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Samui's The Peak Project Hit By Land Concerns

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Samui's The Peak project hit by land concerns

The Peak, a Bt20-billion luxury residential project on Koh Samui, is being adversely affected following public concern that part of the land might have been illegally transferred and encroaches on forest areas.

"Twenty buyers of a total of 70 who agreed to buy land allocated during the project's first phase are now asking the company for refunds of their deposits," said Boon Vanasin, a major shareholder of Rajthanee Realty Co Ltd, developer of the project.

"The refunds could damage the company's estimated sales of up to Bt182 million."

The Peak is on 451 rai in the northern area of Koh Samui and the project is broken down into three or four phases. The plans include a spa complex on the top area of the site, as well as detached houses.

In the past few months the company has been promoting the first phase in overseas markets, especially Hong Kong and the United Kingdom. Pre-sales of 70 plots of leasehold land covering 23 rai have been offered. Samui Property Solution Co Ltd was assigned as the project's sale agent.

Boon said since the company launched pre-sales of land leases, they had been fully booked. Each plot of 300 square wah costs about Bt9.1 million, of which Bt2.77 million is required as a deposit. The completed houses with land will cost about Bt20 million to Bt30 million each.

The Peak has been a hot topic for a month since it was revealed that it might be encroaching on certain areas. It is also said that the land has slopes of more than 35 per cent, that some parts tap the forest area, and some titles were issued illegally.

Part of the project's land that encroaches on forest might be expropriated, an issue exercising the Land Department and the Royal Forestry Department.

Property tycoon Boon said yesterday the total project development would cover 600 rai. Of that, 451 rai is held by Rajthanee Realty and the rest by Great Hills International Co Ltd. He owns a majority stake in both firms along with other Thai partners.

The project is planned for development over the next five years and is worth Bt20 billion. Besides the housing project, there will be two hotels on a nearby site.

He said the firms had acquired all 600 rai since last year, comprising 120 rai from the Legal Execution Department and the remaining land from individual owners.

"I insist that all plots of land the companies bought are legal because they were issued with land ownership papers before 1980," said Boon, adding that it was impossible that the two firms would make any effort to encourage officials to issue the land titles.

He said it was, however, possible that the land acquired and the land shown in the papers differed in size because of variations in methods of land measurement. He said the landowners had also reported holding smaller areas in order to pay lower fees.

Explaining the slope issue, Boon said he had already developed a luxury housing project with a gradient of more than 35 per cent. "Therefore, this matter should not be significant", he said.

Boon said the land causing the problem was on uphill areas, covering 38 rai, which the company had bought from Chusri Somwang. A court had recently ruled that the land was owned by someone else. In this case, he said, the company would wait and see what policy the Royal Forestry Department applied.

If the land is considered part of forest areas, he said, the company would accept that, "but we will file a law suit against the Land Department because the title was issued legally by the department. It had a land ownership paper".

Boon is also a director of Piyavate Hospital and owner of other hospitals in Bangkok, including Thonburi I and Thonburi II.

Sasithorn Ongdee

The Nation 11/08/06

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Samui's The Peak project hit by land concerns

The Peak, a Bt20-billion luxury residential project on Koh Samui, is being adversely affected following public concern that part of the land might have been illegally transferred and encroaches on forest areas.

"Twenty buyers of a total of 70 who agreed to buy land allocated during the project's first phase are now asking the company for refunds of their deposits," said Boon Vanasin, a major shareholder of Rajthanee Realty Co Ltd, developer of the project.

"The refunds could damage the company's estimated sales of up to Bt182 million."

The Peak is on 451 rai in the northern area of Koh Samui and the project is broken down into three or four phases. The plans include a spa complex on the top area of the site, as well as detached houses.

In the past few months the company has been promoting the first phase in overseas markets, especially Hong Kong and the United Kingdom. Pre-sales of 70 plots of leasehold land covering 23 rai have been offered. Samui Property Solution Co Ltd was assigned as the project's sale agent.

Boon said since the company launched pre-sales of land leases, they had been fully booked. Each plot of 300 square wah costs about Bt9.1 million, of which Bt2.77 million is required as a deposit. The completed houses with land will cost about Bt20 million to Bt30 million each.

The Peak has been a hot topic for a month since it was revealed that it might be encroaching on certain areas. It is also said that the land has slopes of more than 35 per cent, that some parts tap the forest area, and some titles were issued illegally.

Part of the project's land that encroaches on forest might be expropriated, an issue exercising the Land Department and the Royal Forestry Department.

Property tycoon Boon said yesterday the total project development would cover 600 rai. Of that, 451 rai is held by Rajthanee Realty and the rest by Great Hills International Co Ltd. He owns a majority stake in both firms along with other Thai partners.

The project is planned for development over the next five years and is worth Bt20 billion. Besides the housing project, there will be two hotels on a nearby site.

He said the firms had acquired all 600 rai since last year, comprising 120 rai from the Legal Execution Department and the remaining land from individual owners.

