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Report on CIA details 'brutal' post-9/11 interrogations

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This is the Democrats having a little hissy fit after getting their butts kicked in the recent election. They are desperate to make some points.

Too bad their only sources of information are biased toward that goal.

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An interesting article for those with an open mind

Those articles requires more than an open mind. They are based on a partisan report that did not even interview ANYONE in the CIA - past or present. It is like the bogus Rolling Stone article that accused a whole fraternity of gang rape on flimsy evidence and without interviewing any of them. Rolling Stone has had to apologize for the story.

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Nothing partisan about the report. Feinstein is a staunch supporter of the CIA and spy agencies, well she did get a bit ticked off when the CIA spied on her committee and lied about it. Too bad the entire report, not just the summary isn't being released. The entire report will never see the light of day. There was no need to listen to their lies, it was in the reports. Perhaps a little of their own medicine would produce the truth, right? Nor did they interview many of those tortured, well some are "unable" to be interviewed. The head of the CIA lied to Congress and not one thing was done about it. Anybody that believes a word of the likes of Cheney/Bush et al, well, I've got a bridge from LA to Bangkok I'd like to sell you. Keep GitMo open for those that really belong there, war criminals Cheney/Bush et al. For those that can stand the truth, oh by the way one of you right winger's hero's made a little speech on the Senate floor condemning torture and what the CIA did, try reading these. My apologies for everything running together, it looks correct when I paste it in, but I don't know what happens to it afterward. I'm unable to make paragraphs, edit, etc.


















The article says that these tortures did damage to America's standing in the world. They didn't mention that unfortunately the US has nothing left to damage. It's all messed up already.


the person being tortured would say anything to make them stop.

Including telling the truth. Interrogators have questioning techniques that separate the truth from lies.

How would you discern what was the truth and what was lies ? During the communist uprisings in Burma the British interrogated and got valuable information from the insurgents. During the Vietnam war the Americans remembered this and asked for advice from the British for their interrogations of the Vietcong, their advice was ignored because it involved speaking with the insurgents in a civilized manner over tea and cakes and making sure that their dependents received food and health care as long as the insurgent was in prison, the Americans couldn't believe that you could get information this way despite having had the proof that this worked.

Sure, listen to the British. That's what has made the British Empire what it is today.


Until today there no real evidence who was actually behind the attack on. 9/11

Yes there is:


C'mon people, you can't keep your eyes closed forever, 9/11 was an inside job, read, read and read.

Google and follow the links.

A inside job by the illuminati's I would say
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If it smells like a terrorist, acts like a terrorist, looks like a terrorist, torture it as a terrorist. You can always say your sorry later. If one life was saved by doing this I am all for it. Screw the Democratic liberals.

Apparently not even one life was saved. But at least one prisoner was tortured to death.


"Regular beatings, slamming detainees against walls, soaking them in cold water, ice baths, extended periods of sleep deprivation – lasting for one month in one case – confining them to small spaces and even threatening them repeatedly with death while in custody, were among the methods used to try to make detainees talk. At least three detainees were told their families would be killed if they didn’t co-operate."
...more disturbing account in the link. The hypocrisy of the home of the brave and land of the free is astounding.

Makes you wonder who the terrorists really are.

I know for a fact that at least one life was saved by intel; moreover, I know additionally allied forces saved their own during joint procedures like this- its utter BS that no lives were saved. It makes no sense to argue further; your point is rebuked. If you live in a world where who is and who is not a terrorist remains vague or uncertain ("who the terrorists really are") then you frame all your context clearly. We now have context; very good. At least I know your metl. No, it does not make me wonder who the terrorists are. What an utterly self-loathing, nihilist comment.

The intel services of the western world, at the operational level, or often populated with very well meaning men and women. The cadre of analysts, intel, signet, and humint sources who assist them have, for the most part, right intentions. That something later runs afoul of political correct witch-hunts and history is both sterilized and revised does not reality make. The same people who authored, pushed, manipulated, and lied about this report (Pelosi, for one) was party to every step along the way, and briefed repeatedly. That a significantly political piece could be produced for which any man who rise and say "ah HA! Terrorist!" or comment as you have, is utterly vacant. This is part of a much larger management of the role of intel and who controls it in America.

