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Retarded Interpretation of the alcohol laws


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Forgive me if I have the wrong end of the stick here but <deleted> is Tesco and Big C on about?

I understand there are restrictions on the sale of booze at certain times but I really think that these two companies actually need a rocket up their asses!

There are restrictions on buying booze between 2pm and 5pm, and after midnight until something like 11am the next morning. For whatever reasons, both Tesco and Big C seem to have absolutely no idea how to implement the laws.

Looking at the wording of the law, you are not permitted to but medium amounts of beer / alcohol during the restricted time periods, fair enough, pretty clear.

So I order two boxes of Beer Chang from Tesco for home delivery (ordered loads of times before with no hassle - you are only allowed a maximum of 24 bottles)

Tesco home delivery turn up today with the food order and they pull out this sign written in about a 60 pica font saying "restrictions apply to purchase of alcohol" during those times mentioned earlier - with HUGE letters saying that purchases ABOVE 10 LITRES are not subject to this law (Which I would imagine is to allow sensible restocking for small businesses)

So when I take a look at my order for 24 bottles of Chang, they have removed 10 bottles and only sent 14 bottles!!! <deleted>!

Big C are another bunch of idiots, I tried to buy a couple of cases of beer and it was during the restricted period 2pm to 5 pm, they told me I could only buy 5 bottles! <deleted> is this?

Then 7-11, they will quite happily sell me beer after midnight as long as I don't need a receipt! They seem to sell you the beer but keep a tally to ring through the till the next day!

The Tesco one was the most annoying, with the big placard saying that 10 litres or more are not subject to the rule but they still removed 10 from 24 bottles, and the two grinning imbeciles that made the delivery could not understand MORE than or LESS than, EVEN IN THAI!

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My interpretation of your posts is that you may get help at AA

Not looking for spiritual advice thanks or any help with my car, (I know what you mean though) but I just want 24 bottles delivered as promised. Let me worry about my health!

Cheers, all the best!

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I'm sorry, I thought you were just on a rant. If you are looking for advice, I'd suggest cutting down on the beer...

I like a beer, but I don't like having to keep stocking up locally at the Mom and Pop shops, I would rather buy a week or two of supplies from good old Tesco!

I have to use the truck to go and by a box of grog, my bike cannot carry anything, and Tesco have a deal at the minute, spend 800 baht= free delivery!

The way the traffic here is at the minute in Chiang Mai, I really would not fancy getting flung off my bike by drunken retards in their 4 x 4's doing 140KMH, the retards are actually queuing to get to the Internon, a lot of them pissed out of their heads. Rather leave delivery to Tesco!

Edited by Vogele123
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The OP mentioned he's in Chiang Mai. I've never had this problem with the home delivery people with Tops or Rim Ping home delivery -- the branches in the city center. I'll get a couple cases of beer, couples cases of Coke Zero, 10 liters of kitty litter, bulky paper products at the same time. Let them bring all the stuff with home delivery that I can't manage in a song thaew. It's always a huge order and the couple cases of beer just get swallowed up by all the other stuff.

Maybe the OP is making a mistake in just asking for beer and not anything else to be delivered.

Edited by NancyL
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The OP mentioned he's in Chiang Mai. I've never had this problem with the home delivery people with Tops or Rim Ping home delivery -- the branches in the city center. I'll get a couple cases of beer, couples cases of Coke Zero, 10 liters of kitty litter, bulky paper products at the same time. Let them bring all the stuff with home delivery that I can't manage in a song thaew. It's always a huge order and the couple cases of beer just get swallowed up by all the other stuff.

Maybe the OP is making a mistake in just asking for beer and not anything else to be delivered.

No, I order maybe 5K or 6K groceries at the same time. Also, I am not aware that Rimping (The posh people) or TOPS (The expensive posh people) can let you order online - if they do, please post a link as I want to order French Sticks, Tesco make them wonderfully, Big C make them hard and sharp enough to cut gums and lose teeth, 3 metres long and like trying to chew a bullet.

