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Myanmar says workers innocent of murdering Britons on Koh Tao


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GC not sure which article but here is one where the police confirm Mon is cctv


Wow, you have been working hard. In that story, it clearly states mon is in the video.

There is one more story. In the next story they give the explaination of why mon was there. But regardless, he has lied. Since the bodies were found at 6 . But he was supposedly running down the beach to check on the crime well before that. If you ask me, he has more to answer to than any other suspect. Including the b2. ????

Agree. And quite possible that Mon's DNA was a positive.

From the Chiangratimes article -

Both cooperated with the police and they denied they had any connection to the murders.

DNA samples of the two brothers were collecting for testing and were later proved to not match with DNA collected from the scene and the victims body.

Pol Lt-Gen Panya Mamen then stated that the suspects were not arrested but were just in police custody and that more test would be conducted. They are still hunting for another suspect who is the son of the AC Bars owner and was reported to flee into Bangkok.

Kept them in police custody even though their DNA did not match? A lot of chat went down then I expect between Mon and RTP. The start of the grand plan maybe.

They may well be a match. This was the dna result that supposedly came back in a few hours. All the sites were talking about the quick test. Can't remember how many hours to come back. But people were posting different dna testing times. I think the fastest was 48 hours. And that being the most advanced.

Although there is 1 more article, that says the father of nomsod was a 70% match to the dna on Hannah. I do take these news reports with a grain of salt. But if it is stated 3 or 4 times, it is likely true. Or at least mostly true. You really cannot rely on "time" published in newspapers, as there are discrepancies everywhere.

But mon is said even by himself and the rtp to be running man. And has been reported many times he was woken and ran down to the beach. He ran down at 3:44 and last seen run back at 5:41 .and back fully dressed at 6:00-6:30 all spruced up to call the police. I am just sayin his story of being woken up after the fact doesn't add up according to the video.

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I had a thought last night. 3 lots of DNA was found on Hanna so we are led to believe. So we are all thinking 3 men. Any reason the DNA that was supposedly found on her nipple couldn't have been female ?

Would explain the girl with the hat man in the video.

I have never been 100% convinced the people that raped Hannah also killed her. So maybe she was rapped then instead of being hacked up by someone she gave the cold shoulder too, could it have been some guys girlfriend that hacked her ?

David of course was already dead by then as for sure there were 2 or 3 heavies on the beach when all this was going on.

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Quote from Chiang Rai Times article, Sept. 24th '14.....

"Police have confirmed that Montriwat is the man appeared in the CCTV video footage near the scene and they still did not rule out a possible connection.
Police questioned why Wiraphan’s son Warot, 22 quickly disappeared from the island shortly after the murders however he stated that his son was studying at a university in Bangkok and he was returning to study, not running as the police said."

I think the police were wrong about thinking it was Mon in the 'running man' video with the white shorts. It's skinny Nomsod. Either way, it implicates one or the other, and they both know a heck of a lot more than they're admitting.

Each day I'm reminded of what a sordid screwed-up job the Headman's people + cops are doing in that cess pit.

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I had a thought last night. 3 lots of DNA was found on Hanna so we are led to believe. So we are all thinking 3 men. Any reason the DNA that was supposedly found on her nipple couldn't have been female ?

Would explain the girl with the hat man in the video.

I have never been 100% convinced the people that raped Hannah also killed her. So maybe she was rapped then instead of being hacked up by someone she gave the cold shoulder too, could it have been some guys girlfriend that hacked her ?

David of course was already dead by then as for sure there were 2 or 3 heavies on the beach when all this was going on.

I think Hannah was lured to the rocky area on the beach - probably by one guy - my educated guess it was Nomsod - but there were other Thais lurking nearby. She had already been drinking, as everyone does at those bars every night. She likely had been slipped 'a mickey' (date rape drug). The initial sexual encounter may have been partially consensual (after all, Nomsod is young and cute), yet could quickly devolve to forced. It appears David went back to his g.h. room (maybe to get a farang friend to assist in what was shaping up to be a confrontational scenario?). The Headman's people and cops don't want anyone to know what happened in the bars prior to the crime, but it's quite likely (with some eyewitnesses to back it up) that there was at least some tension. Most customers had left. Those remaining were drunk. The Thai guys were zooming in on one particularly cute, blond, young, shapely, vivacious lass.

