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A Long Day At Immigration

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Did my first extension of stay yesterday at Laksi Immigration in Bangkok. Arrived at 9:05 am, got my number and waited around until my number was called at around 11:30.

Things I gave the officer:


Completed TM.7 form

Income affidavit from US Embassy

Photocopies of the following pages:

Identity page, original Visa (O-A), last entry stamp, first entry stamp, departure card (TM.6)

Proof of residence. In my case, a letter written in Thai from the condo where I rent

Fee of 1,900 Baht

While the officer was putting together all the paperwork she gave two forms to fill out. Something about acknowledging the overstay rules. She gave them to my girlfriend to fill out and I just signed them.

Then she passed me to another officer who stamped my passport and I am good until next year.

I also wanted to get a re-entry permit on my new extension of stay but when I got to the ticket counter it was time for lunch so I had to come back after 1pm. Even though there was a line formed, when the door opened everyone just rushed in. Pretty chaotic!

Got my number and waited. Although I had a high number the woman who was handling this process was very quick. She checked the paperwork and then gave me back my number and told me to wait until called again. So I waited, and waited, and waited... for about two hours until they gave me back my stamped passport with a new re-entry permit.

The whole process took over six hours, almost all of it waiting around twiddling my thumbs. Not sure if it was because it was Thursday, or it was the day after a holiday, but it was a tediously slow process.

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You would think that with all of the money generated from Immigration that they would speed-up the process and make it less of a hassle. God forbid they hire more staff and stagger the lunch breaks so that they don't have to close down for an hour and inconvenience everyone.

Edited by ubonjoe
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I had the same experience a month ago on a Wednesday. I got to Chaeng Wattana at 10:30 AM - got my queue number for the retirement extension but my number did not get called until after lunch. Then, I got a queue number for the multiple reentry permit about 1:30 pm - they processed my number quickly but it took antoher 2 1/2 hours to get my passport back.

As a result, I left Chaneg Wattana on the 166 bus to Victory Monuement just before 4:30 PM - it took 30 minutes just to get to the main street and the entire 15 km jouney took 2 1/2 hours -

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"...it was time for lunch so I had to come back after 1pm. Even though there was a line formed, when the door opened everyone just rushed in. Pretty chaotic!"

Happens every time. If you are no more than about 6 people away from the doors then by all means queue for presentational purposes. Otherwise, just loiter at a strategic distance and take your part in the dog eat dog mentality.

I always feel sorry for the ones making a huge long queue like that, but on the positive I understand it's part of their learning a lesson about living in Asia.

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You would think that with all of the money generated from Immigration that they would speed-up the process and make it less of a hassle. God forbid they hire more staff and stagger the lunch breaks so that they don't have to close down for an hour and inconvenience everyone.

Yea at the OLD immigration office, they NEVER closed for lunch.

Just rotated staff, not sure why they can not do this again at the new one.

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as if they cannot go eat in shift and keep open during lunch hour ... but hey, show the farangs who is boss

Whether they all go to lunch at the same time or not, you still have the same number of people processing the same number of applications. If they stagger the lunch breaks over three hours, that would be a reduced number of people processing over three hours.

"...but hey, show the farangs who is boss"

Another ridiculous example of farang imagining loss of face. Allowing everyone a midday break for lunch is hardly a power display. Maybe you feel inconvenienced because they go home at night too?

Same number of people BUT 1 MORE HOUR to process.

Have to be faster.

Go figure.

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I sympathise with you guys, I don't live in TL anymore, I'm close by, none of this sort of performance here.

As an aside, I took my then Thai wife to immigration in London circa 1989 to extend her temporary visa.

1) In the door at 8am, took a ticket.

2) 2.15pm, called forward to sign a document.

3) 5.25pm, called forward, given the passport with the visa. The lady at the counter did apologise profusely for the delay.

No cafeteria facilities, so we didn't eat lunch for fear of losing our place in the queue. Luckily we took water with us.

There were something like 30 windows in the office, I never saw more than 4 working at any one time. There were other foreigners there on their own, some who seemingly sat for hours not even realising they had to take a ticket. So it isn't just in TL, even the sophisticated UK couldn't get it right.

Back to TL, one of the reasons I eventually left was because I was tired of being jerked around year after year, several stamps before a visa was granted, even for a non-immigrant B to work. I had a legitimate job but was still made to feel like the alien they describe us as.

Life is much less stressful here, that said, one man's meat......

