majority of posters in this forum and in some sensationalist media.

The question is: Would have anyone even lifted an eyebrow if the child had been painting Mao Zedong, Joseph Stalin, Idi Amin, Pol Pot, Saddam Hussein, Augusto Pinochet, Nursultan Nazarbayev, Kim Jong-il, Kim Il-sung, Kom Jong-un, Hideki Tojo, Ferdinand Marcos, Francisco Franco, Bashir al-Assad, Moammar al-Ghaddafi, Robert Mugabe, Jean-Bedel Bokassa, Francois Duvalier, Jean-Claude Duvalier, Porfirio Diaz, Anastasio Somoza, or a whole bunch of other ruthless and murderous leaders the world has seen in recent times?

Yes, it was very poor judgement on behalf of the director and the junta to have chosen Adolf Hitler. But that once again can probably be chalked down to the fact that even the most educated citizens in this country have shockingly insufficient knowledge about world history. Throw any of the names I mentioned above at them and see their reaction. My bet is there will be none.

The vast majority of Thais don't even know much about their own history. Ask them about Field Marshal Plaek Phibulsongkhram and his purely Fascist "Cultural Edicts". Don't hold your breath waiting for an answer, though. Chances are they won't even know that there was in fact once a prime minister called Plaek Phibulsongkhram.

Why not let the child paint a flower, a nice landscape, a Buddhist temple, a fake Mona Lisa even? Why Hitler? Because there is something in the Thai soul that seems to be extremely perceptive to authoritarian rule and nationalism, and it harbors an admiration for uniforms and militarism.

Hitler is cool - although they know nothing about him and his reign of terror. And they couldn't care less. The only thing that counts is that he was so powerful, that his military wore such great uniforms and everyone was goose-stepping in perfect synchronization.

I have on occasion shown Thais historic footage of Nazi-era military parades on YouTube, and invariably they watched those videos in awe and with the highest admiration, accompanied by "oohs" and "aahs". These reactions always shake me to the bone and give me a chill, because this prevailing mindset is NOT conducive to nurturing democracy.

You don't speak Thai. It was supposed to be a bad picture.


Thailiketoo you just donot get do you. Any reference to Hitler is a poor or bad thing. The majority of the world donot want to hear or read about him or see pictures of referring to anything in anyway. It is impossible to use this man in a positive way accept that fact. You must understand that nothing of good can come from bringing him into the picture. He isnot local he is globally hated and any reference to him will be taken negatively no matter what arquement is put forth to justify it. Accept that and take a rest.

Sorry tis you who don't get it. The 3 second clip was not used in a positive way. He was used in a negative way. Like my ex wife tells children when she shows them a photo of me. Be a good boy or you will grow up like this man he lives in Thailand.

The reference is supposed to be taken negatively, that's the point. So after all it is you who don't get it.

You really donot get it you go on about what the intent was. That has nothing to do with what is the issue here. The issue is Hitler. Using him in anyway will be seen as negative by the masses in the world. That is my point. You donot get it. You seem to think that because thais accept what it is referring to it is acceptable to the rest of the world to use his image. It is dispicable under all circumstances accept that no arquement can justify it accept that .

No you don't get it. Unless the image below is not OK then I don't get it.



more socially programmed outrage from Thai Visa members

would they be all up in arms had the picture been of

Stalin.....up to 50 million killed during his reign

Pol Pot...4 million

Leopold 11 of Belgium.... 2-15 million Congolese dead

Mao Zedong...up to 60 million in Communist China


Thailiketoo you just donot get do you. Any reference to Hitler is a poor or bad thing. The majority of the world donot want to hear or read about him or see pictures of referring to anything in anyway. It is impossible to use this man in a positive way accept that fact. You must understand that nothing of good can come from bringing him into the picture. He isnot local he is globally hated and any reference to him will be taken negatively no matter what arquement is put forth to justify it. Accept that and take a rest.

Sorry tis you who don't get it. The 3 second clip was not used in a positive way. He was used in a negative way. Like my ex wife tells children when she shows them a photo of me. Be a good boy or you will grow up like this man he lives in Thailand.

The reference is supposed to be taken negatively, that's the point. So after all it is you who don't get it.

