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Israeli ambassador says he was deeply saddened over a Thai Value short film

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To me the point is that unlike in the west, the Jewish people in Thailand do not have the financial clout and

cannot keep foisting the holocaust guilt complex onto everybody that they have been so succesful at elsewhere.

Consequently Hitler just isn't a demonic figure to Thais

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To me the point is that unlike in the west, the Jewish people in Thailand do not have the financial clout and

cannot keep foisting the holocaust guilt complex onto everybody that they have been so succesful at elsewhere.

Consequently Hitler just isn't a demonic figure to Thais

spot on there...sir...


It is good to see Israel lecture the Thai people, while they have turned Gaza into another Warsaw. Just yesterday an unarmed Palestinian politician was murdered by Israeli police. Sounds like the Gestapo.

Hypocrisy as is.

Arab comes in confrontation with Jew - 'unarmed Palestinian politican'.

Arab comes in confrontation with USA/EU - 'islamic terrorist, murderer, rapist'.


Forgive their ignorance, I'm not sure the majority of Thais even have the slightest clue as to who Hitler was or what happened to Six million jews during WWII

Or what happened to the 54 million non jews who died as a result of WW2.


Oh really? The Israelis are deeply saddened over cartoons of hitler while the rest of the sane world are deeply disturbed by the actions of Israel towards Palestine and their genocidal ethnic cleansing ways. Bombing schools hospitals and blowing the brains of dangerous 4 year old terrorists playing on the beach from long distance.. A sad sad world indeed. Israel are the only nation that aren't threatened by IS, why is that? Maybe because they are training those Muslim maniacs to do the same thing hitler did, what a wonderful world!!!

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Back to the Palestinian government minister:

Dr. Hen Kugel, the Israeli doctor who took part in the autopsy, told Ynet that the report was not final and that they were awaiting on the return of some tests, however "we know what happend there – he died from a heart attack. He had significant blockage of the arteries and his heart was in bad shape. When they grabbed his neck it caused massive stress which led to bleeding and then full blockage which is what killed him."

"There is no disagreement with the Palestinians about this, the only thing we still need to find out about is wounding to his front teeth, tongue and windpipe. These could be a result of resuscitation attempts or an attack as the Palestinians claim, but it doesn’t matter, he died because of his heart and stress," Dr. Kugel said.

The deceased suffered from heart disease, and there was evidence that plaque buildup were clogging more than 80% of his blood vessels, as well as signs that he had suffered heart attacks in the past.

The IDF source stated that the issue is still under investigation, and that there is a need to question all soldiers involved in the incident.


should be more saddened by his country's persecution of Palestinians; something they can still make a difference and do something about- and saddened by his own misunderstanding of the film's portrayal. He needs to enroll in some Thai language courses.

Didn't realise there were so many loony lefties amongst the falang community. Good on you Mr Israeli Ambassador and your peace-loving, disciplined nation, stand firm against the murderers, past and present.


From the report I read the IDF didnt need to get involved , The protesters were planting trees on land that is about to be claimed by Israel


Oh really? The Israelis are deeply saddened over cartoons of hitler while the rest of the sane world are deeply disturbed by the actions of Israel towards Palestine and their genocidal ethnic cleansing ways. Bombing schools hospitals and blowing the brains of dangerous 4 year old terrorists playing on the beach from long distance.. A sad sad world indeed. Israel are the only nation that aren't threatened by IS, why is that? Maybe because they are training those Muslim maniacs to do the same thing hitler did, what a wonderful world!!!

What have you been smoking pal? Don't let the Thai coppers frisk you at the moment, they're having a blitz on the likes of you.


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Forgive their ignorance, I'm not sure the majority of Thais even have the slightest clue as to who Hitler was or what happened to Six million jews during WWII

Or what happened to the 54 million non jews who died as a result of WW2.

yes, I just used the example of the Jews who died in WW2 because the topic was swastika/Hitler related.....

The Ignorance of history is astounding here. When i asked me wife is she knew anything about Hitler she said it rang a bell but she wasn't sure....they don't even know their own damn history, why should we expect they know about the world

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This is a special film ordered by Thai Junta General Prime Minister Prayuth for the nation. Anyone who criticise this film, also imply that he/she criticize the nation and its leader.

Anyone criticize the 12 values should be arrested for re-education in the army camp, regardless if you are Thai, Burmese workers, Black African, White Farang.

. Spoken like a true facist. This only goes to show that really the choice of Hitler is not a mistake. We should not forget that Thailand was actually an enemy of allies during World War Two.

