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IS has executed 100 foreigners trying to quit: report


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Many of these foreign ISIS fighters are just stupid kids that became victims of sublime propaganda in irresponsible social media. They were used by ISIS to clean toilets, give blow jobs or be used as canon fodder. Before they were able to do the smallest heroic act, they knew that they had made a bad and possIbly fatal mistake. They should come back and teach others about the true ISIS. This killing is a stupid move. It will cost the <deleted> dearly. The promise of 72 unpopped cherries will lose its appeal.

Edited by CapeCobra
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I don't feel bad for a bunch of traitors who join the enemy to kill children.

If you're executed by your own, are you considered a martyr? Do 72 underaged virgins await you in the afterlife?

Yes they do, but they're virgin sheep.

Edited by rickirs
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Anyone stupid enough to join in the first place, deserves the consequences.

Agree entirely! And it might just have the reverse effect that these murderers are trying to achieve by deterring anyone who is in two minds about joining them in the first place!

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I watched a SKY news interview in the UK last week where the father of a jihadist had given information to the Police about his son fighting abroad, his son was then jailed The father said he wished he had never helped the Police. I watched this and could not help but notice that this man who had lived in the UK long enough to father a son had not bothered to learn to speak English in all the time he had lived in the UK (his interview was translated by SKY). As far as I'm concerned the more that die before they can return to the UK the better, we see in the news the results of this mass social experiment every week. Kids abused by Islamic Pakistani gangs to name just one. They are the enemy within and it is all the fault of our useless and corrupt political leaders especially the labor party who let so many in. These Jihadists should be tried for treason and if their family's do not let the authorities know about their activities then all their business assets and most of them will have businesses should be confiscated by the state.

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Jeezo, if you want to be sadist barbarian, why not just cut off a finger or a toe, and let 'em go. (rhyme not intended)

Finger or toe is light weight. A real sadistic barbarian cuts off the head. It get a lot more attention.

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That should do wonders for their recruiting figures....

Can't understand all the fuss. They should appreciate a quicker intro to all those vested virgins and us poor Bastards in BKK need to pay through the nose ......and they certainly ain't VIRGINS !!!!! Unless you believe - You velly Hansom and I only work here one week BS !!!!

Edited by ScotBkk
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This report should have remained a secret, so that those thinking about joining, do.

It's better they go, and don't come back, than sit with a festering mind in a London, Sydney, or New York bedsit.

I'd say that they powers have let this public so those in the field, leg it 'home' and spill the beans about ISIS. If this report is genuine however it sounds like ISIS is on the brink of collapse if they need to start policing their own ranks from within. To add another SEAsian parallel it is widely thought the Khmer Rouge finally collapsed when the hierarchy became so paranoid of their fellow cadres that paranoia disintegrated the KR from within.

This is the principle weakness of fundamentalist Islam, it's extreme dogma means that anyone who attempts to moderate it will be killed by those more extreme. I can see the cycle going on until all are wiped out save the most extreme. The trouble is this process takes lots of time and perhaps explains why you don't see any marches of moderate Muslims claiming IS don't represent Islam. They do in its purest form, which is why Al-Azhar university refuses to condemn IS as being not Islamic.


Edited by Steely Dan
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Best news i have heard in weeks....

Scared to come home (The full article)....but they weren't scared to kill innocent people though.

Weegee, can not be other than agree with you, IS have confirmed 100 let us hope that the number does not stop here and more to added to this list; as mentioned they might have blood of innocent people on their hands. How can a person Male\Female (just for the pleasure) travel Miles to Kill innocent children, women's and males all ages included, Happy END

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Pretty certain there won't be many who'll miss this lot. And they've saved taxpayers in the respective countries a packet in prison / court / apprehension costs. Now let's just hope they rattle israel's cage next and reap a proper whirlwind afterwards. We live in hope

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It is a one-way trip buddy...you made your choice to fight along side the inhumane IS thugs...now you are one...like it or not...do not look for sympathy from the world community...goodbye and good riddance...

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One can maybe draw a Thai/SEAsian parallel to this.

No doubt the 'hardcore' ISIS fighters looked at all the ''privileged'' kids coming to join their cause from cushy backgrounds in the West with a degree of askance, much in the way the Pathet Lao/PLAT hierarchy looked at the soft, privileged Thai kids who joined them after they fled thence to escape possible persecution, repercussions following the Thammasat massacre in '76.

Expecting to be taken as leaders, the educated Thai elite who joined the communists in the Jungles of Laos, NE and Northern Thailand, were not accepted as true communists by the hardline, battle hardened guerrillas, who saw them as pampered elite made them start very much at the 'bottom' doing menial, physical labour, or acting as servants to the leadership of the communist forces which led to severe disillusionment among the new arrivals, many of who abandoned the CPT camps and returned home, often offering information in exchange for immunity from prosecution which may have led to the collapse of the CPT strongholds and training camps in rural Thailand in the late 1970s.

(see The Moonhunter (2001)

Rachel Harrison's introduction to A Drop of Glass - Sridaiouang - Rachel Harrison, Duang Kamol 1997 - or read the story 'our friends have not yet returned from the City)

Becoming Urban; Thai Literature about Rural-urban Migration and a Society in Transition, Ellen Elizabeth Boccuzzi. ProQuest 2007)

Will be interesting if this leads to an end or at least severe drop off in the flood of wannabe Jihadists from the West.

Conclusion (after all that piffle): Battle hardened extremists don't take kindly to soft new arrivals fresh from a comfy bed

Ah, so that's why Miliband and his champagne socialist chums are so unpopular with the labouring classes.

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Let us not forget that what started this unholy mess was In 2003 Tony Blair was going to save the U.K. From a 40 minute attack from Saddam.

It has taken Labour supporters 10 years to make the connection that the current happy go lucky multi cultural Britain is down to Labour voters.

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This is one of those times when the truth (if any) of the story matters not one bit. The threat of execution discourages casual desertion but the harsh treatment accorded would be deserters discourages enlistments. In the future would be deserters know they must carry out their plans very carefully perhaps even to the point of shooting their way out. A pox on the lot of you!

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Or maybe they did not want the foreigners getting to grips with this abomination.

An IS pamphlet instructs fighters about sexual activity with female captives

The document appears to be genuine. It was posted on an jihadist web forum and, apparently, given out after Friday prayers in Mosul.

Christians, Jews and Yazidi women can all be taken as slaves, it says. Women can be bought, sold, and given as gifts; they can be disposed of as property if a fighter dies.

The pamphlet's Q&A format includes the following:

Question: Is it allowed to have intercourse with a female captive immediately after taking possession of her? Answer: If she is a virgin, her master can have intercourse with her immediately after taking possession. But if she is not, you must make sure she is not pregnant.

Question: Is it allowed to have intercourse with a female slave who has not reached puberty? Answer: You may have intercourse with a female slave who hasn't reached puberty if she is fit for intercourse. However, if she is not fit for intercourse, it is enough to enjoy her without.

Full story here.


Edited by JockPieandBeans
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