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British national Tommy Diver taunts UK police from Thailand


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Cowardly scum, bravest thing they ever did was walk up behind off duty officers and put one in the back of their heads when they wernt looking. Send him back now!

A small group of freedom fighters taking on the entire might of the armed British military and constabulary.

Sounds quite brave to me, or maybe stupid, but certainly not cowardly.

sounds great coming from an American apologist for the IRA. Just look at the fuss this week when some coward walked up to 2 NY cops and shot them in the head when they weren't expecting it..... not so great when it happens to your people is it?

Were the French resistance cowardly then (freedom fighters against German troops)?

Or how about the Stern Gang (freedom fighters against British troops)?

If you conquer a country by force or arms, does it become OK at some time in the future, and you get to keep the country.

Or do it's original residents have the right to fight for their freedom (against the occupying forces)?

so what about the original people of america? you'd be okay if they started up against the us military on us soil?

just give them more casino licenses?

its to easy to point fingers in these matters

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Just shoot the bastard, save a lot of time and effort


Yes, such as a trial, gathering of evidence, proving guilt.

Why bother with any of that?

After all he's Irish and Catholic, therefore he must be guilty.

If he is guilty of anything, then fine, send him to gaol.

But lets prove it first, hey.

Pay no heed to the english lads, they are just sorry they got their <deleted> kicked. BTE, the english are3 the biggest bunch of murdering shites in the world, just look at India, South africa and their continued particpiation in attemps at world domination and use of torture. Bunch of knobs the lot of em.!

Merry christmas, enjoy your barstools

Usual BSclap2.gif

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It makes me smile some of the comments from posters here on this subject. Actually, most of it makes me sad. On the one hand we have people who, in one breath support the efforts of Sinn Fein in the peace process and in the next praising this wannabe scrot in the OP. Then of course, we have our overseas brothers with arguements of one persons terrorist is another persons freedom fighter. These are the people who never saw what Noraid donations did in Northern Ireland.
Little story for the neutral readers here that don't fully understand what happened there.
I left Belfast in 1974 at the age of 16 after being born and raised there. The main reason I left was, that at this age and time, practically every other boy there (working & middle class), regardless of whatever side of the divide they were on, were on the fringes of the para milatary. Didn't matter if it was IRA or UVF or any of the numerous affiliates, once in, never out.
Four years later, I ended up back there for 5 years of active service in the armed forces in various roles over that period. During that time we had almost daily briefings, which we often refered to as hangover cures. These were consolidated intelligence reports from the verious operational networks about what had happened overnight, who had done what to who and what to expect in the near future. To see what one human being is capable of doing to another, on both sides, in the name of something which was titular only (at this point), is shocking to the extent that nobody should have to see.
The situation at this point in time had crashed through the religious divide, crashed the political divide and had turned into organised crime using the first two to cover their actions. Too much money to be made through protection rackets, insurance scams, 'santioned' murders and eventually drugs. IMHO, to date nothing has changed, just covered up a bit better.
We could argue about history and rights and wrongs and never come to an understanding, reality is something different.
I was once told that the troubles in Northern Ireland were the fault of the parents. That ideals were passed down from one generation to another influencing that new part of the family tree. "Billy, stay away from that Seamus boy, you don't know what you'll catch". "Seamus, that boy Billy is different to us". Etc, etc, etc.
Hopefully now, the parents have wised up a bit.
Always proud to be from Belfast, nothing there will change. But, I left that part of my life there and moved on.
IMHO, opinions about what is going on there, what is right and what is wrong should also be left there.
Enjoy where you're at now.............wink.png
Sorry for the long post, off topic mostly. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to one and all....................wai.gif

The best post on here by Far.

Most people in NI have moved on and get on with their lives.

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Why does Thailand open its doors to these types of people?

I'm sure with his attitude and mouth, he will get noticed very soon in BKK and someone will rat him in.

he could have went anywhere. this isn't about Thailand or your misfortune. your fall from grace.....

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This topic has certainly upset a lot of members and we've read 'one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter' a number of times

Personally I could not imagine, however downtrodden I was, planting bombs that I knew would kill dozens of innocent people

I was caught up in the IRA bombings in London in the 1970's and I still give post boxes a wide berth for fear they might explode, and this nearly 40 years down the line

Would my body being destroyed in a hail of iron fragments really have been justified?

I might well have been a devout Roman Catholic wholly sympathetic to the Republican cause. Deaths were almost totally indiscriminate

Army barracks, police stations etc I could just about understand, but busy shopping centres where scores of innocent men, women and children have been massacred?

