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Im a loser in the western world

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konying post #. 5

Welcome to reality , time to adjust and get on with your life.

You are just as much of a loser in thailand as you are back home.

The difference is in Thailand they want your small money and will tell you what ever you want to hear to get it, back home you would need lots of money to receive the same treatment

All rather like this one can but suppose.


The act of going to the McDonalds Drive-thru, buying a few ice cream cones and throwing them all into an empty back seat for your "Invisible Children"

I made a huge mess in the back of my car when I went Konying.


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neverdie, on 07 Jan 2015 - 19:23, said:
ATF, on 07 Jan 2015 - 19:20, said:

I was wondering why my 1 Baht change is always sticky.


Most of these "Restaurateurs" are really struggling at the moment. My scrambled eggs were ever so runny.

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He could always subscribe to Asian Babes website, and go for a tug

He's going to miss the slimey 99 baht brekkie too....
Do you have to pay extra for spicy ketchup?

Or is there a half price deal for that after 11am??

It's not a problem, I believe he prefers ladyboy spunk on his eggs and that's free apparently.


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Ive recently returned to to the western world and im realizing that im a loser here compared to thailand

Buy a parrot and teach it to say "You sexy man."

That should be sufficient to replicate the delusion that you were a winner in Thailand.

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it took you a trip back home to realise??????

didnt you know that when you catch a plane , due to the water and air pressure in the cabine, you suddenly become very HANSUM,

but when you go back due to the reverse effects, you lose your HANSUMNESS

showing them a empty bank account, also has this effect for some very strange reason too......even though you dont catch a plane

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  • 3 weeks later...

Im an enpty head loser stoned again feeding the chickens

Glad to hear you're alive Rangsit and indeed following Buddhist teachings, the head should be empty, devoid of attachments, you are clearly on the right path.

For a moment i feared you were on the wrong path, on your way to Chumpon on the train and possibly the dreaded Koh Tao. With your record of indulgences i'm not sure you would survive.

However, do be careful feeding chickens, they're not stupid like ducks who simply waddle along following their leader passively

Turn your back on free range chickens and they'll leap on the nearest shelf/table whatever, could spill your lao khao.

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