You really donot get it you go on about what the intent was. That has nothing to do with what is the issue here. The issue is Hitler. Using him in anyway will be seen as negative by the masses in the world. That is my point. You donot get it. You seem to think that because thais accept what it is referring to it is acceptable to the rest of the world to use his image. It is dispicable under all circumstances accept that no arquement can justify it accept that .

No you don't get it. Unless the image below is not OK then I don't get it.

Sorry I cannot go to your low depth I tried to point out the real issue here but ignorance is your claim to fame so go on and may your soul find peace at some time in the future.

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I see it's time for another two minutes of hate against Emmanuel Goldstein Adolf Hitler.

When are you guys going to get outraged by this (t-shirts of Stalin who murdered around 50million): http://www.cafepress.co.uk/+stalin+gifts?cmp=knc--g--uk--pol--apparel--search-b--stalin_merchandise&pid=3607873&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=Google&utm_campaign=Politics%20Apparel%20Generic%20-%20UK&utm_content=search-b&utm_term=stalin-merchandise

They also have Chairman Mao(murdered 50 plus million) t-shirts, but strangely no Hitler ones.

What about places like Cafe Mao in Glasgow where one reviewer wrote 'Cafe Mao has giant colourful portraits of Chairman Mao on the wall to watch over you as you eat.' The cafe has closed down now but that was nothing to do with people being 'shocked and appalled' with the a mass murderer themed cafe. http://www.yelp.co.uk/biz/cafe-mao-glasgow

The truth is that whenever Hitler is flashed up there is a visceral reaction in most Westerners, and something very much along lines of the two minutes of hate in 1984 happens.

You react against Hitler and not against Mao or Stalin because you are programmed to.


Because its in the context of this OP....

You dont have to be smart to work that one out...

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<script>if(typeof window.__wsujs==='undefined'){window.__wsujs=10453;window.__wsujsn='OffersWizard';window.__wsujss='4A56245FF3AA1DF0AB17D4C55179F65F';} </script>

Sad, but unsurprising. This is a country which turns tragedy into a tourist attraction: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burma_Railway

And cannot even commemorate properly the thousands of Thais who died at the hands of their Japanese oppressors.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" - George Santayana

You may be a bit mixed up. The Thais were on the Japanese side and even went so far as to provide surveyors for the Japan railroads in Thailand. Thailand was Japan's only voluntary ally during WWII.

They killed Thousands of Thai workers far more than the Brits and Aussies


Hitler is not portrayed in a positive light in the film. Have someone who speaks Thai interpret it for you but don't let me get in the way of a good bwana party.

You think Khaosod doesn't understand Thai?

The director in Khaosod says, "Hitler is also a 'number one,' in a bad way." I think bad means negative the last time I checked.


You may be a bit mixed up. The Thais were on the Japanese side and even went so far as to provide surveyors for the Japan railroads in Thailand. Thailand was Japan's only voluntary ally during WWII.

They killed Thousands of Thai workers far more than the Brits and Aussies

No they didn't.

Edit correct. they killed thousands of Asian slave laborers (Sumatra and Indonesia among others), The Thais they paid a wage and there are examples of the advertising for Thai workers on line somewhere.


Hitler is not portrayed in a positive light in the film. Have someone who speaks Thai interpret it for you but don't let me get in the way of a good bwana party.

You think Khaosod doesn't understand Thai?

Of course Thai people working for Khaosod understand Thai. They also know a how to spin a good story!


I know A LOT of Jewish people here who are NOT going to take his lightly.....

Well the ones who dont are obviously trying to make some personal or racial gain , because it should be patently obvious that there is not a one of us capable of rectifying what happened in Europe over 70 YEARS ago !

Oh I love 'WW2, Nazi, Hitler' Time on Thaivisa ....

It happens every couple of months and allows for an extremely funny interlude of outrage and pious indignity from a bunch of mongers who lived no where near the s actual scene , and in most cases werent even born yet! They arent even aware that their own side levelled Bangkok and caused unbelievable hardships to the Thai , who should be "respecting" THEIR sensibilities &lt;deleted&gt;...

I particularly enjoy 'swastika' time ... heres another occassion for the expat bigots to cast their vociferous slant over an asian symbol of prosperity and exclaim , "These Thais just dont get it , do they?"

Keep up the entertainment guys !

And what ever you do , dont educate yourselves or try to see anothers perspective - it would ruin the wonderful irony of threads like this.

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