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Suspected Belarussian skimmer gang members arrested in Phuket

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Yeah right they found the cards my hairy butt, bet if the police dig a little deeper they find out that the leader lives in Bangkok and has a bar. Also has close ties with certain people in the RTP NANA area Also a cohort of his thinks he is teflon. Any way same same. Glad they caught someone just squeeze a bit more and get to the truth. Oh and while your at it raid the shop on the second floor in fortunetown They sell the blank cards they use.

I was thinking they may be more afraid of their contacts thinking they've ratted them out, than they are of doing a little jail time.


Let's see if I understand this, 8 ATM cards in toliets from Belarussians citizens who threw their cards in a toliet at the airport while on holiday here? Then these 2 guys scam 1 million baht in Bangkok and set free? Now, they scam 100,000 baht and only now go to jail. So, in Thailand you must commit 2 crimes before going to jail correct?

Are you not kidding us?????????????????????? Try reading the story a few more times........ and this time ask the girlfriend?wife to leave you alone while you read it...... Wow, I'm amused at what some TV readers can twist an article into..................... Do you have kids to take care of you???????????? I hope so.........................


Thanks <deleted>. Wasted 3 hours of Xmas day sorting out a new card.

Hope you get aids in jail.

Yes, Happy Christmas to you too!

I see the spirit of Christmas is live and well with TV members!

The same place there Christmas spirit went when they stole money off people on Christmas day

  • Like 1

OH ... so Belarusians are farangs. Ok it's clear now.

The intent to classify all white people as criminals lately, seems to go unnoticed by many posters. I guess the only answer, therefor, is to increase random stops, searches and extortion, right?


They should have been here in Hong Kong where an armored car dropped US$Millions on one of the busy main roads this week.


Well, I think it is a strange turnabout. I nearly got murdered in BKK one night in early 2009 for not allowing some 'ladies of the night' free access to my bank account. When I refused and got them off my body they shouted in Thai some thing like,"the falang has stolen my bag." Then a mob formed and chased me. Luckily for me there was a car park full of cars & trucks nearby and hid under truck tray between the tray and the diff housing. I was shitting bricks, not BRICS!

How many Thais do ATN scams, I wonder? Now in the US they just take the whole ATM, no need for card!

Be careful not to paint every one with same slimey brush or prejudice. It's only 20% of any population like that. But who ever they are working for will have greased many palms and as usual never get found out. Like today, with Obama telling every one that the economy is in full recovery, what's going on is just a bit of confuison.


Razor, farang means anyone not a Thai.

According to Thai, a farang is anybody exept Asien.

Even black people ? I think they use another name for them.

  • Like 1

Let's see if I understand this, 8 ATM cards in toliets from Belarussians citizens who threw their cards in a toliet at the airport while on holiday here? Then these 2 guys scam 1 million baht in Bangkok and set free? Now, they scam 100,000 baht and only now go to jail. So, in Thailand you must commit 2 crimes before going to jail correct?

''Gen Pachara said that both suspects are already wanted in Bangkok for stealing B1 million in the same fashion.''

So who told they were set free in Bangkok? They are already wanted does not mean they were arrested before!

''So, in Thailand you must commit 2 crimes before going to jail correct?''whistling.gif Pffffff


Actually, Farang are only French, the rest are foreigners.

Whilst historically correct, language changes over time with popular usage.

Example:- Gay used to mean fun but now it is about a relationship with someone of the same sex.

If Farang is not protected it will migrate into what?

Where are those Tee shirts with a slogan:-

Proud to be Farang!

(You may say Falang and will be forgiven)

I think anyone of Euro extraction incl Americans Aussies etc, is a farang/falang and French are FalangSET!!!


Odd that the story says they took 100k and then wired it to belarus by western union.

If you ever tried wiring 100K OUT of Thailand you would understand why this is hard to believe.

I was thinking exactly the same. It's not possible is it?


OK. Farang=Caucasian=People of the Caucasus Mountains.

What Countries are the Caucasus Mountains in?







You Western Yurapeans please chime in and tell me how bloody wrong I am, 555...