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Today (Dec 12/Friday) dropped in at Chiang Mai Immigration for the 90 Day Report dance. Went to the shed out back for the proper copies. Only had 500 baht, no change for the 6 baht sale, felt guilty, so had them take a set of unnecessary photos, as I was feeling particularly "hansum" today. I was pleased with the pictures, and will pass them out (signed!) to selected friends.

Went to the Info Counter for a number, got number 601, was told to come back at 1:30.

Showed up at 1:10. They were processing number 578. My number came up at 1:50. Stamped and out the door smiling by 1:55.

It was crowded, as usual, but not a record breaker. The mob was orderly and well behaved. As has been pointed out for years on these forums, the main impediment to efficiency at Immigration is farangs not understanding what is required for each particular type of transaction. When you show up with incorrect documents, it screws it up for everyone else down the line. Know before you go.

Best regards and Chok Dee to All.


Edited by Frank James
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This could turn into the Monty Python sketch about "luxury" and me living in a shoebox in the middle of the road, but honestly, you have it extremely easy, just try going to immigration at Chiang Mai, it is an absolute nightmare. Doing an extension in Chiang Mai is worse than crawling over fields of broken glass whilst being burned alive for 8 hours.

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Today pattaya immigration came there 13.00 for another year retirement and a reentry stamp

everything finish 13.40

More whining.......... Oh, my oh my, how much of your valuable drinking time was taken up....... I am dismayed.

KK my sentiments exactly. Who gives a s**t about how long you spend in immigration? You know you have to do it, you know the time taken varies depending on which side of the bed the IO got out of, just get on with it and stop bleating about it. Tomorrow is another day.

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Why don't you guys just use a visa company they do all the reporting for you. Ok it costs a few thousand baht a year extra but you have the piece of mind that everything has been done for you so you don't have to worry about forgetting to go to Immigration.

I've been using the same company for over 15 years never had a problem.

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Of course they could cut down on the queues by not having somebody like myself trooping up every year to present the same paperwork after being married for 14 years with a daughter they've seen grow up from a baby to a 10 year old. But they won't do that.....

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I am intrigued to know what you acknowledged wrt the overstay rules.

As far as I have heard the penalties have not been approved so are not being implemented.

Honestly, I did not pay much mind to it. She gave the papers to my girlfriend to fill out and spoke with her in Thai. She put my name, where I reside, my nationality, age, etc on the papers and I signed them without perusing them. The officer told me that theses papers had to be filled out and signed in front of the officer and could not be downloaded from the computer.

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I am intrigued to know what you acknowledged wrt the overstay rules.

As far as I have heard the penalties have not been approved so are not being implemented.

Honestly, I did not pay much mind to it. She gave the papers to my girlfriend to fill out and spoke with her in Thai. She put my name, where I reside, my nationality, age, etc on the papers and I signed them without perusing them. The officer told me that theses papers had to be filled out and signed in front of the officer and could not be downloaded from the computer.

Did you happen to notice if they were in Thai only?

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I still find it amazing that many of you seem to " moan " ( this is Thai Visa after all..... ) about how long you are waiting for in Immigration.Does it really matter how long it takes? some of these things you do once a year or every 90 days.From what i have seen many of you are hardly " in a rush with a busy schedule " and in fact will probably be doing " bugger all " ( inc myself may i add viewers..) anyway so why not just " sit back,relax and just go with the flow ..."

Some of you need to learn how to chill - i would thoroughly recommend for you to listen to " Buddha Bar chill out tunes "

Good Luck...

F.J wai2.gif

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I am intrigued to know what you acknowledged wrt the overstay rules.

As far as I have heard the penalties have not been approved so are not being implemented.

Honestly, I did not pay much mind to it. She gave the papers to my girlfriend to fill out and spoke with her in Thai. She put my name, where I reside, my nationality, age, etc on the papers and I signed them without perusing them. The officer told me that theses papers had to be filled out and signed in front of the officer and could not be downloaded from the computer.

Did you happen to notice if they were in Thai only?

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I still find it amazing that many of you seem to " moan " ( this is Thai Visa after all..... ) about how long you are waiting for in Immigration.Does it really matter how long it takes? some of these things you do once a year or every 90 days.From what i have seen many of you are hardly " in a rush with a busy schedule " and in fact will probably be doing " bugger all " ( inc myself may i add viewers..) anyway so why not just " sit back,relax and just go with the flow ..."

Some of you need to learn how to chill - i would thoroughly recommend for you to listen to " Buddha Bar chill out tunes "

Good Luck...

F.J wai2.gif

Yes It's probably a big day out for you. Do you mark it down in your calendar? Think of all the money you're saving. Free air-con and water.

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