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Jeb Bush to explore White House bid


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"Madam President"....get used to it....

There is a TV movie by that name, but it will not happen in real life for the next 6 years unless Condi Rice decides to run.

Condoleezza Rice was the one who as national security adviser went on tv during the buildup of WMD lies for the Iraq invasion saying we can't afford to wait until we see a "mushroom cloud" as proof Saddam had nuclear Weapons of Mass Destruction.

That was a lie and Condoleezza knew it was a lie when she said it and continues today to know it was a lie. Condoleezza Rice was central to George Bush and his Dick Cheney's Words of Mass Deception.

She's not running for president nor is she in the running for president nor could she have the remotest possibility of being any kind of successful candidate for president, so why does anyone speak of her as some sort of potential president of the United States. It's as if Rice's blurting out of a Hugely Big Lie places her among the Republican party mentionables because that would be her only qualification.

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His grandfather helped provide seed capital for the third reich, while working for a Wall Street outfit that he was a partner in. His father was one of the biggest drug dealers of his day, the original Pablo Escobar, while running the CIA. It was his idea to run heroin back to the states, and fill American streets with heroine addicts, in order to fund clandestine CIA operations. It was a huge success, and operation Air America made billions. Jr. sold the Texas Ranges a few years after getting the taxpayers of Arlington, Texas to agree to a huge bond offering, to finance the new stadium, under the false promise that the team would not be moved within ten years. It was moved four years later. As president, he got us involved in a long and protracted war that cost over a trillion dollars, by real accounts, and convinced congress to pass a law that allowed him to run both the Iraq and Afghan wars totally off the books. Nobody knows the true cost of those wars. Is the world a safer place now, as a result of the loss of trillions of dollars, thousands of American lives, and at least 200,000 Iraqi lives? I would argue not.

Oh, and did mention the loss of the Golden Harp of Samaria, that was lost along with thousands of other priceless objects, when he refused to protect the most significant museum in the history of the Middle East, during the invasion? Yes, Jeb comes from a family with quite a legacy. I do not think his election would be a good idea. The possibility that he is not a thieving, conniving, lying, insincere fool, like the rest of his family is very low.

Edited by spidermike007
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Please tell me about Mrs. Clinton's qualifications for President of USA. Is she qualified? What has she done as Senator and Secretary of State? Did she not let a US Ambassador die in the sands on North Africa while watching from a live (and armed) drone cam feed? I believe her assessment of that situation was, "What difference does it make?"

I'm sure you will use strawman arguments about how Bush Jr. and Sr. were also unqualified but that is purely deflecting relevant criticism from your candidate.

SJWs try to use White Guilt, White Man's Duty, Race Trolling, First Black or First Woman President arguments to justify the election of unqualified dynastic candidates to the highest positions of power in the United States while refusing to acknowledge that their lack of know-how and credential will weaken the country that all of us have to share whether liberal or tea party and everything in between.

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Please tell me about Mrs. Clinton's qualifications for President of USA. Is she qualified? What has she done as Senator and Secretary of State? Did she not let a US Ambassador die in the sands on North Africa while watching from a live (and armed) drone cam feed? I believe her assessment of that situation was, "What difference does it make?"

I'm sure you will use strawman arguments about how Bush Jr. and Sr. were also unqualified but that is purely deflecting relevant criticism from your candidate.

SJWs try to use White Guilt, White Man's Duty, Race Trolling, First Black or First Woman President arguments to justify the election of unqualified dynastic candidates to the highest positions of power in the United States while refusing to acknowledge that their lack of know-how and credential will weaken the country that all of us have to share whether liberal or tea party and everything in between.

Hillarys husband, President Clinton oversaw the 2nd best period of economic expansion is US history and not only balanced the budget, he left office with a surplus.

Jeb Bushs brother in the White House oversaw economic disaster and left office trillions in debt.

If these two are the final choice. who would you vote for?

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Please tell me about Mrs. Clinton's qualifications for President of USA. Is she qualified? What has she done as Senator and Secretary of State? Did she not let a US Ambassador die in the sands on North Africa while watching from a live (and armed) drone cam feed? I believe her assessment of that situation was, "What difference does it make?"

I'm sure you will use strawman arguments about how Bush Jr. and Sr. were also unqualified but that is purely deflecting relevant criticism from your candidate.

SJWs try to use White Guilt, White Man's Duty, Race Trolling, First Black or First Woman President arguments to justify the election of unqualified dynastic candidates to the highest positions of power in the United States while refusing to acknowledge that their lack of know-how and credential will weaken the country that all of us have to share whether liberal or tea party and everything in between.

SJW is the air travel code for Shijiaz-Huang City and its airport in the PRChina, just as BKK is the air travel code for Bangkok and Swampy. Shijiaz-Huang City is the capital of Hebei province and home of Hebei Airlines so you can changeover there to fly on to Benghazi to complete your investigative work Godwilling.


Sandwiches anyone....tea...coffee....

Edited by Publicus
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Please tell me about Mrs. Clinton's qualifications for President of USA. Is she qualified? What has she done as Senator and Secretary of State? Did she not let a US Ambassador die in the sands on North Africa while watching from a live (and armed) drone cam feed? I believe her assessment of that situation was, "What difference does it make?"

