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Swedes rally in support of mosques after arson attacks

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Swedes rally in support of mosques after arson attacks

HELSINKI (AP) — Hundreds of demonstrators in three major Swedish cities have rallied in support of Muslims, condemning recent arson attacks against mosques in which at least five people were injured.

Anti-racist demonstrators in the capital, Stockholm, waved placards and a banner with the words "Don't touch my mosque," as Muslim community leaders addressed the gathering preaching tolerance.

Last week, five people were injured in an arson attack against a mosque in the central city Eskilstuna which was also vandalized a day later.

The Friday rallies, also held in the south-western cities of Malmo and Goteborg, follow a recent rise in anti-immigrant sentiment in Sweden, known for its policies of tolerance in a country where more than 20 percent of the 10 million population has foreign roots.

-- (c) Associated Press 2-15-01-02

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No, this was a Muslim rally, just look the pictures.

My question is only:

HOW MANY church are there in Muslim countries?

Uuppsss ....

They are the most most pushy and violent people.

Why don't they go home simply instead of any rally ???

How would you feel if you get pushed out of Thailand.. I take it Thailand is now your home ?

Can you understand that they are a bit pissed if their mosques get burned.. I am sure you would protest too if someone did stuff like that with you. You can hate Muslims all you want but this was a crime committed against them and they have every right to protest about that.

Yes, of course mi Amigo. You just go and hug them tightly.

Man, I'm fond of Amsterdam, but if I go to Amsterdam I have to cry about the liberalism, which destroys your nice and specially high valued country.

Sweden and Norway are all the same.

I asked you a question how would you feel if you got kicked out of Thailand ? You like me (presumably) made your home here build your life here. Then all of a sudden you are forced to exit.. bet you would not like it either. Same goes for those Muslims that build their life in The Netherlands and hold normal jobs and lives.

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The Muslim attack against Christians and others in the ME does not help the Muslim cause in Europe and other parts of the world...people are rightfully concerned about Islam, terrorism, and killing of innocent people in the name of religion...

So non-Muslims are attempting to send a preemptive message...

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So technically they weren't swedes, just immigrants calling themselves swedes.

Well, "technically" they *are* Swede. You may be among those who wish nationality were based on race. But in fact, it isn't. So, both technically, and actually (not to mention linguistically), you are incorrect.


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There's been numerous brutal rapes committed by muslim immigrants against native Swedes, does the muslim community come out in rallies of support for their hosts after such cases ?

So next time you read about or see a farang criminal are you going to organize a protest to support the Thais getting those farang criminals or do you feel no connection with those guys and no responsibility because all you got in common is that your also a foreigner nothing more ?

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"Muslim community leaders addressed the gathering preaching tolerance." Meanwhile, their friends around the world behead infidels and stone women to death.

Sure and you are responsible for everything farangs do in Thailand.

I am not that fond of Muslims per se, but there are quite a lot that are tolerant and would love to live their life in peace. I worked with a few Turks back in the Netherlands and they were quite tolerant and open and hated what those idiots did in the name of religion.

I don't feel responsible for everything a Dutch person does.. why should Muslims have to condemn and feel responsible for everything an other Muslim does.

I agree largely, but the only problem is that most of the strife and atrocities going on in the world involve Muslims, not Dutch.

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How much has Thai society been forced to change its culture and its religious practices because Westerners have moved here? Do we set up zones of influence and demand to be treated by a separate code of Christian Law (granted for the British, the comparison is a problem)? Do we attack, utter insults, and chase down Thais because they behave in a manner consistent with their own civilization? If there are Western practices being adopted in Thailand, it's because the Thais want them. I don't know of too many non-Muslim parts of the world that want to adopt Muslim practices.

With all the Thai bashing going on on TV, I think yes to your questions.

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There's been numerous brutal rapes committed by muslim immigrants against native Swedes, does the muslim community come out in rallies of support for their hosts after such cases ?

So next time you read about or see a farang criminal are you going to organize a protest to support the Thais getting those farang criminals or do you feel no connection with those guys and no responsibility because all you got in common is that your also a foreigner nothing more ?

No, because I'm not the sort of person who goes out onto the streets demonstrating about anything. The people demonstrating in Sweden obviously are, but only demonstrate when islam is seen as the victim, never when as the agresser.

No... i thought as much.. thanks

The people protesting there are protesting against someone setting fire to their mosque quite valid and if its the mosque they go to affects them directly. Totally different from having to protest because some other Muslim far away did something bad (no connection with that Muslim).

I used to be far more anti immigrant but having lived here for 9 years I understand a lot of their views better.

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No, this was a Muslim rally, just look the pictures.

My question is only:

HOW MANY church are there in Muslim countries?

Uuppsss ....

They are the most most pushy and violent people.

Why don't they go home simply instead of any rally ???

How would you feel if you get pushed out of Thailand.. I take it Thailand is now your home ?

Can you understand that they are a bit pissed if their mosques get burned.. I am sure you would protest too if someone did stuff like that with you. You can hate Muslims all you want but this was a crime committed against them and they have every right to protest about that.

How much has Thai society been forced to change its culture and its religious practices because Westerners have moved here? Do we set up zones of influence and demand to be treated by a separate code of Christian Law (granted for the British, the comparison is a problem)? Do we attack, utter insults, and chase down Thais because they behave in a manner consistent with their own civilization? If there are Western practices being adopted in Thailand, it's because the Thais want them. I don't know of too many non-Muslim parts of the world that want to adopt Muslim practices.

Fair point.. but you must have seen Pattaya ?

Most muslims are ok no problems whatsoever but some idiots that make a lot of noise and try to change things. Same here with farangs most are ok but there are some nutcases that are a problem.

And for looking down on Thais.. one should only read all the Thaibashing on this forum.

We are just as bad as normal muslims (not bad at all), and those idiot extreme foreigners are as bad as the extreme muslims.

In my time working with Muslims in the Netherlands is that most of them just want a place to live and make money. Then you got some idiots that try to change things and are radical. Its the same everywhere there always bad elements.

I am pretty sure you don't consider farang criminals as the norm, but the Thais do identify them with us too. Just like we identify all Muslims with a few bad ones. Does not sound fair does it ?

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I am pretty sure you don't consider farang criminals as the norm, but the Thais do identify them with us too.

None of the Thais that I do think that. In fact, they feel just the opposite. They think that farang criminals are VERY uncommon and trust white people more than they should (IMO).

Not so sure UG

All these extra visa measures and such is not because they trust us so much. Plus don't forget Thais love blaming outsiders, just look at Ko Tao.

Point what I am making is that why would normal people protest to something they have no connection with. I certainly would not protest against a Dutch drug user / dealer. Dutch are known for drugs but you don't see me protesting to show I am not one of them just to make the public happy.

Brits drink a lot and do stupid drunk things but you don't see them protesting much when they see one of their own do it. To the contrary in a recent Phuket tread they did not even condemn a Brit for running away from his car after an accident while the normal response to a Thai doing the same is quite vocal.

Why do people expect Muslims to be any different.

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