Back to the rocky beach: David may have returned to the campfire asking , "where's Hannah?" Sean says, "oh she went down the beach." David (and others) may have heard distressful sounds from the rocks, he goes to investigate. Sean follows belatedly, (but Sean later gets his arm pierced and is told 'you didn't see anything.'). Other Thai men, friends of Nomsod, perhaps also Mon and/or M possibly move in to get sex from Hannah, who is increasingly distressed by other men showing up. David is attacked, most likely by Stingray man (who's got that gnarly weapon ring). Hannah gets fully enraged, says/does things which piss off/offend the attackers, who bludgeon her with back-end of hoe. The hoe was probably also used to smash the top of David's head, and would hence leave no blood on the hoe. (We're hearing zero from Brit experts, even tho Coroner's Office is supposed to release findings of such things).

I don't know how the Burmese fit in the scenario painted above. They may have wandered over a bit later. It's not impossible they could have had sex with Hannah's corpse. Sorry for the imagery.

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September 16th -

Police last night released CCTV footage of a man fleeing the spot where ­tragic backpacking pals Hannah ­Witheridge and David Miller were brutally battered to death .

Detectives hunting the killer have described him as the “chief suspect” in the shocking murders on a paradise island.


24th September

Police have confirmed that Montriwat is the man appeared in the CCTV video footage near the scene and they still did not rule out a possible connection.


30th September

BANGKOK: -- Police are looking for a man shown in a video footage walking and running in shorts, bare-chested on a beach road on Koh Tao on the night two British backpackers were murdered hoping that he may provide a clue which may help resolve the case.

Pol Lt-Gen Panya Mamen, commissioner of Region 8 Provincial Police, has ordered the video footage to be shared out among the media in order that members of the public may be able to identify the man shown in the footage.

Analysis of the video footage by experts show that the unidentified man, about 160-170 cm in height, bare-chested and shoeless was caught by a CCTV camera in front of Good Health shop running toward Oceanville hotel at 3.45 am and returning at 4.49 am. He was expected to be around the hotel for about 45 minutes.

The second camera in front of In Touch shop shows the same man walking toward Oceanville hotel at 4.48 am and returning at 4.51 am and was believed at somewhere around the hotel for three minutes.

Pol Lt-Gen Panya appealed to anyone who might know the man in the footage to inform the police any time by calling Pol Lt-Col Thirasakdi Chanthrapipat at 089-7804056 and 087-5185777.

He said that police used to show the image of the man to several people on Koh Tao but none of them knew the man, hence, he would like people in and out of Koh Tao to help identify the man.


So on 16th September police were hunting the running man saying he was the chief suspect.

Then on 24th September police confirm that it is Mon in the CCTV but his DNA does not match but he is still being questioned and awaiting further tests and they were not ruling him out of the investigation (See Chiangraitimes posted previously for full details).

Then on 30th September the police share the video of running man to the public to see if anyone can identify who it is.

None of this makes sense. Why were they asking the public to identify running man when they had already said previously it was Mon?

You are confused because you assume that "Police have confirmed that Montriwat is the man appeared in the CCTV video footage near the scene" means the same CCTV video as the one the police were later on asking for help in identifying a man.

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Mon mon said himself , that he was the one in the video .

He also gave the explaination of why he was in the video . However , he s .his story of events does not match that of the video. I think sometimes , the guy with no shirt and black shorts are l and no shirt white shorts are confused . They are not the same people .

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Interesting scenario above. I remember shorty after 15 SEP 2014, when some persons suggested that if the local elite was indeed responsible, others suggested that they then could have just commandeered a boat and dumped the weighted-down bodies in the Gulf. But then the former said no-can-do as there would have been too many people involved and in-the-know. Oh well.

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I believe there was some confusion about these 2.

I think the rtp thought they were the same in the beginning. They thought 1 man wearing black shorts had changed with David and left his shorts behind.

But no. We know now that David's shorts were not taken. We also know there is an extra pair of black shorts at the crime scene. And I think these are 2 different people. One is mon. Confirmed by numerous reports. And who is the other one. Could it be ------.

