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Thai film: Hitler ends up on cutting room floor

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A triumph of bigotry and prejudice, what's next guys? Setting Buddhist temples on fire for their worship of Nazi symbols?

So if someone offends a group of people being Israel/Jews in this instance and people speak out about it, then they are bigots. Those that are being offended should just simply shutup, smile and enjoy what is being thrown at them out of fear of being labelled a bigot.


A triumph of bigotry and prejudice, what's next guys? Setting Buddhist temples on fire for their worship of Nazi symbols?

So if someone offends a group of people being Israel/Jews in this instance and people speak out about it, then they are bigots. Those that are being offended should just simply shutup, smile and enjoy what is being thrown at them out of fear of being labelled a bigot.

No, they should instead of assuming they have been insulted, find out what it was actually shown and said in the film. Reacting based on prejudice regardless of facts is bigotry.

The film was not praising Hitler, it was not putting him in a positive light, it was not encouraging children to look up at him, it was doing exactly the opposite of all that.

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Nice one , I didn't want my kids watching that at school. Although the "How to be a responsible and obedient citizen in 12 steps" video is still going to be shown I take it

so if I understand it correctly, an army general is going to instruct the thai people on how to be responsible and obedient! says volumes about the thai army and their opinion fo the thai people.


A triumph of bigotry and prejudice, what's next guys? Setting Buddhist temples on fire for their worship of Nazi symbols?

So if someone offends a group of people being Israel/Jews in this instance and people speak out about it, then they are bigots. Those that are being offended should just simply shutup, smile and enjoy what is being thrown at them out of fear of being labelled a bigot.

I did not see anything in the article about jews, are you a jew hater? i think and it my personal opinion that you are an idiot who should go back where you came from which is probably germany! when i am offended i don't smile, i strike back!


"In the film, Hitler is not portrayed positively or admiringly," he said

Which he should be of course??? Right??

It is because all the people who don't speak Thai thought he was. Take a look at the posts in this thread. Most of the posters think Hitler was portrayed in a positive manner. He wasn't and anyone who speaks Thai and watched the video knows that but to no avail.

Are you going to finally shut up, you have repeated yourself over and over. It appears to me that you have an ego as big as the great warrior poorly running this country. Many of us can read write and speak Thai but have the intellect to see through this charade, apparently you don't.

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controversial scene had been edited out even before it was reported by the media earlier this week.

Rubbish it was withdrawn after. Back peddling with lies. Why not just say sorry, we were wrong and have fixed the problem?

Look at the massive loss of face if having to admit that something wrong wasn't spotted and stopped before it was made public and caused a reaction.

Of course the scene was edited out before the media were on it giggle.gif couldn't have happened any other way.

At least the problem is resolved. I don't really see that persuing the matter further would be helpful. Allow them to retreat with a modicum of dignity, you know how things work here.
If this Military Junta and the P.M had one ounce of diplomacy between them then they would be making a public apology to Israel and the Ambassador who made it publically known they were hurt and offended by Thailand.

Gee, what a pity you can't say "But, but, but Suthep!!!!! Must burn you & TSP up, that you can't say that (so very much) now.


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

That last full sentence above is comedy gold.



most thais are just ignorant whas happens outside of thailand

if the news is 2/3 about ONE item, than there is not much time for real news, is there ?


"In the film, Hitler is not portrayed positively or admiringly," he said

Which he should be of course??? Right??

It is because all the people who don't speak Thai thought he was. Take a look at the posts in this thread. Most of the posters think Hitler was portrayed in a positive manner. He wasn't and anyone who speaks Thai and watched the video knows that but to no avail.

Are you going to finally shut up, you have repeated yourself over and over. It appears to me that you have an ego as big as the great warrior poorly running this country. Many of us can read write and speak Thai but have the intellect to see through this charade, apparently you don't.

So YOU who can read and write Thai believe that the video was honoring Hitler or in some way stating that Hitler was good? Is that correct?


"In the film, Hitler is not portrayed positively or admiringly," he said.

The scene featured a proud boy completing a painting of Hitler and the Nazi swastika emblem. A friend of the artist is applauding him.

Because in Thailand applause means something completely different

  • Like 1

controversial scene had been edited out even before it was reported by the media earlier this week.

Rubbish it was withdrawn after. Back peddling with lies. Why not just say sorry, we were wrong and have fixed the problem?

Look at the massive loss of face if having to admit that something wrong wasn't spotted and stopped before it was made public and caused a reaction.

Of course the scene was edited out before the media were on it giggle.gif couldn't have happened any other way.

At least the problem is resolved. I don't really see that persuing the matter further would be helpful. Allow them to retreat with a modicum of dignity, you know how things work here.
If this Military Junta and the P.M had one ounce of diplomacy between them then they would be making a public apology to Israel and the Ambassador who made it publically known they were hurt and offended by Thailand.

