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NCPO to report its achievements


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Obviously a genuine attempt to consider reform covers many aspects.In the case of the Thai army institutional and pervasive corruption is one of them - though I agree not necessarily the most important of a whole range of abuses.

But don't worry it will never happen.Honest reform of the Thai army is off limits.Heavens to Betsy such a radical approach might even come up with the ridiculous idea that the prime purpose of any army is to protect the country from foreign threats.And that would never do.

It would be just as outrageous as the proposal that the police force should be politically independent and be here to serve and protect the citizens, without fear or favor.

Er, correct.But that police reform requirement is being actively followed up on by the current government.The other equally necessary reform is simply being ignored.

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Well, hasn't this thread got outta hand! On a general point, which I think addresses many of the he said, she said posts; In general there is a strata of Thai society, which includes, Thaksin, Abhisit, Suthep and much of the current 'administration' which have historically been the ruling elite. The people recognize that none of them aspire to power primarily for the good of the people, but as a way of lining their own pockets. Ask any Thaksin supporter and they will tell you he's a crook, but he unlike a lot of the other crooks he actually treated them with some respect. It's more of a internecine family feud that goes on amongst them, with the people as the cannon fodder

How any of them acquired their wealth is highly speculative (this isn't a Western democracy, certainly without anything close to investigative journalists) so you can bicker back and forth between yourselves but ultimately you will never know the truth, especially since if truth is out there it's hidden deep in layers of corruption and the threat of defamation or LM. Many government/military employees seem to be extremely wealthy through marriage to extremely rich wives...will someone tell me where to find one of those?

As for the actual topic, well history will write the history of the accomplishments of this current junta in the fullness of time. However given the number of 'practice' coups that have occurred in the past 30 years I sincerely hoping they are updating the 'How To Stage A Coup' textbooks at the military academy, since it clearly hasn't been working so far

Nail on the head. Excellent post.

Previous coups never fixed anything just who else was benefitting at the top. Thaksin is also a huge crook but galvanized the poor. If any of the ardent coup defenders in here think the current administration's finances are all good and above board they are deluded. People from both sides are too blinded by hate to see that they're all as bad as each other.

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unelected clowns

But not as destructive to the country so far, as the outcome of governance under the last several governments of elected clowns. A fair person would have to say they have not had long to do much. After 3 or 5 years a fairer comparison would be possible. Right now you are just cherry picking. Which they can do in all forms up in the North.

3-5 years seems a reasonable amount of time for the Army Government to be effective and get their job done.

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unelected clowns

But not as destructive to the country so far, as the outcome of governance under the last several governments of elected clowns. A fair person would have to say they have not had long to do much. After 3 or 5 years a fairer comparison would be possible. Right now you are just cherry picking. Which they can do in all forms up in the North.

3-5 years seems a reasonable amount of time for the Army Government to be effective and get their job done.

The army has had the best part of 80 years and caused nothing but problems. This current bunch will be lucky to make it through 2015 and if they do survive that long they will certainly be dead ducks in the first 6 months of 2016. The only question remaining is whether or not they will murder hundreds of their own citizens in the streets as they have done so many time before on the way out the door.

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