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NRC President suggests establishment of national virtue assembly

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NRC President suggests establishment of national virtue assembly

BANGKOK, 21 December 2014 (NNT) - The President of the National Legislative Assembly has suggested that Thailand should have a new national assembly to promote virtues.

NLA President Tienchay Kirananda said that his idea for the setting up of a national virtue assembly came up after all proposals and suggestions from all National Reform Council committees have been submitted to the charter drafters.

Mr. Tienchay said that he plans to bring this idea to the NRC who he hopes to accordingly come up with guidelines for the actual establishment of a new body that will not only compile information but also disseminate knowledge and campaign for a strong awareness of ethics, moral and governance in Thailand.

He added that the national virtue assembly will also be tasked with the setting up of principles and standards related to all of the aforementioned elements for people who work for public offices, such as politicians, and members of the private sector whose works are related with the government and are subject to legality.

-- NNT 2014-12-21 footer_n.gif

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That virtue council would then act like the sharia police in other countries, right? Take a personal look at the virtues of young ladies included? No more drinking after 10 pm? No more missing school? What else? Certainly nothing helpful for this country.

Some people should remember that wise word from very high up: Think first, and only then start to talk!

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Although i have to agree with the NRC that Thais need to learn morals and ethics and not just with politicians and GOV or private sector workers but with all Thais. However, how can they form a legislation of Thais to disseminate these things when most if not all don't know good morals and ethics to begin with. Then there is the problem of getting the right people to teach and practise these things and set examples for the younger generations to continue.

A waste of money and time unil people start seeing that there are consequences for their actions always.

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If Thailand really wants to reduce corruption don't worry about implementing virtues as that is just all smoke-and-mirrors; instead, just aggressively investigate, prosecute, and send to prison corrupt officials as that will reduce corruption.

didnt you realize?

the "virtues" are only for those who dont benefit from corruption.

those that do, due to birthright and re-incarnation are well above needing "virtues" to step on to the next level.

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last night while shopping in Big C there was a woman with a t shirt that had "Dont worry, just say <deleted> YOU and smile" on the front(all letters).This isnt the first one with this sort of language written on it I have seen, a teenager with one saying, "I like to suck cock" and others with crude garbage written on them. How can people have any virtue/values when they wear crap like this, there is a big difference in some one swearing to someone wearing this sort of garbage out in public, how can people have any respect for these idiots especially when they may not even know what the writing means because they dont speak english but think iots great.

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Well you have to admit that when there's a problem even if a few decades late someone will come up with another committee or other, this is just what you'd expect from a third rate Ronald Reagan movie , the main ingredient missing in this equation is Education , if people were educated to a proper standard you would have the virtues standards within the framework of the education system, a little bit late for that now.coffee1.gif

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Thailand is on about the same level as Sodam and Gomorrah,and now want

to set up a National Virtue Assembly,must be getting a little worried about the

wrath of God,

When stories like this get out into the real World,people are going to laugh,

Thailand and Virtue are never spoken in the same sentence.

regards Worgeordie

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last night while shopping in Big C there was a woman with a t shirt that had "Dont worry, just say <deleted> YOU and smile" on the front(all letters).This isnt the first one with this sort of language written on it I have seen, a teenager with one saying, "I like to suck cock" and others with crude garbage written on them. How can people have any virtue/values when they wear crap like this, there is a big difference in some one swearing to someone wearing this sort of garbage out in public, how can people have any respect for these idiots especially when they may not even know what the writing means because they dont speak english but think iots great.

Saw a young Thai girl (maybe 14 yrs old) on Samui wearing a T-Shirt that read:

"I'm wearing this shirt because it is the only one that doesn' have CUM on it."

I swear. I had a photo but can't find it...

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Legislate virtue. Legislate morals and ethics.


That’s the pathetic state that they are in.

So, come up with a list of “virtues” and Poof! everyone will follow them?

How about the filthy rich Military and Police atoning for past sins while they are at it.

Or, is it now a clean slate?

Do as I say, not as I do? wai2.gifwai.gif



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last night while shopping in Big C there was a woman with a t shirt that had "Dont worry, just say <deleted> YOU and smile" on the front(all letters).This isnt the first one with this sort of language written on it I have seen, a teenager with one saying, "I like to suck cock" and others with crude garbage written on them. How can people have any virtue/values when they wear crap like this, there is a big difference in some one swearing to someone wearing this sort of garbage out in public, how can people have any respect for these idiots especially when they may not even know what the writing means because they dont speak english but think iots great.

Get into the Tshirt business. Make one saying "My Hormones Are Raging Help!!"

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These guys are all mad. I mean virtuing on the insane. Bloody scary stuff going on. I never heard such ridiculous government, or associated governmet, leaders' suggestions in all my life - yet, it gets worse by the hour, and not the day. I reckon they must all be Yaba heads.... who let the dogs out? wuff wuff?

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A Buddhist country needs a national assembly of virtue?

Even the temples have their fair share of corrupt monks syphoning off the donations from the faithful, not to mention drug addicts, murderers and sex offenders lying low from the law. Politicians, civil servants, police and military are noted for their corruption.

Where will they find any examples of virtue in Thai society? Are they going make the assemblymen jobs expatriate positions? LOL.

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