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Avoiding 'iffy' expats......


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Don't forget British Legion,

Thoroughly infiltrated by scoundrels, with a false "hail fellow well met" performance.

Shirts with collars, ties, overly firm handshakes and false bonhomie.

You sure know a lot about Britain for a alleged Thai American - I think you have had a previous incarnation there. wink.png Wish I could figure out who though.

I was an army brat, dad was based all over Europe, Germany, England, nasty wet cold places, but the beer was good.

(not that I was ever old enough to drink it then)

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Who the hell are any of us to judge!

.............Good and bad everywhere.

It's only the ones with low self-esteem that need to judge. Hard to have any self - esteem if one thinks life is about hanging out in expat bars in Thailand every night.

Join clubs - tennis, golf, rotary, expat, etc. Stay out of bars - I know as I was never out them for years.

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Who the hell are any of us to judge!

.............Good and bad everywhere.

It's only the ones with low self-esteem that need to judge. Hard to have any self - esteem if one thinks life is about hanging out in expat bars in Thailand every night.

Join clubs - tennis, golf, rotary, expat, etc. Stay out of bars - I know as I was never out them for years.

I once had my wallet stolen in a bar, loss 500bht

My Brit friend had his pension stolen in an Expat Club, loss 50,000UKP.

Not to do with low esteem, it's to do with holding on to your hard earned money.

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I have spent 15 years in Central America and see many similiarities between there and Thailand where I now have the retrement visa

I understand the OP's point to a degree

I advise all newbies to Central America,,,,beware the local,,,he may try to scam you for $20 be more aware of your fellow countrymen,,,they are looking to scam you for 20 or 30 thousand

the majority of the ex pats are all generally pretty good people with a good pension or other source of income

unfortunately the sharks smell the blood and tend to try and infiltrate areas with a high percentage of ex pats

and these sharks come from all countries including mine (Canada),,,I am sorry to admit as they are an embarrasment to me

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Who the hell are any of us to judge!

.............Good and bad everywhere.

It's only the ones with low self-esteem that need to judge. Hard to have any self - esteem if one thinks life is about hanging out in expat bars in Thailand every night.

Join clubs - tennis, golf, rotary, expat, etc. Stay out of bars - I know as I was never out them for years.

"Hard to have any self - esteem if one thinks life is about hanging out in expat bars in Thailand every night."

I'm always amazed that so many people who decide to live in "far away places" immediately want to be surrounded by the same people they left behind and insulated/isolated from the local environment as much as possible.

Far away places with strange soundin' names

Far away over the sea

Those far away places with the strange soundin' names

Are callin', callin' me

Goin' to China or maybe Siam

I want to see for myself

Those far away places I've been readin' about

In a book that I took from the shelf ...

Coming here in 1992, the best thing I ever did was throw my Lonely Planet away and follow my instincts, and going off the tourist trail. I guess Thailand has become like Benidorm in the late 70's.

I can't imagine how boring travellers must be who today carry their laptops or smartphones with tripadvisor, Thai visa etc

No more excitement in going to Poste Restante in Bangkok after 6 months in the wilderness.

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in there own country they were 8 to 5 nothings come here find attention from young girl or join lost expat souls

then form there little groups some want attention by telling world thay helped someone but 1000s do every day without preaching it

i think the thai visa poster thread best poster should explain that

get a life

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in there own country they were 8 to 5 nothings come here find attention from young girl or join lost expat souls

then form there little groups some want attention by telling world thay helped someone but 1000s do every day without preaching it

i think the thai visa poster thread best poster should explain that

get a life

Sadly, Khun opalred's missive maybe not understood by all.

But, being a helpfull fellow Aussie, let me translate ...

He says ... Vote for David48 ... thumbsup.gif

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"There is a constant debate as to what constitutes the 'right' of 'wrong' type of expat.

How does one differentiate?"

Your op smacks of elitism and frankly it's an imature question. Here is a clue for you. Judge people on their actions, not their looks.

He's being far from elitist. I'll give you sn example. I know a group of guys, salt ofthe earth actually, all from differing backgrounds. A mixture of bar owners and retires (Brits and Aussies). Nothing fancy about them, and not likely to be wearing a suit anytime soon, more likely shorts and t shirts. They raise thousands every year, and donate it to a local orphanage and other worthwhile causes. Never see it plastered around the papers etc, as none of them are interested in it. They do it, because they want to, not for the kudos of being in the paper etc

As i wrote before....low key...being the operative word.

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My first long period of time in thailand was spent in Phuket in 2011.. that place is full of scoundrels but the worst thing is that they are all part of the 'high society' set on the island. For example you have the publisher of the big free design mag on the island, which publicises himself, events and advertises all the new properties etc, avail in every bar and hotel- he ran away from Europe for a HUGE property scam. Everyone knows it and its accepted.

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Don't forget British Legion,

Thoroughly infiltrated by scoundrels, with a false "hail fellow well met" performance.

Shirts with collars, ties, overly firm handshakes and false bonhomie.

