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Thailand a hub for ICT? No, really...

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Thailand doing well in ICT (Information Communication Technology)


Thailand is doing well in ICT and telecommunications, according to a new report by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU).

The report, entitled “Measuring the Information Society 2015″ which is now in its sixth year, covers the global developments being made in Information Communication Technology (ICT), as well as the cost and affordability of these services. Furthermore, the report also provides a global ranked index, which takes into account performance in terms of ICT infrastructure, usage and skills.

Full story: http://tech.thaivisa.com/thailand-information-communication-technology/

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No problem Thailand is also the hub for English speakers.

I work in the ICT internationally and now my collegues from Singapore/Hongkong/Australia first want me to bribe them if they get workorders. They start with 1000 but immediatly go to 500, 100 and then will say: Don't Thai me! tongue.png

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Headline should have said: "Thailand improves its ranking of LINE, HAY DAY, FACEBOOK and CANDY CRUSH users and high scores!"

But of course, you will find many IT-development companies eager to hire a bad educated, non-english speaking, lazy and nose-picking CANDY CRUSH gamer... Really a huge need for that!

For sure a Hub for ICT!

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From the article

"In terms of the Internet, it was stated that “Thailand stands out with almost 100 percent school connectivity.” Furthermore, Thailand’s ICT rank improved to stand at 81st position (of 166 countries), and tenth in the region. Thailand is now also at 71st position in the ‘usage ranking’ which is an increase from the previous rank of 105."

100% school connectivity...I guess they are ignoring the ones that don't have electricity yet

Tenth in the region...yeah, I'm not sure that is worth bragging about...that must make Thailand close to last

Say it like it is - Thailand's IT infrastructure is third world at best. It's far behind the rest of the world, which makes incremental improvements seem dramatic.

Please don't use that "hub" word again when referring to Thailand and ICT. It's meaningless.

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Headline should have said: "Thailand improves its ranking of LINE, HAY DAY, FACEBOOK and CANDY CRUSH users and high scores!"

But of course, you will find many IT-development companies eager to hire a bad educated, non-english speaking, lazy and nose-picking CANDY CRUSH gamer... Really a huge need for that!

For sure a Hub for ICT!

In the Thai ICT headquarters there is a make-up mirror (for popping zits) next to EVERY keyboard! I 've seen loads of them.

And yup, Candy Crush players are also called ICT-professionals, no need to speak english.

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Thailand is improving. And there are some skilled IT engineers, but they are rare.

The IT infrastructure in Thailand is not bad and many people have access to some kind of computer and the internet.
So, in that way Thailand is improving and not doing too bad.

But if talking about IT we, farang, think about writing programs, developing large websites, developing data communication systems.

There's still very little development going on in Thailand and Thailand is far behind on the rest of the world.

Governments should invest in education rather than buying the hardware.

And more time should be invested in learning people how to program instead of just teaching how to use windows or certain programs.

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Thailand is improving. And there are some skilled IT engineers, but they are rare.

The IT infrastructure in Thailand is not bad and many people have access to some kind of computer and the internet.

So, in that way Thailand is improving and not doing too bad.

But if talking about IT we, farang, think about writing programs, developing large websites, developing data communication systems.

There's still very little development going on in Thailand and Thailand is far behind on the rest of the world.

Governments should invest in education rather than buying the hardware.

And more time should be invested in learning people how to program instead of just teaching how to use windows or certain programs.

Have you been anywhere outside of BKK you dill; try visiting a few villages and see what we have. No fixed line telephone, definitely no internet, a pathetic mobile coverage and running water two hours in the morning and evening and on top of that, continual power outages up to 6 hours plus any time day or night. This village is only 9 Km from the Bangkok - Chiang Mai highway and 15 Km to the centre of a provincial capital mid north Thailand. "Thailand is the hub of arrogance."

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"Thailand is doing well in ICT and telecommunications, according to a new report by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU)."

"Doing well"? They're still light years behind North Korea. Only recently did they come to realize that viruses can be imbedded on purpose.

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From the article

"In terms of the Internet, it was stated that “Thailand stands out with almost 100 percent school connectivity.” Furthermore, Thailand’s ICT rank improved to stand at 81st position (of 166 countries), and tenth in the region. Thailand is now also at 71st position in the ‘usage ranking’ which is an increase from the previous rank of 105."

100% school connectivity...I guess they are ignoring the ones that don't have electricity yet

Tenth in the region...yeah, I'm not sure that is worth bragging about...that must make Thailand close to last

Say it like it is - Thailand's IT infrastructure is third world at best. It's far behind the rest of the world, which makes incremental improvements seem dramatic.

Please don't use that "hub" word again when referring to Thailand and ICT. It's meaningless.

Yes, I'm sure every principal/school master has internet connectivity to his/her office therefore the school has internet connectivity. Oh, we were talking classroom internet connectivity?...well, we don't want to talk about that. Note: only applicable to schools with electricity.