Which is why police are talking about looking for a guy in a video. Even though they have confirmed mon as the guy ??.


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Mon goes to the beach first at.

3:44.15 then must have come back (no pic )

then again at

4:49.01 then come back

4:51.28 then go again (no pic)

Then come back again running.




attachicon.gifpost-223227-0-47481400-1419906699 (1).jpg


I may be wrong, but I dont think this is Mon. If he was notified about the murders from the cleaners then I doubt they would have started working before 5am. I think he is a crucial part to this case but but I'm not convinced yet that this is him in the cctv

Can they make him run several time and compare the video? Of course that would be too logical and would never happen under the rtp watch.

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September 16th -

Police last night released CCTV footage of a man fleeing the spot where ­tragic backpacking pals Hannah ­Witheridge and David Miller were brutally battered to death .

Detectives hunting the killer have described him as the “chief suspect” in the shocking murders on a paradise island.


24th September

Police have confirmed that Montriwat is the man appeared in the CCTV video footage near the scene and they still did not rule out a possible connection.


30th September

BANGKOK: -- Police are looking for a man shown in a video footage walking and running in shorts, bare-chested on a beach road on Koh Tao on the night two British backpackers were murdered hoping that he may provide a clue which may help resolve the case.

Pol Lt-Gen Panya Mamen, commissioner of Region 8 Provincial Police, has ordered the video footage to be shared out among the media in order that members of the public may be able to identify the man shown in the footage.

Analysis of the video footage by experts show that the unidentified man, about 160-170 cm in height, bare-chested and shoeless was caught by a CCTV camera in front of Good Health shop running toward Oceanville hotel at 3.45 am and returning at 4.49 am. He was expected to be around the hotel for about 45 minutes.

The second camera in front of In Touch shop shows the same man walking toward Oceanville hotel at 4.48 am and returning at 4.51 am and was believed at somewhere around the hotel for three minutes.

Pol Lt-Gen Panya appealed to anyone who might know the man in the footage to inform the police any time by calling Pol Lt-Col Thirasakdi Chanthrapipat at 089-7804056 and 087-5185777.

He said that police used to show the image of the man to several people on Koh Tao but none of them knew the man, hence, he would like people in and out of Koh Tao to help identify the man.


So on 16th September police were hunting the running man saying he was the chief suspect.

Then on 24th September police confirm that it is Mon in the CCTV but his DNA does not match but he is still being questioned and awaiting further tests and they were not ruling him out of the investigation (See Chiangraitimes posted previously for full details).

Then on 30th September the police share the video of running man to the public to see if anyone can identify who it is.

None of this makes sense. Why were they asking the public to identify running man when they had already said previously it was Mon?

You are confused because you assume that "Police have confirmed that Montriwat is the man appeared in the CCTV video footage near the scene" means the same CCTV video as the one the police were later on asking for help in identifying a man.

Thank you for pointing out my state of mind. I had considered that already. The fact that the police did not put out any other footage of another man in the media whom they could be describing can only lead one to assume they are talking about the man in the white shorts/pants. If they were referring to another video of a 'the man in the CCTV video footage near the scene' then they would have put that out too if they had any sense and wanted to avoid confusion and speculation.

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I believe there was some confusion about these 2.

I think the rtp thought they were the same in the beginning. They thought 1 man wearing black shorts had changed with David and left his shorts behind.

But no. We know now that David's shorts were not taken. We also know there is an extra pair of black shorts at the crime scene. And I think these are 2 different people. One is mon. Confirmed by numerous reports. And who is the other one. Could it be ------.

Which is why police are talking about looking for a guy in a video. Even though they have confirmed mon as the guy ??.

Mon goes to the beach first at.

3:44.15 then must have come back (no pic )

then again at

4:49.01 then come back

4:51.28 then go again (no pic)

Then come back again running.


I may be wrong, but I dont think this is Mon. If he was notified about the murders from the cleaners then I doubt they would have started working before 5am. I think he is a crucial part to this case but but I'm not convinced yet that this is him in the cctv

Can they make him run several time and compare the video? Of course that would be too logical and would never happen under the rtp watch.

