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Farang shows how it's done


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So what sets this guy apart from the thousands of other motorbike riders (farang and Thai) on the roads in Thailand every day? At least he is wearing a helmet which puts him in the upper quartile of riders in and around Pattaya. And he is wearing tennis shoes and not thongs, another plus. So, put a shirt on him (he definitely needs that, but not really for safety), and I would give him a B-/C+ on "around town" motorbike attire (and, yes, I did notice that he is on Hwy 7, but who know for how far/long).

He kind of looks like me, except that I always wear a shirt and I never ride pillon (and he has a much better tan).

Perhaps you would prefer/be happier if everyone on a Honda/Yamaha 125 was dressed like the guys below for their 2 km/10 minute ride down to the local 7/11. No road rash for them.

Time to focus on "trip planning", don't ya think?

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So what sets this guy apart from the thousands of other motorbike riders (farang and Thai) on the roads in Thailand every day? At least he is wearing a helmet which puts him in the upper quartile of riders in and around Pattaya. And he is wearing tennis shoes and not thongs, another plus. So, put a shirt on him (he definitely needs that, but not really for safety), and I would give him a B-/C+ on "around town" motorbike attire (and, yes, I did notice that he is on Hwy 7, but who know for how far/long).

He kind of looks like me, except that I always wear a shirt and I never ride pillon (and he has a much better tan).

Perhaps you would prefer/be happier if everyone on a Honda/Yamaha 125 was dressed like the guys below for their 2 km/10 minute ride down to the local 7/11. No road rash for them.

Time to focus on "trip planning", don't ya think?

MC Body Armour.jpg

A bicycle helmet is going to do f-all if he has a off'r. I am guilty of wearing my Adidas sandals occasionally while riding so the comment about his footwear was just to complete the sardonic tone.

Your snide attempt to bait me with the underhanded comment failed. My trip planning is know on this board and I would like to think respected. I've put major amounts of km under my belt with various boardmembers.

Can you say the same? Or are you pissing on my leg and trying to say it's raining?

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Well spottedclap2.gif

Typical Pattaya safety gear, seen Russians (presumably) on rented 1000cc Fireblades wearing same gear for some years now.

So we can call it: Classic Pattaya bike gear. wink.png

So, putting FFH, Kevlar jackets and pants, boots and gloves on the first time rider tourists (Russian or otherwise) that rent 1000cc+ sport bikes available everywhere in Pattaya and then ride around Pattaya/Jomtien like they are on a race track or the Isle of Mann will solve the problem? Some how I don't think so, especially for the pedestrians or other riders who happen to get in their way. facepalm.gif

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So, putting FFH, Kevlar jackets and pants, boots and gloves on the first time rider tourists (Russian or otherwise) that rent 1000cc+ sport bikes available everywhere in Pattaya and then ride around Pattaya/Jomtien like they are on a race track or the Isle of Mann will solve the problem? Some how I don't think so, especially for the pedestrians or other riders who happen to get in their way. facepalm.gif

Come on Thailaw, we are taking the piss herewink.png

I also don't ride fully geared up on my pcx but always wears at least a shirt not because of safety but find it more appropriate when out and about.

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So what sets this guy apart from the thousands of other motorbike riders (farang and Thai) on the roads in Thailand every day? At least he is wearing a helmet which puts him in the upper quartile of riders in and around Pattaya. And he is wearing tennis shoes and not thongs, another plus. So, put a shirt on him (he definitely needs that, but not really for safety), and I would give him a B-/C+ on "around town" motorbike attire (and, yes, I did notice that he is on Hwy 7, but who know for how far/long).

He kind of looks like me, except that I always wear a shirt and I never ride pillon (and he has a much better tan).

Perhaps you would prefer/be happier if everyone on a Honda/Yamaha 125 was dressed like the guys below for their 2 km/10 minute ride down to the local 7/11. No road rash for them.

Time to focus on "trip planning", don't ya think?

MC Body Armour.jpg

A bicycle helmet is going to do f-all if he has a off'r. I am guilty of wearing my Adidas sandals occasionally while riding so the comment about his footwear was just to complete the sardonic tone.