  1. 1.
    a white person; a person of European origin.
    "a Caucasian of slim build, 198 cm tall with short grey hair and a grey beard"
  2. 2.
    a person from the Caucasus.
    "the Caucasians of Southern Russia

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

An example of what the EU will be in for if Ukraine ever becomes a member .

I guess the guys are from Belarus.

I am not sure whether EU will even still be there by the time Ukraine is ready to join judging by sentiment of population in many EU countries. Xenophobia and nationalism are rife as reflected even by the opinions on this board.

Of course Ukrainians once have access to EU will naturalize and join in droves ISIS and other such movements.


OK. Farang=Caucasian=People of the Caucasus Mountains.

What Countries are the Caucasus Mountains in?







You Western Yurapeans please chime in and tell me how bloody wrong I am, 555...

OK - From Wikipedia (Not always 100% correct, but in this case I think they are!)

  • Caucasian race (also, "Caucasoid"), a racial classification of human beings used in racial typology

So a Belarusian is a "Farang" and is also a "Caucasian"


Paul955 farang/Falang means a foreigner

From Wikipedia:- Farang (Thai: ฝรั่ง [faràŋ]) is a generic Thai word for someone of European ancestry, no matter where they may come from. The Royal Institute Dictionary 1999, the official dictionary of Thai words, defines the word as "a person of white race".[1]

Edmund Roberts, US envoy in 1833, defined the term as "Frank (or European)."[2] People of mixed African-European descent were called farang dam(Thai: ฝรั่งดำ; 'black farang') to distinguish them from white people. This began during the Vietnam War, when the United States military maintained bases in Thailand.

So a Belarusian is a "Farang" and is also a "Caucasian"


Paul955 farang/Falang means a foreigner

From Wikipedia:- Farang (Thai: ฝรั่ง [faràŋ]) is a generic Thai word for someone of European ancestry, no matter where they may come from. The Royal Institute Dictionary 1999, the official dictionary of Thai words, defines the word as "a person of white race".[1]

Edmund Roberts, US envoy in 1833, defined the term as "Frank (or European)."[2] People of mixed African-European descent were called farang dam(Thai: ฝรั่งดำ; 'black farang') to distinguish them from white people. This began during the Vietnam War, when the United States military maintained bases in Thailand.

So a Belarusian is a "Farang" and is also a "Caucasian"

Thats rubbish^^^

I feel compelled to answer this even though its off topic, and I am in no means a linguist of the Thai language

Farang Dam just doesnt exist in Thai language. It would be Farang Piw See Dam...farang skin color black. Dam on its own means nothing.

Thai's say Nicro for blacks, as in Negro. For Burmese people they say Pama, for Cambodians they say Camboche (as in the old name for the country). For Japanese its Yipoon. For Chinese its Jin. For Koreans its Gowlee. For Indians they say 'Pi Kai Tua' Which is a derogitory term for a thing that sells peanuts (as the indians sell peanuts in isaarn and the Thais hate them).

Another word for black or dark people is Yahm, which means watchman or security guard. This is because security guards are almost always darker colored Thais. Thais are quite racist towards black people, even from their own country. Dark women from Sakonokorn and Ubon are considered quite low class.

For all the other South East Asian countries its respective to their country. Vietnam = Wietnam

Farang is for white Europeans and North Americans and White brits and Aussies ect.

So getting back to the OP. These people committing the crimes are farangs/falangs and they are scumbags. I cant beleive how much of this card skimming crap goes on in Phuket. Poorly placed ATMs are the main problem. Having a ATM next to a Tuk Tuk stand on Kata beach is hardly ideal

  • Like 2

Thanks <deleted>.

Hope you get aids in jail.

I 2nd that.. Hope they gets Aids in Jail via multiple new friends.

Oh well, now the people they sent the money too in their own country, will have to filter it back for their stay in Thailand over the next 10 years, just what quality tourists do.


