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Similarities between Thai and Mexican ladies


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After retirement I lived in Mexico (Lake Chapala) for 10 yrs. Mexican women on average make little money much like the average Thai lady. Yet in both cultures they are always so well dressed unlike blue jean sweat shirt North American women. In both cultures they dye/color their hair. And having sat in a beauty parlor a few times I know this is not cheap. They use makeup and nail polish(my g/f does not) I know when I first met my Thai g/f she knocked my socks off the way she was dressed like a little princess. When shopping at Tops it always amazes me the costs of creams and lotions women use. These product seem to use an international pricing system as I think prices here are close to North American prices for beauty products. So what are the ladies like in other Asian countries? The same?

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Just like anywhere else, some groom well and some dont, as for your north American women you must have lived on the wrong side of town as its the same there as everywhere else...some groom well and some dont.

From the girls ive dated and thats a few nationalities now, i dont ever recalling even one being cheap on the skin products or there make up, they will shop till they drop to find a bargian when looking for clothes but wont go cheap on skin care they will buy what they concider is good for them, of course thats just the women i have dated.

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Have you been to rural Mexico? It's a big country.

Enter Mexico at San Diego/Tijuana. S. 50 miles to Ensenada. E. and keep going until you can enter the US and Nogales. You'll see poverty and mud shacks and no fancy clothes or makeup.

From Nogales go N. to Tucson Arizona and then back W. to San Diego. It's about 1,000 miles, 1800 kms.

By the time you get to Denny's Restaurant in Nogales you'll eat two meals. Mexican food? Those place will have no refrigeration and dogs, cats, and chickens will be on the dirt floor of what you hope is a little roadside restaurant.

Tip: Survive on Frito Lays and Potato chips and Coca Cola from the US until you see that Dennys.

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It's a war zone there.....not sure where the OP was but the poor diets ruin many nice shaped bodies....somewhat like the PI when outside tourist areas....much less so here.....they're also latin tempered....hot blooded when you want them to be and hot blooded when you don't.....

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Have you been to rural Mexico? It's a big country.

Enter Mexico at San Diego/Tijuana. S. 50 miles to Ensenada. E. and keep going until you can enter the US and Nogales. You'll see poverty and mud shacks and no fancy clothes or makeup.

From Nogales go N. to Tucson Arizona and then back W. to San Diego. It's about 1,000 miles, 1800 kms.

By the time you get to Denny's Restaurant in Nogales you'll eat two meals. Mexican food? Those place will have no refrigeration and dogs, cats, and chickens will be on the dirt floor of what you hope is a little roadside restaurant.

Tip: Survive on Frito Lays and Potato chips and Coca Cola from the US until you see that Dennys.

I really wish i could visit mexico.

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