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Weakening Russian Ruble not affecting Thai economy yet


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Weakening Russian Ruble not affecting Thai economy yet

BANGKOK, 19 December 2014 (NNT) - Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha has instructed an economic team to monitor the Russian currency crisis for fear that it would affect the Thai economy.

General Prayut told members of the economic team to closely observe a possible impact of the weakening Russian Ruble on the Thai economy after the currency has collapsed around 45% against the US dollar so far this year.

The Prime Minister insisted that his government has taken a proactive approach in promoting economic growth while maintaining a global perspective.

General Prayut admitted he was concerned about the direction of the economy, politics and society next year. He added that as long as the situation in the country is stable and peaceful, the international community will have more confidence in Thailand.

-- NNT 2014-12-19 footer_n.gif

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really early to see a drop in Russian tourists because of the change in ruble value. Give it a few months and we'll see what happens.

But, when there is a large quick change, those who have their tickets will go, those who were thinking of going might not depending on their economic status.

Other than tourism, what imports/exports are exchanged with Russia from Thailand? Again, too early to tell I think.

For Joe "vodka", it is probably a very scary time in Russia.

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Weakening Russian Ruble not affecting Thai economy yet

I see they have used the word 'Yet' in the heading...whistling.gif

As reported elsewhere...

Sanpetch Suppabawonsathien, president of the Thai Hotels Association, said the Russian tourist market in Pattaya was slumping for the first time in 12 years.

"Hotel room reservations from the Russian have already dropped by 70% for this high season," he said

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Just yesterday or the day before there was an article that russina tourist numbers were way down year on year and the trend is expected to continue thru ths peak season, pretty sure this would negatively effect certain aspects of the ecnomy, then again I must be wrong as PM and TAT seem to think otherwose

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The other day on the BBC news they were interviewing people in Russia on the street about the effect the free falling rouble was having, and one women said she had cancelled her Thailand vacation.

Yes, I saw that too and you have to think she won't be the only one.

Edited by NongKhaiKid
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Looks like General Prayut is taking a page from the TAT playbook, where no matter what

happens in the world ,release a statement that Thai tourism will not be affected......

Of course Thailand will be affected, I can already see there are a lot less Russian tourists

in Pattaya.....

Just put on the rose-colored glasses worn by govt officials and you will see Thailand is not affected.

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What people forget here is sanctions . *(what hurt them)

Yes Russian Tourists numbers do in fact hurt Thailand's bottom line.

Brave faces in media and lies people eat at breakfast won't save Thailand from a similar fate.

Recent events of claiming western compliance has offended some MPs in this country and i am sure others.

The truth is LM laws are unpopular in the west and lies spoke will have a toll.

Eventually , sanctions will befall this Nation if its leader can't tell the truth about us.

If it threatens our citizens , arrests them for what is normal in opinion questions.

If it stops democratic means .

Crushes the populace from its daily lives/

It can lie and cheat so much but when it pretends we approve we might slap tariffs on all things Thai

Edited by Fred Flinstone
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Looks like General Prayut is taking a page from the TAT playbook, where no matter what

happens in the world ,release a statement that Thai tourism will not be affected......

Of course Thailand will be affected, I can already see there are a lot less Russian tourists

in Pattaya.....

Just put on the rose-colored glasses worn by govt officials and you will see Thailand is not affected.

Heard part of Putin's State of the Nation speech and the only difference between him and the general is the language they speak.

All is really ok and where it isn't it's somebody else's fault !

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This is all the newest press release on the power of the economic war machines of the US, GB, and France.

Russia and China are tired of the West's monopoly of economic power, and have started joint military exercises as a rude gesture, a symbolic gesture IMHO. As a reply toward stability, the US is fielding no carrier groups in the Pacific right now or in the immediate future. Concurrently, all concerned NATO parties are considering whether to approve Japan's desire to change its military power from strictly defensive to multi-task focii.

It seems some undisclosed agreement has been reached, but remains speculative. It's like shadow boxing with someone else's shadow, but it is interesting and entertaining to connect the dots and intuit, and admit such opinions are only speculation (even if supported with anecdotal datum).

It's great to be alive and aware (one without the other would suck). tongue.png


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>>The Prime Minister insisted that his government has taken a proactive approach in promoting economic growth while maintaining a global perspective<< quote

Impressive words, what a shame that the PM doesn't understand them!!coffee1.gif

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I have little grasp of International Economics so could someone explain why every time the authorities do something daft here and someone remarks along the lines of: "there's another nail in the coffin of the Thai Tourist Industry" the Apologists come out in their droves in an outrage proclaiming adamantly that the "Thai economy doesn't need tourism" as though we Westerners are having the temerity to be blowing up our own importance to the economy of the country, yet the problems with the Rouble which affects just one sector of that industry seems to have the powers in a real kerfuffle.

Is it just that these apologist types have the rose tinted glasses too firmly attached to their eyes that the real issues escape them?

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Common sense suggests a lot of people in Russia will not be vacationing in Thailand because of the fall in the rouble. When the Australian dollar crashed against the US dollar a few years ago, Australian tourism to the US dropped noticeably. The last couple of years when the $A was surging, tourism to the US increased again along with online shopping purchases. If I were Russian I would be stockpiling any products I thought were going to rise in price before I worried about my Thailand vacation. Trips to Thailand for many people will be replaced by holidays within Russia. That said, the huge number of Chinese tourists I saw at the airport last week seem a ready replacement...

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