Why? The video has no reference to Israel. There are actually other religions in Israel than just Judaism. It was a picture of Hitler used in away that reminds people NOT to be like him!

I would have thought Israel should be praising it, not

Disclaiming it!


controversial scene had been edited out even before it was reported by the media earlier this week.

Rubbish it was withdrawn after. Back peddling with lies. Why not just say sorry, we were wrong and have fixed the problem?

"Why not just say sorry, we were wrong and have fixed the problem?"

That is exactly what they have done, can't you read?


A triumph of bigotry and prejudice, what's next guys? Setting Buddhist temples on fire for their worship of Nazi symbols?

So if someone offends a group of people being Israel/Jews in this instance and people speak out about it, then they are bigots. Those that are being offended should just simply shutup, smile and enjoy what is being thrown at them out of fear of being labelled a bigot.

I did not see anything in the article about jews, are you a jew hater? i think and it my personal opinion that you are an idiot who should go back where you came from which is probably germany! when i am offended i don't smile, i strike back!

My apology I didn't mean to offend and no I don't hate Jews. When I mentioned Israel it was because Israel and the ambassador made it public that they were offended and it was my belief they were Jewish. Once again please accept my apologies for mentioning them. I was actually defending and supporting them.


"In the film, Hitler is not portrayed positively or admiringly," he said

Which he should be of course??? Right??

Are you being deliberately obtuse or do you really not understand what the words that you quoted mean?


"In the film, Hitler is not portrayed positively or admiringly," he said.

The scene featured a proud boy completing a painting of Hitler and the Nazi swastika emblem. A friend of the artist is applauding him.

Because in Thailand applause means something completely different

Did you listen to what was was being said at that time in the narration?


this seems to be the administration of guffs.

first it's loads of scares concerning foreign visitors' visas etc, then bikinis, leaks and guffs on the Koh Tao murders, impractical measures concerning boards of foreign companies, then inappropriate imagery in films that are meant to reflect the governments philosophies on life..........i'm sure people can think of many more......

However what all this does is give the impression that those in power simply aren't thinking things through - or they can't - time and again without a proper opposition or apparently professionals advice they are putting their foot in it and having to recant or cover up.....

  • Like 1

"In the film, Hitler is not portrayed positively or admiringly," he said.

The scene featured a proud boy completing a painting of Hitler and the Nazi swastika emblem. A friend of the artist is applauding him.

Because in Thailand applause means something completely different

Did you listen to what was was being said at that time in the narration?

What was being said? If it was in English, who did the translation?


this seems to be the administration of guffs.

first it's loads of scares concerning foreign visitors' visas etc, then bikinis, leaks and guffs on the Koh Tao murders, impractical measures concerning boards of foreign companies, then inappropriate imagery in films that are meant to reflect the governments philosophies on life..........i'm sure people can think of many more......

However what all this does is give the impression that those in power simply aren't thinking things through - or they can't - time and again without a proper opposition or apparently professionals advice they are putting their foot in it and having to recant or cover up.....

"films that are meant to reflect the governments philosophies on life"

That "philosophy" being that Hitler was a bad man, how outrageous!

HEY!, Pay attention!,they were not showing Hitler in a positive way, they were not showing children that paint his picture in a positive way, they were doing the exact opposite of that. Is it that hard to understand?

I mean, what's next? Denouncing Schindler's List as a Nazi propaganda film because there's Nazis in it?

  • Like 1

And again this press left out the details of the production company and director even though other sources did.


It is not opinion, but fact. So why not print the guilty persons and parties involved? Let the public know who they shouldn't be supporting in the future.


that 12 values thing that they program kids is such a BS, if i got kid I tell him ignore it, be open minded do what u feel, not what they want you to be, and obey them. My 1 value would be <deleted> them


"In the film, Hitler is not portrayed positively or admiringly," he said.

The scene featured a proud boy completing a painting of Hitler and the Nazi swastika emblem. A friend of the artist is applauding him.

Because in Thailand applause means something completely different

Did you listen to what was was being said at that time in the narration?

What was being said? If it was in English, who did the translation?

Sorry, not the narration, the directors commentary:

"[Hitler] is the character of this child," Kulp explained, referring to the protagonist in the short film: a spoiled, wealthy schoolboy who always gets his way. "He's always been 'number one,' and he's selfish."

"Hitler is also a 'number one,' in a bad way," Kulp continued. "He was good at persuading a lot of people, but he refused to listen to the majority. He was always arrogant. That's why the war happened."

