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Why bad news for the ruble could spell disaster for the dollar


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the green dollar is not better than in 2008.don't believe the Internet propaganda.

If it was better, like some of you say here , I would be able to get 40 baths for a dollar or even more.

in fact the situation get worse and worse every second passing. the debt goes up and up.... how can you say it's better?

Just look at how many rubles you can get for a dollar now.

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the green dollar is not better than in 2008.don't believe the Internet propaganda.

If it was better, like some of you say here , I would be able to get 40 baths for a dollar or even more.

in fact the situation get worse and worse every second passing. the debt goes up and up.... how can you say it's better?

Dear Mr. Nomad this thread is about the ruble and the dollar. I'm not enclosing any propaganda just a chart.


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Well, I am pleased with response to my post above directing some attention to military aspect of West-Russia crisis.

Nobody accused me of being Putin's apologist and nobody suggested that we can say 'boo' and Russian military will give up.


Now let us go back to politics and economy of which ECONOMY is far more important.

As stated, I'm not an expert. But pushing Russia too much may bring about an unexpected and unwanted result.

Just for the sake of argument consider the following chain of events.

Default - Reverse of Privatisation - Political closure of the country.

Putin may or may not survive this. This is really immaterial.

Commies will never (facepalm.gif) get the power again. But economically and politically closed-up Russia we have seen for years.

This is a lose - lose situation for the West and for Russia.

Problem is Russia will suffer and so will the West.

Problem is Russians can and know how to suffer but I'm not sure about the West.

And please, do not tell me this is an impossible scenario.

I simply do not believe that Russia will go down without a fight. Any sort of fight... however crazy it sounds.

P.S. Any objections are welcome except "our nukes are better than theirs".

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People never learn from their past mistakes.

There are many permutations to this .....................

There is even a financial doomsday scenario. facepalm.gif

don’t provoke the bear, because the bear could invoke it in a flash…………..

What Putin is not Telling Us: The Raid on the Ruble was supposed to be a Checkmate. It’s Not:P


Tinfoil hat website. Sad people actually believe this stuff. Tells a lot about a person.


While many of Globalresearch's articles discuss legitimate humanitarian or environmental concerns, the site has a strong undercurrent of reality warping throughout its pages, especially in relation to taking its news from sources such as Russia Today. Its view of science, the economy and geopolitics seems to be broadly conspiracist.

Whenever someone makes a remarkable claim and cites Globalresearch, they are almost certainly wrong.

Despite presenting itself as a source of scholarly analysis, Globalresearch mostly consists of polemics many of which accept (and use) conspiracy theories, pseudoscience and propaganda. The prevalent conspiracist strand relates to global power-elites (primarily governments and corporations) and their New World Order.%5B2%5D Specific featured conspiracy theories include those addressing 9/11,%5B3%5Dvaccines,%5B4%5Dgenetic modification,%5B5%5DZionism,%5B6%5D%5B7%5DHAARP,%5B8%5Dglobal warming,%5B9%5D%5B10%5DBosnian genocide denialism%5B11%5Dchemtrails,%5B12%5D and David Kelly.%5B13%5D

Globalresearch contributors are happy to source information from anyone who seems vaguely aligned with their ideology; during the 2011 Libyan civil war the site was an apologist for Muammar al-Gaddafi,%5B14%5D reproducing his propaganda and painting him as a paragon of a modern leader. In the 2014 Ukrainian crisis the site is taking the standard "anti-globalisation" stance against the Western side and September 11 attacks before they happened; that Washington had weapons that could influence climate change; and lastly, that the large banking institutions are the cause of the collapse of smaller economies – as "wild-eyed conspiracy theories".%5B21%5D

May as well read RT.

wow even a former US Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy is warning about thisohmy.png

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts warned King World News that the Russians are going to unleash what he called the "ultimate black swan" against the West. Dr. Roberts also discussed how a terrifying series of events would then bring the Western financial system to it knees as the banking system completely collapses.


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Dr. Roberts: “I was listening to the news today and there were all these self-righteous people just happy as all get out that they had finally stomped Russia into the ground and ‘Russia is now finished,’ and Russia was broken and ‘would soon be an American vassal state where it belongs.' And I was listening to this rot and got to thinking, ‘How can people be so utterly stupid?’ But they are, and they are just as stupid in Washingtongiggle.gif


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Well, I am pleased with response to my post above directing some attention to military aspect of West-Russia crisis.

Nobody accused me of being Putin's apologist and nobody suggested that we can say 'boo' and Russian military will give up.


Now let us go back to politics and economy of which ECONOMY is far more important.

As stated, I'm not an expert. But pushing Russia too much may bring about an unexpected and unwanted result.

Just for the sake of argument consider the following chain of events.