I see this story over and over in Thailand. I don't see this story in Canada. Is the story just not reported here?
Or is it not nearly as big a problem. Because of the stories I read here, I am very careful to cover the key
pad when punching in my password. Not sure if the cards here being chipped make them harder/more expensive
to clone. All my cards are RFID enabled. Really not sure if that makes them more vulnerable or the stories of
credit card / passport scanning more fear mongering with very little information available to card scanners. blink.png


Paul955 farang/Falang means a foreigner

From Wikipedia:- Farang (Thai: ฝรั่ง [faràŋ]) is a generic Thai word for someone of European ancestry, no matter where they may come from. The Royal Institute Dictionary 1999, the official dictionary of Thai words, defines the word as "a person of white race".[1]

Edmund Roberts, US envoy in 1833, defined the term as "Frank (or European)."[2] People of mixed African-European descent were called farang dam(Thai: ฝรั่งดำ; 'black farang') to distinguish them from white people. This began during the Vietnam War, when the United States military maintained bases in Thailand.

So a Belarusian is a "Farang" and is also a "Caucasian"

Thats rubbish^^^

I feel compelled to answer this even though its off topic, and I am in no means a linguist of the Thai language

Farang Dam just doesnt exist in Thai language. It would be Farang Piw See Dam...farang skin color black. Dam on its own means nothing.

Thai's say Nicro for blacks, as in Negro. For Burmese people they say Pama, for Cambodians they say Camboche (as in the old name for the country). For Japanese its Yipoon. For Chinese its Jin. For Koreans its Gowlee. For Indians they say 'Pi Kai Tua' Which is a derogitory term for a thing that sells peanuts (as the indians sell peanuts in isaarn and the Thais hate them).

Another word for black or dark people is Yahm, which means watchman or security guard. This is because security guards are almost always darker colored Thais. Thais are quite racist towards black people, even from their own country. Dark women from Sakonokorn and Ubon are considered quite low class.

For all the other South East Asian countries its respective to their country. Vietnam = Wietnam

Farang is for white Europeans and North Americans and White brits and Aussies ect.

So getting back to the OP. These people committing the crimes are farangs/falangs and they are scumbags. I cant beleive how much of this card skimming crap goes on in Phuket. Poorly placed ATMs are the main problem. Having a ATM next to a Tuk Tuk stand on Kata beach is hardly ideal

Are you saying that the whole quote from Wikipedia is rubbish? If so, take it up with them. Regarding my last line - I stand by what I said i.e. "So a Belarusian is a "Farang" and is also a "Caucasian" (I'm no geographical expert, but I do believe that Belaruse is in Eastern Europe, therefore I would assume that a Belarusian would be a white European)


Yes, I do agree with you.

Ukrainians and Belarussians share the same mentality and the same way of life. Even their languages are very similar... smile.png

You mean all Ukrainians and Russians share the same traits without exception. It`s a coincidence that your comments are exactly the same as the Nazi attitudes towards certain races during WW2.

It is all very simple, even in ways that you may understand. Thailand is cheap, it has lax law enforcements and easy to get in here, therefore the country is becoming a haven for low lives, the undesirables of Europe and the western countries.

Expect to see many of these types of farangs of all nationalities in the future, there maybe some coming your way soon, keep tuned in to the Thai visa news forums.


It's shocking to see how so many people want to see these guys in jail forever, catching aids or dying... for gods sake they are "accused" not convicted.

And, it's a property offence, not rape.


OH ... so Belarusians are farangs. Ok it's clear now.

falangs don't deserve multiple entry visa status, so these people are not falangs, they should be released and given a new area to work in so the bribes that allow Russians multiple entry status can continue!


It's shocking to see how so many people want to see these guys in jail forever, catching aids or dying... for gods sake they are "accused" not convicted.

And, it's a property offence, not rape.

Ok fine, I wish they get off with a slap on the wrist and send the message to other card skimmers it's open season in Thailand. Happy?

It's shocking to see how so many people want to see these guys in jail forever, catching aids or dying... for gods sake they are "accused" not convicted.

And, it's a property offence, not rape.

Ok fine, I wish they get off with a slap on the wrist and send the message to other card skimmers it's open season in Thailand. Happy?

Card skimming is an industry in Thailand mainly run by Russians the fact that they have higher visa status than us poor old English and Co means to me that some big fat Russian wedding was made to guess who?

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