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Chinese tourists, behave yourselves


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Chinese tourists, behave yourselves

China Daily
Asia News

BANGKOK: -- A woman passenger threw hot water over a flight attendant and, along with her three friends, created such a ruckus on board that an AirAsia flight to Nanjing was forced to return to Bangkok last Thursday night. One of the four even threatened to blow up the plane.

After the flight landed in Bangkok, the four were fined and made to pay compensation for the injuries they had caused to the flight attendant.

After eventually landing in Nanjing on Saturday, the four - two men and two women - reportedly refused to leave until the flight crew gave them a written testimony that whatever had been reported about their bad behaviour was false.

This reminds one of an ugly incident in 2012 when a brawl between two Chinese passengers onboard a Swiss flight forced it to return to base after flying for six hours. The two were arrested for disrupting order and threatening the safety of the flight.

Of course, such isolated incidents do not represent the Chinese people. But they do tarnish their image.

No matter how angry or hurt the four AirAsia passengers were, they had no right to behave the way they did. Every passenger on board a flight has to abide by rules and whatever the flight attendants say for the security of all passengers.

The ugly incident could have been avoided had the four abided by the rules and shown some respect for their fellow passengers. What was the woman thinking when she scalded the attendant with hot water? And were they aware that they were risking the security of the flight itself?

If they were not satisfied with the service of the flight attendant, they could have lodged a complaint against her. They could have even talked to the captain.

But no, they believed that behaving like barbarians would get them what they wanted, forgetting that civility demands that a fellow human being be treated as an equal.

Such uncivilised behaviour will not be accepted anywhere, let alone aboard a flight.

The four may be too wealthy to care about the money they paid in fines and compensation. But no amount of money can buy them back their lost reputation. Nor can money heal the harm they have caused to other Chinese tourists.

The incident should serve as a lesson not just for the four culprits, but also for all Chinese to behave properly to get respect.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/opinion/Chinese-tourists-behave-yourselves-30249885.html

-- The Nation 2014-12-16

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I'm not sure how the behaviour of 4 idiots is somehow supposed to reflect on their nation as a whole. The whole world is full of really stupid and often quite nasty people; this doesn't mean that you can start painting "anti-China" rhetoric on everything over an isolated incident.

God knows, I've lived in China and have some idea of how difficult the Chinese can be but this isn't typical or even close to typical Chinese behaviour and would be best ignored as an abberration.

This particular case , doesn't happen every day obviously. I lived in China for a few years myself and I find that they have very poor "Social skills" shall we call them. I was not lucky enough to be in Shanghai or Beijing , but Wuhan , X'ian , Changsha and a number of smaller towns, you know population 8 million those sort of little hamlets

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"The incident should serve as a lesson not just for the four culprits, but also for all Chinese to behave properly to get respect."

Why should they behave any differently than they are now? They are the ones who are doing it right. If you think Thainess is frustrating to experience, remember that it is just a cheap imitation of the original "Chineseness". They've been doing it longer and have perfected being obnoxious and omnipotent to an art. sad.png

Edited by jaltsc
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After eventually landing in Nanjing on Saturday, the four - two men and two women - reportedly refused to leave until the flight crew gave them a written testimony that whatever had been reported about their bad behaviour was false.

Just amazing...just amazing...these four folks must have unique personalities...would not want to be their neighbor.

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I'm not sure how the behaviour of 4 idiots is somehow supposed to reflect on their nation as a whole. The whole world is full of really stupid and often quite nasty people; this doesn't mean that you can start painting "anti-China" rhetoric on everything over an isolated incident.

God knows, I've lived in China and have some idea of how difficult the Chinese can be but this isn't typical or even close to typical Chinese behaviour and would be best ignored as an abberration.

This particular case , doesn't happen every day obviously. I lived in China for a few years myself and I find that they have very poor "Social skills" shall we call them. I was not lucky enough to be in Shanghai or Beijing , but Wuhan , X'ian , Changsha and a number of smaller towns, you know population 8 million those sort of little hamlets

As the Duke of Edinburgh famously said about China - 'absolutely ghastly'

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They would not have gotten a slap on the wrist when they got

back to China,like happened in Thailand,they should have had

the book thrown at them,if this had of happened in air space

over Western sky's they would have been arrested as terrorists.,

you cannot say you are going to blow a plane up,especially when

you are in it,

regards Worgeordie

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After eventually landing in Nanjing on Saturday, the four - two men and two women - reportedly refused to leave until the flight crew gave them a written testimony that whatever had been reported about their bad behaviour was false.

Just amazing...just amazing...these four folks must have unique personalities...would not want to be their neighbor.

I couldn't believe that either: it's not just the arrogance and lack of responsibility of it, it's the utter brainless stupidity in thinking such a thing is going to change anything after they've already turned a flight back, been fined and ejected from the country with international news broadcasters having covered the lot of it as well as YouTube clips of them in action.

These animals are actually criminals, the kind of criminals that behave the way they do due to low IQ, never mind low class, thus they make terrible decisions based on simple and mindless emotions. Like all criminals of this nature, they deserve to suffer so they can learn something about their own humanity.

One thing's for sure: this obnoxious, idiotic couple deserve each other. I reckon this will eventually cause them to break up and that can only be a good thing if it stops them from defecating more of their genes into this world.

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I'm not sure how the behaviour of 4 idiots is somehow supposed to reflect on their nation as a whole. The whole world is full of really stupid and often quite nasty people; this doesn't mean that you can start painting "anti-China" rhetoric on everything over an isolated incident.

