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Countries vow not to host anti-Thai government movements


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Which western countries?

I doubt this is factual

It's called making it up and thinking that everyone is dumb enough to buy it. Used to work in the pre-internet era these guys still live in.

I was wondering ?

Australia actually bans the entire Junta running Thailand from setting foot on its soil and routinely is highly critical of both it and the LM laws.

Well,i'll tell you something Freddy,i would rather the Army,than the present Aust govt.The present Aust.PM speaks with a forked tongue,so believe nothing Rabbott says.

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Which western countries?

I doubt this is factual

It's called making it up and thinking that everyone is dumb enough to buy it. Used to work in the pre-internet era these guys still live in.

I was wondering ?

Australia actually bans the entire Junta running Thailand from setting foot on its soil and routinely is highly critical of both it and the LM laws.

Last time I looked, Australia was east of Thailand. And isn't Australia the country that welcomes Iranian fugitives to enter the country and settle there? I can't see Australia effectively banning anyone from setting foot on its soil.

He wasn't a fugitive,he was a political refugee.Then he went mad!!!

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Which western countries?

I doubt this is factual

It's called making it up and thinking that everyone is dumb enough to buy it. Used to work in the pre-internet era these guys still live in.

I was wondering ?

Australia actually bans the entire Junta running Thailand from setting foot on its soil and routinely is highly critical of both it and the LM laws.

Last time I looked, Australia was east of Thailand. And isn't Australia the country that welcomes Iranian fugitives to enter the country and settle there? I can't see Australia effectively banning anyone from setting foot on its soil.


Australia downgraded ties with Thailand on Saturday, imposing a travel ban on junta leaders and cutting defence co-operation, the toughest measures taken by a foreign government since the change of regime.

Wow,Prayuth must be trembling in his army boots.Sorry love we cant go to the Mardi Gra this year and i'll cancel that Collingwood membership this year,not gunna make the granny anyhow.Bet they still got the trade deals happening.

Anyhow again lets see what western country *(as Australia is considered one) that is involved as claimed

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Which western countries?

I doubt this is factual

It's called making it up and thinking that everyone is dumb enough to buy it. Used to work in the pre-internet era these guys still live in.

I was wondering ?

Australia actually bans the entire Junta running Thailand from setting foot on its soil and routinely is highly critical of both it and the LM laws.

Last time I looked, Australia was east of Thailand. And isn't Australia the country that welcomes Iranian fugitives to enter the country and settle there? I can't see Australia effectively banning anyone from setting foot on its soil.

If you go far enough west you will get to Australia as the earth are round in case you don't know. As they are a developed country where their police as a rule do their job. Iran never requested the extradition of the Iranian in question how would the Australian government have known he was a fugitive. They will keep the brown shirts out, you will never see your dear great leader shake the hand of the Australian PM on Australian soil.

You rekon,Rabbott will do what he's told to do.Shook the hand of Putin didn't he,what a hypocrite.

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Those against the NCPO also seem to get desperate if those halftruths and insinuations are any indication.

So you are supporting the "governments" attempts to contain the freedom of speech and their following outright lies?? You are a disgrace.................

You should take some of your medication : you are posting like a raving lunatic.

People who do not support what the Junta are doing to try and save Thailand from the mess made by the last bunch of dirty cronies are the disgrace. The grenade attacks on protestors and the cheering red-shirts who just heard the news of the young girl in Trat being murdered along with others will stay with me a long time.

If anyone wants to understand what a bunch of double-standard whining spoilt schoolboys most red-shirts are, they only need to read threads like this. Of course, they are strangely quiet when anything of real importance (like what their government got up to) crops up.

Nonsense. Lies and distortions. The solution to this debate is easy. Have an election now. Right now. And see if the non elected leader gets a majority.

It's either put up or shut up. Give all the people the vote yellow shirts and red shirts alike.....oh and prosecute those bomb planting terrorists who hijacked the airport.

If a poll with junta favorable results is not believed, how much chance would an election have?

Anyway, democracy is more than just elections. Thats why we are in the 'reforms first' position. No one wants to return to the situation as before the coup, no one but a handful of TVF posters that is.

No one but that unholy trio the Democrats, military and judiciary who are enjoying their free lunch. Enjoy it while you can boyos.

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I often wonder if these bald faced lies actually sort of fly with the average Thai citizen.

Western countries must be falling down laughing at the very concept that Thailand

thinks they will bow down and muzzle free speech in their own countries. Prayut

seemed to have started off pretty well, but now looks like he is playing a losing

game of Whack a Mole. Oh wait , will that statement cost me my visa ?

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I often wonder if these bald faced lies actually sort of fly with the average Thai citizen.

Western countries must be falling down laughing at the very concept that Thailand

thinks they will bow down and muzzle free speech in their own countries. Prayut

seemed to have started off pretty well, but now looks like he is playing a losing

game of Whack a Mole. Oh wait , will that statement cost me my visa ?