When a German guy accidental kills some Jews, they now blame Thai. How convenient.


He wrote “Hitler and the Nazi regime were responsible for a systemic, horrific and racist murder of 11 million people during the Holocaust.”

I thought the number usually trotted out was 6 million?


He wrote “Hitler and the Nazi regime were responsible for a systemic, horrific and racist murder of 11 million people during the Holocaust.”

I thought the number usually trotted out was 6 million?

Can't even jives the numbers.

And you call that fact?


Whatever your politics about the current situation in Gaza, the director is really an idiot. “He (Hitler) was good at persuading a lot of people, but he refused to listen to the majority.” The director talks about Hitler being a fashion trend. Oh boy.


This is a special film ordered by Thai Junta General Prime Minister Prayuth for the nation. Anyone who criticise this film, also imply that he/she criticize the nation and its leader.

Anyone criticize the 12 values should be arrested for re-education in the army camp, regardless if you are Thai, Burmese workers, Black African, White Farang.

. Spoken like a true facist. This only goes to show that really the choice of Hitler is not a mistake. We should not forget that Thailand was actually an enemy of allies during World War Two.

When a German guy accidental kills some Jews, they now blame Thai. How convenient.

Nobody is blaming the Thais for the Nazis planned, not accidental, mass extermination of Jews in Europe.

Nobody is criticising the 12 values.

What people are complaining about is the use of repugnant cartoon imagery which is obviously lost on the intended audience because they have absolutely no idea of the awful slaughter the Nazis perpetrated.


Wow! Look at yourself, please.

Yes, I mean the posters on this topic.

The numbers are split about 50/50.

I mean about 50% of Thai/Hitler/Nazi/Swastika apologists (under the cover of Israel being fascist).

And the other 50% of Thai/Hitler/Nazi/Swastika protesters (under the cover of the first 50% being antisemitic).

I admit being in the second half. But this is not the point I am trying to make.

The point is:

> you are just as bitterly and hopelessly divided on this issue like "uneducated" Thais;

> you never ever reach some semblance of understanding each other like "uneducated" Thais;

> you (and I mean both halves) have turned the OP discussion into a Judeo/Arabic relations discussion;

> and this happens always, with any OP, often without any reference to OP.

Returning to the OP, - it really does not matter what Israeli ambassador said about Thai film.

It really does not matter (at least to most of us, foreigners) which Thai Values this film promotes.

It really does not matter (at least to most of us) how these values are promoted.

We have seen Nazi salutes from Thai Uni graduates, we were served Hitler fried chicken and chips and our POW built the Kwai bridge.

It may be sad, deeply sad, annoying, laughable or infuriating but it really does not matter.

Because (let us face it) in the World Powers pecking order Thailand does not matter much.

What really matters is that whatever we are arguing about, whether we love it or hate it - we invariably start arguing about Israel!

What really matters is that despite our bickering Israel does exist! And it is strong and will get stronger!

My position is clear: for 101 reasons I am for Israel. Because I believe Israel is pulling all of us forward into the future. And I do not mean fruits and vegies.

Whilst Israel haters are pushing all of us back into the ugly past.

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This is a special film ordered by Thai Junta General Prime Minister Prayuth for the nation. Anyone who criticise this film, also imply that he/she criticize the nation and its leader.

Anyone criticize the 12 values should be arrested for re-education in the army camp, regardless if you are Thai, Burmese workers, Black African, White Farang.

. Spoken like a true facist. This only goes to show that really the choice of Hitler is not a mistake. We should not forget that Thailand was actually an enemy of allies during World War Two.

When a German guy accidental kills some Jews, they now blame Thai. How convenient.
Nobody is blaming the Thais for the Nazis planned, not accidental, mass extermination of Jews in Europe.

Nobody is criticising the 12 values.

What people are complaining about is the use of repugnant cartoon imagery which is obviously lost on the intended audience because they have absolutely no idea of the awful slaughter the Nazis perpetrated.

. Hitler accidentally killed a few Jews. No don't blame the Thais. Blame two small men from Myanmar.

It is good to see Israel lecture the Thai people, while they have turned Gaza into another Warsaw. Just yesterday an unarmed Palestinian politician was murdered by Israeli police. Sounds like the Gestapo.

Have to agree they lost my support years ago ( Israel)

Besides why Hitler is a fashion thing may stem from the symbol being a far older one before Hitler used it.