Your snide attempt to bait me with the underhanded comment failed. My trip planning is know on this board and I would like to think respected. I've put major amounts of km under my belt with various boardmembers.

Can you say the same? Or are you pissing on my leg and trying to say it's raining?

I was not in any way trying to berate your trip planning or your efforts to organize bike trips with TV members. And I like most of your posts, but not this one. I have even considered joining one of your recent trips to the Wat, but you simply ride too fast for me, so I wouldn't enjoy it (I like to see what I ride by as more than just a blur, and, more importantly, speed is my primary safety concern, not riding at breakneck speeds but being "well protected" if/when I fall)-- to each his own. I was only suggesting that you should stick to what you do well, which is planning and organizing trips and riding, alone or with others, which is what you said that you were doing when your attention got diverted. Your OP is IMO nonsense (not funny) and I said so, but I did not and did not intend to suggest that other posts you have made fit into that category. And if I piss on your leg, you'll know it........wai2.gif

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I was not in any way trying to berate your trip planning or your efforts to organize bike trips with TV members. And I like most of your posts, but not this one. I have even considered joining one of your recent trips to the Wat, but you simply ride too fast for me, so I wouldn't enjoy it (I like to see what I ride by as more than just a blur, and, more importantly, speed is my primary safety concern, not riding at breakneck speeds but being "well protected" if/when I fall)-- to each his own. I was only suggesting that you should stick to what you do well, which is planning and organizing trips and riding, alone or with others, which is what you said that you were doing when your attention got diverted. Your OP is IMO nonsense (not funny) and I said so, but I did not and did not intend to suggest that other posts you have made fit into that category. And if I piss on your leg, you'll know it........wai2.gif

Relax dude...even if you didn't think the post was funny (I actually thought about getting all late-night-sell-crap-channel on it), it wasn't directed at anyone in particular. We're all getting older and some of us are ageing more gracefully. It wasn't meant as disrespect but rather a brief amount of levity injected in a fairly staid sub forum.

It's a shame that a maximum speed of 120 was beyond what you were comfortable engaging in; was a beautiful ride other than getting caught in the thunderstorms at the end.

And I am not german so watersports don't interest me. See, there was this one time I was looking for new and different...wait I'm getting diverted again and will end my post now.

Peace and chicken grease fellow rider!

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So, putting FFH, Kevlar jackets and pants, boots and gloves on the first time rider tourists (Russian or otherwise) that rent 1000cc+ sport bikes available everywhere in Pattaya and then ride around Pattaya/Jomtien like they are on a race track or the Isle of Mann will solve the problem? Some how I don't think so, especially for the pedestrians or other riders who happen to get in their way. facepalm.gif

Come on Thailaw, we are taking the piss herewink.png

I also don't ride fully geared up on my pcx but always wears at least a shirt not because of safety but find it more appropriate when out and about.

Great! So we all agree -- all men and women over 35 should/must wear shirts (and pants and shoes) when out and about, including when riding a motorbike, and when on a motorbike, they should also wear a helmet. And, women over 18 and under 35 should not wear shirts -- ever! I am glad that we got that settled...........

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So, putting FFH, Kevlar jackets and pants, boots and gloves on the first time rider tourists (Russian or otherwise) that rent 1000cc+ sport bikes available everywhere in Pattaya and then ride around Pattaya/Jomtien like they are on a race track or the Isle of Mann will solve the problem? Some how I don't think so, especially for the pedestrians or other riders who happen to get in their way. facepalm.gif

Come on Thailaw, we are taking the piss herewink.png

I also don't ride fully geared up on my pcx but always wears at least a shirt not because of safety but find it more appropriate when out and about.

Same for me. Wouldn't be seen dead outside without a shirt.


Well that's another thing altogether...giggle.gif

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Agreed, if folks want to wear whatever they please. Their choice, their skin, their life. They say pain is wonderful teacher, so I hope they never have to get taught the hard way. :)

Sent from my SM-T211 using Tapatalk

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Here's what I think is the best solution. Mind your own business about the safety of motorcyclists. Problem solved.