God knows, I've lived in China and have some idea of how difficult the Chinese can be but this isn't typical or even close to typical Chinese behaviour and would be best ignored as an abberration.

I live in China as well, and find this behavior IS typical of many Chinese. They simply have no idea of their rude behavior. They have not had the education. Individually, the Chinese are very nice people, but their nature is very self centered probably due to cultural necessity.

These four people should be punished severely. Also the tour company should be fined or made to close.

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I'm not sure how the behaviour of 4 idiots is somehow supposed to reflect on their nation as a whole. The whole world is full of really stupid and often quite nasty people; this doesn't mean that you can start painting "anti-China" rhetoric on everything over an isolated incident.

God knows, I've lived in China and have some idea of how difficult the Chinese can be but this isn't typical or even close to typical Chinese behaviour and would be best ignored as an abberration.

I live in China as well, and find this behavior IS typical of many Chinese. They simply have no idea of their rude behavior. They have not had the education. Individually, the Chinese are very nice people, but their nature is very self centered probably due to cultural necessity.

These four people should be punished severely. Also the tour company should be fined or made to close.

Agree , I got out of there after 3 years when I started to cross the road like the Locals, ie Not looking. Difficult to explain the place unless you've lived there

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Behave yourself ! OK !! OK !! Don't work with uneducated idiots! We wish it would, try having a go at one of them in a restaurant when they have finished food and start spitting it everywhere. They know no diffrent !!

Unacceptable behavior in any country but still happens and nothing can stop it besides serious financial penalties and prison time after threatening to bomb a flight and assaulting a crew member. Their slap on the wrist fine will not be a deterrent and the every day Chinese tourist is not impacted and will not suffer loss of face. These thugs actually demanded a letter from the airline saying the accusations against them were false, and the airlines complied. WHY??? Sounds like the culprits held the airline company officials to their demands and got what they wanted. Prison time for the one who hurled the scalding water at the flight attendent would be justified....

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Wait so these 4 actually got what they wanted from the airline after landing back in China? Did the Chinese authorities pick them up and punish them or did they actually get away with a slap on the wrist?

Threatening to blow up a plane in most other parts of the workd would see you in the slammer!

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I was in Beijing last week and flew in and out on a major Chinese airline. both coming and going I was amazed by the behavior of the Chinese passengers. It was like musical chairs once we were in flight. Their normal talk sounds like yelling by our standards and there was a lot of that as many of them were standing in the isles yelling at each other. I was sitting in a isle seat and the man next to me had to get up every ten minutes to go talk to somebody. In time he asked me to move and I told him it would be up to stewardess. So he asked her and she was very embarrassed as she asked me if I would like another seat. I was happy to move but I ask for and got a window seat. From that point on it was just a show watching all the clowns do their thing.

In one case there was a middle aged couple with their 20 something year old son. The son demanded that his dad stand in the isle so he could lay down across the seats. The dad spent the better part of the five hour flight standing. The spoiled brat even loudly chewed out his dad for waking him up when the food came.

So this was two flights and in both cases the Chinese on board acted like children on a school bus trip.

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I'm not sure how the behaviour of 4 idiots is somehow supposed to reflect on their nation as a whole. The whole world is full of really stupid and often quite nasty people; this doesn't mean that you can start painting "anti-China" rhetoric on everything over an isolated incident.

God knows, I've lived in China and have some idea of how difficult the Chinese can be but this isn't typical or even close to typical Chinese behaviour and would be best ignored as an abberration.

Since you're not sure I'll help you along a bit.

The reason is its part of a pattern, not an isolated incident, just another one. Mainland Chinese tourists are seen and reported behaving poorly, far more so than any other nationality I am aware of, even factoring in the population size.

From stealing life vests and crockery on planes, to screaming and shouting and fighting, we hear the stories all the time. But even if there isn't a "scene", on every flight I've been on they tend to ruin the trip for other travelers because of talking and shouting extremely loudly and moving about the plane. Off the plane their behavior is often equally disgusting and inconsiderate and ill mannered, including spitting, shouting and causing disturbance of the peace wherever they go, to public defecation, to throwing tantrums, to pushing and shoving and cutting into queues.

And it doesn't stop there. They have a reputation for greed and dishonesty in business, those that are wealthy often display their wealth in the most vulgar fashion and we frequently learn that they have gained that wealth through either corruption or cheating.

Yes, yawn yawn yawn, I already know what your going to say...don't generalize...it's not all...well, we know not all, we know there are probably many who are decent and considerate, but the frequency of terrible behavior is prevalent enough that their image is now deservedly bad. If they want to improve their image, and I doubt they really care, then relying on idiot apologists won't get them far, because the only thing that will help is to start behaving decently and respectfully towards other nationalities and in other peoples countries.

Hope you get it now.

Thank you, I always enjoy being patronized by a racist ignoramus for breakfast. It's good to see the world through your own prejudiced lenses just so I can be thankful that no matter how much of a git I am today; I will still fall short of your own dramatic standards.

You may "hear stories all the time" but whilst there's no doubt that the Chinese are a bit rude by a Western yardstick; they are not particularly given to violent outbursts on planes and certainly not more so than any other nationality. You may be laying in wait to blame everything on Chinese people; the more rational of us tend to ask sensible questions like; "Which total plonker judges 1.3 billion people by the behaviour of 4 members of that group?" Sadly, I actually got an answer to that question. My condolences to you - life must be a wonderful place when you can see in ignorant black and white based on the occasional newspaper article.

Edited by TheSiemReaper
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