It is not really that much about pricing, just convenience, I need to haul my truck out on a 15KM round trip to pick up beers here that are 5 baht a bottle cheaper than Tesco. The fact that they provide home delivery and within a 2 hour timeframe is great.

The confusion seems to be the interpretation of the alcohol laws, and that they have absolutely NO IDEA regarding what they can and cannot sell during certain hours.

From what I can gather, you cannot pop into a legitimate shop and buy a bottle of beer between 2PM and 5PM, Tesco, Big C, 7/11 not can you buy (legally between midnight and some hour in the morning) - can everyone follow my interpretation or have I got it wrong? (you cannot buy a bottle or two or three?)

However, as far as the junk printed out in Tesco and Big C, if you purchase MORE than 10 litres you are allowed to buy this at ANY TIME, it must be considered as some sort of BULK or WHOLESALE purchase and not subject to the time restrictions (unless you are a real alccy that can sup 10 litres of Chang in an afternoon)

The problem I have is that both Big C and Tesco try and show me a notice IN ENGLISH that states EXACTLY what I have just said, but for some reason unknown to me think that the opposite is true, i.e. You can but LESS THAN 10 litres during these hours.

Try explaining their own signs to them and they are completely dumbfounded.

Seriously, take a look in Tesco and Big C, it is as plain as day in the English, maybe there is something lost in the Thai translation but they are clueless as to what they can sell and when!

One final question, does anyone know if Big C sells cigarettes? never ever saw them advertised, I know you can but them in Tesco in the 200 packs at the drinks counter, Carrefoure used to sell them but I have never had a sniff of tobacco at Big C....maybe some sort of irony? If you have the bad luck of shopping at Big C Hang Dong.... Yes we have no bananas today comes to mind, it is an absolute shambles of a store, most of their "assistants" should be assisted to a new job well away from members of the public. Their stock is inconsistent....try finding GARLIC in Big C Hang Dong, you have more chance of finding gold at the end of the rainbow.

Edited by Vogele123
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Tops has signs in their stores about being able to order on-line, but when I tried to do so, it never worked for me. I'm able read, write and type in Thai, but there was some problem with my name being in English characters. Just not a user-friendly website. I last tried it over a year ago, so maybe it's improved.

So no, when I have home delivery from Tops and Rim Ping, it's always with items I've selected myself and brought to the customer service counter in a shopping cart (or two). I usually buy some produce -- meats and veggies -- that I want to personally select and don't trust to home delivery at the same time anyway.

Yes, the problem could arise because of ordering on-line.

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Tops has signs in their stores about being able to order on-line, but when I tried to do so, it never worked for me. I'm able read, write and type in Thai, but there was some problem with my name being in English characters. Just not a user-friendly website. I last tried it over a year ago, so maybe it's improved.

So no, when I have home delivery from Tops and Rim Ping, it's always with items I've selected myself and brought to the customer service counter in a shopping cart (or two). I usually buy some produce -- meats and veggies -- that I want to personally select and don't trust to home delivery at the same time anyway.

Yes, the problem could arise because of ordering on-line.

Normally Tesco is fine, you get the freshest of everything, probably because you can reject on site or reject and take back to any local store for a refund - Actually, I cannot see how they make money from this service, maybe a bit of skullduggery from Clarke as he left.

Like I say, it is the interpretation of the booze laws, and up to now no one here has clarified anything, I think we are all in the dark! Maybe our Great Leader can dispel the myths!

I usually order maybe 6 kg of potatoes every order, and it is amazing how they can supply the freshest and tastiest pots. You could never find these if you actually went into the store...they must be hidden for online customers. It is the same when you order Pork Steaks, if you go to Hang Dong store they are 25% fat, order online and these things are just pure meat.