Thailand is heading towards isolationism as evidenced by cold face blatant mis - truths .

The very fact they claim western countries support them and their ideals is extraordinary.

Worse is that its illegal in Thailand to point out that this is not the case.

I have shown my wife an Australian Journalist who immediately posted it to CNN BBC and German networks and a french one.

I also saw her post it on twitter and after 2 hours came back and said not one validated piece of evidence on this Announcement placed by the Government of Thailand.

In other words its a Pathetic situation where North Korean style the citizens of Thailand are led to believe wanting democracy is wrong , and polls show they are in the minority.

That western countries agree with their policies.

Its insidious that we are not permitted to even inform Thai citizens this information is incorrect without threat.

So i ask any Government official reading these pages to put up the western countries who are in with the military running Thailand.

I am also encouraging people here to point out to Thai friends that these claims are yet to be verified

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If a poll with junta favorable results is not believed, how much chance would an election have?

Anyway, democracy is more than just elections. Thats why we are in the 'reforms first' position. No one wants to return to the situation as before the coup, no one but a handful of TVF posters that is.

No one but that unholy trio the Democrats, military and judiciary who are enjoying their free lunch. Enjoy it while you can boyos.

So, you think some want to go back to the chaos with nightly cowardly attacks on anti-government protesters ? Gunfire and grenade lobbing?

I didn't enjoy that, those who died certainly didn't enjoy it.

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I often wonder if these bald faced lies actually sort of fly with the average Thai citizen.

Western countries must be falling down laughing at the very concept that Thailand

thinks they will bow down and muzzle free speech in their own countries. Prayut

seemed to have started off pretty well, but now looks like he is playing a losing

game of Whack a Mole. Oh wait , will that statement cost me my visa ?

Thailand is heading towards isolationism as evidenced by cold face blatant mis - truths .

The very fact they claim western countries support them and their ideals is extraordinary.

Worse is that its illegal in Thailand to point out that this is not the case.

I have shown my wife an Australian Journalist who immediately posted it to CNN BBC and German networks and a french one.

I also saw her post it on twitter and after 2 hours came back and said not one validated piece of evidence on this Announcement placed by the Government of Thailand.

In other words its a Pathetic situation where North Korean style the citizens of Thailand are led to believe wanting democracy is wrong , and polls show they are in the minority.

That western countries agree with their policies.

Its insidious that we are not permitted to even inform Thai citizens this information is incorrect without threat.

So i ask any Government official reading these pages to put up the western countries who are in with the military running Thailand.

I am also encouraging people here to point out to Thai friends that these claims are yet to be verified

since you frequently mention the great example Australia gives in isolating Thailand, here some clear examples on the Australian Embassy site


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This is getting ridiculous, it's nothing more than out and out lying, and I hope the British Ambassador and others call them out on it for once.

Do you seriously think Mr. K**t is going to do that???

He will if he is instructed to. The UK is not Thailand where officials can make up their own rules on the spot.

An ambassador is just a mouthpiece for their country - if you don't like Mr. Kent's inaction, take it up with the UK government.

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I hope the Thai news media insists that Sek Wannamethee provide evidence of the "many western countries will not tolerate anti-Thai government movements for the sake of accuracy and transparency DEMANDED by Gen. Prayuth from the news media. And if Sek fails, he should be immediately dismissed. Or is pro-Junta propoganda exempt from honesty?

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I hope the Thai news media insists that Sek Wannamethee provide evidence of the "many western countries will not tolerate anti-Thai government movements for the sake of accuracy and transparency DEMANDED by Gen. Prayuth from the news media. And if Sek fails, he should be immediately dismissed. Or is pro-Junta propoganda exempt from honesty?

The media won't dare. Either too busy towing the line or scared to be removed for 're-adjustment'

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Lets see if this thread can yield even one western country wiling do host their claims?

Russia will be happy to do anything to p**s of the west, and is not too fond of anti-government demonstrations of any sort...


European countries like Bulgaria, Poland, Slovakia, Ukraine, Belarus, Serbia or Romania are often not counted politically as a part of the Western World, where in case of Russia it's largely due to contemporary political isolationism of the country

Edited by Fred Flinstone
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i googled the news and no country ever said anything like that

Western politicians on a federal level have become angry at the Thai claims and it looks increasingly likely that an official denial will be made-

Certainly, in Australia the local member rejected it as "sickening propaganda " with "no place in the civilised world" ..and" Australia does not even recognise this military junta as official in any capacity."

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I hope the Thai news media insists that Sek Wannamethee provide evidence of the "many western countries will not tolerate anti-Thai government movements for the sake of accuracy and transparency DEMANDED by Gen. Prayuth from the news media. And if Sek fails, he should be immediately dismissed. Or is pro-Junta propoganda exempt from honesty?

I think even the Bangkok journalists and media in general realise this country has many false claims being thrown about.

Stocks are falling as people realise this guy is not doing business with the real world

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