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Bar girl expectations: How realistic?


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Some of you seem incredulous. I live in Hua Hin, and I can tell you that plenty have done as well as she expects and better. Of course plenty have left town empty handed - but she wouldn't be the first to get that - and more. Not by a longshot.

I get the impression that Hua Hin is a well-to-do person's place with a relatively small bar girl scene so a girl who presents herself well may have a good chance.

But, do rich guys in Hua Hin really go looking for real girlfriends in the bars near the train station and Soi 80?

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34 is past the sell-by date... and she has the wrong friends and believes their stories...

Than again, there is a sucker born every second, I'll guarantee you that there are guys that pay this or even more. But you should move on quickly before she thinks you are as mad as she hopes you are.

Edited by recycler
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34 is past the sell-by date... and she has the wrong friends and believes their stories...

Than again, there is a sucker born every second, I'll guarantee you that there are guys that pay this or even more. But you should move on quickly before she thinks you are as mad as she hopes you are.


Promise her all she wants,

Have a lot of sex,

Leave without providing anything.

(apart from payment for services rendered)

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I know a farang (offshore worker) that took a girl from Cowboy and bought her a home in Udon, one in the village and as well hundreds of rai. I dated the sister of his lassie for 3 months, which also worked in the bar in Cowboy but I dropped her after 3 months. I burned around 800k but court her playing cards so I dumped her over night.

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Sadly, this isn't that unrealistic.

It is a little chilling to hear how fine-tuned her expectations are though.

At first I was incredulous too, but after a while you begin to realize that some guys are desperate enough, or naive enough, or love struck enough to do just this.

Edited by Gecko123
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Some of you seem incredulous. I live in Hua Hin, and I can tell you that plenty have done as well as she expects and better. Of course plenty have left town empty handed - but she wouldn't be the first to get that - and more. Not by a longshot.

I get the impression that Hua Hin is a well-to-do person's place with a relatively small bar girl scene so a girl who presents herself well may have a good chance.

But, do rich guys in Hua Hin really go looking for real girlfriends in the bars near the train station and Soi 80?

There are a lot of bars near the two 5 star hotels next to the beach. Maybe she was hoping to met one of those guys. If they can afford a 5 star hotel room maybe they could afford her! But then again they probably got to such a position by not wasting their money on bar girls.

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I know a farang (offshore worker) that took a girl from Cowboy and bought her a home in Udon, one in the village and as well hundreds of rai. I dated the sister of his lassie for 3 months, which also worked in the bar in Cowboy but I dropped her after 3 months. I burned around 800k but court her playing cards so I dumped her over night.

Your mate will end up a lot worse off, not being mean to him, its just the odds are heavily stacked in her favour

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How realistic are these expectations?

P.T. Barnum - There's a sucker born every minute...

Just read TVF as it appears there are more of them out there than anyone thinks... Big heart, short on brains...

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She is a dreamer I have been with my girlfriend for over 7 years now and she has a great job is extremely good looking and smart.

I did not have to give her family anything. They are happy she is happy. Now I do give the family from time to time and help out when I think

I really should I even lend her dad my car if he needs it.

So this "bar girl " that thinks she is going to buy her mom a house and you half to give her 1 million baht is deluded and dreaming It will never happen.

If you offer her family 150 or 200,000 baht for a sin sod and give them a little extra from time to time That will more than suffice.

Remember why she is selling her body This is because her family has very little and she needs to send money home.

Is this really the type of woman you want to settle with

Think long and hard about it

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Love means something different to a Thai lady. They expect you to show love by lavishing riches on them, cash, jewels, gold, houses, designer handbags, nice clothes, iPhones, iPada, perfume etc etc. Car and/or pick up or motor bike is welcome.

Security, for them, is a house in Thailand. Providing you with children helps cement their feelings of security. They are also keen to do what they see "as their duty" i.e provide what they can to help support parents, and hard up relations.

80% of Thai ladies, IME, regardless of their background, social standing, education or work think like this. Husband must demonstrate is love and caring very visibly for all to see. And they watch what one another gets jealously. The notion of paying your non working wife a salary is something most foreigners struggle with,but to Thai ladies is reasonable, seeing as how they see themselves as a wonderful catch. The expectation is catching a farang means riches and little work.

Thai whores don't lessen their expectations just because of the way they earn money by selling sex, IME. Some I know thrive on telling the local Thai community how much farang hubby spends on them. Some even like to brag about how many dupes they had thinking they were the only bf and some slip back into their former role to earn extra cash.

