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You can get one at the local Ampur office, in Phetchabun the cost is 20 baht.


I called the immigration 'hotline' when I was having difficulties with my local office, rather than taking my phone to the IO and speaking in Thai, she advised me to go to the metro office and gave me the number for the local tessaban, who can also help with the letter.

Its amazing how complicated the immigration dept makes everything. If you ever need a new KR.2, its a matter of handing over the documents and 20B to the ampur while the clerk types your address and prints it off. Why does the immigration service insist on busting-balls at every hurdle ?


And the Department of Transport in Pattaya will not accept yellow tai Baan as proof of residence! They send you to immigration who check your yellow house book then issue a letter( for a fee)


At the Chiang Mai Immigration office near Promenada Mall, there is an enormous sign saying the CR is free.

Officer asked for 500 baht. I said I was in no hurry and did not need VIP orocessing. Was told to come back in 10 days.

10 days later, free CR.

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In the small amphur near petchabun. Free. The officer asked for a donation , my wife told him she was looking for the donation box. As there was none . She said too bad. Actually he did not know us but my sister in law who is an active puya baan has already a couple of complaint against him for his hasseling the thais for the issuing of doc . The revolt of the small people i guess after all the recent talk about corruption by the gov.


It is and unofficial fee not a bribe or any other form of corruption. The money does not go into anybodies pocket.

Believe that if you will.

Where do you think the money does go?

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It is and unofficial fee not a bribe or any other form of corruption. The money does not go into anybodies pocket.

Believe that if you will.

Where do you think the money does go?

Free Wi-Fi, LED TV, free drinking water, tidy garden etc perhaps.


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300baht at jontien for one, 500 baht for two

I can confirm. Additionally, its quite painless at the Jomtien Immigration office.


At the Chiang Mai Immigration office near Promenada Mall, there is an enormous sign saying the CR is free.

Officer asked for 500 baht. I said I was in no hurry and did not need VIP orocessing. Was told to come back in 10 days.

10 days later, free CR.

Latest report is that the free ones take 30 days to process :-(...


Last year, in Chiang Mai, it cost me nothing (but you were expected to donate to the 'Xmas Fund'). This year, in Jomtien, it cost me 600 baht. Obviously a higher standard of Xmas party in Jomtien.


You can only get one from your local immigration office so pay the fee and keep quiet or you might annoy them which means no driving license for you !

correct where I am from they don't give them not even paid for. I rather pay the measly 500 bt then to go to my embassy like I have to now.


It's 500 Baht at my local immigration office, no receipt. I am happy to pay for this service. It is much better than spending a day driving more than 100 KM to the US Embassy in BKK, finding parking in an office building across the street, paying US$50.00.


This topic has been discussed dozens of times.

It is and unofficial fee not a bribe or any other form of corruption. The money does not go into anybodies pocket.

How can paying a fee and not getting a receipt be anything other than a bribe? This is not a rhetorical question. I really would like to know, because, as far as I know (please correct me if I'm wrong,) paying a bribe is illegal in Thailand.

This topic has been discussed dozens of times.

It is and unofficial fee not a bribe or any other form of corruption. The money does not go into anybodies pocket.

How can paying a fee and not getting a receipt be anything other than a bribe? This is not a rhetorical question. I really would like to know, because, as far as I know (please correct me if I'm wrong,) paying a bribe is illegal in Thailand.

For one thing it does not fit under the standard definition of a bribe.

"dishonestly persuade (someone) to act in one's favour by a gift of money or other inducement.

"they attempted to bribe opponents into losing""
You are paying for service so it is not a bribe.

Look at that

Thats the first time I don't agree with ubonjoe after all these year.

I suppose it had to happen.


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I paid 4 months ago 300 bath in Jomtien, 5 years before 200 for residence paper (driving lic.)

No receipt.

Its a free service normally but I say nothing.

Because when I went for life certificate which is always free (just a stamp and signature ) always no free.

Then 1 day (I need to go every month) at reception they said 200 bath !!!! I said no its a free service. But the farang and thai sitting there said , no its changed.

I said ok I would like a receipt please if I pay...........NO CAN

So I got the paper thrown at me and a warning from the volunteer farang !!!!!!!!! not come back here, go embassy there you pay 2000 bath.

But I went back next month to another nice farang volunteer and paid nothing.


.. 'officially there is no charge'......so does that mean that it is free......for Thais only....???

...didn't this government say that they would stop illegal fees.....double pricing......corruption...etc..etc....???

Why would a Thai national need a proof of residence letter from an immigration office?


When asking for this document what evidence does the issuer require as evidence you live at the address you provide ?

I usually show them my driving licence........


You can only get one from your local immigration office so pay the fee and keep quiet or you might annoy them which means no driving license for you !

Better to pay and move on. Not worth fighting about. IMHO

I remember back in 1921 when there was no Internet and the few farang residents of Thailand used to communicate with one another by pigeon post.

In those days, just as today, the biggest complaint among the expat community was graft and how outrageous it was that one had to pay a compulsory two tikal fee to the immigration officer to have him blot the document he'd just stamped and signed.

In Thailand, just as elsewhere, some things never change.

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The last time I applied for one in Jomtien the price was THB200 and I was given a receipt.

I have had a Thai spouse visa for many years now, I report every 90 days and have not changed my address for 10 years. Why the need for a resident certificate?

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I was charged 200 baht last year - fair enough... smile.png

Edit: Think to remember I some years ago got a proof-of-residence letter for free from same immigration office, to much surprise for me, so may vary...


Fellow posters, it is not about the 500 baht. I am sure all of us can pay that.

it is more about the ever and daily present and annoying idea that you are being taken to the cleaners by ignorant Thai who en masse believe that we are rich and therefore they can just take your money, because you have no recourse.

yes, quite annoying.

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Although the yellow book is free the whole affair included travelling twice to the embassy and have the necessary paperwork translated and stamped by a corrupt office, 30.000 baht.


Now i have yellow tabien bahn, so never need certificate of residence anymore.

Depends... At Pattaya the Land Office didn't accept anymore the Yellow Book for a Driving License,

you HAVE to get a Certificate of Residence at Jomtien Immigration... sad.png

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