Now, terrorism and torture. BS! Nearly every single thing that has been done to these F--ing terrorist clowns has been done to me until I nearly puked and cried. Lying on cold dirt and concrete floors, in the cold, beaten, bleeding, naked, dirty, women watching behind the glass, dogs barking frighteningly close, lying in my own shit and urine with the lights on 24 hours a day while Black Sabbath played nonstop (and the marching! And the marching. The sounds of marching blared out constantly, constantly, constantly), only to then be pulled quietly to someone's shoulder in mock compassion of water offer, and then hooded and smothered in water upside down until I exhaled water and vomit and saliva and tears while the hose was jammed in my damn throat. You know what? People with points like you are ignorant of how this world really works. Every [man] I have worked with and even my former girlfriend went through this same horror, day after day after night after night for weeks! Moreover, having previously worked very [closely] with Arab armies I will confirm that no captive will get better treatment then if caught by the USA. If armchair quarterbacks like you think the water-boarded is bad imagine the black hood that stays on your head, and stays, and stays, and stays until it is saturated with skin cells, sweat, and forms a film from the heat, and the inside collects with water, and you begin drowning in your own vertical hood as the water collects first from the neck, to the chin, the mouth, and you slowly die in your own head sweat. You don't know a damn thing.

Ignoramuses who assert some armchair morality about what constitutes the modern man and how Modern Man is somehow compromised when we treat an animal like... an animal, are posers. What is truly posing is the lack of wisdom that thinks embracing a false sense of universal morality is a valid suicide pact, embracing false ethics en route to oblivion, while all around you others conspire to your extinction. Western Intel men and women acted, for the most part, in the spirit of saving their countries from what they believed was a highly advanced, sophisticated, and previously unimagined threat. This is why the history reveals a gradual lessening of the intensity of these programs. People were afraid. I, having seen what I believe, to be the best and worst in us have always found whenever one of us goes astray others coerce back to the moral mid-line. If that is what this report is argued to have accomplished it should not have been fraught with such politics. It serves no purpose than to provide succor to the enemy.

Another thing, many of us know others (not the bad guys) who have passed out, clinically died, drown, and then had their chest thumped or epi pushed by a doc or medic standing right there and then given the day off. I don't give a rat's ass that one terrorist died (and why should any when the terrorists announce and define their lives' great ambition to die for Al Lah. Let's give all the terrorists their parting dream and martyr them for Al Lah. This is a win/win proposal- everyone is happy). They experienced nothing less than hundreds of us went through, and no more either! The difference is we did not whine to our congressman and attorneys. F---ing cowards!

NOTE: Re: killing of the terrorists families- We had always been advised never to wear wedding rings, carry pics, or even have a tan line where our fingers were. I can still hear them telling me how "they will go to my home and ass rape my wife while I lied on the floor bleeding. Hour after hour of hearing them fishing, threatening to cut my wife's throat, rape my daughters in front of me (they were fishing) and raping me in front of the other prisoners and then leaving me tied to a beam so the others could rape me...." People like you live a fantasy of what this world really is. You whine and demand protection for animals!

Since it is unclear to you how the terrorists are, I kindly ask you not respond to me; I will not.


If it smells like a terrorist, acts like a terrorist, looks like a terrorist, torture it as a terrorist. You can always say your sorry later. If one life was saved by doing this I am all for it. Screw the Democratic liberals.

You really should see a doctor


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

If it smells like a terrorist, acts like a terrorist, looks like a terrorist, torture it as a terrorist. You can always say your sorry later. If one life was saved by doing this I am all for it. Screw the Democratic liberals.

Good thinking! Let's see, if I chop off one of these hydra heads, two more sprout up in its place. I know, let's chop off MORE hydra heads at a faster rate, that will solve the problem!

Something is working. US feels all warm fuzzy this holiday season with no concerns of planes being jacked or buses being blown up.

Just like it felt in August 2001


I think what amazes me more than anything else about this is the level of cooperation received by the Democrat led Senate Intelligence Committee from a branch of the Executive Department when compared to the level of cooperation currently being received by House Republican Committees who are trying to investigate any of several current administration scandals.

