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Americans in Thailand warned after release of CIA report

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Not really a problem. I'm not an American. I'm from Texas.

How sad...I'm an American - from America (USA)

I'm sure you'll be forgiven, it's Gods job.

That's why we have the hymn "God bless America", at times they need it.

Mind you, the English (and also the Dutch and other colonial powers) had it easy. No one looking over their shoulder at that time.

"we" "they"


How ironic: The CIA claims they do this kind of stuff in order to protect Americans, and yet the opposite is happening.

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The NewYork times has an interesting article on this topic

"White House and Republicans Clash Over C.I.A. Torture Report


DEC. 8, 2014

WASHINGTON — With the long-awaited Senate report on the use of torture by the United States government — a detailed account that will shed an unsparing light on the Central Intelligence Agency’s darkest practices after the September 2001 terrorist attacks — set to be released Tuesday, the Obama administration and its Republican critics clashed over the wisdom of making it public, and the risk that it will set off a backlash overseas."


Yes, leave it to our wonderful liberal Democrats to scatter information that should be in-house (even if true) all over the world and put Americans in danger.

Those cobras would kill their own mothers to score a political point.

so this is your statement?

crime for what a normal person would go to prison and also in every european country you would go to prison if you would do thsi liek a soldier or govermetn worker. If I would be American I would not travel out of America, I wonder that not on daily basis hundrets of American got killed for tthis what their great goverment, CIA, NSA and Army made to inoccent people.

there is no country in the world in the last 70 years who made more crimes against humans than the USA

if my family would eb killed by Americans only because i am a muslim i would may be start killing Americans until the end of my life,

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Actually the US government has warned Americans everywhere, not just in Thailand. Ashamed that our government stooped to such lows as torture, but also proud that we as a people are able to admit it our flaws so we can move forward. Don't find that in many other countries.

You won't find execution by UAV (aka drone) missiles performed by other countries either.


Actually the US government has warned Americans everywhere, not just in Thailand. Ashamed that our government stooped to such lows as torture, but also proud that we as a people are able to admit it our flaws so we can move forward. Don't find that in many other countries.

yes you are true! in many other countrys this people who made this, would go to court and would get many years in prison for their crimes,

how can any american trael with a good feeling and look muslim into their eyes and expect not get a bullet between their eyes?

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just say your canadian end of..everyone likes them....or wear a t-shirt in thai saying your a mute...

That would have worked 10 years ago. Canada is not the peace loving nation it once was.

You expect Americans to keep up with Canadian politics? That's harsh.

Last I checked Canada deployed with many other countries to fight ISIS.whistling.gif


to USA guys here: please stop calling your self "we". you are not the center of the world and many here don't give a toss about you and your banana Republic. no offense, OK ? (I am not a USA citizen and not even a US person. I don't give a f... k of your irs & police state.)

I will teach you something today, USA has 300 millions of resident while the rest of the world has about 7 billions . you are invited when you leave your republic , so keep it down and quiet. I think we all agree on this.

sorry don't ban me. I know mods here don't like to hear the truth. probably they used to work for the cia:)


Thank you for your post. I enjoyed reading it.

Of course, I also always enjoyed the Three Stooges. I get a kick out of people making complete fools out of themselves.


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Yo no hablo ingles.

That's kind of funny.

I was scoping out some hard core Arabic restaurants a few weeks ago and I was aggressively approached with the question: WHERE ARE YOU FROM?

I really didn't know what to say.

Should I have called my embassy for guidance?

The pat answer I would have to that question coming from an Arab/Muslim is the same answer I give when some working girl asks me the same question as part of their worn out standard ice-breakers. My answer??? "I come from my mother."

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Last dying gasp by a worthless Democrat-controlled Senate. There are two other reports due: One the "minority" (soon to become majority) report, and one by the CIA which, for anyone who doesn't know, is in the Executive branch and thus under Obama. It will be most interesting to see how the lapdog media covers the other side of the story, because there is definitely another side.


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Actually I'm kind of seriously asking the question ... if you are aggressively approached to identify your nationality by someone who appears to have a nationality probably hostile to the USA, what do you do?

My reply would be, "Eeets, noon uff your beeznuss." The excuse yourself to use the john and find another place to hangout.


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Yo no hablo ingles.

That's kind of funny.

I was scoping out some hard core Arabic restaurants a few weeks ago and I was aggressively approached with the question: WHERE ARE YOU FROM?

I really didn't know what to say.

Should I have called my embassy for guidance?

The pat answer I would have to that question coming from an Arab/Muslim is the same answer I give when some working girl asks me the same question as part of their worn out standard ice-breakers. My answer??? "I come from my mother."

Then they know you're lying. I feigned a spell of deafness. It was comically lame.

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Yo no hablo ingles.