Many a scoundrel and chancer, lurk beneath the Uniform of respectabilty , in LOS.

Do not be impressed , deceived by a shirt and tie , empty pockets ?

Why even mention LOS.

Their talents were acquired else where - care to mention?

Scoundrels were they, who 'colonized' nations 100's of years ago. They are professionals and well developed, as they have many years of experience.


Reading a pop at the Royal British Legion came as a bit of a surprise, as did the reference to collars & ties which frankly would frighten some people off in some parts of the Kingdom, inc some career pensioners.

The ex service community play a vital role in the areas in which they live and have noticeably divided themselves into groups monitoring hospitals etc during times of crisis where multiple victims are likely (Plane crash, Floods, Airport takeover etc) & feeding accurate data to the appropriate authorities until they are able to be relieved or bolstered. What started as an ad hoc affair initiated by a small group using their own initiative proved so successful that they are now on speed dial and can be called upon within a matter of hours.

I realize some of the comments here are banter & tongue-in-cheekery but I thought i'd nip it in the bud before anyone takes it too seriously. I have yet to see any other country utilizing their veterans as well as the Brits.


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Don't understand the nation-bashing, I wear shorts, T-Shirt or short-sleeve shirt, because it is hot and I am not at work. I

treat everyone I meet the same, until they do or say something stupid, never really been approached by a scammer (of any nationality). When I go out, it is usually with the same group, British, Irish, American and Australian, I am half English and half Scottish, by the way and I have a great golffing project in Shetland that I would like you all to consider - guaranteed biggrin.png biggrin.png

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Excellent point Mr. Toad. I hadn't thought about it in those terms, but yes, having been involved in these type of clubs in my home country, I've been a little surprised with what I've heard about them in the beach resort areas of Thailand.

I've heard other expats say this happens in other expat parts of the world, too -- in Spain, the Middle East, etc. It seems to be a British problem, where British con men gather to try to pry money out of their fellow countrymen. Maybe has something to do with the way their pension system works. Doesn't much matter with U.S. expats -- we're going to owe Uncle Sam taxes no matter where we live.

Not if your willing to give up your US citizenship. Some of us have dual citizenship and can do that easily others can by applying thru ancestry or becoming a citizen of another country. You would be surprised how many US expats are doing that now.

I would never give up my US citizenship. I would give up more than US$2,500 per month in SS income, 100% medical coverage in the States, and the right to return if I was in trouble.

Screw that. Uncle Sam pays me more than I pay him. I had a 6 figure income last year and the tax on my adjusted gross income minus deductions was an honest 15%. My taxable income was about 2/3 of my gross income so I actually paid about 10% income tax on my gross income.

Uncle Sam paid about $30,000 in medical bills for me this year and it didn't cost me a dime other than reasonable premiums for medicare F or "medigap." Apart from Medicare, I couldn't even buy medical insurance but medicare has to take me.

Uncle Sam gave me the great country I grew up in with its first world amenities, a good education, pays me enough money to support most people, pays my medical bills, and gives me the opportunity to have a much better income and much better standard of living than the majority of people in the world.

I honestly don't know what people complain about.

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One avoids fellow Brits like the plague; nasty unclean, uncouth and illiterate coves on the whole. Australians are a far better class of expat if one can avoid the bogans.

Was that vitriolic nonsence really worth a whole sentence?

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Nice post, subtle, but a poignant message.

'Corkheads' ... oh, the ignominy ... facepalm.gif


Isn't that supposed to be "caulkheads?"

I modelled this earlier ... 158fcd32-s.jpg

Keeps the flies off the Meat.

You keep meat in your hat?..........what about the 2 veg?

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I only live in Asia so I can wear shorts, a vest top, and flip flops every day.cheesy.gif

I don't know why people care about iffy characters anyway. If you're stupid enough to get scammed it's your own fault, but if not just let them get on with their lives.

I've met some shady characters who were obviously dealers in their own country, but when you meet them in a gym setting them come across as nice guys.

I've also met a few people who totally creeped me out and I wanted to get away from them as fast as possible.

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Avoiding iffy ex pats!!!I have read all the comments in this thread.

I am British, yes i agree that a lot of conmen here are British.

I have read comments both for and against Royal British Legion. RBLis a fantastic organisation, but it has people representing it who are not honest, only involved for there own selfish ends. Let nobody be under any illusion about that. I have experience of this first hand, and i am disgusted about it. Senior officers of RBL try to cover up what is happening by ignoring it.

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Avoiding iffy ex pats!!!I have read all the comments in this thread.

I am British, yes i agree that a lot of conmen here are British.

I have read comments both for and against Royal British Legion. RBLis a fantastic organisation, but it has people representing it who are not honest, only involved for there own selfish ends. Let nobody be under any illusion about that. I have experience of this first hand, and i am disgusted about it. Senior officers of RBL try to cover up what is happening by ignoring it.

if an organization has shady characters that are allowed to continue their shenanigans by the senior officers of that organization, i wouldnt exactly call it a fantastic organization.

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