The fact that there are two CCTV's showing suspicious characters - one with white shorts, one with dark shorts, around the same time, would indicate they are 2 people. Though they look similar, that would fit also, as Mon and Nomsod look similar, particularly when viewed via a poor quality video. That's the most logical assessment.

Cops interrogated Mon for 3 hours, right after the crime. Was that interrogation videod? Unlikely, if RTP are true to form - or if it was videotaped, the public will never see/hear it. Same for interrogation of B3, before they became the B2. Sorry to be repetitious, but Mon is going to be as protective as possible for his nephew, particularly if Nomsod did the bludgeoning of Hannah (which I suspect he did). As part of protecting his nephew, Mon would plausibly say it's himself (Mon) in one or another video, knowing cops can't bust him (Mon).

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The pic of the guy in black shorts is obviously not the raw image, it has been altered, you can tell this by looking at how black the windows are, his hair and shorts, compare with the other still from same location and camera

As for the times posted in an earlier post I am a bit confused we have a guy walking away oceanville at 4.48 and towards oceanville at 4.49 , this does not seem right

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Yes its been altered in some way.

Police have used superimposition, a specialised forensic medical technique, to compare an image of a man captured by a surveillance camera with the pictures of suspects and expect to find the murderers of two British tourists on Ko Tao in a few days.http://www.nationmultimedia.com/webmobile/national/Police-use-superimposition-technique-to-identify-k-30243922.html

Which means another photo has been superimposed onto the original I think.


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September 16th -

Police last night released CCTV footage of a man fleeing the spot where ­tragic backpacking pals Hannah ­Witheridge and David Miller were brutally battered to death .

Detectives hunting the killer have described him as the “chief suspect” in the shocking murders on a paradise island.


24th September

Police have confirmed that Montriwat is the man appeared in the CCTV video footage near the scene and they still did not rule out a possible connection.


30th September

BANGKOK: -- Police are looking for a man shown in a video footage walking and running in shorts, bare-chested on a beach road on Koh Tao on the night two British backpackers were murdered hoping that he may provide a clue which may help resolve the case.

Pol Lt-Gen Panya Mamen, commissioner of Region 8 Provincial Police, has ordered the video footage to be shared out among the media in order that members of the public may be able to identify the man shown in the footage.

Analysis of the video footage by experts show that the unidentified man, about 160-170 cm in height, bare-chested and shoeless was caught by a CCTV camera in front of Good Health shop running toward Oceanville hotel at 3.45 am and returning at 4.49 am. He was expected to be around the hotel for about 45 minutes.

The second camera in front of In Touch shop shows the same man walking toward Oceanville hotel at 4.48 am and returning at 4.51 am and was believed at somewhere around the hotel for three minutes.

Pol Lt-Gen Panya appealed to anyone who might know the man in the footage to inform the police any time by calling Pol Lt-Col Thirasakdi Chanthrapipat at 089-7804056 and 087-5185777.

He said that police used to show the image of the man to several people on Koh Tao but none of them knew the man, hence, he would like people in and out of Koh Tao to help identify the man.


So on 16th September police were hunting the running man saying he was the chief suspect.

Then on 24th September police confirm that it is Mon in the CCTV but his DNA does not match but he is still being questioned and awaiting further tests and they were not ruling him out of the investigation (See Chiangraitimes posted previously for full details).

Then on 30th September the police share the video of running man to the public to see if anyone can identify who it is.

None of this makes sense. Why were they asking the public to identify running man when they had already said previously it was Mon?

You are confused because you assume that "Police have confirmed that Montriwat is the man appeared in the CCTV video footage near the scene" means the same CCTV video as the one the police were later on asking for help in identifying a man.


I understand what you are saying about Mon and cctv picture.

Do we agree that at some point in time Mon was on a surveilence camera going to the scene of crime

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You are confused because you assume that "Police have confirmed that Montriwat is the man appeared in the CCTV video footage near the scene" means the same CCTV video as the one the police were later on asking for help in identifying a man.


I understand what you are saying about Mon and cctv picture.

Do we agree that at some point in time Mon was on a surveilence camera going to the scene of crime

Yes, but that fact has relevance only if put into context, for example, the time he appears on camera, the location and direction he was going.

Besides that, since there is no CCTV footage of the immediate area of the crime scene at most what could be said is that some footage shows him going towards the direction of the crime scene.

