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Taliban 'kill 100' at Pakistan school


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Who are there weasels? What on earth did their mothers or fathers do to them, when they were growing up, that caused them to want to inflict pain and suffering on their fellow brethren? What kind of bent wiring do these cockroaches have in their heads? Why are they so easily brainwashed by the ridiculous, idiotic and completely ignorant mullahs? Why don't more of the governments speak out against these super freaks?

This has nothing to do with Islam. While I am not an apologist for the extremists, they are just murderous thugs, looking to pin some legitimacy on what they do. With ISIS they are just gang rapist thugs, who enjoy rape and murder, and grand larceny, and the only way to legitimize it, in their tiny minds is to claim it has something to do with religion. They do not know who God is. God does not know who they are. They know nothing of anything. Roaches have more intelligence and integrity.

Edited by spidermike007
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A show of stength and bravery, attacking a school full of kids. Of course they were doing the work of god, how could it be otherwise?

How can they expect ANYONE to support them when they do stuff like this? Do they expect the families of the dead kids to say "yes, now we understand, and we give our support and respect" ? Hey Mr Obama, how is something like this handled in terms of the Geneva Convention?

The worst thing that happened to Pakistan was the creation of Pakistan. There's no protecting these people from themselves, all we can do is look on in disgust.

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Just to set the record straight, this morning in the car, the BBC news reported that the Afghani Talaban has sent condolences to the families of the children killed. They said that the killing of innocent women and children is wrong.

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Just to set the record straight, this morning in the car, the BBC news reported that the Afghani Talaban has sent condolences to the families of the children killed. They said that the killing of innocent women and children is wrong.

There was something on TV a year or two back, the USA does not trust Pakistan, as they believe that they are in bed with the Afghan Taliban. 2 separate groups.

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My heart weeps

I'll save the Islamist Taqiyya apologists some time and list the usual excuses:

1 These were not the actions of a true muslim

2 The Americans made them do it

3 islam is a peacful religion ipso facto these are not the actions of a true follower

4 The Israelis made them do it

5 The majority of muslims are peaceful

6 and one of the latest "I'll not accept this has anything to do with islam until someone in authority tells me it is"

I'm sure I missed a few but most will by now be familiar with the usual dhimmi excuses

You certainly know how to be offensive, I would like to know why us British have been excluded from your list?

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Just to set the record straight, this morning in the car, the BBC news reported that the Afghani Talaban has sent condolences to the families of the children killed. They said that the killing of innocent women and children is wrong.

This from the same Afghan Taliban who publically executed, mutilated, and tortured people in Kabul's soccer stadium and who continue to stone people to death and execute them in the most brutal ways possible. What? No more Buddhist statues to dynamite to bits?

Proves the point....Talk is cheap.

Actions speak louder.

Photos are self evident.

Let's raise the BS flag on this one. 1zgarz5.gif

They do not police themselves. The green light is on, world wide..for this stuff to continue.

Just watch and learn.

Edited by slipperylobster
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My heart weeps

I'll save the Islamist Taqiyya apologists some time and list the usual excuses:

1 These were not the actions of a true muslim

2 The Americans made them do it

3 islam is a peacful religion ipso facto these are not the actions of a true follower

4 The Israelis made them do it

5 The majority of muslims are peaceful

6 and one of the latest "I'll not accept this has anything to do with islam until someone in authority tells me it is"

I'm sure I missed a few but most will by now be familiar with the usual dhimmi excuses

Don't forget, "He was on drugs" or "He is crazy", nothing to do with his nutty rants on the Internet about Islam and killing infidels.

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Just to set the record straight, this morning in the car, the BBC news reported that the Afghani Talaban has sent condolences to the families of the children killed. They said that the killing of innocent women and children is wrong.

There is only 1 Taliban.

Split into different Echelons.

The toll of " Innocent woman and children " that have died in Afghanistan, makes these comments unbelievably crass.

RIP children. I hope wherever you end up, it is a better place than the one you have just left..

Edited by JockPieandBeans
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Pakistan has usually been reluctant to go after the Taliban in the northern Pakistan territories that conduct attacks on U.S. and coalition troops in Afghanistan. It has been trying to befriend and use the Taliban to extend Pakistan’s sphere of influence into Afghanistan to counter India’s regional political influence after the US withdrawal.

Just last month Pakistan accused the USA of sabotaging peace talks with the Taliban with its drone strikes. One strike of which killed Hakimullah Mehsud, the leader of the Pakistani Taliban. Pakistanis have protested, “There can be no peace unless drones are stopped.”