That is what is portrayed in the film, the kid painting Hitler is not an endorsement of Hitler, is a critique on the beheaviour of the kid. Is it the best way to go about it? No, but it is not, by any means, a praise to Hitler or Nazism.


this seems to be the administration of guffs.

first it's loads of scares concerning foreign visitors' visas etc, then bikinis, leaks and guffs on the Koh Tao murders, impractical measures concerning boards of foreign companies, then inappropriate imagery in films that are meant to reflect the governments philosophies on life..........i'm sure people can think of many more......

However what all this does is give the impression that those in power simply aren't thinking things through - or they can't - time and again without a proper opposition or apparently professionals advice they are putting their foot in it and having to recant or cover up.....

"films that are meant to reflect the governments philosophies on life"

That "philosophy" being that Hitler was a bad man, how outrageous!

HEY!, Pay attention!,they were not showing Hitler in a positive way, they were not showing children that paint his picture in a positive way, they were doing the exact opposite of that. Is it that hard to understand?

I mean, what's next? Denouncing Schindler's List as a Nazi propaganda film because there's Nazis in it?

Not exactly - one has to bear in mind that any number of mis-en-scenes could have been used a that point in the movie and the inclusion of this imagery was the deliberate and unfortunate choice of the director/producer.

Anyone with a grasp of reality would know that Nazi imagery - especially that linked to children and education - would cause offence. Furthermore, this imagery and the point it was claimed to make is very likely to be lost on Thai school children at whom the film is aimed. ...... This is in a in a country where that imagery has already caused offence due to the apparent parochial attitudes to Nazi-ism and lack of any real history taught at schools,

It reflects badly on their argument, choice of imagery and portrays them as extremely naive.

Resorting to "Godwin's Law" is usually considered a sign of paucity of argument or that the argument has run out of steam.

at the end of the day it looks like the whole concept of the 12 tenets is flawed, it their portrayal even more so.....guff, guff, guff.


that 12 values thing that they program kids is such a BS, if i got kid I tell him ignore it, be open minded do what u feel, not what they want you to be, and obey them. My 1 value would be F*** them

After reading what you wrote on the other thread late last night, I doubt anyone cares about your values.


that 12 values thing that they program kids is such a BS, if i got kid I tell him ignore it, be open minded do what u feel, not what they want you to be, and obey them. My 1 value would be <deleted> them

one certainly has to wonder about a "temporary" or "interim" government that considers this to be worth promulgating at schools.......... When did they come up with this idea...if as they claim they didn't plan the coup a long time in in advance, but had to take over at short notice, when pray, did they find the time to come up with this idea?


And again this press left out the details of the production company and director even though other sources did.


It is not opinion, but fact. So why not print the guilty persons and parties involved? Let the public know who they shouldn't be supporting in the future.

you're joking ,right?


this seems to be the administration of guffs.

first it's loads of scares concerning foreign visitors' visas etc, then bikinis, leaks and guffs on the Koh Tao murders, impractical measures concerning boards of foreign companies, then inappropriate imagery in films that are meant to reflect the governments philosophies on life..........i'm sure people can think of many more......

However what all this does is give the impression that those in power simply aren't thinking things through - or they can't - time and again without a proper opposition or apparently professionals advice they are putting their foot in it and having to recant or cover up.....

"films that are meant to reflect the governments philosophies on life"

That "philosophy" being that Hitler was a bad man, how outrageous!

HEY!, Pay attention!,they were not showing Hitler in a positive way, they were not showing children that paint his picture in a positive way, they were doing the exact opposite of that. Is it that hard to understand?

I mean, what's next? Denouncing Schindler's List as a Nazi propaganda film because there's Nazis in it?

Not exactly - one has to bear in mind that any number of mis-en-scenes could have been used a that point in the movie and the inclusion of this imagery was the deliberate and unfortunate choice of the director/producer.

Anyone with a grasp of reality would know that Nazi imagery - especially that linked to children and education - would cause offence. Furthermore, this imagery and the point it was claimed to make is very likely to be lost on Thai school children at whom the film is aimed. ...... This is in a in a country where that imagery has already caused offence due to the apparent parochial attitudes to Nazi-ism and lack of any real history taught at schools,

It reflects badly on their argument, choice of imagery and portrays them as extremely naive.

Resorting to "Godwin's Law" is usually considered a sign of paucity of argument or that the argument has run out of steam.

at the end of the day it looks like the whole concept of the 12 tenets is flawed, it their portrayal even more so.....guff, guff, guff.

And again, that is what the film points at, the spoiled kid painting a picture of Hitler shows how spoiled and lacking in moral values he is at the beginning of the film.

Why was Hitler the choice?, my guess is because there have been notorious cases in Thailand of school children doing similar things as the kid in the film.

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That last full sentence above is comedy gold.

Yes. It would appear irony is completely lost on them.

Is there a Thai word for irony?

Almost certainly NOT. It implies a form of subtle considered cynicism.

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