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Met my now wife 7years ago when she was studying at a UK university.....she was paying more than a British person was on the same course......RACISM booooooo, or hold on maybe it was because that University had been given government grants paid for by the British tax payer which she wasn't.

Some people just love to have a pop, I'm now going to challenge my wife as to whether she's a greedy (I live in her condo rent free) racist (married me) just like the OP claims that all Thais are.

It's really no big secret that a large majority of Thais are not only racist but actually embody classism to such a level that it permeates every aspect of Thai life.

It's a cast/class system that is regulated and perpetuated by the process of inclusion and exclusion.

and while it is possible someone from the lower strata of society can move upwards through the socio-economic strata, chances are less likely they will be truly accepted. Their language style, education, and social mannerisms often will still have them excluded from elite group status.

This is somewhat true in the west. Group and organizational homogeny and integrity seem to exclude (or limit) would be adherents but if the would be member can emulate the criteria for inclusion- he or she will most likely be accepted as an equal.

The short version reads like this; Just because a Thai smiles at you or acts nice- it doesn't mean they accept, or respect you.

That has to be earned by proper behavior- language style- clothing style, etc.

Uncle Bob (observer of the Thai world)


.......students are not tourists.......

Still two tier pricing. And In fact students pay more into an economy than tourists do.


OP, I'm against the 2 tier prices also.

But I have to accept it, as it is also happening in my country and other countries I have been.

Recently, after obtaining the Yellow book, I pay Thai prices.

But to make a statement that they are racists because of that, it's out of order.

It's just an attempt to increase their revenues from people that they believe that can afford to pay more.

As I said before, Thais are not racists, but they do envy foreigners earning more money than them and can have a better life.

Wouldn't you?

I'm afraid that's very Thai logic you're spouting - discrimination (of any sort) on the basis of race is RACISM..............get it?


Locals living in tourist locations all over the world pay less than tourists. Some mountain villages in Switzerland are only reachable by cable car etc. When I had an address there I got 50% discount on rail fares. And so on. People that complain about this kind of stuff complain about the use of the word Farang.

If you don't like it, just refuse to pay it, plonk your miserly $1.- instead of $5.- on the table and walk on in.

Well, you do not need an address in Switzerland to get 50% off rail fares, you just need a railpass, available to tourists too. Dual pricing? Yes, residents in ski resorts in Switzerland can get cheaper passes for lifts etc but that is also due to them paying their local taxes to maintain these systems.

I am against dual pricing systems, whatever someone thinks the justification for such systems is...


OP, I'm against the 2 tier prices also.

But I have to accept it, as it is also happening in my country and other countries I have been.

Recently, after obtaining the Yellow book, I pay Thai prices.

But to make a statement that they are racists because of that, it's out of order.

It's just an attempt to increase their revenues from people that they believe that can afford to pay more.

As I said before, Thais are not racists, but they do envy foreigners earning more money than them and can have a better life.

Wouldn't you?

I'm afraid that's very Thai logic you're spouting - discrimination (of any sort) on the basis of race is RACISM..............get it?


Not sure about Zoo's,ect,but if you show a Thai driving licence at national parks, you get the Thai price.

Not at Kho Lanta National Park. They are something special. facepalm.gif


vote with your feet...

thai apologist to give that florida CRAP disney example ...

you compare a national park with a commercial butthole ?

do they also charge up to 10 times more for non locals ?


I can understand that they charge more for tourists than for Thais when you visit some places but the difference is ridiculous.

Wat Prakaew: Thai free / foreigners 500Baht

I even had to pay that with Non-B, WP, tax-ID and an approval letter that we could visit during a school trip with 200 students. When they realized that it was a "farang" in the group... "Kun mai phen kru kun phen farang, farang 500 Baht!".


While pricing at public places may have tax-related elements, private business is ruled by demand and supply and competition but rarely ever by race. High season=high demand=high price. Late arrival with no booking=rack rate. Many factors determine a calculation. Mercedes, BMW, Audi? You pay more than proud owners of Toyota, Isuzu or Honda for the same service. Tourists pay more than locals. Pricing is the business owner's choice. So is giving discounts to any type of group as the law allows. Your choice is to take it or leave it. You can have a drink because you are thirsty or because it is Happy Hour. Up to you.

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When you farangs finally understand it: YOU are TOLERATED = NOT wished, but only..NOT kicked out, because of your spending money in TH.

You have only one and one right only: leave as much as possible money in an as short as possible time, gain as less as possible advantage of it, and when your wallet and bank account are empty, kicked out of this racist country.

