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'Jealous' Thai cop kills ex-girlfriend before turning gun on himself


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'Jealous' Cop Kills Ex-Girlfriend Before Turning Gun On Himself
By Khaosod English

Police inspect the crime scene where Pol.Lt. Boonyarit Ruenyen, 37, reportedly shot his 21-year-old ex-girlfriend Rungnapha Tamool in Bangkok, 18 Dec 2014.

BANGKOK — A 16-hour manhunt for a police officer who murdered his ex-girlfriend came to an end this morning when he was found in his car with a gunshot to the head.

Pol.Lt. Boonyarit Ruenyen, 37, shot his 21-year-old ex-girlfriend Rungnapha Tamool point blank in front of a correctional office in Bangkok at around 8.30 am yesterday, witnesses told police.

According to witnesses, the former couple had a loud argument before Pol.Lt. Boonyarit shot Rungnapha in the head, dragged her body into his car, and drove off. Local police then launched an effort to locate and intercept Pol.Lt. Boonyarit's vehicle, but to no avail.

However, police officers in Naan province, more than 600 kilometres north of Bangkok, found Pol. Lt. Boonyarit inside of a parked vehicle in Na Muen district early this morning. The officer was found in the driver's seat with a fatal gunshot wound to the head and a revolver in his lap. Rungnapha's dead body was also in the car.

Full story: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1418975906

-- Khaosod English 2014-12-19

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This guy was a lieutenant. He must have come through the police academy, not just a sergeant/thug/hitman. It would be very interesting to read some background. He must have had some incidents before. Which police station was he assigned to? Of course we will hear no more.

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This guy was a lieutenant. He must have come through the police academy, not just a sergeant/thug/hitman. It would be very interesting to read some background. He must have had some incidents before. Which police station was he assigned to? Of course we will hear no more.

I thought all would-be police graduated from the academy. It may well be that his higher rank was because of family connections or wealth, but just as likely he was a bigger mongrel, or sycophant.

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proof that "buying" a position as a police officer is not the right way , all applicants should be vetted , have background checks etc , instead they are happy to recuit murderers .

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"A 16-hour manhunt for a police officer who murdered his ex-girlfriend came to an end this morning when he was found in his car with a gunshot to the head."

It's a shame that all these men who are involved in similar incidents get the sequence backwards.

Unfortunately, in many countries around the world it is too easy for people with antisocial/violent tendencies to be recruited for and employed in positions within law enforcement and the military. One wonders if the glorification of killing in the media and entertainment industries contributes to attracting such people to these professions.

Edited by jaltsc
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This guy was a lieutenant. He must have come through the police academy, not just a sergeant/thug/hitman. It would be very interesting to read some background. He must have had some incidents before. Which police station was he assigned to? Of course we will hear no more.

I thought all would-be police graduated from the academy. It may well be that his higher rank was because of family connections or wealth, but just as likely he was a bigger mongrel, or sycophant.

No, you either come in as a commissioned officer or not. If the latter, you will very rarely reach the rank of lieutenant. It is effectively a military structure.

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Jealous Chonburi official shoots GF and German before cops shoot him dead Pattaya News Forum.

Jealous Thai man kills mia noi over relationship with foreigner and hangs himself Phuket News Forum.

Another love triangle murder coming to a place near you soon.

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This is a trgedy on both sides, but nothing any of us here say will ever make a difference. You cannot always seperate the good from the bad based on background checks and previous expedrience in their present position.,Good cops and crooked cops can become a kiler in a moment just as we have seen here. We will never know more so we should not ask more. This has absoutely nothing to relate to any women being date raped and beaten by anyone. Get a grip on reality for a change

.Is this a wonder to anyone? I know some women date raped and beaten by RTPs upper echelon. So why not a killer also. Too many police weree given jobs in high places simply because they had connections. Something really needs to be done to get the gangsters off the streets and get real police here to protect the people and uphold the laws.
I am in no way saying all police here are bad. They are not and some are even acquaintances. But the PM needs to do something about them. Poor girl only 21 and her whole life ahead of her. So sad she met her end at the hands of someone who is supposed to protect.

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How interesting the story is if you read the version from another news source

The girl started dating the cop after being released from prison after a year for running a prostitution service

Did lover boy get jealous because he was missing out on kick backs ????? whistling.gif

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Jealous Chonburi official shoots GF and German before cops shoot him dead Pattaya News Forum.

Jealous Thai man kills mia noi over relationship with foreigner and hangs himself Phuket News Forum.

Another love triangle murder coming to a place near you soon.

Re Chonburi:


But lets not forget this other recent police shooting episode out of Koh Samui:

Furious Samui Police Officer Shoots His Colleagues in Lamai


Heard news on the radio report that Pol.Sgt. Matthew found out that Pol.Sgt. Wichit was having an affair with his gf.
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This is a trgedy on both sides, but nothing any of us here say will ever make a difference. You cannot always seperate the good from the bad based on background checks and previous expedrience in their present position.,Good cops and crooked cops can become a kiler in a moment just as we have seen here. We will never know more so we should not ask more. This has absoutely nothing to relate to any women being date raped and beaten by anyone. Get a grip on reality for a change

.Is this a wonder to anyone? I know some women date raped and beaten by RTPs upper echelon. So why not a killer also. Too many police weree given jobs in high places simply because they had connections. Something really needs to be done to get the gangsters off the streets and get real police here to protect the people and uphold the laws.

I am in no way saying all police here are bad. They are not and some are even acquaintances. But the PM needs to do something about them. Poor girl only 21 and her whole life ahead of her. So sad she met her end at the hands of someone who is supposed to protect.

I would have to disagree with you on this. The police could have psycologists and there are tests that determine personality. Training both physically and mentally are used in other countries as well. Your reply was ill concieved in thinking I was referring to this policeman and incident only.

Violent crimes are committed by police here quite often.

The problem is this is Thailand where who you know or how much you can pay will guarantee your position. There is no special qualifications needed except an education which most everyone knows is bought also even if nothing is learned

Edited by thesetat2013
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Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the Thai male. Now I'm just waiting for someone to say this happens all over the world.

Well it does happen all over the World. I was a cop in America and know of at least half a dozen such incidents in my area of cops shooting ex-girlfriends or wives then turning the gun on themselves. I think the real problem was with an older man taking on a girlfriend 17 years younger than him who was still young and dumb to want to go out with guys her own age at the same time. This can happen anywhere when there is such an age difference.

Fact is, Thai men are so weak that they can't stand to be dumped. I had a Thai female colleague that was being harassed 4 years after she dumped her boyfriend, threatening to kill her and then suicide. Pathetic. Nothing to do with being a cop. Police in most countries enforce, the law. Thai cops break the law.

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Jealous Chonburi official shoots GF and German before cops shoot him dead Pattaya News Forum.

Jealous Thai man kills mia noi over relationship with foreigner and hangs himself Phuket News Forum.

Another love triangle murder coming to a place near you soon.

Re Chonburi:


But lets not forget this other recent police shooting episode out of Koh Samui:

Furious Samui Police Officer Shoots His Colleagues in Lamai


Heard news on the radio report that Pol.Sgt. Matthew found out that Pol.Sgt. Wichit was having an affair with his gf.

A friend of mine was flirting and emailing a woman he knows is married to a mid-level police officer. I told him that he should put all thoughts out of his mind, but he just laughed it off.

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