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A few years ago, a plan was launched to make Phuket a centre for I.T. start-ups for South East Asia. What happened?

You believed that?

It ranks up there with Ministerial justifications and lies, including:

- F1 Race in Thailand

- Tour De France in Thailand

- HIV and Ebola Vaccines developed by Thailand

- "Tourists safety is assured in Thailand' - Kobkarn

Problem with Thailand is that whilst we remember all these lies and quotes, no one else does. They never get called out.

...although I did make a lot of money playing online Poker in Phuket...

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Thailand is improving. And there are some skilled IT engineers, but they are rare.

The IT infrastructure in Thailand is not bad and many people have access to some kind of computer and the internet.

So, in that way Thailand is improving and not doing too bad.

But if talking about IT we, farang, think about writing programs, developing large websites, developing data communication systems.

There's still very little development going on in Thailand and Thailand is far behind on the rest of the world.

Governments should invest in education rather than buying the hardware.

And more time should be invested in learning people how to program instead of just teaching how to use windows or certain programs.

Have you been anywhere outside of BKK you dill; try visiting a few villages and see what we have. No fixed line telephone, definitely no internet, a pathetic mobile coverage and running water two hours in the morning and evening and on top of that, continual power outages up to 6 hours plus any time day or night. This village is only 9 Km from the Bangkok - Chiang Mai highway and 15 Km to the centre of a provincial capital mid north Thailand. "Thailand is the hub of arrogance."

I didn't realize it's so bad there. He in Chonburi we've power outages and sometimes no running water, but the situation is not that bad as you describe.

Have you tried IPSTAR satellite internet access?


Edited by kriswillems
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

A few years ago, a plan was launched to make Phuket a centre for I.T. start-ups for South East Asia. What happened?

Infected with Thai.ware?

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Well Thailand (read Bangkok) has 4G trial network now but it's made by farang. It's arrogant to think of Thailand being any hub (except for go-go stuff).

Medical hub? We went to an official "doctor" on Samui, he recommended to be infused for 3 hours with minerals. Then he opened the door from his garage where a chair was standing next to a motorbike and there he wanted to infuse a farang for 3 hours, right next to the binbags and the motorcycle! Then we went back into his condomshop (sorry but that's what it was) and politely told him we would go to the real hospital or even fly back to BKK.

We know several highly educated thai chirurgians who can't speak english (they are our family) but work in the top hospitals.

Also we know loads of IT and ICT pro's but they even can't install software on their iphone or use it. Gaming and Line goes well though.

I won't complaint though because we have work here but come on, Thailand a hub of anything serious? Solly krab, need study more and stop the maibenrai mentality.

We don't buy anything made in thailand, not because we are racists but because it is low quality and poorly developed. Better pay 3-5-10 times more and get a quality product/service from abroad. Also the Thai dare to ask the same (or even higher) prices then abroad, very funny.

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Well Thailand (read Bangkok) has 4G trial network now but it's made by farang. It's arrogant to think of Thailand being any hub (except for go-go stuff).

Medical hub? We went to an official "doctor" on Samui, he recommended to be infused for 3 hours with minerals. Then he opened the door from his garage where a chair was standing next to a motorbike and there he wanted to infuse a farang for 3 hours, right next to the binbags and the motorcycle! Then we went back into his condomshop (sorry but that's what it was) and politely told him we would go to the real hospital or even fly back to BKK.

We know several highly educated thai chirurgians who can't speak english (they are our family) but work in the top hospitals.

Also we know loads of IT and ICT pro's but they even can't install software on their iphone or use it. Gaming and Line goes well though.

I won't complaint though because we have work here but come on, Thailand a hub of anything serious? Solly krab, need study more and stop the maibenrai mentality.

We don't buy anything made in thailand, not because we are racists but because it is low quality and poorly developed. Better pay 3-5-10 times more and get a quality product/service from abroad. Also the Thai dare to ask the same (or even higher) prices then abroad, very funny.

Also we know loads of IT and ICT pro's but they even can't install software on their iphone or use it. [….] We don't buy anything made in thailand, not because we are racists but because it is low quality and poorly developed.

If your statements are true the IT expert in Australia must have been wrong or very kind to us, trying not to offend us, after evaluating our ideas about an encryption package we developed.

Here is what he had to say:

I'm not complaining - it's very good. I can't see any weaknesses at all.

Deputy Head, Computer Science and Software Engineering, Faculty of Information

& Communication Technologies at Swinburne University of Technology, Australia

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What is an ICT-pro if he/she can't speak any english?

Answer: a Joke giggle.gif

What's that got to do with this thread?

Answer: A very weak Thai-bash.

There's no reference to speaking or not speaking English and if Thailand is moving up in the rankings then it must be doing better than many others.

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Headline should have said: "Thailand improves its ranking of LINE, HAY DAY, FACEBOOK and CANDY CRUSH users and high scores!"