At 34, her bar girl whoring days are numbered. She needs the big catch soon or its bag to scratching a living. And no Thai is gonna marry her.

+ 1 your only typo was your second paragraph it should read 80% of ladies...

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WOW, the stories never cease to amaze me about bar girls and their needs and wants. What amazes more is there will be some moron out there that will satisfy those needs and I will feel sorry for that poor soul because we all know that most bar girls regardless of how good they have it with a farlang, they always end up screwing it up for themselves somehow by cheating or asking for more money. Am I right? All it takes is for one farlang to take the bait and they will think that all farlangs are that gullable, so I guess you can't blame the bar girls for trying, right? Bar girl discussions always make for an interesting topic.

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Magnum Force wrote:

I was chatting with a lady in Hua Hin yesterday. She's originally from the back end of Udon. She wasn't a stunner by any means but she was attractive and she was about 34. She was very pleasant and easy to chat with and we got on very well. She was brutally honest with what she expects from her work. She told me her "Angel" (some sort of shamen or local witch doctor) told her that this year she would be very lucky and meet a rich man to "take care" of her (and her family).

I asked what she meant by "take care". I nearly fell off my chair with her answers.

She wants a salary to live with somebody as their girlfriend of 30,000ThB per month. She wants the lucky guy to fork out 3-4 million baht for a house for her. She also wants a dowry payable to the mother of 1 million in the event that the guy wishes to marry her. She might even want a house built for mom and dad. After that, comes the car etc.

I was very surprised as didn't appear to be your usual hard case bar girl. She came across as the girl next door type.

How realistic are these expectations? Is there actually somebody who would willingly pay these amounts for a girlfriend/wife?

Up in Udon, those "expectations", can, and are fulfilled all the time. Yes, MF, there are some guys who have done exactly what you've described up in Isaan.

Have a look here: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/783029-35-million-thb-home-burglarly-in-nakha-udon-thani/ Especially the video on page two.

True story: A 65 year old guy meets a girl via the internet, comes to Thailand, meets her, thinks he's in heaven because this decent looking 33 year old girl wants to have have unprotected sex three times a day. Never thinking she's trying to get pregnant.

Long story short: within three months she is pregnant. A few years down the road she has a 5 million baht house, the obligatory Toyota pick-up, and a bouncing half-farang baby boy.

To add insult to injury, this guys house budget was 3 million baht, but she wanted a 5 million baht house, so this guy ends up borrowing the balance, to build her dream house.

This guy also didn't want a kid, but he thought at 65, he "didn't have any sperm left." So he didn't bother with birth control.

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Do you remember the ad for the Remington shaver? the one that goes....' I liked it so

much so I bought the company'

I friend of mine too a bargirl out once, he liked it so much he bought the bar soon after...

what's the moral of the story? no moral... just a story....

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Sadly, this isn't that unrealistic.

It is a little chilling to hear how fine-tuned her expectations are though.

At first I was incredulous too, but after a while you begin to realize that some guys are desperate enough, or naive enough, or love struck enough to do just this.

It's more than just chilling. It's cold. How a mutually thriving, happy relationship can be based on that is a mystery to me.

Any more input from the Hua Hin folks with regards to the odds of this happening there? It isn't a bar near the 5-star hotels, more a place frequented by expats I guess.

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Her expectations are very realistic - theres a fool born every minute. You wouldnt believe what some Joes cough up just so they can take care of their very own (and usually several other guys very own) gambling, drug addicted, mafia connected, tattooed lass thumbsup.gif

..... boggles the mind

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»How realistic are these expectations? Is there actually somebody who would willingly pay these amounts for a girlfriend/wife?«

To answer OP’s question: Indeed realistic and Yes.

And it’s not only bargirl dreams, but many a girl dreaming about a farang boyfriend/husband – and some times the dreams do come through – I have seen some like that being fulfilled...

And by the way, many a bargirl is just the nice girl next door looking for a farang... smile.png

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"I was very surprised as didn't appear to be your usual hard case bar girl. She came across as the girl next door type.

How realistic are these expectations? Is there actually somebody who would willingly pay these amounts for a girlfriend/wife? "

Inversely proportional to level of self esteem.

Is the OP a novelist specializing in fiction?

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Hua Hin has a lot of people that would like you to think they are wealthy.

A guy with only a million dollars US can live like he's rich in Hua Hin.

Non way. For the sake of keeping it simple a low risk bank rate is 5% very roughly , thats only 50 k a year before tax and then you gotta pay rent blah blah

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