Thais don't care much about the war crimes committed

Ironically like those complaining these days either

Rubbish. If that were true then the swastika would not be angled in that way. And you wouldn't have Adolf Hitler in the foreground either. This is obviously NOT meant to considered in any other context other than Hitler and the Nazis. The ironic thing is the Nazis probably would have massacred the Thais if the had the chance.

  • Like 1

This is a special film ordered by Thai Junta General Prime Minister Prayuth for the nation. Anyone who criticise this film, also imply that he/she criticize the nation and its leader.

Anyone criticize the 12 values should be arrested for re-education in the army camp, regardless if you are Thai, Burmese workers, Black African, White Farang.

. Spoken like a true facist. This only goes to show that really the choice of Hitler is not a mistake. We should not forget that Thailand was actually an enemy of allies during World War Two.

When a German guy accidental kills some Jews, they now blame Thai. How convenient.
Didn't Thais serve in the German Army as concentration camp gaurds and in the SS?

I can think of a great Thai example for how to not treat your wife or conduct yourself as a short information film for students, if Israel did similar the Thai outrage would I expect be a little more hysterical than " im disappointed " whistling.gif

The Irony over Israel's actions and treatment of Palestinians whilst mentioning Hitlers atrocities however isnt lost on me.


This is a special film ordered by Thai Junta General Prime Minister Prayuth for the nation. Anyone who criticise this film, also imply that he/she criticize the nation and its leader.

Anyone criticize the 12 values should be arrested for re-education in the army camp, regardless if you are Thai, Burmese workers, Black African, White Farang.

. Spoken like a true facist. This only goes to show that really the choice of Hitler is not a mistake. We should not forget that Thailand was actually an enemy of allies during World War Two.

When a German guy accidental kills some Jews, they now blame Thai. How convenient.
Didn't Thais serve in the German Army as concentration camp gaurds and in the SS?

Yep. The P.M was a Military man of the highest order and would definitely of been well aware of Thais involvements with the Nazis and he definitely would have been well aware of Hitler and the things he did. He commissioned and approved the use of Hitler in the film. Hitler is taught as part of Military History and leadership. Definitely was in the Australian Army where we studied armies past and present around the world.



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Gen. Prayut’s Twelve Values, which he taught to the public in July, have already been rendered into a poem that students at public schools are required to memorise.

It took me a while to realize, but the man really is the greatest prankster of our time, perhaps of all time. He has the nation's children memorizing his poetry now! And he's managed to keep a straight face through the whole frickin' thing! Genius doesn't even begin to describe it...


It is good to see Israel lecture the Thai people, while they have turned Gaza into another Warsaw. Just yesterday an unarmed Palestinian politician was murdered by Israeli police. Sounds like the Gestapo.

Have to agree they lost my support years ago ( Israel)

Besides why Hitler is a fashion thing may stem from the symbol being a far older one before Hitler used it.

Thais don't care much about the war crimes committed

Ironically like those complaining these days either

Rubbish. If that were true then the swastika would not be angled in that way. And you wouldn't have Adolf Hitler in the foreground either. This is obviously NOT meant to considered in any other context other than Hitler and the Nazis. The ironic thing is the Nazis probably would have massacred the Thais if the had the chance.

That's right. Hitler was obsessed with racial purity. It has been written that his 'axis' with Japan was merely convienient for him (and for Japan). He had plans to wipe the Japanese out once he got world domination. Remember Hitler had a pact with Russia (over Poland) in the late 30s. But Hitler still wanted to take them over.

I think that's what Thais should be taught abut Hitler, Unless he was stopped by the Allies, he woud've waltzed into Thailand (perhaps kept a few slaves)

and wiped the lot of them out. All this 'never been colonised' crap and nonsense would've been out of the window. It would've been mass slaughter across Asia and Thailand would've suffered terribly, to the point of the Thai race being virtually eliminated.

That's Hitler, Thailand.

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He wrote Hitler and the Nazi regime were responsible for a systemic, horrific and racist murder of 11 million people during the Holocaust.

I thought the number usually trotted out was 6 million?

Nothing is trotted out.

Approximate figures are used to support the truth.

6 million Jews were murdered by the nazi regime and their willing accomplices.

11 million is the number of people in total who died in their concentration camps and other places of slaughter.

The Israeli ambassador is doing what many fail to do and acknowledging that the madness of nazi hatred (and those who suffered under it) was not just confined to those who followed the Jewish faith.

The numbers who died as a result of their bigotry, hatred and xenophobic approach to waging war is higher.

Considerably so.

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