But of course we have Hiroshima,Nagasaki and any number of atrocities committed by Western governments so where does it end?

Just like to wish all members a peaceful 2015 wherever they are on the political spectrum

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and the IRA finally agreeing to talks. The good people of America, who had funded the 'Freedom fighters' for so long had a taste of terrorism and the funding dried up. No money, no bombs.

I always thought the British government gave in to the IRA when they blew up the conservative government conference in Brighton and frightened Margaret Thatcher into surrender.

The IRA frightened Margaret Thatcher into surrender? Oh dear. Thatcher was defiant against terrorists, whether they were funded by the Iranians or by the Americans, and remained so. The weasel who replaced her might have had different ideas, as did Tony Blair who completed the capitulation. It might be useful to read some of Thatcher's speeches as Prime Minister in the years following Brighton.

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Cowardly scum, bravest thing they ever did was walk up behind off duty officers and put one in the back of their heads when they wernt looking. Send him back now!

A small group of freedom fighters taking on the entire might of the armed British military and constabulary.

Sounds quite brave to me, or maybe stupid, but certainly not cowardly.

Brave - shooting unarmed people, blowing up unarmed people, murdering anybody, women, children, the old and ill.

Just like all terrorists they are prepared to kill at will but avoid contact with security forces capable of fighting back. And, of course always the first to whine about their human rights being infringed whilst denying the same rights to any they feel like.

Sounds like cowardly scum to me.

And nothing remotely like the original IRA and its flying columns who engaged troops, armed police and irregulars in actual combat.

But that little bit of romantic &lt;deleted&gt; you elude to fooled many a NORAID donor.

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is this just an excuse to talk atlantic island politics by posting a piccie of an almost ladyboy runaway???

I guess he's a kid that ran away from poverty.

If you're an underdog in your own country you don't have many choices, and if you are driven back to wall then terrorism might be your only weapon.

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is this just an excuse to talk atlantic island politics by posting a piccie of an almost ladyboy runaway???

I guess he's a kid that ran away from poverty.

If you're an underdog in your own country you don't have many choices, and if you are driven back to wall then terrorism might be your only weapon.

Read a bit about Nothern Ireland.

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is this just an excuse to talk atlantic island politics by posting a piccie of an almost ladyboy runaway???

Makes a change from talking about Obuma's latest gaffe or whether Hilary might or might not.

Don't feel left out if its outside your sphere of expertise.

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This is for all the Brits calling Irish Freedom Fighters cowardy scum, and this is only a top 10 of British crimes against humanity. The whole list of British cowardly acts would probably take 10 full pages here


So your point, and the point of the IRA apologists in this thread, is basically that the atrocities of the past should be used to justify continuing hatred and atrocities in the present and in the future, and that murdering innocent women and children in the name of the "Cause" is a noble pursuit and to be admired as long as you agree with the "Cause"....

Humans are the only animals to use hypocrisy to justify their inhumanity.

Drogheda. Thousands of Irish orphans sent as slaves to the West indies as slaves.... Atrocity after atrocity... Cultural and ethnic genocide... Those are the realities of Britain's presence in Ireland....

Thousands of Irish orphans abused physically, psychologically and sexually by the religious bodies they were entrusted to. The realities of successive Irish governments at a time when Catholic institutions behaved much like the Taliban in dictating social behavior whilst abusing those in their care.

But, like your delve into history, what's that got to do with the price of fish?

This man has an open arrest warrant for terrorist related charges. Should be located, arrested, deported, period. Then a court can decide whether he's guilty or innocent.

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Cowardly scum, bravest thing they ever did was walk up behind off duty officers and put one in the back of their heads when they wernt looking. Send him back now!

A small group of freedom fighters taking on the entire might of the armed British military and constabulary.

Sounds quite brave to me, or maybe stupid, but certainly not cowardly.

Brave - shooting unarmed people, blowing up unarmed people, murdering anybody, women, children, the old and ill.

The RAF did plenty of blowing up women and children in WWII, Dresden anyone?

Then Tony Blair ordered the destruction of civilian targets in Bosnia.

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This is for all the Brits calling Irish Freedom Fighters cowardy scum, and this is only a top 10 of British crimes against humanity. The whole list of British cowardly acts would probably take 10 full pages here


And of course no other country ever did anything wrong. France, Germany, Spain, Russia, Japan and the good ole'USA with it's paddy day parades and history of slavery and civil rights abuses all spring to mind.