Having said that, here is another viewpoint of the Feinstein report.



CIA Torture Report: Bush Was Kept in the Dark for Years
DEC 9, 2014 11:13 AM EST
By Josh Rogin & Eli Lake
President George W. Bush was never briefed by the Central Intelligence Agency on the details of harsh interrogation techniques and secret detention of terror suspects for the first four years of its controversial program, and when he did find out the details, he was “uncomfortable” with some of the practices, according to a long-awaited report by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.
The 500-page declassified executive summary of the majority staff’s 6,700-page investigation into CIA rendition, detention and interrogation practices after Sept. 11 states that despite agency efforts to keep the Bush administration informed about the program, top White House officials repeatedly resisted having the CIA brief cabinet-level figures about the details, and CIA officials were not permitted to brief Bush directly until mid-2006, more than four years after the president signed a broad executive order authorizing the program, according to Senate Democratic aides who briefed reporters ahead of today’s release.
When Bush finally heard the details of the harsh interrogation techniques that were used against CIA detainees, he was “uncomfortable” with some of them and expressed dismay that some detainees were required to remain in stress positions for long amounts of time, to the point that they had no choice but to soil themselves, the aides said.
Based on CIA’s internal correspondence, the committee’s investigation will also state that CIA Directors George Tenet and Porter Goss admitted they had never briefed Bush directly on the techniques, despite that in 2004, the CIA Inspector General recommended they do so:

Off-topic, inflammatory, bickering and troll posts have been removed. Several posters are about a post away from a suspension.

The topic is about the CIA report. It's not about your opinion of other members.

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From the BBC link.

" Whenever the suspect denied having certain information, the interrogators grabbed or slapped his face."

Slapped his face? Not exactly ISIS are they?

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From the BBC link.

" Whenever the suspect denied having certain information, the interrogators grabbed or slapped his face."

Slapped his face? Not exactly ISIS are they?

depends what they slapped his face with


I think what amazes me more than anything else about this is the level of cooperation received by the Democrat led Senate Intelligence Committee from a branch of the Executive Department when compared to the level of cooperation currently being received by House Republican Committees who are trying to investigate any of several current administration scandals.

Having said that, here is another viewpoint of the Feinstein report.



CIA Torture Report: Bush Was Kept in the Dark for Years

DEC 9, 2014 11:13 AM EST

By Josh Rogin & Eli Lake

President George W. Bush was never briefed by the Central Intelligence Agency on the details of harsh interrogation techniques and secret detention of terror suspects for the first four years of its controversial program, and when he did find out the details, he was uncomfortable with some of the practices, according to a long-awaited report by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.

The 500-page declassified executive summary of the majority staffs 6,700-page investigation into CIA rendition, detention and interrogation practices after Sept. 11 states that despite agency efforts to keep the Bush administration informed about the program, top White House officials repeatedly resisted having the CIA brief cabinet-level figures about the details, and CIA officials were not permitted to brief Bush directly until mid-2006, more than four years after the president signed a broad executive order authorizing the program, according to Senate Democratic aides who briefed reporters ahead of todays release.

When Bush finally heard the details of the harsh interrogation techniques that were used against CIA detainees, he was uncomfortable with some of them and expressed dismay that some detainees were required to remain in stress positions for long amounts of time, to the point that they had no choice but to soil themselves, the aides said.

Based on CIAs internal correspondence, the committees investigation will also state that CIA Directors George Tenet and Porter Goss admitted they had never briefed Bush directly on the techniques, despite that in 2004, the CIA Inspector General recommended they do so:

Entire article here: http://www.bloombergview.com/articles/2014-12-09/cia-torture-report-bush-was-kept-in-the-dark

This article is more bs political spin. Both Republicans and Democrats knew what was going on as early as August of 2002 and were briefed regularly on what was going on from August 2002 to 2009. At least Chemney, as much as I dislike him, has some balls here. I suppose the Bush clan are too worried about public image with Jeb's bid to have any balls and man up to what they did or endorsed. Speaks volumes about that entire family.