Imagine, in our western countries we did the same as the Thai do with farangs: the courts would be full of anti-discrimination cases. But in Thailand.. no chance.

So OR accept it OR leave.

Settle down would you....

There is another option. Don't pay. Don't patronize any thai business that discriminates like that. When I don't want to pay a (usually much) higher price, I don't. It doesn't bother me not seeing some lousy waterfall in a polluted Thai national park. Instead I'll go somewhere better for my holidays like Niagara Falls where it's free.

Polluted national parks ?

Have you ever been to a Thai National Park, with a statement like that I very much doubt it.

We try to go to do a trip to one every month and apart from the small amount of rubbish dropped by inconsiderate townies on the walking tracks close to their vehicles there is no pollution.

There are huge tracts of untouched forest out there and I love getting into them and as far away from chattering people as possible.

Still each to his own you are welcome to overpopulated Niagara falls.

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Met my now wife 7years ago when she was studying at a UK university.....she was paying more than a British person was on the same course......RACISM booooooo, or hold on maybe it was because that University had been given government grants paid for by the British tax payer which she wasn't.

Some people just love to have a pop, I'm now going to challenge my wife as to whether she's a greedy (I live in her condo rent free) racist (married me) just like the OP claims that all Thais are.

It's really no big secret that a large majority of Thais are not only racist but actually embody classism to such a level that it permeates every aspect of Thai life.

It's a cast/class system that is regulated and perpetuated by the process of inclusion and exclusion.

and while it is possible someone from the lower strata of society can move upwards through the socio-economic strata, chances are less likely they will be truly accepted. Their language style, education, and social mannerisms often will still have them excluded from elite group status.

This is somewhat true in the west. Group and organizational homogeny and integrity seem to exclude (or limit) would be adherents but if the would be member can emulate the criteria for inclusion- he or she will most likely be accepted as an equal.

The short version reads like this; Just because a Thai smiles at you or acts nice- it doesn't mean they accept, or respect you.

That has to be earned by proper behavior- language style- clothing style, etc.

Uncle Bob (observer of the Thai world)

What a racist post.

Oh no cant be only Thai are racist.


OP, I'm against the 2 tier prices also.

But I have to accept it, as it is also happening in my country and other countries I have been.

Recently, after obtaining the Yellow book, I pay Thai prices.

But to make a statement that they are racists because of that, it's out of order.

It's just an attempt to increase their revenues from people that they believe that can afford to pay more.

As I said before, Thais are not racists, but they do envy foreigners earning more money than them and can have a better life.

Wouldn't you?

There are thousands of very wealthy Thais. Some are hugely wealthy. All of them are far more wealthy than the average farang tourist.

Do those wealthy Thais get charged more when going to the zoo here? I doubt it.

Actually, it's a 3 tier price system:

Thai people pay a little

Farang pays a lot

The rich (Thai and Farang) pay nothing, they get comped, which is the way it is all over the world.

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It's not about race. And certainly has nothing to do with age. It's about tax dollars. Public facilities like the Korat Zoo are paid for with tax dollars. Thai tax dollars. If you're able to show a work permit or sometimes just a non-B, you can pay the Thai rate at those facilities. Usually. Every once in a while you get a ticket vendor that's not familiar with that policy...

So why that foreign owned aquarium in Siam paragon charges more for non-Thais?

It's not just the poorly maintained public museums that do that, it's also many other for profit businesses do charge more


OP, I'm against the 2 tier prices also.

But I have to accept it, as it is also happening in my country and other countries I have been.

Recently, after obtaining the Yellow book, I pay Thai prices.

But to make a statement that they are racists because of that, it's out of order.

It's just an attempt to increase their revenues from people that they believe that can afford to pay more.

As I said before, Thais are not racists, but they do envy foreigners earning more money than them and can have a better life.

Wouldn't you?

There are thousands of very wealthy Thais. Some are hugely wealthy. All of them are far more wealthy than the average farang tourist.

Do those wealthy Thais get charged more when going to the zoo here? I doubt it.

Good point. In Hua Hin there are plenty, touring Thais and local Thais, very well to do. Now I know Hua Hin is not representative of all of Thailand, but the upper classes across the LOS are seen as untouchable and farangs ready for the pickings. I haven't got a problem with a moderate difference in the two tier system, but you do occasionally see blatant rip-offs and that's not good for tourism. And the two-tier system doesn't equate with racism, it does equate with being a little out of touch however.


I do not mind paying my fair share for most of the reasons in favor given above. It took me aback a little bit to have to pony up for The Grand Palace, until I figured out how much 500Tb really isn't. Much cheaper than Disney Land, for instance.


