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King’s improved condition is best and happiest news for 2014

Lite Beer

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This is fantastic christmas news for the thai people, they have a truly great king and it is important for the country as a whole for him to remain in good health for years to come, he is the one that holds everything together here, long live the king.

+1...Great news !!!
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What is the happiest news?

1. News of His Majesty’s improved condition

2. Power seizure by the National Council for Peace and Order

3. Having Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha as prime minister.

4. Ending of the protests by both sides of polarized politics.

I would also choose for the first option.

The other 3 points don't sound happy to me, they are either unhappy (2 and 3) or more like a relief (4).

Edited by kriswillems
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Hoping for only good things to come this countries way in 2015, whatever side of the divide anyone might be on. Good story because there has not been a whole lot of them in Thailand in 2014.

Edited by Smurkster
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I am delighted that His Majesty is feeling better. I am very pleased that The Thai People are happy at this. It is good news and God, and Buddha, both know they need something to cheer them up. Good Oh ! I really mean that.

Please don't try to link it to the current political situation.

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Although this topic is about the improvement his Majesty the King's health, let's be careful with references to the other members of the Royal family.

Please use discretion in your references to the government. Phrases which can be considered as anti-coup will be removed. Referring to Thailand or the government as a dictatorship, military dictatorship or other such terms will be removed.

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Love this king so much.

The king of kings.

So true.

May he be with us for a very long time. ?

Could be a few Christians have an issue with that statement.

At least we know that this king has truly lived.... and not possibly a fictional character..... Long live the King of Thailand.

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