Robert Heinlein, in his novel Stranger on a Strange Land had some characters, called Fair Witnesses, trained to provide credible testimony at trials, one of them, sitting as a witness is asked to look at a house on a hill, she is asked what colour it is, she answers "It's white, on this side"

The morality of the story is, if you want to find the truth, you have to acknowledge the limits of the available evidence, speculation that can't be checked against facts only leads to confusion.

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Yes its been altered in some way.

Police have used superimposition, a specialised forensic medical technique, to compare an image of a man captured by a surveillance camera with the pictures of suspects and expect to find the murderers of two British tourists on Ko Tao in a few days.http://www.nationmultimedia.com/webmobile/national/Police-use-superimposition-technique-to-identify-k-30243922.html

Which means another photo has been superimposed onto the original I think.


In another news report, the rtp say they tried to place the face of 2 of the accused. Meaning the b2. So the point is, the face that we see here is not the original face.

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You are confused because you assume that "Police have confirmed that Montriwat is the man appeared in the CCTV video footage near the scene" means the same CCTV video as the one the police were later on asking for help in identifying a man.


I understand what you are saying about Mon and cctv picture.

Do we agree that at some point in time Mon was on a surveilence camera going to the scene of crime

Yes, but that fact has relevance only if put into context, for example, the time he appears on camera, the location and direction he was going.

Besides that, since there is no CCTV footage of the immediate area of the crime scene at most what could be said is that some footage shows him going towards the direction of the crime scene.

Robert Heinlein, in his novel Stranger on a Strange Land had some characters, called Fair Witnesses, trained to provide credible testimony at trials, one of them, sitting as a witness is asked to look at a house on a hill, she is asked what colour it is, she answers "It's white, on this side"

The morality of the story is, if you want to find the truth, you have to acknowledge the limits of the available evidence, speculation that can't be checked against facts only leads to confusion.


First of all thanks for your thoughts, but your analogy with novels was a bit ott

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Yes its been altered in some way.

Police have used superimposition, a specialised forensic medical technique, to compare an image of a man captured by a surveillance camera with the pictures of suspects and expect to find the murderers of two British tourists on Ko Tao in a few days.http://www.nationmultimedia.com/webmobile/national/Police-use-superimposition-technique-to-identify-k-30243922.html

Which means another photo has been superimposed onto the original I think.


In another news report, the rtp say they tried to place the face of 2 of the accused. Meaning the b2. So the point is, the face that we see here is not the original face.

As if things aren't screwed up enough, ...we can't even rely on the grainy CCTV images which are released by the RTP.

It's like going to a Thai restaurant, and telling the waiter you don't want MSG on the food. The waiter goes and tells the cook (if you're lucky). You get your food, eat it, and get a bad reaction from MSG. You tell the management of the restaurant. She acts like, 'oh you farang, you complain about everything.' ...then you figure out later; the cook, when pouring in bits of the 23 bottles of sauces over his cooking area, added MSG (virtually all bottled sauces in Thai cuisine have MSG).

So, will the prosecution use doctored photos, and therefore same photos will get shown to the judge(s)? Oh, what a tangled web our once-trusted RTP spin.

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I am going to say what I see,

The first picture, its difficult to make out which foot is which, although initially the oversized foot looks to be his left, when you look closely it could be argued from a perspective point of view the right foot is more on the left then what appears to be the left foot.

As mentioned one foot (assumed to be the left) is oversized

He appears to have no footwear on either foot

Considering we know the picture as been modified , how much reliance can be placed on the image is questionable IMO

It would be more beneficial to see the original

2nd picture

Definately footwear on the right foot, not clear on the left

The presence of the rubbish truck should act as independent means of ascertaining the time

3rd Picture

footwear on right foot, possibly on left but inconclusive

Does anybody know why the area from the sideburns to around the ear to down the neck border area has been darkened

The position of his feet would suggest that he walks a bit like Charlie Chaplin, his feet pointing outwards

Now to the question is the no shirt the same as the other 2, if I was to accept the first picture at face value then no. I would like to add the following caveat the first pictur is rubbish , the image of the guy is awkward and unnatural, his leg position would be similiar to someone rocking back and forth preparing for a long jump, whilst his body is upright

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I see what you mean in the first picture.