"I insist that all plots of land the companies bought are legal because they were issued with land ownership papers before 1980," said Boon, adding that it was impossible that the two firms would make any effort to encourage officials to issue the land titles.

He said it was, however, possible that the land acquired and the land shown in the papers differed in size because of variations in methods of land measurement. He said the landowners had also reported holding smaller areas in order to pay lower fees.

Explaining the slope issue, Boon said he had already developed a luxury housing project with a gradient of more than 35 per cent. "Therefore, this matter should not be significant", he said.

Boon said the land causing the problem was on uphill areas, covering 38 rai, which the company had bought from Chusri Somwang. A court had recently ruled that the land was owned by someone else. In this case, he said, the company would wait and see what policy the Royal Forestry Department applied.

If the land is considered part of forest areas, he said, the company would accept that, "but we will file a law suit against the Land Department because the title was issued legally by the department. It had a land ownership paper".

Boon is also a director of Piyavate Hospital and owner of other hospitals in Bangkok, including Thonburi I and Thonburi II.

Sasithorn Ongdee

The Nation 11/08/06

This project is the most obscene thing I have ever witnessed on Samui. When I saw the magazine ad and the pictures of it, I almost vomited. I'm so happy someone is stepping in to shut down these people down. Samui Estate Corporation has an equally disgusting project planned for the Chaweng hills covering 400 rai. Someone needs to stop that project as well, as I'm sure it's illegal.

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lets read this carefully!!!!!

Samui's The Peak project hit by land concerns

The Peak, a Bt20-billion luxury residential project on Koh Samui, is being adversely affected following public concern that part of the land might have been illegally transferred and encroaches on forest areas.

maybe because the public reads that 2 land officers have been reposted and that the DPI is in samui going over the history of every land trnasaction.

"Twenty buyers of a total of 70 who agreed to buy land allocated during the project's first phase are now asking the company for refunds of their deposits," said Boon Vanasin, a major shareholder of Rajthanee Realty Co Ltd, developer of the project.

And those are probebly FARNGS who acording to thai law can not realy own land!!!

"The refunds could damage the company's estimated sales of up to Bt182 million."

The Peak is on 451 rai in the northern area of Koh Samui and the project is broken down into three or four phases. The plans include a spa complex on the top area of the site, as well as detached houses.

which requires a land development approval and an enviromental study as well as an aproval from the Tae Saban as it develops a project of more thewn 9 plots!!

In the past few months the company has been promoting the first phase in overseas markets, especially Hong Kong and the United Kingdom. Pre-sales of 70 plots of leasehold land covering 23 rai have been offered. Samui Property Solution Co Ltd was assigned as the project's sale agent.

Over seas??? how can they be selling land to Farrangs is trhat legal???

so they are basicly aproving that they break the law.

Boon said since the company launched pre-sales of land leases, they had been fully booked. Each plot of 300 square wah costs about Bt9.1 million, of which Bt2.77 million is required as a deposit. The completed houses with land will cost about Bt20 million to Bt30 million each.

YEH RIGHT!!! a 20 million house on a lease??? and who exactly will go for that?? every beginer on the island knows a farrang is interseted only in free hold.

The Peak has been a hot topic for a month since it was revealed that it might be encroaching on certain areas. It is also said that the land has slopes of more than 35 per cent, that some parts tap the forest area, and some titles were issued illegally.

Part of the project's land that encroaches on forest might be expropriated, an issue exercising the Land Department and the Royal Forestry Department.

Property tycoon Boon said yesterday the total project development would cover 600 rai. Of that, 451 rai is held by Rajthanee Realty and the rest by Great Hills International Co Ltd. He owns a majority stake in both firms along with other Thai partners.

and along with somew farrangs and so many other people who claim tro be apart of this grand project.

The project is planned for development over the next five years and is worth Bt20 billion. Besides the housing project, there will be two hotels on a nearby site.

He said the firms had acquired all 600 rai since last year, comprising 120 rai from the Legal Execution Department and the remaining land from individual owners.

"I insist that all plots of land the companies bought are legal because they were issued with land ownership papers before 1980," said Boon, adding that it was impossible that the two firms would make any effort to encourage officials to issue the land titles.

He said it was, however, possible that the land acquired and the land shown in the papers differed in size because of variations in methods of land measurement. He said the landowners had also reported holding smaller areas in order to pay lower fees.

so the previous land owners have reported smaller plots to pay less tax and they bought it with out any problems.

Explaining the slope issue, Boon said he had already developed a luxury housing project with a gradient of more than 35 per cent. "Therefore, this matter should not be significant", he said.

Boon said the land causing the problem was on uphill areas, covering 38 rai, which the company had bought from Chusri Somwang. A court had recently ruled that the land was owned by someone else. In this case, he said, the company would wait and see what policy the Royal Forestry Department applied.

If the land is considered part of forest areas, he said, the company would accept that, "but we will file a law suit against the Land Department because the title was issued legally by the department. It had a land ownership paper"A multi million company is waiting for the forest department decision instead of taking them to court and sue for damages.

