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90 day report by mail - Is it me or?

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Today, there was a letter in the mailbox here at home, I immediately saw where it came from. I took it without opening it, to let wife open it! Braggingtime I guess! She read on the envelope and said, Khon Kaen !! Sure, I said .... She looked in it, and picked out the paper, and found out quickly, in spite of not being able to read nor write any english, that it was my 90 day report in return from Immigration in Khon Kaen... My first ever try to do this,,,,, success,,,,,, yippeeee!!! With me reporting this way by mail,l can save at least 10.000 baht for the 3 times I do report every year!!! So great.......,

But then I saw that the wifes facial expression change, and she became really sour, and she said - "this is not your papper, this is for " man from Yippon "(Japan For those of you who do not know) !! Huh, I said, I couldn´t really read, had my spectacles in my other room. Looked down below at the bottom of the page, there stood phone number, and I said to the wife, call, maybe the guy from Japan received my paper and I got his papers????? Shit......


She rang the japanese mans thai wife, who sounded like a really nasty superior lady, who didn´t care at all about nothing! Wife hang up and said, screw that one!!!, OK, I said, here you got the number to the Immigration Khon Kaen, call them and ask what we shall do in this case?

My wife called and quite quickly I was involved talking to 3 different nice Immigration ladies, and non of them could even note down my name correctly, because they did not know how to spell, then they do not understand at all that J can be Japan, R can be Russia ...A can be america and so on.... it was quite irritating actually! . I got to say my name like 7-8 times... And I know since many times before, that thai cant spell my name properly and therefore can not identify me at all....

I suggested to them all three, that they could get my passport number, so they could read my name themselves in their computer. But in true Thai-organized spirit, they all said NO thanks, This continued for a while, I than got tired of all this idioticy and asked: - "what do you want me to do, you have sent the Japanese man's papers to me?

Yes said the last lady I talked to, you can write a new application, and send here ??? OK, I got it. No problem ... - "OHH thank you miiister,, thank you", then was this nightmare to an end ... I calmed down by looking at a movie, and than I aimed to start to do all that work again with copying papers and printing and all that stuff

I took the whole pile of papers and started to sort them out before getting to it. I took the Japanese mans 90 day report first, placed it first on right handside.... up side down, and suddenly saw my own name appear bright and clear....... WHAT THE HELL......... There it was......There was my returned 90 day report from Khon Kaen immigration.... I turned the paper over again, and there was the japanese mans application as well..... THAN I UNDERSTAND WHAT HAVE HAPPENED......

In thru thai spirit they have re-used their copying paper in their copying-machine..... and my copy that was sent to me was printed on the backside of an old copy from this japanese man......

So here it comes,,, I am sorry immigration in Khon Kaen, I had bad thoughts about you.. I was so sad because this was my first time doing the 90 day report via mail and I was so happy to save me 3 trips to Khon Kaen each trip 250 kilometers...I than crashlanded.. But in the end you managed to give me my 90 day report like you should. So again, I am sorry for my bad thoughts......



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Goes to show how Khon Kaen immigration really values privacy and security of personal info.

There is a similar topic running on recycling paper at immigration reflecting this issue and it is not just Khon Kaen. Chiang Mai and other immigration offices do the same. Got my 90 day receipt via mail and on the other side was someone else's 90 day info.

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90 day by mail is not available in my area.

I would not use it if it were available.

I would not trust the Thai postal system with something that important!

Maybe it would be easier for you FIRSTLY to learn how this is being done, before you through it in the trash..

I have so far not having any doubts about the thai postal service.... fast actually!!! BUT there is one BUT, as soon as you have a package to be shipped you MUST do that register mail otherwise there is a fat chance of kissing that package goodbye.... But with ordinary mail/letters and registred packages no problem at all for me...


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doesnt immigration send you back the bottom half of the form that you send them yourself?

how can there be someone elses info on the other side?

i dont understand that


They are recycling documents to print on and often the document has someone's information on the back side. I've seen passports, 90 day report application, etc. on the backside of documents from immigration. In the case of my 90 day receipt, they computer printed it on recycled paper and not return the bottom half of my TM47. But yes, if they send your TM47 receipt that you supplied them then there wouldn't be anything on the back. Unless you recycled something. biggrin.png

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Just checked the latest 90-day confirmation slip I received (in double-quick time despite the holidays) in the post from Maptaput this past week. Since the reverse side is completely blank that particular office at any rate appear to dispose of their surplus paper in the proper manner - i.e. by shredding and then stuffing it into cushion covers for the comfort of their officers' bums in all likelihoodbiggrin.png

"I would not trust the Thai postal system with something that important!"

Give me Thailand Post over Royal Mail back in the UK any time!!

Edited by OJAS
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