That's kind of funny.
I was scoping out some hard core Arabic restaurants a few weeks ago and I was aggressively approached with the question: WHERE ARE YOU FROM?
I really didn't know what to say.
Should I have called my embassy for guidance?

The pat answer I would have to that question coming from an Arab/Muslim is the same answer I give when some working girl asks me the same question as part of their worn out standard ice-breakers. My answer??? "I come from my mother."
Then they know you're lying. I feigned a spell of deafness. It was comically lame.

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Actually I use my response quite often and I get a variety of responses. My favorite is when the young lass doesn't understand much English and is trying to figure out what country "mother" is. Others know what it means and either bust out laughing, state they are also from their mothers and we're brother and sister, still others get pissed off and walk away. Quite entertaining.


You America haters should go search the internet and see what ISIS are doing to people - like stringing a woman out in the street along a pole then cutting her throat like a pig, or beheading young children.

Then go look at which countries are doing anything about it. Then go to bed tonight and feel safe while you sleep in your blissful hypocrisy.

ISIS, ALQAIDA ETC...are creation of united states this is a fact. No need to hate America. Yes their hypocritical policies are hateful.

Beheading people, Isis is not the first, Americans did it in Vietnam they are precursors in all atrocities. Go visit the museum of war in Vietnam to see.

  • Like 1

Actually the US government has warned Americans everywhere, not just in Thailand. Ashamed that our government stooped to such lows as torture, but also proud that we as a people are able to admit it our flaws so we can move forward. Don't find that in many other countries.

yes you are true! in many other countrys this people who made this, would go to court and would get many years in prison for their crimes,

how can any american trael with a good feeling and look muslim into their eyes and expect not get a bullet between their eyes?

After 9/11, how can Muslims traveling to America look people in the eye there and have

a good feeling ??


You America haters should go search the internet and see what ISIS are doing to people - like stringing a woman out in the street along a pole then cutting her throat like a pig, or beheading young children.

Then go look at which countries are doing anything about it. Then go to bed tonight and feel safe while you sleep in your blissful hypocrisy.

ISIS, ALQAIDA ETC...are creation of united states this is a fact. No need to hate America. Yes their hypocritical policies are hateful.

Beheading people, Isis is not the first, Americans did it in Vietnam they are precursors in all atrocities. Go visit the museum of war in Vietnam to see.

Yes perhaps you should visit the museums in Vietnam. The French were busy committing atrocities against the Vietnamese who opposed their colonization, long before the Americans showed up..

Oh wait, how far back do you want to go ? In fact name your country of origin, and I will tell you what it has done wrong over the last 100 years....

Is this warning only for Americans in Thailand ? Or around the world ? I remember the story about prisoners being tortured here by America, but at the time seemed like it was not really proven. Guess with this report it has...... Sigh. America has done so many good things, and a few bad things along the way.

  • Like 2

You America haters should go search the internet and see what ISIS are doing to people - like stringing a woman out in the street along a pole then cutting her throat like a pig, or beheading young children.

Then go look at which countries are doing anything about it. Then go to bed tonight and feel safe while you sleep in your blissful hypocrisy.

ISIS, ALQAIDA ETC...are creation of united states this is a fact. No need to hate America. Yes their hypocritical policies are hateful.

Beheading people, Isis is not the first, Americans did it in Vietnam they are precursors in all atrocities. Go visit the museum of war in Vietnam to see.

Yes perhaps you should visit the museums in Vietnam. The French were busy committing atrocities against the Vietnamese who opposed their colonization, long before the Americans showed up..

Oh wait, how far back do you want to go ? In fact name your country of origin, and I will tell you what it has done wrong over the last 100 years....

Is this warning only for Americans in Thailand ? Or around the world ? I remember the story about prisoners being tortured here by America, but at the time seemed like it was not really proven. Guess with this report it has...... Sigh. America has done so many good things, and a few bad things along the way.

You formally recognize the atrocities of your government. No other country have killed as much people all over the world and in all continents. Nothing to be proud of.

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But what about........ oh I give up, debating rabid anti-Americans feels a bit like winning a contest

of wits against a mentally challenged child. What country were you from again ??

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Actually the US government has warned Americans everywhere, not just in Thailand. Ashamed that our government stooped to such lows as torture, but also proud that we as a people are able to admit it our flaws so we can move forward. Don't find that in many other countries.

Well your track record is one of the kind. Sorry about million+ Irakis who died for WMD's. Ofcourse american's can move forward, they admitted their "flaw".

  • Like 1

You America haters should go search the internet and see what ISIS are doing to people - like stringing a woman out in the street along a pole then cutting her throat like a pig, or beheading young children.

Then go look at which countries are doing anything about it. Then go to bed tonight and feel safe while you sleep in your blissful hypocrisy.