Boon is also a director of Piyavate Hospital and owner of other hospitals in Bangkok, including Thonburi I and Thonburi II.

Sasithorn Ongdee

The Nation 11/08/06

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Samui's The Peak project hit by land concerns

The Peak, a Bt20-billion luxury residential project on Koh Samui, is being adversely affected following public concern that part of the land might have been illegally transferred and encroaches on forest areas.

"Twenty buyers of a total of 70 who agreed to buy land allocated during the project's first phase are now asking the company for refunds of their deposits," said Boon Vanasin, a major shareholder of Rajthanee Realty Co Ltd, developer of the project.

"The refunds could damage the company's estimated sales of up to Bt182 million."

The Peak is on 451 rai in the northern area of Koh Samui and the project is broken down into three or four phases. The plans include a spa complex on the top area of the site, as well as detached houses.

In the past few months the company has been promoting the first phase in overseas markets, especially Hong Kong and the United Kingdom. Pre-sales of 70 plots of leasehold land covering 23 rai have been offered. Samui Property Solution Co Ltd was assigned as the project's sale agent.

Boon said since the company launched pre-sales of land leases, they had been fully booked. Each plot of 300 square wah costs about Bt9.1 million, of which Bt2.77 million is required as a deposit. The completed houses with land will cost about Bt20 million to Bt30 million each.

The Peak has been a hot topic for a month since it was revealed that it might be encroaching on certain areas. It is also said that the land has slopes of more than 35 per cent, that some parts tap the forest area, and some titles were issued illegally.

Part of the project's land that encroaches on forest might be expropriated, an issue exercising the Land Department and the Royal Forestry Department.

Property tycoon Boon said yesterday the total project development would cover 600 rai. Of that, 451 rai is held by Rajthanee Realty and the rest by Great Hills International Co Ltd. He owns a majority stake in both firms along with other Thai partners.

The project is planned for development over the next five years and is worth Bt20 billion. Besides the housing project, there will be two hotels on a nearby site.

He said the firms had acquired all 600 rai since last year, comprising 120 rai from the Legal Execution Department and the remaining land from individual owners.

"I insist that all plots of land the companies bought are legal because they were issued with land ownership papers before 1980," said Boon, adding that it was impossible that the two firms would make any effort to encourage officials to issue the land titles.

He said it was, however, possible that the land acquired and the land shown in the papers differed in size because of variations in methods of land measurement. He said the landowners had also reported holding smaller areas in order to pay lower fees.

Explaining the slope issue, Boon said he had already developed a luxury housing project with a gradient of more than 35 per cent. "Therefore, this matter should not be significant", he said.

Boon said the land causing the problem was on uphill areas, covering 38 rai, which the company had bought from Chusri Somwang. A court had recently ruled that the land was owned by someone else. In this case, he said, the company would wait and see what policy the Royal Forestry Department applied.

If the land is considered part of forest areas, he said, the company would accept that, "but we will file a law suit against the Land Department because the title was issued legally by the department. It had a land ownership paper".

Boon is also a director of Piyavate Hospital and owner of other hospitals in Bangkok, including Thonburi I and Thonburi II.

Sasithorn Ongdee

The Nation 11/08/06

This project is the most obscene thing I have ever witnessed on Samui. When I saw the magazine ad and the pictures of it, I almost vomited. I'm so happy someone is stepping in to shut down these people down. Samui Estate Corporation has an equally disgusting project planned for the Chaweng hills covering 400 rai. Someone needs to stop that project as well, as I'm sure it's illegal.

Complete tripe...

Vomitted ??

Are you sure ??

I suppose International Schools, high standards of living, water parks for the young to enjoy, employment for local people & the like are obviously completely against what your beliefs are then Steve ???

& please enlighten me Mr qualified Lawyer, on what grounds are you so " sure " that the S.E. Project is illegal ???

Steve, if i don't know anything about a subject, i generally keep my mouth shut to save myself the embaressment..

I suggest you stick to worrying about where your next Khao Pad Moo is going to come from & let people like qualified Lawyers etc worry about these kind of things ... :o

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Roberto Naranja, exactly <deleted> does The Peak project have to do with any of the things you're talking about? You have the audacity to suggest that this is some sort of altruistic, public works project? What a twit. You mentioned tripe, well you've got it in spades, pal, if you expect us to buy that line of horse-sh.t. No, my misbegotten friend, The Peak is a for-profit development that will ruin the visual aesthetic of that part of Samui. It's fairly obvious to me you have some vested interest in this project. Anyone else wouldn't have posted such lame comments.

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Well Roberto Naranja, you did join the forum 4 days after this thread (and the post about S.E. Project) was started. Now there is nothing wrong with being connected to either of them, especially if you are in a position to set the record straight so to speak. All you need to do is state what your connection is so that your views can be put into context.