Not sure about Zoo's,ect,but if you show a Thai driving licence at national parks, you get the Thai price.

Was at Chiang Mai Zoo yesterday. Showed my Thai DL and only had to pay the Thai price.

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Its a great subject that is always worth discussing you may personally be bored of it but it has not been flogged to death

Some subjects are never ending and always need updating.

This subject has been flogged to death. Write a letter to Gen. P.

  • Like 1

OP, I'm against the 2 tier prices also.

But I have to accept it, as it is also happening in my country and other countries I have been.

Recently, after obtaining the Yellow book, I pay Thai prices.

But to make a statement that they are racists because of that, it's out of order.

It's just an attempt to increase their revenues from people that they believe that can afford to pay more.

As I said before, Thais are not racists, but they do envy foreigners earning more money than them and can have a better life.

Wouldn't you?

you do write some crap


I am surprised how many people defending the double pricing, which is sometimes not double, Ive paid 60 baht for my wife to enter and 500 for me. a few years ago a jomtien deck chair renter tried to charge me for 2 chairs because my dog was sitting under the chair next to me.

Its bloody out of order and a load of BS. some countries currency is very low now the last thing they need is being ripped off and charged over the odds!


It's not about race. And certainly has nothing to do with age. It's about tax dollars. Public facilities like the Korat Zoo are paid for with tax dollars. Thai tax dollars. If you're able to show a work permit or sometimes just a non-B, you can pay the Thai rate at those facilities. Usually. Every once in a while you get a ticket vendor that's not familiar with that policy...


I am surprised how many people defending the double pricing, which is sometimes not double, Ive paid 60 baht for my wife to enter and 500 for me. a few years ago a jomtien deck chair renter tried to charge me for 2 chairs because my dog was sitting under the chair next to me.

Its bloody out of order and a load of BS. some countries currency is very low now the last thing they need is being ripped off and charged over the odds!

Not double but multiple pricing everywhere in the world. You were using 2 chairs or spaces at about $1 for the day. A «No Dogs» sign would have solved the problem.

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A German visitor came back from watching the last round of Honda LPGA at Siam Country. He was fuming. What happened, I asked, soothing the poor man's distress with a bottle of his favorite Paulaner Weissbier. He said "Our group arrived and everybody paid 500 Baht. When it was my turn, I was waved through. A sign said Free over 60, but I had not even shown any ID. Not paying was the ultimate insult. Racists, the lot of them".

Same happened to me at Songkhla Zoo.

  • Like 1

A German visitor came back from watching the last round of Honda LPGA at Siam Country. He was fuming. What happened, I asked, soothing the poor man's distress with a bottle of his favorite Paulaner Weissbier. He said "Our group arrived and everybody paid 500 Baht. When it was my turn, I was waved through. A sign said Free over 60, but I had not even shown any ID. Not paying was the ultimate insult. Racists, the lot of them".

Same happened to me at Songkhla Zoo.

Too funny!

I remember the first time something similar happened to me. I was given the senior discount at a restaurant without being asked, and was momentarily irked. Then reason established itself.

I actually ask sometimes if there is a senior discount. It is not a huge saving and I am hardly destitute, but every little bit does help.

Yes, I have been known to wear a kilt. :)

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It's not about race. And certainly has nothing to do with age. It's about tax dollars. Public facilities like the Korat Zoo are paid for with tax dollars. Thai tax dollars. If you're able to show a work permit or sometimes just a non-B, you can pay the Thai rate at those facilities. Usually. Every once in a while you get a ticket vendor that's not familiar with that policy...

A thai friend told me that a thai drivers license would do the trick. Haven't done it yet. Anyone know if this is true?? Came up when I paid 1000 to Thais 500 for the fancy ladyboy show in Pattaya.

I live in Isan and it doesn't come up that much. For things that I can ask for in advance I usually make a point of asking price beforehand. Tuktuks taught me that. It seems like I get the Thai price all the time and get lulled into not asking. Then of course...

In the scheme of things it's not a big deal, but it continues to irk me. I pay taxes. And I honor fairness . When I get overcharged I don't feel like I'm paying my fair share. I feel like an object being used. I don't treat their kids that way, practice good ecology. I don't expect the same, but that doesn't mean I don't want it. If I overreact in private afterwards or fantasize different scenarios, so be it. There's still time for further evolution.


Do foreigners with PR or thai citizenship also pay extra ?


PR sometimes - depends how they feel. Citizenship always gets you the local rate. All I do is show my Thai ID card.

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