Doesn't change the fact that modern day terrorists claiming to support a united Ireland are cowardly scum, just like all the other terrorists. Or do you think murdering unarmed women and children in surprise attacks, shooting unarmed people are the acts of the brave.

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Doesn't change the fact that modern day terrorists claiming to support a united Ireland are cowardly scum, just like all the other terrorists. Or do you think murdering unarmed women and children in surprise attacks, shooting unarmed people are the acts of the brave.

I think there should be a united Ireland, preferably by peaceful means.

Else by whatever it takes.

One Island, one Ireland, one country, one people.

Just my personal opinion.

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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Cowardly scum, bravest thing they ever did was walk up behind off duty officers and put one in the back of their heads when they wernt looking. Send him back now!

A small group of freedom fighters taking on the entire might of the armed British military and constabulary.

Sounds quite brave to me, or maybe stupid, but certainly not cowardly.

Brave - shooting unarmed people, blowing up unarmed people, murdering anybody, women, children, the old and ill.

The RAF did plenty of blowing up women and children in WWII, Dresden anyone?

Then Tony Blair ordered the destruction of civilian targets in Bosnia.

So did the USAAF in Germany and Japan among others.

Germany started the targeted bombing of civilians as well as unrestricted submarine warfare.

So what - you think that justifies the terrorists of the IRA in killing people as they like?

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Doesn't change the fact that modern day terrorists claiming to support a united Ireland are cowardly scum, just like all the other terrorists. Or do you think murdering unarmed women and children in surprise attacks, shooting unarmed people are the acts of the brave.

I think there should be a united Ireland, preferably by peaceful means.

Else by whatever it takes.

Just my personal opinion.

Which you're entitled to. The majority of the people who live in Northern Ireland don't want to leave the UK and become part of Eire. And they are entitled to their opinion without some cowardly scum shooting or bombing them.

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Which you're entitled to. The majority of the people who live in Northern Ireland don't want to leave the UK and become part of Eire. And they are entitled to their opinion without some cowardly scum shooting or bombing them.

They don't need to leave the UK, they just need to leave Ireland.

If they choose not to leave, it's clear they are risking their lives.

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Nice to see someone gets to the point:

The majority of the people of *Northern* Ireland have different ideas than the people of *whole* Ireland. Then the question arises: who shall decide?

Anyway, OP topic was actually about a British citizen wanted for questioning - probably to find out something which is not yet so clear.

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and the IRA finally agreeing to talks. The good people of America, who had funded the 'Freedom fighters' for so long had a taste of terrorism and the funding dried up. No money, no bombs.

I always thought the British government gave in to the IRA when they blew up the conservative government conference in Brighton and frightened Margaret Thatcher into surrender.

The IRA frightened Margaret Thatcher into surrender? Oh dear. Thatcher was defiant against terrorists, whether they were funded by the Iranians or by the Americans, and remained so. The weasel who replaced her might have had different ideas, as did Tony Blair who completed the capitulation. It might be useful to read some of Thatcher's speeches as Prime Minister in the years following Brighton.

Thatcher was supportive of the peace talks.

She was a hawk as were many in the IRA's leadership, but she like them realised that violence and conflict had failed.

What she said in public was like many things about thatcher, she said one thing but the truth was another matter.

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Cowardly scum, bravest thing they ever did was walk up behind off duty officers and put one in the back of their heads when they wernt looking. Send him back now!

Almost as cowardly as the Loyalist death squads shooting innocent catholic taxi driver in the back of the head.

There was bad on both sides, I think we could all agree with that.

Where is the good in the vicious IRA or the murderous Unionist extremists?

Must be very deeply buried inside them.

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We are now well into the 21st century. It is possible for a person to live in let us say Belfast, and to be a citizen of The Republic of Ireland, vote in local and general elections, worship at the church of his choice, and send his children to the school of his choice. By the same token it is possible for a person to live in Dublin, to be a British Subject, vote in local and general elections, worship at the church of his choice and send his children to the school of his choice. Whether you have a green or red passport makes no difference. The Queen has visited Ireland, The President of Ireland has visited the UK. We lent them a lot of money when they were bust, they paid it back. None of this involves shooting policemen or blowing up your neighbours, nor does it have anything to do with what happened at Drogheda 400 years ago.

Back to the topic, this fellow Diver is a bit silly if he thinks that thumbing his nose at the British from wherever he is in Thailand will gain him a: sympathy or b: long term freedom. Anonymity may have been a better policy!

Citizens of the Irish Republic living in UK can vote in UK elections. But I believe that UK citizens living in Ireland are not permitted to vote there. Isn't that the case ?

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