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Roberto Naranja, exactly <deleted> does The Peak project have to do with any of the things you're talking about? You have the audacity to suggest that this is some sort of altruistic, public works project? What a twit. You mentioned tripe, well you've got it in spades, pal, if you expect us to buy that line of horse-sh.t. No, my misbegotten friend, The Peak is a for-profit development that will ruin the visual aesthetic of that part of Samui. It's fairly obvious to me you have some vested interest in this project. Anyone else wouldn't have posted such lame comments.

Adding to all this, what in the hel_l is going to happen to the hillsides when all the forestry is stripped bare and the seasonal rain comes pouring down the 38 degree exposed gradient.......................Bye bye Chaweng and anything else down below. This must be stopped or beautiful Samui will be no more. Meanwhile the poor ole farang with a Thai wife who just wants to own half a rai to make their home is not allowed.

If this is the thing that is going to happen , then the size of land portions to developers should be controlled in some way. I guess that the officials will still get their "cut" somehow.

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Roberto Naranja, exactly <deleted> does The Peak project have to do with any of the things you're talking about? You have the audacity to suggest that this is some sort of altruistic, public works project? What a twit. You mentioned tripe, well you've got it in spades, pal, if you expect us to buy that line of horse-sh.t. No, my misbegotten friend, The Peak is a for-profit development that will ruin the visual aesthetic of that part of Samui. It's fairly obvious to me you have some vested interest in this project. Anyone else wouldn't have posted such lame comments.

Adding to all this, what in the hel_l is going to happen to the hillsides when all the forestry is stripped bare and the seasonal rain comes pouring down the 38 degree exposed gradient.......................Bye bye Chaweng and anything else down below. This must be stopped or beautiful Samui will be no more. Meanwhile the poor ole farang with a Thai wife who just wants to own half a rai to make their home is not allowed.

If this is the thing that is going to happen , then the size of land portions to developers should be controlled in some way. I guess that the officials will still get their "cut" somehow.

Well, you see, Mr Naranjo is not interested in trivial matters like land erosion, forest clearing, and future infra-structure problems. Those matters would stand in the way of a larger, empirical truth, which is profit. He will try to beguile you with all the "good" he will do for the local economy, but in the end, it's profit. He's just another cheap real estate hustler. Been there, seen it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Roberto Naranja, exactly <deleted> does The Peak project have to do with any of the things you're talking about? You have the audacity to suggest that this is some sort of altruistic, public works project? What a twit. You mentioned tripe, well you've got it in spades, pal, if you expect us to buy that line of horse-sh.t. No, my misbegotten friend, The Peak is a for-profit development that will ruin the visual aesthetic of that part of Samui. It's fairly obvious to me you have some vested interest in this project. Anyone else wouldn't have posted such lame comments.

I wasn't surprised by your reply Steve...

I didn't think you'd answer my questions if i'm honest...

<deleted> has The Peak got to do with what i wrote ??

Well, the Developers want to put International Schools etc etc like i mentioned..

Is that enough for you ??

For the record, all Developments are for profit Steve but at least some, like The Peak, are trying give back a little bit to the local community unlike a lot of other Developments...

Also, i have no interest whatsoever in the Peak but i've just had enough of Hilda Ogden's like you poking your nose in & giving your views on things you simply know <deleted> all about....

Now have a nice day now !!! :o

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Actually I know a few of the people who have been involved with helping with this project and the people hired are extremely well qualified.

Personally i'm not a fan of these big projects, but that doesn't make them wrong if done in the right way. Plenty of people in samui have been ripped of by locals with dodgy land titles, I expect thats whats happened here. Well I guess they will have to loose any land that isn't properly titled, but I hope they can put that behind them and make the rest of the project a success.

The land has been cleared and a road (a decent one at that) has been built, hopefully this gets up and running before it does the property market in samui any more damage.

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Roberto Naranja, exactly <deleted> does The Peak project have to do with any of the things you're talking about? You have the audacity to suggest that this is some sort of altruistic, public works project? What a twit. You mentioned tripe, well you've got it in spades, pal, if you expect us to buy that line of horse-sh.t. No, my misbegotten friend, The Peak is a for-profit development that will ruin the visual aesthetic of that part of Samui. It's fairly obvious to me you have some vested interest in this project. Anyone else wouldn't have posted such lame comments.

I wasn't surprised by your reply Steve...

I didn't think you'd answer my questions if i'm honest...

<deleted> has The Peak got to do with what i wrote ??

Well, the Developers want to put International Schools etc etc like i mentioned..

Is that enough for you ??

For the record, all Developments are for profit Steve but at least some, like The Peak, are trying give back a little bit to the local community unlike a lot of other Developments...

Also, i have no interest whatsoever in the Peak but i've just had enough of Hilda Ogden's like you poking your nose in & giving your views on things you simply know <deleted> all about....