Default - Reverse of Privatisation - Political closure of the country.

Putin may or may not survive this. This is really immaterial.

Commies will never (facepalm.gif) get the power again. But economically and politically closed-up Russia we have seen for years.

This is a lose - lose situation for the West and for Russia.

Problem is Russia will suffer and so will the West.

Problem is Russians can and know how to suffer but I'm not sure about the West.

And please, do not tell me this is an impossible scenario.

I simply do not believe that Russia will go down without a fight. Any sort of fight... however crazy it sounds.

P.S. Any objections are welcome except "our nukes are better than theirs".

Some doubt about that last bit....


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Dr. Roberts: “I was listening to the news today and there were all these self-righteous people just happy as all get out that they had finally stomped Russia into the ground and ‘Russia is now finished,’ and Russia was broken and ‘would soon be an American vassal state where it belongs.' And I was listening to this rot and got to thinking, ‘How can people be so utterly stupid?’ But they are, and they are just as stupid in Washingtongiggle.gif


Is kingworldnews a news site or do they sell something? Is it reputable?

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Dr. Roberts: “I was listening to the news today and there were all these self-righteous people just happy as all get out that they had finally stomped Russia into the ground and ‘Russia is now finished,’ and Russia was broken and ‘would soon be an American vassal state where it belongs.' And I was listening to this rot and got to thinking, ‘How can people be so utterly stupid?’ But they are, and they are just as stupid in Washingtongiggle.gif


Is kingworldnews a news site or do they sell something? Is it reputable?

Sites aside.......since many times a websites credibility will be called into question.

You could look at the speaker in this case who does have credentials

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

He served as an Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan Administration and

associate editor of the Wall Street Journal.

He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate.

He has testified before congressional committees on 30 occasions on issues of economic policy.

I read a recent article of his here Financial Market Manipulation Is The New Trend: Can It Continue?

Edited by mania
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Dr. Roberts: “I was listening to the news today and there were all these self-righteous people just happy as all get out that they had finally stomped Russia into the ground and ‘Russia is now finished,’ and Russia was broken and ‘would soon be an American vassal state where it belongs.' And I was listening to this rot and got to thinking, ‘How can people be so utterly stupid?’ But they are, and they are just as stupid in Washingtongiggle.gif


Is kingworldnews a news site or do they sell something? Is it reputable?

Sites aside.......since many times a websites credibility will be called into question.

You could look at the speaker in this case who does have credentials

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

He served as an Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan Administration and

associate editor of the Wall Street Journal.

He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate.

He has testified before congressional committees on 30 occasions on issues of economic policy.

I read a recent article of his here Financial Market Manipulation Is The New Trend: Can It Continue?

Roberts is a right wing white supremacist who has written repeatedly anti-disability, anti-jewish, anti-gay, anti-immigrant anti- people of color, rants for years. (and while attempting to be “pro-Islam, pro-Arab”, his assertions are rife with orientalist assumptions of Amerikan/western superiority.)


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Is kingworldnews a news site or do they sell something? Is it reputable?

Roberts is a ...<snip>

So why ask what kind of site was kingsworldnews?

Your kind of an odd guy...

Sometimes hall monitor for OT-ness

Other times always trying to lead with a supposed Question so you can spout...what exactly???

Chance to spout some BS & not seem OT?

Forget it rhetorical question

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Is kingworldnews a news site or do they sell something? Is it reputable?

Roberts is a ...<snip>

So why ask what kind of site was kingsworldnews?

Your kind of an odd guy...

Sometimes hall monitor for OT-ness

Other times always trying to lead with a supposed Question so you can spout...what exactly???

Chance to spout some BS & not seem OT?

Forget it rhetorical question

The first time I looked I got the same things you mentioned but that didn't jibe with his site so I asked the question. Then just for the heck of it I searched his name adding the latest TV posting bent and came up with the other stuff. The net being what it is I wondered if anyone had a better insight than my searching came up with.

Although I can understand your confusion about my posting as I'm not a click baiter and don't have an agenda. I'm pro or anti Thai or American depending on the situation not my orientation. I like Thai people or American people if they do good and don't like them if they do bad not because they are Thai or American. If that explains it.

Edited by thailiketoo
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People never learn from their past mistakes.

There are many permutations to this .....................

There is even a financial doomsday scenario. facepalm.gif

don’t provoke the bear, because the bear could invoke it in a flash…………..

What Putin is not Telling Us: The Raid on the Ruble was supposed to be a Checkmate. It’s Nottongue.png


There is even a financial doomsday scenario. facepalm.gif

don’t provoke the bear, because the bear could invoke it in a flash…………..

More fiction, fantasy, Putin worshiping political spam.

"I looked into his eyes and I saw his soul." George W. Bush after a summit with Vladimir Putin.

