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Americans in Thailand warned after release of CIA report

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Actually the US government has warned Americans everywhere, not just in Thailand. Ashamed that our government stooped to such lows as torture, but also proud that we as a people are able to admit it our flaws so we can move forward. Don't find that in many other countries.

I'm not ashamed at all. Glad they tortured these <deleted> who would have gleefully wiped out the entire Western world. What are you going to do, feed them marshmallows and candy and hope they'll give it up?

No the solution is much easier don't offend them in their countries let them kill each other. Cases like Iraq or Afganistan are not solveable from outsiders anymore.

During desert storm the USA played all their credits of trust to any muslim and a lot of other ppl in this world away.

If George H. W. Bush let Gen. Schwarzkopf finsh his work, then this Iraq problem would be solved for over 20 years already.


Sigh, of course it is a comparison of countries. All things are relative, so if you are pointing to

America as a bastion of evil, then necessarily you must feel your country is much better with no

skeletons in the closet. Otherwise I guess you would look like a total fool. Think glass house

and throwing stones.... So simply tell me what country you are from, and then I can clearly

decide if your country is more or less evil than America....

I am British and Israeli.

Holy smoke this is real a dangerous combination. whistling.gif

Mossad and MI5 no offence I just kidding. rolleyes.gif

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I'm sure you'll be forgiven, it's Gods job.

"God" you simpleton

I stand corrected, but we ought to consider the words of Cromwell,Lord protector of England,

''I beseech thee from the bowls of Christ,consider thou may be wrong''

As a british I would never mention Oliver Cromwell, caused this could lead to shot in the own back.

For a lot of british a great man, but for others just a king murder, dictator, and Massmurder (Droghedas) ask the Irish they real hate him still.

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Sigh, of course it is a comparison of countries. All things are relative, so if you are pointing to

America as a bastion of evil, then necessarily you must feel your country is much better with no

skeletons in the closet. Otherwise I guess you would look like a total fool. Think glass house

and throwing stones.... So simply tell me what country you are from, and then I can clearly

decide if your country is more or less evil than America....

I am British and Israeli.

Then between British colonialism and Israeli suppression of the Palestinians, I have decided

that via birth you are more evil than the average American..... :-)

Oh good, evil, no more having to play Mr nice guy. Errrr we don't have colonies anymore, can we still be regarded as evil ?

History is past not changeable, we germans getting often blamed for our past and this for decades. Just stop crying.

I am British and Israeli.

Then between British colonialism and Israeli suppression of the Palestinians, I have decided

that via birth you are more evil than the average American..... :-)

Oh good, evil, no more having to play Mr nice guy. Errrr we don't have colonies anymore, can we still be regarded as evil ?

We just created an evil in middle east by stealing Palestinian's Land and giving it to Zionist foreigner citizens from central Europe. We are brilliant?

Mate this is not funny anymore.


I'm proud that Thailand was never colonialized by any Farangs at all.

What a kind of german are you, Thailand had just luck that England and France made an agreement to use it as a buffer state between Indochina and Burma to avoid conflicts.

Also thanks to Rama V, Chulalongkorn and his diplomatic talent.


I'm the kind of German that hates his administration, and disgusts the people that blindly follow their rules. In case of a war between Germany and a country like Thailand I would shoot the Germans if I had arms. Exactly for that reason German Bundeswehr refused me.

Thailand was not colonialized, please take that as a fact.

Maybe UK (British Empire) and France wanted to (mis)use Thailand as a buffer state. But the British and the French didn't like each other too much, did they?

Of course, the leaders of Thailand handled the situation with diplomatic care. You might as well say, they avoided violence and a situation like Indochina or Burma. And in this matter, I hope that history repeats itself, and Thailand will find a way to get out of any Imperialistic trap without mass destruction.


Actually the US government has warned Americans everywhere, not just in Thailand. Ashamed that our government stooped to such lows as torture, but also proud that we as a people are able to admit it our flaws so we can move forward. Don't find that in many other countries.

I'm not ashamed at all. Glad they tortured these <deleted> who would have gleefully wiped out the entire Western world. What are you going to do, feed them marshmallows and candy and hope they'll give it up?

Leave them alone?

Yea, I'm sure that would have been a very effective interrogation method.


@ D Brasco. Paul Craig Roberts is a conspiracy nut--on just about every issue that has had a conspiracy short of aliens being responsible for 9/11. He's a crank, a crackpot. Nobody has run his columns for years, because he seems to have become stark raving mad. Now, he is reduced to putting up everything he writes on his own website and begging for donations. But at least now I know who your inspiration was for spelling America as "Amerika."

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I'm proud that Thailand was never colonialized by any Farangs at all.

what makes you proud of that, that's a reserved Thai occupation ( oops,the pun wasn't intended ) The Japs had a short time of colonization in WW2 but that is disguised, they were ''allies''

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You America haters should go search the internet and see what ISIS are doing to people - like stringing a woman out in the street along a pole then cutting her throat like a pig, or beheading young children.