Now have a nice day now !!! :o

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Roberto Naranja, exactly <deleted> does The Peak project have to do with any of the things you're talking about? You have the audacity to suggest that this is some sort of altruistic, public works project? What a twit. You mentioned tripe, well you've got it in spades, pal, if you expect us to buy that line of horse-sh.t. No, my misbegotten friend, The Peak is a for-profit development that will ruin the visual aesthetic of that part of Samui. It's fairly obvious to me you have some vested interest in this project. Anyone else wouldn't have posted such lame comments.

I wasn't surprised by your reply Steve...

I didn't think you'd answer my questions if i'm honest...

<deleted> has The Peak got to do with what i wrote ??

Well, the Developers want to put International Schools etc etc like i mentioned..

Is that enough for you ??

For the record, all Developments are for profit Steve but at least some, like The Peak, are trying give back a little bit to the local community unlike a lot of other Developments...

Also, i have no interest whatsoever in the Peak but i've just had enough of Hilda Ogden's like you poking your nose in & giving your views on things you simply know <deleted> all about....

Now have a nice day now !!! :o

Nor am I surprised by your answer, Mr. Naranaja. I'm sure in the all the glossy, "feel-good" brochures, all the slick advertisements, the developers will tell you about the good things they will do. I am sure the developers "want" to put in international schools, but in the end, they won't. Are you a complete rube ? A moron? What day did you fall off the turnip truck? At the end of the day, when all of the profits are made, they made provide a small school for their rich investor-owners, certainly not for the locals. They will not provide employment for the local economy in terms of construction, they will hire Burmese illegals. They will not hire locals for on-going management, it will be handled be farangs, with perhaps a local girl, more than likely, in a junior position, to handle liason and local translation. I'm making a public offer, Mr Naranja. I'm offering to pay for part of the surgery to remove your head from your ass.

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There is one something I wanted to add to my comment last night, Mr. Naranja. Why is it that someone who claims no association to The Peak project has such an intimate knowledge as to the goals of it's developers? Please answer directly, Mr. Naranja, not that cheap little dance you did in your last post.

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Roberto Naranja, exactly <deleted> does The Peak project have to do with any of the things you're talking about? You have the audacity to suggest that this is some sort of altruistic, public works project? What a twit. You mentioned tripe, well you've got it in spades, pal, if you expect us to buy that line of horse-sh.t. No, my misbegotten friend, The Peak is a for-profit development that will ruin the visual aesthetic of that part of Samui. It's fairly obvious to me you have some vested interest in this project. Anyone else wouldn't have posted such lame comments.

I wasn't surprised by your reply Steve...

I didn't think you'd answer my questions if i'm honest...

<deleted> has The Peak got to do with what i wrote ??

Well, the Developers want to put International Schools etc etc like i mentioned..

Is that enough for you ??

For the record, all Developments are for profit Steve but at least some, like The Peak, are trying give back a little bit to the local community unlike a lot of other Developments...

Also, i have no interest whatsoever in the Peak but i've just had enough of Hilda Ogden's like you poking your nose in & giving your views on things you simply know <deleted> all about....

Now have a nice day now !!! :o

Nor am I surprised by your answer, Mr. Naranaja. I'm sure in the all the glossy, "feel-good" brochures, all the slick advertisements, the developers will tell you about the good things they will do. I am sure the developers "want" to put in international schools, but in the end, they won't. Are you a complete rube ? A moron? What day did you fall off the turnip truck? At the end of the day, when all of the profits are made, they made provide a small school for their rich investor-owners, certainly not for the locals. They will not provide employment for the local economy in terms of construction, they will hire Burmese illegals. They will not hire locals for on-going management, it will be handled be farangs, with perhaps a local girl, more than likely, in a junior position, to handle liason and local translation. I'm making a public offer, Mr Naranja. I'm offering to pay for part of the surgery to remove your head from your ass.

After reading this Stevieff it seems that you may have more knowledge of what is going to happen

with the peak than anyone, including Naranja.

Lets just wait and see what happens with it all!

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Update from Bangkok Post Sep. 3;

"Peak project holds 179 rai of illegal land

Allegations scare away potential clients

By Kultida Samabuddhi & Supaphong Chaolan

The Natural Resources and Environment Ministry's inquiry into the Koh Samui land scam has found that land rights documents issued for 179 rai of land under the multi-billion-baht The Peak project were illegally issued.

The panel, chaired by deputy chief of the Forestry Department Thanee Viriyarattanaporn, last month proposed that the Land Department revoke land ownership documents issued for five plots covering a total of 114 rai on Khao Dang mountain-top.

But the panel concluded on Thursday that another two Nor Sor 3 Kor land rights papers, Nos 4842 and 4843, and issued for around 65 rai on the same mountain, should also be annulled.

The investigators found that the land rights documents were a duplication of the Sor Kor 1 land occupation papers, which had been issued for other land plots, Mr Thanee said yesterday. Moreover, part of the 64-rai land is located in a prime forest area with slopes inclination of more than 35, which by law cannot be privately owned, said the head of the investigation panel.