But what about style and social decency??? That is a problem, especially for riders of motorcycles, who should strive for higher levels of both. It's one thing to stroll through Tesco without a shirt (and a beer gut the size of a pregnant horse), but to ride on a motorbike without "proper" attire is outrageous! And, IMO we are duty bound to bring such behavior to the attention of all, so that such behavior can be rooted out, one rider at a time. Our reputation as motorcycle riders depends on it. Old farts riding around on motorbikes, even down to the local 7/11, without shirts and only tennis shoes needs to stop! And, for some reason, I am especially offended (not sure why) because the guy pictured is riding pillion with a female Thai driver -- seems to add to the offense. So, for all of you that look like the guy in the picture in the OP when riding a motorbike, please stop it! wai2.gifOh, and BTW, have a Happy New Year!

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That guy represents all of us since nobody wears gear all the time regardless of what they they. Besides gear is not what keeps you alive.

At 180 kph, which some posters here suggest is a "safe speed", it may well be what keeps (or what helps to keep) you alive.

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That's nothing! Come visit Samui and see the standard motosai attire of bikini and flip flops. Last week I overtook a farang family of 5 on a small bike. Mom was the best dressed in two piece bikini and top. The baby in the front basket!!! only wore a diaper.

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I don't intend to have an accident doing over 20kph....and I would prefer not to have one under 20kph as well!

And your point?

An "accident" is by definition unintended. If it was intended, it would be called "suicide" (or "attempted suicide").

And, whether you "intend" or "prefer not" to have an accident, probably has very little bearing on whether you do/will have an accident -- hopefully, you will ride and dress accordingly (i.e., assuming that the unintended/undesired may actually happen).

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I don't intend to have an accident doing over 20kph....and I would prefer not to have one under 20kph as well!

And your point?

An "accident" is by definition unintended. If it was intended, it would be called "suicide" (or "attempted suicide").

And, whether you "intend" or "prefer not" to have an accident, probably has very little bearing on whether you do/will have an accident -- hopefully, you will ride and dress accordingly (i.e., assuming that the unintended/undesired may actually happen).

You want all riders to wear these suits then?

Give it a break man,its the individuals choice,not yours! post-224886-0-72701900-1420102602_thumb.

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A1Str8 is right. I'd agree it's really stupid to do it on the highway and no shirt is not acceptable at that age - but ATGATT is not realistic unless people here seriously don the full leathers every time they get on a bike as they proclaim here on TV. Back in the late 80's I'd regularly ride a BMX/skateboard (Diamond Back Viper/ Powell Peralta "Lance Mountain" for any similar minded/aged folks smile.png ) downhill on public roads, on vert ramps etc. wearing a pair of board shorts, a pair of worn out Vans held together with Duct tape and not much else. Much faster and MUCH more recklessly than the average Thai riding through the soi to 7-11. Big group of us did it for years, we all survived.

If I'm popping out for noodles in the soi, I wear whatever I'm wearing and any old helmet. A trip on a big bike, I wear leathers, full face etc.

I bet we could all be made to look a bit silly by an ill timed Google maps shot. That's why they cover up the faces!

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So what sets this guy apart from the thousands of other motorbike riders (farang and Thai) on the roads in Thailand every day? At least he is wearing a helmet which puts him in the upper quartile of riders in and around Pattaya. And he is wearing tennis shoes and not thongs, another plus. So, put a shirt on him (he definitely needs that, but not really for safety), and I would give him a B-/C+ on "around town" motorbike attire (and, yes, I did notice that he is on Hwy 7, but who know for how far/long).

He kind of looks like me, except that I always wear a shirt and I never ride pillon (and he has a much better tan).

Perhaps you would prefer/be happier if everyone on a Honda/Yamaha 125 was dressed like the guys below for their 2 km/10 minute ride down to the local 7/11. No road rash for them.

Time to focus on "trip planning", don't ya think?

MC Body Armour.jpg

A bicycle helmet is going to do f-all if he has a off'r. I am guilty of wearing my Adidas sandals occasionally while riding so the comment about his footwear was just to complete the sardonic tone.