Then go look at which countries are doing anything about it. Then go to bed tonight and feel safe while you sleep in your blissful hypocrisy.

Sorry, EnglishJohn but I'm going to call you on this one.

You obviously have a computer and much to the delight of your "like" fans, you belive what you read in the mainstream media and everything your (and our) governments tell you.

In regards to ISIS or iSlamic State or whatever this murderous band of ex-cons, fanatics, brigands and rapists is currently calling themselves, you need to do your research.

Conscripted from the dregs of unemployed, imprisoned, criminally insane, fanatical men from many Islamic stars BY THE CIA these killers have been set loose in Syria to destabilize a regime that the U.S. sees as a threat to its interests and to its allies in the region. (Guess who) For this they are given a couple of hundred bucks a month and some purpose (supposedly) to their miserable lives.

They are almost exclusively managed, coordinated and armed by the U.S. And US interests. And ultimately they are programmed and stimulated by their handlers to act in these interests.

Currently, with all the precision and focus of a grease fire, these maniacs are focussing on Iraq.

Why ? Well Iraq was beginning to seek common cause with Iran and, well, "American interests and Allies in the region" can't be havin' THAT now can they.

You need to do some research.

The, um, "footie" can dance away on its own (without you) and get on to its drearily predictable seasonal conclusion.

You, on the other hand might begin to get a grip on what's actually happening around you.

And you can always go to telly when the hot mess that "American interests and Allies in the region" becomes too much for you.

O gawd. Mainstream media? Whenever I hear that, it's always from a FOX zombie.

Only FOX tells the truth they think. The millions of other journalists are all in some kind of conspiracy.

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Reading some of these posts is great...some of you like to trash talk Americans and lump em all in the same category...but what I find is, the majority of people who make typecasting statements towards Yanks have never been to the UNITEd States and really though they may think they do and try as they may have no idea about the way America truly is, they just spout off nonsense and talking points that they hear in the media or formulate in their own brain....if you don't understand what someone says when they say "I'm not from America, I'm from Texas" then you should just keep your mouth shut...sure there is a lot of stuff to rag on AMURICANS about, but a lot of the points is the same old tripe that has been said over and over again


Yo no hablo ingles.

That's kind of funny.

I was scoping out some hard core Arabic restaurants a few weeks ago and I was aggressively approached with the question: WHERE ARE YOU FROM?

I really didn't know what to say.

Should I have called my embassy for guidance?

Always the situation,

They will always ask you this......

Never find great service, and dare you never say. America, or any nation of what?

From my experience it only means we will not serve you..,,,

Any questions? whistling.gifwhistling.gifwhistling.gif


Fact: the torture of KSM did not give us anything. Osama had already been dead for almost a decade

The Truth always comes out. Always. (Fact or opinion ;-?

"Fact: .... Osama had already been dead for almost a decade."


What's your opinion on the moon landing I wonder?blink.png



Fact: the torture of KSM did not give us anything. Osama had already been dead for almost a decade

The Truth always comes out. Always. (Fact or opinion ;-?

"Fact: .... Osama had already been dead for almost a decade."


What's your opinion on the moon landing I wonder?blink.png


@Carl Tyson: Which one ;-?

Oh, hehehehe. Carl, you silly goose. You're implying that those who'd dispute, question or be skeptical of any of their government's claims or who would question a received wisdom currently held by a majority mustn't be listened to.

And you wish to place me into that slot.

I really don't have enough facts to form an opinion there, Carl.

How 'bout you. What facts can you lay out there.

So, for now, I'll go along with the majority consensus.

And, well, you know, nobody's being tortured.

How's that sound Carl ;-?

Happy now ?


Just to be clear, it seems that CarlTyson thinks that anyone who questions the contradictory, wildly unstable, and constantly changing narrative around the "facts in evidence" he was given when he saw Zero Dark 30 is like someone who might question the veracity of the moon landing.

Carl needs to ridicule these people.

Well, Carl, the Torture report itself pretty well says that we get nothing from these intense sessions.

More to the point, Benazir Bhutto stated what everyone in Pakistan had known for years. Osama had been buried in an unmarked grave in the wilderness after finally succumbing to kidney failure.

Carl wants to believe that Osama got the "traditional Islamic burial at sea".

Yep, Carl. Obama's right down there beside Sinbad the Sailor.


Assume that

1. Growth needs somewhere to grow to, otherwise it becomes self-destructive (like cancer)

2. Exponential growth is reaching its limits (double lotus flowers on a chessboard)

3. Economic wealth of a country is defined by GNP.

4. GNP counts damages (or the repair of damages) as economically positive

=> Damages like 9/11 are a contribution to US Economy.

Here's the good news:

You can change 3., then 4. is obsolete.


And the moon doesn't exist, of course, because I've never been there.

