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Avoiding 'iffy' expats......


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It does seem pretty sad that most of these clubs / organisations are full of people who are either on the make, or trying to make themselves look good.

Many of these chancers would never ever get to be members of Rotary / Lions / Round Table in their own countries. Most of the decent people I have met here have been pretty low key, but involved in sports clubs of which I've been a member, and funnily enough some thoroughly decent people who I've met through the forum.

Low key.....being the operative word.....

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It does seem pretty sad that most of these clubs / organisations are full of people who are either on the make, or trying to make themselves look good.

Many of these chancers would never ever get to be members of Rotary / Lions / Round Table in their own countries. Most of the decent people I have met here have been pretty low key, but involved in sports clubs of which I've been a member, and funnily enough some thoroughly decent people who I've met through the forum.

Low key.....being the operative word.....

Never quite sure if you are being sarcastic or being serious.

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Perhaps ask yourself why in the back of your mind you're looking for faults in other expats as soon as you come across them, sizing them up, wondering what they're doing here, what their work is, are they 'straight arrow' etc., instead of just giving them the benefit of the doubt.

The wise man looks for faults in himself not others. If you find yourself being suspicious of others maybe it's a reflection of yourself.

I see this 'anti-expat' phenomenon a lot, essentially I think it stems from insecurity and not wanting an influx of other expats on your 'patch' making you feel less unique. So the tendency is to want to convince yourself they're below you in some way, broke, a criminal, desperado, 'iffy'.

Did you get ignored in TESCO again?

Sorry about that ...


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Others were being too polite:

Excellent point Mr. Toad. I hadn't thought about it in those terms, but yes, having been involved in these type of clubs in my home country, I've been a little surprised with what I've heard about them in the beach resort areas of Thailand.

I've heard other expats say this happens in other expat parts of the world, too -- in Spain, the Middle East, etc. It seems to be a British problem, where British con men gather to try to pry money out of their fellow countrymen. Maybe has something to do with the way their pension system works. Doesn't much matter with U.S. expats -- we're going to owe Uncle Sam taxes no matter where we live.

This is a blinkered, ignorant and offensive post that is saying "The British seem to pry money out of each other... whereas it doesn't apply to Americans because they have to pay taxes to their government."

Apart from the xenophobic slant and grossly generalized world view, it's attempting to claim American people are better than British yet, highly ironically, only based on being forced to pay money to their government.

I wonder what kinds of gross generalizations this poster would make behind closed doors about all kinds of other people.

No need to wonder, she puts it all out in the open on here. Just use your imagination. She fits right in on here though. Narrowminded and so on.

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