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Yes, agree, I can send my 13 year old son to buy my beer whisky and ciggies, what I cannot get my head around id Tesco and Big C policy on alcohol! They say one thing and do a U turn! I cannot understand their 10+ litre policy where you can buy 24/7 yet the themselves cannot understand it! They are morons! you cannot explain it to them despite them holding their little signs in English saying "PURCHASES OF MORE THAN TEN LITRES ARE NOT RESTRICTED" - can anyone tell me the logic where I can order 24 bottles / 2 boxes of Beer Chang from Tesco, they turn up with 14 bottles, and show me a sign that says 10 litres or more can be purchased anytime, but orders less than ten litres are subject to the 2pm/5pm junk? they do not even understand what they have printed out in their own hands.

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I read about ten words in the OP's post, so forgive me if I am being redundant.

My way of getting around nonsensical liquor laws in Sukhumvit:

Family Mart. They don't care. Period. And it shows.

I trust what you say, however I am a lazy shit that simply would like to order online and get it delivered (at this period in time - NEW YEAR - I would rather stay at home than have a shit fight trying to drive in a war zone with all of the retards currently driving up in Chiang Mai from Bangkok..... Doi Internon is full, as is Doi Suthep, it is crammed full of from Bangkok who think they own the roads! Rather have Tesco drive my beer out here for 60 Baht or free if you spend 800! The good old Yelloow shirt shit brigade love to tell everyone how thick we are when we drive at 80 and they are so smart running at 140KMH, right up your ass!

(They don't like it when you slam the brakes on either -morons!) I cannot wait until these scum leave on Monday / Tuesday and let us get back to normal.

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Direct your incessant complaints to Tesco and Big C. That might help matters, and if it doesn't solve your issues, then try other shops. In the meantime, it's almost 11pm, posts on this thread will only get angrier and more incoherent as the night drags on, I'm into my third glass of wine (moderate, civilised drinker), and I wish you all a wonderful evening!

You have a good evening too Tubby, unfortunately, it seems Tesco have left me a bottle short of a good nights sleep! Anyway, nice to chat have a good one, take care and all the best! (I might take the bike out to 7/11 and try my luck before it hits midnight.) Cheers!

Are you guys getting the same adverts posted after your last posts that I am? The guy in a mask with a computer/laptop repair business???? Mr. (FUK) WIT????

Edited by Vogele123
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The OP mentioned he's in Chiang Mai. I've never had this problem with the home delivery people with Tops or Rim Ping home delivery -- the branches in the city center. I'll get a couple cases of beer, couples cases of Coke Zero, 10 liters of kitty litter, bulky paper products at the same time. Let them bring all the stuff with home delivery that I can't manage in a song thaew. It's always a huge order and the couple cases of beer just get swallowed up by all the other stuff.

Maybe the OP is making a mistake in just asking for beer and not anything else to be delivered.

No, I order maybe 5K or 6K groceries at the same time. Also, I am not aware that Rimping (The posh people) or TOPS (The expensive posh people) can let you order online - if they do, please post a link as I want to order French Sticks, Tesco make them wonderfully, Big C make them hard and sharp enough to cut gums and lose teeth, 3 metres long and like trying to chew a bullet.

It is not really that much about pricing, just convenience, I need to haul my truck out on a 15KM round trip to pick up beers here that are 5 baht a bottle cheaper than Tesco. The fact that they provide home delivery and within a 2 hour timeframe is great.

The confusion seems to be the interpretation of the alcohol laws, and that they have absolutely NO IDEA regarding what they can and cannot sell during certain hours.

From what I can gather, you cannot pop into a legitimate shop and buy a bottle of beer between 2PM and 5PM, Tesco, Big C, 7/11 not can you buy (legally between midnight and some hour in the morning) - can everyone follow my interpretation or have I got it wrong? (you cannot buy a bottle or two or three?)

