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Wandering & Wondering


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Left CM today for the fertile fields of Suphan Buri and our family New Years....Saw the Nakhon Sawan sign and thought D48 was from around there...got me wondering how many TVFr's I passed by along the way? How spread out are we? Supposed to be 17 farang in SB .. saw one at the Friday market - said hello <> as he walked past me alone with a thousand yard stare and no acknowledgement...hope the other 16 have a pulse.....

Edited by pgrahmm
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If you are ever passing through Wungchompu, call in for a beer. And in defence of the gent you saw at the market; If I met some of these members (not you) I'd stare off into the distance as well.

Edited by sipi
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I was in the market last Friday and this total stranger foreigner tried to engage me with the unsolicited 'hello!' What is it with the farangs that feel they need to acknowledge the presence of another farang like we are buddies or what? Total weirdo. Probably one of these born-again Chiang Mai'ers. Bet he can't speak Faroese either.

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I am saying Hi to Supan Buri, I used to live and work there, swell pretty relaxed place, met a few farang then and by and we always hung out after work, in one of the many eatery places . . . .

Sweet memories . . .

I bet you won't find it too hard to meet a few expats, and I wish you all a nice time out together . . . !!

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I was in the market last Friday and this total stranger foreigner tried to engage me with the unsolicited 'hello!' What is it with the farangs that feel they need to acknowledge the presence of another farang like we are buddies or what? Total weirdo. Probably one of these born-again Chiang Mai'ers. Bet he can't speak Faroese either.

Lay off 'Chiang Mai'ers.'

We're a diverse lot, and we prefer to be called 'eccentric'.

Otherwise, I agree with what you say. Although some people are just gregarious by nature. A smile and a nod is a good response. If they persist, say you're pressed for time.

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