I had thought the legs look funny. But had not noticed the feet. You are right. The left leg looks like it has a right foot. And actually the right leg looks like it has a left foot.

I had wondered if this picture had been superimposed using the picture of the running man with white shorts. I wonder if there are any other pics of the first superimposed picture.

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Why do you keep talking about a picture that you know has been altered ?

Without wishing to sound rude, from your last days detective work who are we looking for ?

A man with his left foot on his right leg and his right foot on his left leg. And one foot twice as big as the other.

Plus we now know from a still picture frame that he walks like Charlie Chapin.

And he looks drunk. We know he is drunk from a fuzzy CCTV picture.

Not forgetting all this comes from a picture that shows someone walking hours before the crime took place.

May I ask what little gem you are expecting to pick up from this detective work ?

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This guy with no shirt looks shorter and bulkier than the other one.

What do you think? Are they the same.

top pic, small chest, almost indented, not the chest of a man, but rather of a kid around 20 ....Nomdsod comes to mind. Plus, a bit of pouch belly. (blog software won't allow my post to show the images from earlier post).

A remotely adept investigating force would have orchestrated reenactments of 'persons of interest' walking/walking fast/jogging on that same path, with same lighting, same camera, same time of night. But alas, we can't expect anything remotely professional from RTP, most (if not all) are not trained as crime investigators. Indeed, even if they were well-trained, they're already hyper-subjective, so they only see/say what their superiors demand they see/say. If any RTP has a mind of his own, we won't know about it, because they're all committed to toeing the official line. To stray from what's required is career-ending, or worse.

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Why do you keep talking about a picture that you know has been altered ?

Without wishing to sound rude, from your last days detective work who are we looking for ?

A man with his left foot on his right leg and his right foot on his left leg. And one foot twice as big as the other.

Plus we now know from a still picture frame that he walks like Charlie Chapin.

And he looks drunk. We know he is drunk from a fuzzy CCTV picture.

Not forgetting all this comes from a picture that shows someone walking hours before the crime took place.

May I ask what little gem you are expecting to pick up from this detective work ?

Well it's a forum so we are all free to discuss as we wish. If you don't like my posts. Don't look at them. Some like to discuss dna for 300 posts. Some like to join in the fight.

It was nomsod, no it wasn't

For 3oo posts. I like to examine the pics. We have found many things in the pics. The most important being. None of the 3 pics of walking man, black short man or white short man are the b2.2nd we can almost safely say the pics are 3 different people. And thirdly we can see that 2 of these 3 were at the beach at the time of the murder. We are still discussing the naked man and the foreigner with thai girl. We all see different things in the pictures. That's why I keep posting them. For example, I never noticed these leg problems until rockin? pointed it out. So leave me alone I am not hurting anybody and doing my own thing.

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Yes you are right. Carry on the good work.

How are you getting on with the T-Shirts you are going to be selling to raise funds ?

Keeping with the topic that the burmese are most certainly innocent. In order to prove that innocence or even guilt. Funding is needed. A nice poster put me onto fiver.com to try to get a nice design. But I can't remember my password. I ended up having 5 dollars off my credit card on a PayPal account that I cannot use. I will have to wait for my holidays in march to find a friend to help me get the design done. I am thinking, nothing too blatant. Like the Burmese are going to be dead. That would scare people off. I am thinking 2015 year of the goat innocence project. Since all the Thai understand the meaning of the goat this year.I should have 3 months to get some funds as I think the defense will need most of their money in July august when they must go to the Court many times to prove their case. In the mean time I put a bit in when I can.

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Why do you keep talking about a picture that you know has been altered ?

Without wishing to sound rude, from your last days detective work who are we looking for ?

A man with his left foot on his right leg and his right foot on his left leg. And one foot twice as big as the other.

Plus we now know from a still picture frame that he walks like Charlie Chapin.

And he looks drunk. We know he is drunk from a fuzzy CCTV picture.

Not forgetting all this comes from a picture that shows someone walking hours before the crime took place.

May I ask what little gem you are expecting to pick up from this detective work ?

I only have one picture of the left foot right leg man. It doesn't have the time do you have a picture of him with the time. ⌚

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