ISIS, ALQAIDA ETC...are creation of united states this is a fact. No need to hate America. Yes their hypocritical policies are hateful.

Beheading people, Isis is not the first, Americans did it in Vietnam they are precursors in all atrocities. Go visit the museum of war in Vietnam to see.

Yes perhaps you should visit the museums in Vietnam. The French were busy committing atrocities against the Vietnamese who opposed their colonization, long before the Americans showed up..

Oh wait, how far back do you want to go ? In fact name your country of origin, and I will tell you what it has done wrong over the last 100 years....

Is this warning only for Americans in Thailand ? Or around the world ? I remember the story about prisoners being tortured here by America, but at the time seemed like it was not really proven. Guess with this report it has...... Sigh. America has done so many good things, and a few bad things along the way.

You formally recognize the atrocities of your government. No other country have killed as much people all over the world and in all continents. Nothing to be proud of.

One word for you...Mao. Oh wait he only killed 60 million of his own people.

  • Like 1

But what about........ oh I give up, debating rabid anti-Americans feels a bit like winning a contest

of wits against a mentally challenged child. What country were you from again ??

It is very revealing that you consider a debate as a contest to win.

It says it all of your denial to learn and accept what is factual.

Grow up....

  • Like 1
You America haters should go search the internet and see what ISIS are doing to people - like stringing a woman out in the street along a pole then cutting her throat like a pig, or beheading young children.

Then go look at which countries are doing anything about it. Then go to bed tonight and feel safe while you sleep in your blissful hypocrisy.

ISIS, ALQAIDA ETC...are creation of united states this is a fact. No need to hate America. Yes their hypocritical policies are hateful.

Beheading people, Isis is not the first, Americans did it in Vietnam they are precursors in all atrocities. Go visit the museum of war in Vietnam to see.

Yes perhaps you should visit the museums in Vietnam. The French were busy committing atrocities against the Vietnamese who opposed their colonization, long before the Americans showed up..

Oh wait, how far back do you want to go ? In fact name your country of origin, and I will tell you what it has done wrong over the last 100 years....

Is this warning only for Americans in Thailand ? Or around the world ? I remember the story about prisoners being tortured here by America, but at the time seemed like it was not really proven. Guess with this report it has...... Sigh. America has done so many good things, and a few bad things along the way.

You formally recognize the atrocities of your government. No other country have killed as much people all over the world and in all continents. Nothing to be proud of.

One word for you...Mao. Oh wait he only killed 60 million of his own people.

You are out of arguments. Poorly lost. Focus or get medication


But what about........ oh I give up, debating rabid anti-Americans feels a bit like winning a contest

of wits against a mentally challenged child. What country were you from again ??

It is very revealing that you consider a debate as a contest to win.

It says it all of your denial to learn and accept what is factual.

Grow up....

These threads are a clash of viewpoints, hopefully supported by facts. So if you

are spewing drivel and I am calmly stating facts, yes in essence I win. And I am

still waiting to hear your country of origin, so I can be like you and piss on it

for anything it has done wrong in the last 100 years, or worse yet, in case your

country owes a debt of gratitude to America.cheesy.gif

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Well, I lived and worked in Thailand for over 6 years successfully establishing and running a Thai Ltd. Co. consulting biz that took me all over Asia, the EU and N. America. Before that, I lived and worked in Taiwan for 3 years on an expat assignment for a US high tech co. running all their Asian subs; 8 countries. I've never had any problems getting along with people personally or professionally in about 15 different countries where I conducted business or R&R.

One of US clients of the Thai Ltd. Co. wanted me to join them as a regular employee and offered me a great job with great pay and bennies. So I took it and I still have the Thai Ltd. Co., a Non-Imm B visa and work permit. So I come back to Thailand often to manage the Thai Ltd Co. My new job in the US is based in Arizona, which is often referred to as "cowboy country". And as such, I've taken quite a liking to certain types of western clothing; a leather cowboy hat, cowboy boots and belts. Last time I was in Bangkok several months ago, I wore such attire and surprisingly, no one bothered me about it. I even took a stroll through the Arab market places around Suk soi 5 or whatever the soi was. No one hassled me one bit. Many Thai women loved the look.

Anyway, I'm scheduled to be back in BKK the end of Dec. And I will be packing my hat, boots and belt. I refuse to cower and whimper over another culture's threats, if they truly exist. I am a peaceful sort and strive to avoid any physical altercation if at all possible. But when the only alternative is self-defense, I am quite prepared to use it as I have in past, quite successfully.

Sounds like Chuck Norris has become a TV member.

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Took a long walk around Jomtien tonight. Not a Yank in sight. Must have taken the advice to heart and are locked up in their rooms.

Christmas came early this year! First russians and now americansclap2.gif

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