Your snide attempt to bait me with the underhanded comment failed. My trip planning is know on this board and I would like to think respected. I've put major amounts of km under my belt with various boardmembers.

Can you say the same? Or are you pissing on my leg and trying to say it's raining?

When people claim these pisspot helmets do nothing, I always wonder what they'd choose if someone were to drop a brick on their head from 12-24 inches above their head and prior to doing it, offered them the choice of

1. A bicycle helmet/Thai helmet

2. Nothing at all.

I guarantee they'd choose the helmet. And wisely so. In the event of a small accident, they make a difference.

Edited by JonnyF
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I don't intend to have an accident doing over 20kph....and I would prefer not to have one under 20kph as well!

And your point?

An "accident" is by definition unintended. If it was intended, it would be called "suicide" (or "attempted suicide").

And, whether you "intend" or "prefer not" to have an accident, probably has very little bearing on whether you do/will have an accident -- hopefully, you will ride and dress accordingly (i.e., assuming that the unintended/undesired may actually happen).

You want all riders to wear these suits then?

Give it a break man,its the individuals choice,not yours! attachicon.gif412887.jpg

Did you bother to read my earlier posts above, man, where I said almost the same thing as you (except with a bit more thought)? It may be "individual choice", but it should still be taken by the individual with some consideration of the risks, their likelihood and the consequences should the unplanned event occur. Your skin, your brain (or lack thereof).

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So what sets this guy apart from the thousands of other motorbike riders (farang and Thai) on the roads in Thailand every day? At least he is wearing a helmet which puts him in the upper quartile of riders in and around Pattaya. And he is wearing tennis shoes and not thongs, another plus. So, put a shirt on him (he definitely needs that, but not really for safety), and I would give him a B-/C+ on "around town" motorbike attire (and, yes, I did notice that he is on Hwy 7, but who know for how far/long).

He kind of looks like me, except that I always wear a shirt and I never ride pillon (and he has a much better tan).

Perhaps you would prefer/be happier if everyone on a Honda/Yamaha 125 was dressed like the guys below for their 2 km/10 minute ride down to the local 7/11. No road rash for them.

Time to focus on "trip planning", don't ya think?

MC Body Armour.jpg

A bicycle helmet is going to do f-all if he has a off'r. I am guilty of wearing my Adidas sandals occasionally while riding so the comment about his footwear was just to complete the sardonic tone.

Your snide attempt to bait me with the underhanded comment failed. My trip planning is know on this board and I would like to think respected. I've put major amounts of km under my belt with various boardmembers.

Can you say the same? Or are you pissing on my leg and trying to say it's raining?

Your snide attempt at a troll thread has also been well noted...

If it doesn't effect you, why do you care?

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Here's what I think is the best solution. Mind your own business about the safety of motorcyclists. Problem solved.

But what about style and social decency??? That is a problem, especially for riders of motorcycles, who should strive for higher levels of both. It's one thing to stroll through Tesco without a shirt (and a beer gut the size of a pregnant horse), but to ride on a motorbike without "proper" attire is outrageous! And, IMO we are duty bound to bring such behavior to the attention of all, so that such behavior can be rooted out, one rider at a time. Our reputation as motorcycle riders depends on it. Old farts riding around on motorbikes, even down to the local 7/11, without shirts and only tennis shoes needs to stop! And, for some reason, I am especially offended (not sure why) because the guy pictured is riding pillion with a female Thai driver -- seems to add to the offense. So, for all of you that look like the guy in the picture in the OP when riding a motorbike, please stop it! wai2.gifOh, and BTW, have a Happy New Year!

I think you forget where you live friend. This is Thailand, and I certainly hope it stays that way...

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Here's what I think is the best solution. Mind your own business about the safety of motorcyclists. Problem solved.