Afghanistan and Pakistan do exist, because I've been there.

The way from Europe to SEA is a road, it's called A1 Highway.

And if you go East, you end up in the West. The world must be kind of ballish, because I never drowned.


Just to be clear, it seems that CarlTyson thinks that anyone who questions the contradictory, wildly unstable, and constantly changing narrative around the "facts in evidence" he was given when he saw Zero Dark 30 is like someone who might question the veracity of the moon landing.

Carl needs to ridicule these people.

Well, Carl, the Torture report itself pretty well says that we get nothing from these intense sessions.

More to the point, Benazir Bhutto stated what everyone in Pakistan had known for years. Osama had been buried in an unmarked grave in the wilderness after finally succumbing to kidney failure.

Carl wants to believe that Osama got the "traditional Islamic burial at sea".

Yep, Carl. Obama's right down there beside Sinbad the Sailor.

Then Cheney killed Benazir Bhuto a week later, right? blink.png


Just to be clear, it seems that CarlTyson thinks that anyone who questions the contradictory, wildly unstable, and constantly changing narrative around the "facts in evidence" he was given when he saw Zero Dark 30 is like someone who might question the veracity of the moon landing.

Carl needs to ridicule these people.

Well, Carl, the Torture report itself pretty well says that we get nothing from these intense sessions.

More to the point, Benazir Bhutto stated what everyone in Pakistan had known for years. Osama had been buried in an unmarked grave in the wilderness after finally succumbing to kidney failure.

Carl wants to believe that Osama got the "traditional Islamic burial at sea".

Yep, Carl. Obama's right down there beside Sinbad the Sailor.

Then Cheney killed Benazir Bhuto a week later, right? blink.png

Facts, Carl. Facts. Physical evidence.

You just can't run out in the street and blame the old Dickwyper.

And you need corroborating testimony from more than two or three credible sources.

Preferably testimony that doesn't conflict with the physical evidence and the facts.

Dates. Times. You know, who was where and when was/were they there?

A series of compelling why's (you are offering Cheney) is not good enough unless you are seeking to ridicule certain facts in evidence and discredit those who'd cite them. That's lazy investigative technique Carl. You can't just reject evidence out of hand.

You wouldn't do that now would you Carl ?

And if and when you have all this stuff gathered, you have to compile it into as viable a hypothesis as you can.

AND (once again)'you cannot leave anything out.

During your "assembly" of evidence into a workable prosecutorial model you would not be allowed to ignore anything or anybody just because it (for example) might get Cheney off the hook. Or, um, go towards PROVING that Osama had died sometime back then.

If irrefutable FACT conflicts with the theoretical model you deconstruct that part of model and start over.

You can't just run out and arrest poor Dick Cheney on a circumstantial hunch just because he had ample motive, means and opportunity. And you just can't run out and kill a man who's been dead and buried for ten years.

Unless you are ordered to. And you find yourself, a respectable investigator, involved in putting together a whole bullshit story.

Something about Osama hiding out in Abbottabad and that a group shot of the White House Happy Gang watching him get killed by Seal Team 6 is set to go on May 2 2011 but they won't see the helicopter crash in the courtyard and when 17 more members of Seal Team 6 that captured Osama die in copter crash.

Anyway poor old Benazir let that long-dead Osama cat out of the bag sort of "au naturel" i.e. in her country anybody who was anybody, including Musharraf kinda knew that Osama had died ages ago. Like a lot of inconvenient FACTS in a lot of other jurisdictions, lots of people knew about the sickly bin Laden laddie's kidney issues but it just wasn't discussed in polite company.

The bin Ladens are certainly rich enough to have bought the kid his own dialysis machine but his condition warranted hospital care. There's evidence that Osama was in a Dubai dialysis clinic in June 2001. According to le Figaro and the Guardian, the CIA's station chief in Dubai had visited Osama in the dialysis ward in July 2001. (Eyewitness Testimony, no facts so weak . . . . Just needs corroborative testimony from that CIA guy. But hey, everybody's kinda busy, right ?

Lots of info out there. Some of it is evidence. Some is gossip.

Anyway Carl, when you investigate something like a fire or a murder or a bank robbery of a kidnapping you gather what is called EVIDENCE.

Your are charged with the duty to assemble this evidence for the prosecution's case.

If you have gathered enough quality physical evidence the prosecutor will be able to PROOVE his case.

It is the prosecutor who proves the case NOT the evidence gatherers.

They gather evidence,

The JUDGE decides if the case has been PROVEN.

He may even cite evidence he sees as PROOF.

So, Carl ? No. You may like Dickwad Chenier for this but neither you nor anybody else can gather enough evidence so that the prosecutor will be able PROOVE his charges.

It's hard work

All that is no excuse whatsoever for you not to investigate.

Much easier to stage a bullshit attack on a bullshit bin Laden in a bullshit compound with bullshit media just slavering away to tell any bullshit story that floats the administrations boat.

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