The panel has found the evidence needed to prove that land ownership documents for 179 of the 451 rai of land acquired by The Peak developer was unlawfully issued.

However, they found nothing wrong with the land rights papers issued for the remaining 272 rai, said Mr Thanee.

He also implicated land officials in the illegal issuance of land rights documents. He urged the Land Department to go ahead with the nullification of the land rights documents to prevent The Peak developer from continuing construction work, which the panel fears would damage the island's ecological system. The project comprises luxury housing estates for lease, two five-star hotels and a spa complex.

Noppadon Pattama, assistant to caretaker Natural Resources and Environment Minister Yongyuth Tiyapairat, said the minister would forward the results of the investigation to the Land Department chief within the next few days.

''After revocation of the documents, the ministry will take legal action against the project developer for forest encroachment,'' Mr Noppadon said, adding that the problematic land plot would be declared a protected forest zone.

Boon Vanasin, chairman of the Rajthanee Group, co-developer of the project, was not available for comment yesterday. However, he told a press conference last month that land rights documents for all 451 rai were legally issued.

Dr Boon threatened to take legal action against land officials if the rights to land acquired by the company on Koh Samui are revoked. He said alleged irregularities surrounding the project had scared away potential customers, particularly those from the United Kingdom and Hong Kong.

''Allegations of illegal land acquisition and forest encroachment have caused losses of nearly 182 million baht. More than 20 clients have also cancelled the 30-year lease agreements,'' he said."

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My, my, my. It should be obvious now, even to the most obtuse, i.e. Naranja, that the people who run The Peak are crooks. Not only would they destroy the eco-system and the visual aesthetic of that area, they have to steal the legacy of the local people, their land, in order to do so.

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Interesting to se that The Peak is now also attracting the Thai News channels and is on TV with a negative slant to it.

Good to know for the owners of The Peak or certain people mentioned in connection with The Peak, that Thai police will start a search for them in a week from now, as mentioned on Thai TV.

One can't stop laughing about this and wonder.

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A friend of mine has had to give photo copies of his land title to the drivers of the JCB's and bulldozers clearing his land at the drivers request. Appaerently officials are using helicopters to spot land being cleared and send officers to check straight away. One quick call to the land office using the nunber of the title deed and they can tell if the land clearance is OK or in any way suspect.

unusually efficient for Samui, wonder who's footing the bill for the helicopter fuel .

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I don't think they'll have to look long for Boon Vanasin, probably having lunch with Thaksin as we speak. Maybe Roberto Naranja will be there as well, licking their ass and cleaning their dishes.

Maybe yeah !!!! :o

Know nothing Mug !!!!

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I don't think they'll have to look long for Boon Vanasin, probably having lunch with Thaksin as we speak. Maybe Roberto Naranja will be there as well, licking their ass and cleaning their dishes.

Maybe yeah !!!! :o

Know nothing Mug !!!!

My, what an articulate response. When you're capable of writing an intelligent counter-point to my comment, come see me. Punk.

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Roberto Naranja, exactly <deleted> does The Peak project have to do with any of the things you're talking about? You have the audacity to suggest that this is some sort of altruistic, public works project? What a twit. You mentioned tripe, well you've got it in spades, pal, if you expect us to buy that line of horse-sh.t. No, my misbegotten friend, The Peak is a for-profit development that will ruin the visual aesthetic of that part of Samui. It's fairly obvious to me you have some vested interest in this project. Anyone else wouldn't have posted such lame comments.

I wasn't surprised by your reply Steve...

I didn't think you'd answer my questions if i'm honest...

<deleted> has The Peak got to do with what i wrote ??

Well, the Developers want to put International Schools etc etc like i mentioned..

Is that enough for you ??

For the record, all Developments are for profit Steve but at least some, like The Peak, are trying give back a little bit to the local community unlike a lot of other Developments...

Also, i have no interest whatsoever in the Peak but i've just had enough of Hilda Ogden's like you poking your nose in & giving your views on things you simply know <deleted> all about....

Now have a nice day now !!! :o

Nor am I surprised by your answer, Mr. Naranaja. I'm sure in the all the glossy, "feel-good" brochures, all the slick advertisements, the developers will tell you about the good things they will do. I am sure the developers "want" to put in international schools, but in the end, they won't. Are you a complete rube ? A moron? What day did you fall off the turnip truck? At the end of the day, when all of the profits are made, they made provide a small school for their rich investor-owners, certainly not for the locals. They will not provide employment for the local economy in terms of construction, they will hire Burmese illegals. They will not hire locals for on-going management, it will be handled be farangs, with perhaps a local girl, more than likely, in a junior position, to handle liason and local translation. I'm making a public offer, Mr Naranja. I'm offering to pay for part of the surgery to remove your head from your ass.

After reading this Stevieff it seems that you may have more knowledge of what is going to happen

with the peak than anyone, including Naranja.

Lets just wait and see what happens with it all!

Hahaha thank you Noodles....