I think what amazes me more than anything else about this is the level of cooperation received by the Democrat led Senate Intelligence Committee from a branch of the Executive Department when compared to the level of cooperation currently being received by House Republican Committees who are trying to investigate any of several current administration scandals.

Having said that, here is another viewpoint of the Feinstein report.



CIA Torture Report: Bush Was Kept in the Dark for Years

DEC 9, 2014 11:13 AM EST

By Josh Rogin & Eli Lake

President George W. Bush was never briefed by the Central Intelligence Agency on the details of harsh interrogation techniques and secret detention of terror suspects for the first four years of its controversial program, and when he did find out the details, he was uncomfortable with some of the practices, according to a long-awaited report by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.

The 500-page declassified executive summary of the majority staffs 6,700-page investigation into CIA rendition, detention and interrogation practices after Sept. 11 states that despite agency efforts to keep the Bush administration informed about the program, top White House officials repeatedly resisted having the CIA brief cabinet-level figures about the details, and CIA officials were not permitted to brief Bush directly until mid-2006, more than four years after the president signed a broad executive order authorizing the program, according to Senate Democratic aides who briefed reporters ahead of todays release.

When Bush finally heard the details of the harsh interrogation techniques that were used against CIA detainees, he was uncomfortable with some of them and expressed dismay that some detainees were required to remain in stress positions for long amounts of time, to the point that they had no choice but to soil themselves, the aides said.

Based on CIAs internal correspondence, the committees investigation will also state that CIA Directors George Tenet and Porter Goss admitted they had never briefed Bush directly on the techniques, despite that in 2004, the CIA Inspector General recommended they do so:

Entire article here: http://www.bloombergview.com/articles/2014-12-09/cia-torture-report-bush-was-kept-in-the-dark

This article is more bs political spin. Both Republicans and Democrats knew what was going on as early as August of 2002 and were briefed regularly on what was going on from August 2002 to 2009. At least Chemney, as much as I dislike him, has some balls here. I suppose the Bush clan are too worried about public image with Jeb's bid to have any balls and man up to what they did or endorsed. Speaks volumes about that entire family.

Care to attack the article with something other than conjecture?

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Read the current CIA director's statement today from the sctual CIA website to sort through political spin and bs. He is willing to speak the truth despite the friction with Obama over this subject.


. . .

As part of the CIAs global effort to dismantle al-Qaida and to prevent future terrorist attacks, the Agency was directed by President Bush six days after 9/11 to carry out a program to detain terrorist suspects around the world. Certain detainees were subjected to enhanced interrogation techniques (EITs), which the Department of Justice determined at the time to be lawful and which were duly authorized by the Bush Administration. These techniques, which were last used by the CIA in December 2007, subsequently were prohibited by an Executive Order issued by President Obama when he took office in January 2009.

. . .

Yet, despite common ground with some of the findings of the Committees Study, we part ways with the Committee on some key points. Our review indicates that interrogations of detainees on whom EITs were used did produce intelligence that helped thwart attack plans, capture terrorists, and save lives. The intelligence gained from the program was critical to our understanding of al-Qaida and continues to inform our counterterrorism efforts to this day.

. . .

Moreover, the process undertaken by the Committee when investigating the program provided an incomplete and selective picture of what occurred. As noted in the Minority views and in a number of additional views of Members, no interviews were conducted of any CIA officers involved in the program, which would have provided Members with valuable context and perspective surrounding these events.


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I think what amazes me more than anything else about this is the level of cooperation received by the Democrat led Senate Intelligence Committee from a branch of the Executive Department when compared to the level of cooperation currently being received by House Republican Committees who are trying to investigate any of several current administration scandals.

Having said that, here is another viewpoint of the Feinstein report.



CIA Torture Report: Bush Was Kept in the Dark for Years

DEC 9, 2014 11:13 AM EST

By Josh Rogin & Eli Lake

President George W. Bush was never briefed by the Central Intelligence Agency on the details of harsh interrogation techniques and secret detention of terror suspects for the first four years of its controversial program, and when he did find out the details, he was uncomfortable with some of the practices, according to a long-awaited report by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.