Russia Is So Screwed

By Jordan Weissmann

Sorry buddy, it's true

Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images

Well, it looks like Russia is in for a long, cold, and economically devastating winter.


The Ruble Stopped Crashing Today. Russia Is Still Screwed.

By Jordan Weissmann

Brace for the worst, buddy.
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Not being a specialist in international economics cannot argue with most posts made above. However the OP statement (quote):

" In short, the US and the European Union are too strong for Russia to resist - financially, economically and militarily."

has not been fully discussed.

Painting Russia in a corner financially and economically leaves the "military" aspect outside of the discussion focus.

Any ideas from this angle? Without a common and often displayed attitude like they are weak, they are going to fall apart after one push, etc.

Seriously... ?


Whatever you might be on about, this covers it.

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the green dollar is not better than in 2008.don't believe the Internet propaganda.

If it was better, like some of you say here , I would be able to get 40 baths for a dollar or even more.

in fact the situation get worse and worse every second passing. the debt goes up and up.... how can you say it's better?

Two years ago I could get about 28 baht per dollar. Recently it has been just above and below 33 baht per dollar. Right now it is 32.9 per dollar.

That is a very large % increase in the dollar against the baht in two years.

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Tinfoil hat website. Sad people actually believe this stuff. Tells a lot about a person.

May as well read RT.

Lemme get this straight

Global Research is a Tinfoil hat site & your going to quote

rationalwiki.org & wikipedia.org

both site any tom,dick & harry can edit to their liking as some kind of source of superiority?

All Righty then wink.png

Plenty of reviews of that website on the internet. I like this one:


Sorry, but it just doesn't have much credibility.


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Tinfoil hat website. Sad people actually believe this stuff. Tells a lot about a person.

May as well read RT.

Lemme get this straight

Global Research is a Tinfoil hat site & your going to quote

rationalwiki.org & wikipedia.org

both site any tom,dick & harry can edit to their liking as some kind of source of superiority?

All Righty then wink.png

Plenty of reviews of that website on the internet. I like this one:


Sorry, but it just doesn't have much credibility.


That website you just linked which I cannot claim to understand for the most part ( I did unsuccessfully try to trudge thru his "My Story" Page)

has this to say about Global Research.....So that means bad/tinfoil on this website/for you???

Center for Research on Globalization

Original Content: star.pngstar.pngstar.pngthreequarter_star.pngblank_star.png

Updated Content: star.pngstar.pngstar.pngblank_star.pngblank_star.png

This website may appear to be a forest of articles. But what makes GlobalResearch.ca different is its disciplined analysis of political developments with emphasis on the “New World Order.”

The articles are scholarly, in-depth and research oriented. Quality that you can quote in a University thesis. Famous globalization critic Michel Chossudovsky can be found here.

Never mind..........I tend to read various sites that get linked for this or that reason & basically

decide for myself if writers lean one way for a reason or give examples that are hard to dispute etc.

But the times I have read Global Research I never lumped them into tinfoil hat territory

Not to say they may not be thrown in at some point...

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"Today I bought products from Thailand, Australia and Europe. I got more products in my basket than I did 3 months ago...it proves it s the Thai baths going down, not the USA dollars going up."

So, you're claiming prices in Thailand, Australia and Europe are in a deflationary downward spiral in the past 3 months?

I did not know that, 555...

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"Today I bought products from Thailand, Australia and Europe. I got more products in my basket than I did 3 months ago...it proves it s the Thai baths going down, not the USA dollars going up."

So, you're claiming prices in Thailand, Australia and Europe are in a deflationary downward spiral in the past 3 months?

I did not know that, 555...

No I didn't say that. The first poster wrote, "Same for the euro, Swiss francs, Australian dollars... it 's the Thai baths going down, not the USA dollar going up."

I wrote, "Today I bought products from Thailand, Australia and Europe. I got more products in my basket than I did 3 months ago."

I thought that was simple but I'll try again. I live in Thailand and get a pension in US dollars.

So last year in a typical month my pension paid my Thai mortgage and electric bill with enough left over to buy 100 cases of beer.

This year in a typical month my pension paid my Thai mortgage and electric bill with enough left over to buy 200 cases of beer.

So, what you're saying is that in the short-term currency exchange rates flucuate? 555.

Let me put it to you this way:

The last time I came to Thailand, right after 9/11, I paid between $4-8 USD for a hotel room in BKK, Koh Samui, Koh Chang, Sihanoukville, Penom Penn, the town near Angor Wat, Luang Prabang and Chiang Mai.

At the time, you could even get a hotel room for as little as $1-$2 USD, but those were already full of thrifty travellers.

This year I paid $10 to sleep in a hostel, in a room with 8 beds.