Mr Steve, you can sure as hel_l ( i take it you're from the USA so i just wanted to make you feel as though you're not in danger behind your Computer and make you feel comfortable ) attempt to move my head from my arse...

But i bet you a whooping 20 Baht that you won't come & find me in Lamai to carry out your initial threat of Assault ????

You know, if you wanted to find me, you relly could, but you won't, because you don't want to !!!

As far as lunch with Thaksin goes, let me know where you live & i'll post the leftovers for you to chew on !!! :D

Now have a nice day y'all !!!

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My, my, my. It should be obvious now, even to the most obtuse, i.e. Naranja, that the people who run The Peak are crooks. Not only would they destroy the eco-system and the visual aesthetic of that area, they have to steal the legacy of the local people, their land, in order to do so.

Wow, i've just noticed another 3 posts that youmenion me Steve !!

I feel honoured !!

I think you might secrely fancy me ???

Anyway to answer your questions as honestly as possible ( i rpomise i won't dance around it too ), i, as i've said on numerous occasions, have no direct interest in the Project whatsoever..

I do though have a Friend that does & he relays informaion to me when we have nothing else to talk about ( i do't really give a <deleted> about it as much as you seem to Steve ) ....

So that's me !!

What about you Steve ??

As you're so extremely well informed of what they will & will not do on The Peak, can you let us all know what you actually do for the local people if anything with regards to all the points that you know are correct that The Peak Developers won't do for the local people ??

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Samui's The Peak project hit by land concerns

The Peak, a Bt20-billion luxury residential project on Koh Samui, is being adversely affected following public concern that part of the land might have been illegally transferred and encroaches on forest areas.

"Twenty buyers of a total of 70 who agreed to buy land allocated during the project's first phase are now asking the company for refunds of their deposits," said Boon Vanasin, a major shareholder of Rajthanee Realty Co Ltd, developer of the project.

"The refunds could damage the company's estimated sales of up to Bt182 million."

The Peak is on 451 rai in the northern area of Koh Samui and the project is broken down into three or four phases. The plans include a spa complex on the top area of the site, as well as detached houses.

In the past few months the company has been promoting the first phase in overseas markets, especially Hong Kong and the United Kingdom. Pre-sales of 70 plots of leasehold land covering 23 rai have been offered. Samui Property Solution Co Ltd was assigned as the project's sale agent.

Boon said since the company launched pre-sales of land leases, they had been fully booked. Each plot of 300 square wah costs about Bt9.1 million, of which Bt2.77 million is required as a deposit. The completed houses with land will cost about Bt20 million to Bt30 million each.

The Peak has been a hot topic for a month since it was revealed that it might be encroaching on certain areas. It is also said that the land has slopes of more than 35 per cent, that some parts tap the forest area, and some titles were issued illegally.

Part of the project's land that encroaches on forest might be expropriated, an issue exercising the Land Department and the Royal Forestry Department.

Property tycoon Boon said yesterday the total project development would cover 600 rai. Of that, 451 rai is held by Rajthanee Realty and the rest by Great Hills International Co Ltd. He owns a majority stake in both firms along with other Thai partners.

The project is planned for development over the next five years and is worth Bt20 billion. Besides the housing project, there will be two hotels on a nearby site.

He said the firms had acquired all 600 rai since last year, comprising 120 rai from the Legal Execution Department and the remaining land from individual owners.

"I insist that all plots of land the companies bought are legal because they were issued with land ownership papers before 1980," said Boon, adding that it was impossible that the two firms would make any effort to encourage officials to issue the land titles.

He said it was, however, possible that the land acquired and the land shown in the papers differed in size because of variations in methods of land measurement. He said the landowners had also reported holding smaller areas in order to pay lower fees.

Explaining the slope issue, Boon said he had already developed a luxury housing project with a gradient of more than 35 per cent. "Therefore, this matter should not be significant", he said.

Boon said the land causing the problem was on uphill areas, covering 38 rai, which the company had bought from Chusri Somwang. A court had recently ruled that the land was owned by someone else. In this case, he said, the company would wait and see what policy the Royal Forestry Department applied.

If the land is considered part of forest areas, he said, the company would accept that, "but we will file a law suit against the Land Department because the title was issued legally by the department. It had a land ownership paper".

Boon is also a director of Piyavate Hospital and owner of other hospitals in Bangkok, including Thonburi I and Thonburi II.

Sasithorn Ongdee

The Nation 11/08/06

This project is the most obscene thing I have ever witnessed on Samui. When I saw the magazine ad and the pictures of it, I almost vomited. I'm so happy someone is stepping in to shut down these people down. Samui Estate Corporation has an equally disgusting project planned for the Chaweng hills covering 400 rai. Someone needs to stop that project as well, as I'm sure it's illegal.

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lets read this carefully!!!!!

Samui's The Peak project hit by land concerns

The Peak, a Bt20-billion luxury residential project on Koh Samui, is being adversely affected following public concern that part of the land might have been illegally transferred and encroaches on forest areas.

maybe because the public reads that 2 land officers have been reposted and that the DPI is in samui going over the history of every land trnasaction.