However, as far as the junk printed out in Tesco and Big C, if you purchase MORE than 10 litres you are allowed to buy this at ANY TIME, it must be considered as some sort of BULK or WHOLESALE purchase and not subject to the time restrictions (unless you are a real alccy that can sup 10 litres of Chang in an afternoon)

The problem I have is that both Big C and Tesco try and show me a notice IN ENGLISH that states EXACTLY what I have just said, but for some reason unknown to me think that the opposite is true, i.e. You can but LESS THAN 10 litres during these hours.

Try explaining their own signs to them and they are completely dumbfounded.

Seriously, take a look in Tesco and Big C, it is as plain as day in the English, maybe there is something lost in the Thai translation but they are clueless as to what they can sell and when!

One final question, does anyone know if Big C sells cigarettes? never ever saw them advertised, I know you can but them in Tesco in the 200 packs at the drinks counter, Carrefoure used to sell them but I have never had a sniff of tobacco at Big C....maybe some sort of irony? If you have the bad luck of shopping at Big C Hang Dong.... Yes we have no bananas today comes to mind, it is an absolute shambles of a store, most of their "assistants" should be assisted to a new job well away from members of the public. Their stock is inconsistent....try finding GARLIC in Big C Hang Dong, you have more chance of finding gold at the end of the rainbow.

This is even harder to believe, Tesco in Chiang Mai refused to sell me Root Beer in the can (A&W) because it was in the beer section but would sell it to me in bottles because it was in the soft drink beverage section. I did tell them that Root Beer is not real beer, but they refused. I also asked them about the non-alcoholic beer from Germany that was on sale and they said I could buy it because it doesn't have alcohol. The people who work at these stores and the law are asinine.

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You have a good evening too Tubby, unfortunately, it seems Tesco have left me a bottle short of a good nights sleep! [5/quote]

"I have been left a bottle short of a good nights sleep".

So funny yet tragic.

Don't you hate that!

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manarak, on 04 Jan 2015 - 05:16, said:
ATF, on 02 Jan 2015 - 23:13, said:

Villa have no restriction on hours and all 7-11's in Pattaya sell booze 24/7 except religious holidays, Royal Birthdays and voting days.

not true


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manarak, on 04 Jan 2015 - 05:16, said:
ATF, on 02 Jan 2015 - 23:13, said:

Villa have no restriction on hours and all 7-11's in Pattaya sell booze 24/7 except religious holidays, Royal Birthdays and voting days.

not true


I have seen plenty of 7-11 in Pattaya which follow the regulations on restricted hours.

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Tops has signs in their stores about being able to order on-line, but when I tried to do so, it never worked for me. I'm able read, write and type in Thai, but there was some problem with my name being in English characters. Just not a user-friendly website. I last tried it over a year ago, so maybe it's improved.

So no, when I have home delivery from Tops and Rim Ping, it's always with items I've selected myself and brought to the customer service counter in a shopping cart (or two). I usually buy some produce -- meats and veggies -- that I want to personally select and don't trust to home delivery at the same time anyway.

Yes, the problem could arise because of ordering on-line.

Normally Tesco is fine, you get the freshest of everything, probably because you can reject on site or reject and take back to any local store for a refund - Actually, I cannot see how they make money from this service, maybe a bit of skullduggery from Clarke as he left.

Like I say, it is the interpretation of the booze laws, and up to now no one here has clarified anything, I think we are all in the dark! Maybe our Great Leader can dispel the myths!

I usually order maybe 6 kg of potatoes every order, and it is amazing how they can supply the freshest and tastiest pots. You could never find these if you actually went into the store...they must be hidden for online customers. It is the same when you order Pork Steaks, if you go to Hang Dong store they are 25% fat, order online and these things are just pure meat.

I too order online from Tescos.

I believe but not 100% certain that the order doesn't actually come from the store and that's why it's all fresh, you get the best and most items are usually available even all the promotions.

I think it's from the Tesco store distribution centre........wherever that is.

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