I'm sure you will use strawman arguments about how Bush Jr. and Sr. were also unqualified but that is purely deflecting relevant criticism from your candidate.

SJWs try to use White Guilt, White Man's Duty, Race Trolling, First Black or First Woman President arguments to justify the election of unqualified dynastic candidates to the highest positions of power in the United States while refusing to acknowledge that their lack of know-how and credential will weaken the country that all of us have to share whether liberal or tea party and everything in between.

Hillarys husband, President Clinton oversaw the 2nd best period of economic expansion is US history and not only balanced the budget, he left office with a surplus.

Jeb Bushs brother in the White House oversaw economic disaster and left office trillions in debt.

If these two are the final choice. who would you vote for?

Hi Carl,

I'll be sure to vote for Mrs. Clinton so that I can get Mr. Clinton back in the White House.

It makes complete sense. I voted for mayoral candidate back home because his wife made great apple pie. We shouldn't consider the merits of the candidate themselves, rather all the baggage they bring with them.

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Please tell me about Mrs. Clinton's qualifications for President of USA. Is she qualified? What has she done as Senator and Secretary of State? Did she not let a US Ambassador die in the sands on North Africa while watching from a live (and armed) drone cam feed? I believe her assessment of that situation was, "What difference does it make?"

I'm sure you will use strawman arguments about how Bush Jr. and Sr. were also unqualified but that is purely deflecting relevant criticism from your candidate.

SJWs try to use White Guilt, White Man's Duty, Race Trolling, First Black or First Woman President arguments to justify the election of unqualified dynastic candidates to the highest positions of power in the United States while refusing to acknowledge that their lack of know-how and credential will weaken the country that all of us have to share whether liberal or tea party and everything in between.

SJW is the air travel code for Shijiaz-Huang City and its airport in the PRChina, just as BKK is the air travel code for Bangkok and Swampy. Shijiaz-Huang City is the capital of Hebei province and home of Hebei Airlines so you can changeover there to fly on to Benghazi to complete your investigative work Godwilling.


Sandwiches anyone....tea...coffee....


Thanks for info. I was thinking about heading to Benghazi to investigate but when I read a State Dept. travel warning about spontaneous protests occurring over YouTube video uploads with less than 1,000 views, I reconsidered.

I'm really glad they are on top of all that. If Mrs. Clinton can steer the entire nation the same way she valiantly led things over at the State Department before her abrupt departure, it will be a smooth eight years ahead.

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. It's as if Rice's blurting out of a Hugely Big Lie places her among the Republican party mentionables because that would be her only qualification.

Which Rice are you referring to?

Condi or...Susan of Benghazi fame?

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Please tell me about Mrs. Clinton's qualifications for President of USA. Is she qualified? What has she done as Senator and Secretary of State? Did she not let a US Ambassador die in the sands on North Africa while watching from a live (and armed) drone cam feed? I believe her assessment of that situation was, "What difference does it make?"

I'm sure you will use strawman arguments about how Bush Jr. and Sr. were also unqualified but that is purely deflecting relevant criticism from your candidate.

SJWs try to use White Guilt, White Man's Duty, Race Trolling, First Black or First Woman President arguments to justify the election of unqualified dynastic candidates to the highest positions of power in the United States while refusing to acknowledge that their lack of know-how and credential will weaken the country that all of us have to share whether liberal or tea party and everything in between.

Hillarys husband, President Clinton oversaw the 2nd best period of economic expansion is US history and not only balanced the budget, he left office with a surplus.

Jeb Bushs brother in the White House oversaw economic disaster and left office trillions in debt.

If these two are the final choice. who would you vote for?

Clinton leaving the office in anything but disgrace was a result of having a Republican led House of Representatives and Senate during the last six of his eight years in office.

He had to compromise or go home. He compromised

George Bush had no such luxury.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh, jeez.

ROMNEY is running again.

That changes everything.

Increases the chances for an extremist like Cruz or Paul to be nominated.

Romney moves to reassemble campaign team for ‘almost certain’ 2016 bid
Romney’s message, as he told one senior Republican, was that he “almost certainly will” make what would be his third bid for the White House. His aggressive outreach came as Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) — Romney’s 2012 vice presidential running mate and the newly installed chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee — announced Monday that he would not seek the presidency in 2016.


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The more the merrier.

With Romney not in the race, Bush had been the 5-2 favorite for the R party nomination, and Willard had been at 12-1, Willard being his first name that he never uses or even initials -- Willard Mitt Romney being his full name.

Now we'll see what changes because every reliable survey of all Republican voters has had Willard ahead of Bush and everyone else by a country mile, as much as ten points ahead of Jeb Bush in almost every scientific survey poll.

Hopefully now this means the Rs will nominate Ted Cruz of the tinny sounding voice.

Up to now.....

Chrisite 6-1

Rubio 6-1

Rand Paul 7-1

Paul Ryan (not running) 7-1

Cruz 12-1

Walker (gov WI) 12-1

Huck 16-1

Rick Perry 20-1

Santorum 25-1

John Kasich (gov OH) 25-1

John Huntsman 33-1

Sarah 50-1

Ben Carson 100-1

I'm not a betting man myself and of course TVF Rules prohibit any betting around in these parts....this is from the news very recently and is FYI as fellow politicos.

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