In 2001, you could get 40B/dollar. Now you only get 32B/dollar.

Obviously, prices have gone up more than 20%, to account for just the exchange rate variation.

BTW, where do you buy your beer, 555?

The cheapest cases I saw at Big C were 577B/case.

200 cases of those bad boys would be $3600 USD, 555...

Edited by SiSePuede419
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"Today I bought products from Thailand, Australia and Europe. I got more products in my basket than I did 3 months ago...it proves it s the Thai baths going down, not the USA dollars going up."

So, you're claiming prices in Thailand, Australia and Europe are in a deflationary downward spiral in the past 3 months?

I did not know that, 555...

No I didn't say that. The first poster wrote, "Same for the euro, Swiss francs, Australian dollars... it 's the Thai baths going down, not the USA dollar going up."

I wrote, "Today I bought products from Thailand, Australia and Europe. I got more products in my basket than I did 3 months ago."

I thought that was simple but I'll try again. I live in Thailand and get a pension in US dollars.

So last year in a typical month my pension paid my Thai mortgage and electric bill with enough left over to buy 100 cases of beer.

This year in a typical month my pension paid my Thai mortgage and electric bill with enough left over to buy 200 cases of beer.

So, what you're saying is that in the short-term currency exchange rates flucuate? 555.

You wrote, "So, you're claiming prices in Thailand, Australia and Europe are in a deflationary downward spiral in the past 3 months?" No I did not.

You wrote, "So, what you're saying is that in the short-term currency exchange rates flucuate? 555." No I did not.

I compared prices from one year to the next year. You were talking about 3 months and I was talking about a year.

The Thai Baht is going down in value relative to the American dollar and has been for more than a year.

But the topic of the thread is the ruble going down could spell disaster for the US dollar and that is nonsense. I don't think you could find a sane economist who would say that.

I'm not a backpacker I live in Thailand and my pension buys quite a bit more this year than it did last year.

Edited by thailiketoo
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Some "too big to fail" bankster somewhere is sitting on a $$ trillion of derivative products based on the exchange rate of the ruble. And some other tbtf bankster has written a credit default swap covering the guy who is sitting on those derivative products. And a 3rd tbtf bankster has written insurance guaranteeing that the credit default swaps will be made good if it all goes into the toilet. And they all took home their zillion dollar bonuses this week, just before Christmas.

I wouldn't be surprised if the price of pork bellies was enough to tip over the house of cards, much less the ruble. And it has nothing to do with fundamentals.

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The Thai Baht is going down in value relative to the American dollar and has been for more than a year.


You're right. I should have said in the past few months. Now post the ruble chart and see how it effected the US dollar

Only if you give me money.

Or chocolate. Lots of chocolate.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Some "too big to fail" bankster somewhere is sitting on a $$ trillion of derivative products based on the exchange rate of the ruble. And some other tbtf bankster has written a credit default swap covering the guy who is sitting on those derivative products. And a 3rd tbtf bankster has written insurance guaranteeing that the credit default swaps will be made good if it all goes into the toilet. And they all took home their zillion dollar bonuses this week, just before Christmas.

I wouldn't be surprised if the price of pork bellies was enough to tip over the house of cards, much less the ruble. And it has nothing to do with fundamentals.

While I know that you made this post "tongue in cheek" it sadly does bear resemblance to the absolute insanity that occurs on Wall Street every day sad.png

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

People never learn from their past mistakes.

There are many permutations to this .....................

There is even a financial doomsday scenario. alt=facepalm.gif>

don’t provoke the bear, because the bear could invoke it in a flash…………..

What Putin is not Telling Us: The Raid on the Ruble was supposed to be a Checkmate. It’s Not alt=tongue.png>


There is even a financial doomsday scenario. alt=facepalm.gif>

don’t provoke the bear, because the bear could invoke it in a flash…………..

More fiction, fantasy, Putin worshiping political spam.

"I looked into his eyes and I saw his soul." George W. Bush after a summit with Vladimir Putin.

Russia Is So Screwed
By Jordan Weissmann
Sorry buddy, it's true

Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images

Well, it looks like Russia is in for a long, cold, and economically devastating winter.


The Ruble Stopped Crashing Today. Russia Is Still Screwed.
By Jordan Weissmann
Brace for the worst, buddy.

Despite some of the propaganda websites quoted here (and some like globalres are really ROTFLMAO funny) in this thread, the truth is that Russia is indeed screwed and when they run out of Dollars to buy back Rubles they will be forced to sell their gold reserves. On CNBC today their was a legitimate panelist who threw out the possibility of a 40% (yes that is forty) hit to Russian GDP. I do not wish any ill on the Russian people, but they were the ones who elected Vlad, so perhaps they need to storm the Kremlin whistling.gif

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