But of course, you will find many IT-development companies eager to hire a bad educated, non-english speaking, lazy and nose-picking CANDY CRUSH gamer... Really a huge need for that!

For sure a Hub for ICT!

"But of course, you will find many IT-development companies eager to hire a bad educated, non-english speaking, lazy and nose-picking CANDY CRUSH gamer."

Maybe you should apply.

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From the article

"In terms of the Internet, it was stated that “Thailand stands out with almost 100 percent school connectivity.” Furthermore, Thailand’s ICT rank improved to stand at 81st position (of 166 countries), and tenth in the region. Thailand is now also at 71st position in the ‘usage ranking’ which is an increase from the previous rank of 105."

100% school connectivity...I guess they are ignoring the ones that don't have electricity yet

Tenth in the region...yeah, I'm not sure that is worth bragging about...that must make Thailand close to last

Say it like it is - Thailand's IT infrastructure is third world at best. It's far behind the rest of the world, which makes incremental improvements seem dramatic.

Please don't use that "hub" word again when referring to Thailand and ICT. It's meaningless.

"Tenth in the region...yeah, I'm not sure that is worth bragging about."

They weren't bragging, just stating a statistic and being 10th is better than being 11th or lower

"Say it like it is - Thailand's IT infrastructure is third world at best."

Odd how the OP seems to contradict that.

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Things can't be as bad as some of you make out. When I lived in rural Australia as a kid it was worse. Water shortages that went on for years (drought), lack of a constant electrical supply (generator needs diesel again) and the phone didn't work (no line to the exchange).

The village I live in is much nicer despite the occasional power out. We have good mobile phone/ internet. And the bore supplies adequate water. I'd say my life is improving after 50+ years. But I did have to move to Thailand to see the improvement! biggrin.png

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Thailand is improving. And there are some skilled IT engineers, but they are rare.

The IT infrastructure in Thailand is not bad and many people have access to some kind of computer and the internet.

So, in that way Thailand is improving and not doing too bad.

But if talking about IT we, farang, think about writing programs, developing large websites, developing data communication systems.

There's still very little development going on in Thailand and Thailand is far behind on the rest of the world.

Governments should invest in education rather than buying the hardware.

And more time should be invested in learning people how to program instead of just teaching how to use windows or certain programs.

Have you been anywhere outside of BKK you dill; try visiting a few villages and see what we have. No fixed line telephone, definitely no internet, a pathetic mobile coverage and running water two hours in the morning and evening and on top of that, continual power outages up to 6 hours plus any time day or night. This village is only 9 Km from the Bangkok - Chiang Mai highway and 15 Km to the centre of a provincial capital mid north Thailand. "Thailand is the hub of arrogance."

Initially I thought you lived in our Isaan village. Ditto to what you said along w/ much man made pollution etc. Hell TOT is the ONLY internet available, but with a waiting time of a/b one year if at all. If I lived 1 km outside this village I'd have NADA re: internet. Yea the hub of arrogance ....b/c no one will admit that postal services are spotty at best, no trash pickup/no law enforcement oh but I digress from the topic. Sorry not totally about IT.

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Well Thailand (read Bangkok) has 4G trial network now but it's made by farang. It's arrogant to think of Thailand being any hub (except for go-go stuff).

Medical hub? We went to an official "doctor" on Samui, he recommended to be infused for 3 hours with minerals. Then he opened the door from his garage where a chair was standing next to a motorbike and there he wanted to infuse a farang for 3 hours, right next to the binbags and the motorcycle! Then we went back into his condomshop (sorry but that's what it was) and politely told him we would go to the real hospital or even fly back to BKK.

We know several highly educated thai chirurgians who can't speak english (they are our family) but work in the top hospitals.

Also we know loads of IT and ICT pro's but they even can't install software on their iphone or use it. Gaming and Line goes well though.

I won't complaint though because we have work here but come on, Thailand a hub of anything serious? Solly krab, need study more and stop the maibenrai mentality.

We don't buy anything made in thailand, not because we are racists but because it is low quality and poorly developed. Better pay 3-5-10 times more and get a quality product/service from abroad. Also the Thai dare to ask the same (or even higher) prices then abroad, very funny.

Also we know loads of IT and ICT pro's but they even can't install software on their iphone or use it. [….] We don't buy anything made in thailand, not because we are racists but because it is low quality and poorly developed.

If your statements are true the IT expert in Australia must have been wrong or very kind to us, trying not to offend us, after evaluating our ideas about an encryption package we developed.

Here is what he had to say:

I'm not complaining - it's very good. I can't see any weaknesses at all.

Deputy Head, Computer Science and Software Engineering, Faculty of Information

& Communication Technologies at Swinburne University of Technology, Australia

Yup , of course they won't offend a customer. When he 's home speaking to his collegues he will tell the truth to them.

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