But what about style and social decency??? That is a problem, especially for riders of motorcycles, who should strive for higher levels of both. It's one thing to stroll through Tesco without a shirt (and a beer gut the size of a pregnant horse), but to ride on a motorbike without "proper" attire is outrageous! And, IMO we are duty bound to bring such behavior to the attention of all, so that such behavior can be rooted out, one rider at a time. Our reputation as motorcycle riders depends on it. Old farts riding around on motorbikes, even down to the local 7/11, without shirts and only tennis shoes needs to stop! And, for some reason, I am especially offended (not sure why) because the guy pictured is riding pillion with a female Thai driver -- seems to add to the offense. So, for all of you that look like the guy in the picture in the OP when riding a motorbike, please stop it! wai2.gifOh, and BTW, have a Happy New Year!

I think you forget where you live friend. This is Thailand, and I certainly hope it stays that way...

blink.png Is this your first post of 2015, friend? If so, it doesn't look as if 2015 has much promise -- hopefully, things will improve soon.... Apparently your view of the forest was blocked by the trees...

Edited by Thailaw
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Here's what I think is the best solution. Mind your own business about the safety of motorcyclists. Problem solved.

But what about style and social decency??? That is a problem, especially for riders of motorcycles, who should strive for higher levels of both. It's one thing to stroll through Tesco without a shirt (and a beer gut the size of a pregnant horse), but to ride on a motorbike without "proper" attire is outrageous! And, IMO we are duty bound to bring such behavior to the attention of all, so that such behavior can be rooted out, one rider at a time. Our reputation as motorcycle riders depends on it. Old farts riding around on motorbikes, even down to the local 7/11, without shirts and only tennis shoes needs to stop! And, for some reason, I am especially offended (not sure why) because the guy pictured is riding pillion with a female Thai driver -- seems to add to the offense. So, for all of you that look like the guy in the picture in the OP when riding a motorbike, please stop it! wai2.gifOh, and BTW, have a Happy New Year!

I think you forget where you live friend. This is Thailand, and I certainly hope it stays that way...

A lot of times I disagree with what Thailaw writes, but he's quite right in this instance.

And I say that as someone with a (non-beer) gut 1/2 the size of a pregnant horse.

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Here's what I think is the best solution. Mind your own business about the safety of motorcyclists. Problem solved.

But what about style and social decency??? That is a problem, especially for riders of motorcycles, who should strive for higher levels of both. It's one thing to stroll through Tesco without a shirt (and a beer gut the size of a pregnant horse), but to ride on a motorbike without "proper" attire is outrageous! And, IMO we are duty bound to bring such behavior to the attention of all, so that such behavior can be rooted out, one rider at a time. Our reputation as motorcycle riders depends on it. Old farts riding around on motorbikes, even down to the local 7/11, without shirts and only tennis shoes needs to stop! And, for some reason, I am especially offended (not sure why) because the guy pictured is riding pillion with a female Thai driver -- seems to add to the offense. So, for all of you that look like the guy in the picture in the OP when riding a motorbike, please stop it! wai2.gifOh, and BTW, have a Happy New Year!
I think you forget where you live friend. This is Thailand, and I certainly hope it stays that way...

blink.png Is this your first post of 2015, friend? If so, it doesn't look as if 2015 has much promise -- hopefully, things will improve soon.... Apparently your view of the forest was blocked by the trees...

What are you on about. Stop blathering.

Go out with your sheriff badge on and scold foreigners not wearing "proper attire" which is not up to your standards.

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I don't intend to have an accident doing over 20kph....and I would prefer not to have one under 20kph as well!

And your point?

An "accident" is by definition unintended. If it was intended, it would be called "suicide" (or "attempted suicide").

And, whether you "intend" or "prefer not" to have an accident, probably has very little bearing on whether you do/will have an accident -- hopefully, you will ride and dress accordingly (i.e., assuming that the unintended/undesired may actually happen).

You want all riders to wear these suits then?

Give it a break man,its the individuals choice,not yours! attachicon.gif412887.jpg

Did you bother to read my earlier posts above, man, where I said almost the same thing as you (except with a bit more thought)? It may be "individual choice", but it should still be taken by the individual with some consideration of the risks, their likelihood and the consequences should the unplanned event occur. Your skin, your brain (or lack thereof).

Good point.

Can only blame my friends for pouring copious amounts of JD's down my throat into the early hours New years daypost-224886-0-28422600-1420129166.jpg

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