So how are those peace talks going, especially since Pakistan’s recent attacks against the Taliban? Well, at least the 141 killed in this Taliban attack can rest in peace. Maybe it’s time for Pakistan to support the drone program more vigorously.

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And this time it's muslim on muslim, nice. They have no boundaries.

This sounds right out of a Charles Bronson movie but I think It'll get to the point where citizens will have to take this into their own hands as we're getting creamed out there playing by the rules.

I'm not an NRA type but man, it is getting to the point where many will fight along their side.

Edited by Friendly Stranger
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Just to set the record straight, this morning in the car, the BBC news reported that the Afghani Talaban has sent condolences to the families of the children killed. They said that the killing of innocent women and children is wrong.

This from the same Afghan Taliban who publically executed, mutilated, and tortured people in Kabul's soccer stadium and who continue to stone people to death and execute them in the most brutal ways possible. What? No more Buddhist statues to dynamite to bits?

Proves the point....Talk is cheap.

Actions speak louder.

Photos are self evident.

Let's raise the BS flag on this one. 1zgarz5.gif

They do not police themselves. The green light is on, world wide..for this stuff to continue.

Just watch and learn.

This is not a popular stance that I'm going to make but remember that movie the seige with Denzel Washington appro 1998. I think certain parts of the world are getting to this point where this will not be fiction. This is going to happen every Fux'n day and it does not matter who they kill.

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The death toll at this hour is 141.

Teachers and other staff members total 9, while there are 132 students, mostly aged from 12-16 years of age.

Another 122 have been injured, many of them seriously.

This is more than a political or financial fight. It is murder on a grand scale and all done in the name of Islam.

Color it like it is.

It's almost as if they don't know who they're fighting.

But don't you worry guys the world will say this is all the fault of the: Americans/Israel/Jews/West/Capitalism/Pornography/feminism/Hollywood/freedom/whitey/Dallas Cowboys/color green....

I know, starting to sound silly.

Let me quote this line from the terminator movie that sums up these vermin:

"Listen, and understand. That Jihadist are out there. It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until we are all dead"

No, I'm not a doomsday type, just my opinion what is and may/will happen.

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I'm absolutely horrified like everyone else.

I'm also angry (maybe illogically) by all the recent western moralistic news reports of the 'horrible' CIA using extreme torture methods on suspected Taliban detainee's over several years.

I'm a Brit. We didn't have 9/11 but we did have 6/6. I've always tried to be fairly liberal in my views but this murder of 150+ kids and teachers has finally convinced me that anything that weeds out and eliminates these cowardly 'Muslim's' is justified.

I would also like to see some demonstrations in major cities by ordinary Muslims condemning this act and saying 'not in my name'. I bet that will not happen though.

What a world we live in. crying.gif.pagespeed.ce.kh9vLpJQkUs49400

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This is the West's fault.

They Taliban launched this attack hours after that girl got awarded the Nobel peace price. Think about that for a second. The West have made a martyr out of her.

I think when you make a martyr you have to kill them which is something the Taliban attempted before she got the Nobel Prize.

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I'm absolutely horrified like everyone else.

I'm also angry (maybe illogically) by all the recent western moralistic news reports of the 'horrible' CIA using extreme torture methods on suspected Taliban detainee's over several years.

I'm a Brit. We didn't have 9/11 but we did have 6/6. I've always tried to be fairly liberal in my views but this murder of 150+ kids and teachers has finally convinced me that anything that weeds out and eliminates these cowardly 'Muslim's' is justified.

I would also like to see some demonstrations in major cities by ordinary Muslims condemning this act and saying 'not in my name'. I bet that will not happen though.

What a world we live in. crying.gif.pagespeed.ce.kh9vLpJQkUs49400

I missed 6/6 I do remember 7/7

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Soon someone will say "Nothing to do with I......"

Well I could have been waiting a bit longer but I'll be the first to say:

Nothing to do with Islam.

If I read the BBC's article correctly, it said:

A Taliban spokesman told BBC Urdu that the school, which is run by the

army, had been targeted in response to army operations.

Hundreds of Taliban fighters are thought to have died in a recent military

offensive in North Waziristan and the nearby Khyber area

So in my eyes, it's politically motivated. Not martyrs but militants.

There are plenty of places around the world where Christians kill

Christians, Muslims kill Muslims, Muslims kill Christians and the other

​way round without religious reasons but political and economic reasons.

Why are these events never about islam

9/11, 7/7, Boston, Sydney, Rotherham, Lee Rigby etc, etc?

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At least 80 kids killed by the scum of the earth!

And yet the Muslims still do nothing about it only talk, there is enough good Muslims in the world why don't they sort their own out, instead of turning their back on it in fear, there for allowing them selves to be bullied all the time

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