"Twenty buyers of a total of 70 who agreed to buy land allocated during the project's first phase are now asking the company for refunds of their deposits," said Boon Vanasin, a major shareholder of Rajthanee Realty Co Ltd, developer of the project.

And those are probebly FARNGS who acording to thai law can not realy own land!!!

"The refunds could damage the company's estimated sales of up to Bt182 million."

The Peak is on 451 rai in the northern area of Koh Samui and the project is broken down into three or four phases. The plans include a spa complex on the top area of the site, as well as detached houses.

which requires a land development approval and an enviromental study as well as an aproval from the Tae Saban as it develops a project of more thewn 9 plots!!

In the past few months the company has been promoting the first phase in overseas markets, especially Hong Kong and the United Kingdom. Pre-sales of 70 plots of leasehold land covering 23 rai have been offered. Samui Property Solution Co Ltd was assigned as the project's sale agent.

Over seas??? how can they be selling land to Farrangs is trhat legal???

so they are basicly aproving that they break the law.

Boon said since the company launched pre-sales of land leases, they had been fully booked. Each plot of 300 square wah costs about Bt9.1 million, of which Bt2.77 million is required as a deposit. The completed houses with land will cost about Bt20 million to Bt30 million each.

YEH RIGHT!!! a 20 million house on a lease??? and who exactly will go for that?? every beginer on the island knows a farrang is interseted only in free hold.

The Peak has been a hot topic for a month since it was revealed that it might be encroaching on certain areas. It is also said that the land has slopes of more than 35 per cent, that some parts tap the forest area, and some titles were issued illegally.

Part of the project's land that encroaches on forest might be expropriated, an issue exercising the Land Department and the Royal Forestry Department.

Property tycoon Boon said yesterday the total project development would cover 600 rai. Of that, 451 rai is held by Rajthanee Realty and the rest by Great Hills International Co Ltd. He owns a majority stake in both firms along with other Thai partners.

and along with somew farrangs and so many other people who claim tro be apart of this grand project.

The project is planned for development over the next five years and is worth Bt20 billion. Besides the housing project, there will be two hotels on a nearby site.

He said the firms had acquired all 600 rai since last year, comprising 120 rai from the Legal Execution Department and the remaining land from individual owners.

"I insist that all plots of land the companies bought are legal because they were issued with land ownership papers before 1980," said Boon, adding that it was impossible that the two firms would make any effort to encourage officials to issue the land titles.

He said it was, however, possible that the land acquired and the land shown in the papers differed in size because of variations in methods of land measurement. He said the landowners had also reported holding smaller areas in order to pay lower fees.

so the previous land owners have reported smaller plots to pay less tax and they bought it with out any problems.

Explaining the slope issue, Boon said he had already developed a luxury housing project with a gradient of more than 35 per cent. "Therefore, this matter should not be significant", he said.

Boon said the land causing the problem was on uphill areas, covering 38 rai, which the company had bought from Chusri Somwang. A court had recently ruled that the land was owned by someone else. In this case, he said, the company would wait and see what policy the Royal Forestry Department applied.

If the land is considered part of forest areas, he said, the company would accept that, "but we will file a law suit against the Land Department because the title was issued legally by the department. It had a land ownership paper"A multi million company is waiting for the forest department decision instead of taking them to court and sue for damages.

Boon is also a director of Piyavate Hospital and owner of other hospitals in Bangkok, including Thonburi I and Thonburi II.

Sasithorn Ongdee

The Nation 11/08/06

I am suurprised that a person that knows all about foreign ownership and the trends and wishes of foreigns has not cornered the market .

You state that you are a beginner , maybe you will stay a non starter . am i not mistaken ( being someone taht has worked in the British property market ) we also have a freehold and lease system that works fine and people buy lease hold properties .

But maybe you are right , in the uk they do not have a thing called a side ltter that documents things out side a lease aqgreement and solicitors do not do there due diligence .

re-newable lease , extention to a leasse with a side letter .

Some thing to think about ,

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Here is what all the bickering is about. I posted my view-point, an opinion, about The Peak project. It was just my opinion, i.e some like the color blue, some do not. Admittedly, my opinion was strongly stated. Roberto Naranja, on the other hand, chose to respond to my comment by insulting me personally, mentioning amoung other things, my inability to provide for my next meal, and so, I responded in kind. One insult begets another. I do not like hyper-development projects on Samui, because I think most of them are illegal, ( I think the facts behind The Peak project bear me out on this one), and that generally, they are an aesthetic and ecological long term disaster for Samui. Once again, just my opinion. I do, however, stand behind my comments that The Peak project is illegal, and that Boon Vanasin is very well connected, and thus has been able to achieve things that are not in the best long-term interests of Samui. I would like to invite an intelligent counter-point to my opinion, not the rambling, disengenous insults I have been subjected to.

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