The 500-page declassified executive summary of the majority staffs 6,700-page investigation into CIA rendition, detention and interrogation practices after Sept. 11 states that despite agency efforts to keep the Bush administration informed about the program, top White House officials repeatedly resisted having the CIA brief cabinet-level figures about the details, and CIA officials were not permitted to brief Bush directly until mid-2006, more than four years after the president signed a broad executive order authorizing the program, according to Senate Democratic aides who briefed reporters ahead of todays release.

When Bush finally heard the details of the harsh interrogation techniques that were used against CIA detainees, he was uncomfortable with some of them and expressed dismay that some detainees were required to remain in stress positions for long amounts of time, to the point that they had no choice but to soil themselves, the aides said.

Based on CIAs internal correspondence, the committees investigation will also state that CIA Directors George Tenet and Porter Goss admitted they had never briefed Bush directly on the techniques, despite that in 2004, the CIA Inspector General recommended they do so:

Entire article here: http://www.bloombergview.com/articles/2014-12-09/cia-torture-report-bush-was-kept-in-the-dark

This article is more bs political spin. Both Republicans and Democrats knew what was going on as early as August of 2002 and were briefed regularly on what was going on from August 2002 to 2009. At least Chemney, as much as I dislike him, has some balls here. I suppose the Bush clan are too worried about public image with Jeb's bid to have any balls and man up to what they did or endorsed. Speaks volumes about that entire family.

Care to attack the article with something other than conjecture?

See above from current CIA director Brennan and Jose Rodriquez.


Former CIA official Jose Rodriguez joined Sean Hannity on "Hannity" tonight to discuss the release of a report on the CIA's enhanced interrogation methods.

"It's a very dark day for the CIA," Rodriguez, the former Director of the National Clandestine Service, said. "I think the CIA's being thrown under the bus."

He explained that politicians are playing "political football" with the agency, and asserted that both the Senate and the committee were briefed multiple times on what the CIA was doing.

"We feel that we briefed them, we briefed them thoroughly, and they are hypocritical," Rodriguez said.



This is but one example of a US government lacking appropriate oversight, checks and balances...US government is arguable operating out-of-control by refusing to follow the constitution...bill-of-rights...and the rule of law...it starts at the top with arrogance and filters down thru the rest of the government...

When the chief police officer of the nation...is a yes man for the POTUS...anything and everything is possible...not a good sign for the future of the US...

But the stock market is strong…. and that to many is the only indicator that matterscrazy.gif

  • Like 1

This is but one example of a US government lacking appropriate oversight, checks and balances...US government is arguable operating out-of-control by refusing to follow the constitution...bill-of-rights...and the rule of law...it starts at the top with arrogance and filters down thru the rest of the government...

When the chief police officer of the nation...is a yes man for the POTUS...anything and everything is possible...not a good sign for the future of the US...

But the stock market is strong. and that to many is the only indicator that matterscrazy.gif

Shocking, another dumb arrssee pointless contribution from you. Impressive!

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I suspect Dick Cheney and the Rummy just wanted to get off reading about torture they likely ordered. Read the CIA's own research about results from torture on CIA web site. It says physical torture yields either random info of no worth or a victim who shuts up even tighter...... that is torture fails to get usable intelligence.

Interestingly, the research goes on to say that the most effective interrogation technique was having the victim listen to torture screams from the next cell (recorded or actual did not matter if victim did not know which).


the person being tortured would say anything to make them stop.

Including telling the truth. Interrogators have questioning techniques that separate the truth from lies.

How would you discern what was the truth and what was lies ? During the communist uprisings in Burma the British interrogated and got valuable information from the insurgents. During the Vietnam war the Americans remembered this and asked for advice from the British for their interrogations of the Vietcong, their advice was ignored because it involved speaking with the insurgents in a civilized manner over tea and cakes and making sure that their dependents received food and health care as long as the insurgent was in prison, the Americans couldn't believe that you could get information this way despite having had the proof that this worked.

Glass houses, I'm sorry but yours and many other countries in history are rife with this. Wars declared or not are a dirty business with few if any real rules. It's only a rule if both sides observe it..


No tea and biscuits here

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