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12 dead in attack on Paris newspaper; France goes on alert


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I know what I would do to all these would-be Islamic martyrs. Make them unacceptable in their after-life to the 70 virgins they are supposed to earn.

Maybe make them eat bacon

. According to Rear Admiral D.P. Mannix, who fought the Moros as a young lieutenant from 1907–1908, the Americans exploited Muslim taboos by wrapping dead Moros in pig's skin and "stuffing [their] mouth with pork", thereby deterring the Moros from continuing with their suicide attacks.

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Lone wolf attack. Absolutely nothing to do with Islam. Just nutters.

No, I don't believe that either. It's just that I'd thought I'd get in first before the apologists.

Just watched a video on Facebook of them gunning down a French policeman.

catch and hang them with a rope dipped in Pig's blood so the want get the virgins

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This is abhorrent. Extremism must be stamped out. Finally and with no mercy.

It's just a pity that the IGNORANT masses, all Charlie Hedbo readers included, think that a single religion consists of all extremists.

Maybe you could point us to the extremists from the other religions as well?

Now don't start about what happened in the middle ages, we are in the 21st century.

We might be in the 21st Century but Islam isn't. Their calendar places them firmly in the Middle Ages and many of their clerics have a mentality from that time period. Fighting "holy wars" and crusades in the name of their God and wanting laws and punishments rooted in that time period. Many Islamic countries have low tertiary (and secondary) education, poverty and outdated tribal traditions which are fully exploited by some clerics and religious zealots for their own purposes.

I've always believed in freedom of religion, but also in free speech, and importantly the right of self defense. European governments have passed laws to protect religious freedom, but have restricted the rights of free speech and have reduced citizens lawful self defense options.

Not all moslems are extremists and not all support the violence, but many do or give tacit approval by taking no action against it.

The best defense is attack - time to go on the front foot. I'm sure moslem migrants and their successive generations appreciating the hospitality of Western countries will understand that the time has come for them to respect the laws and traditions of their host countries or return to a moslem country.

Israel knows what happens if you do nothing and try reasoning. The West needs to learn from them.

Edited by Baerboxer
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Time to close the borders!!

Who has entered already can stay if integrating!! If not, a one-way ticket to Mecca!!

This is the whole point, islam is a way of life not a religion, they don't want to integrate, it's their way or the highway.

According to history muslims have tried to conquer the world twice before, 7th century and 11th century but have failed both times. For me personally Allah, is exactly the same as Hitler, they both had the same goal, to rule the world, only time will tell if his wishes come true.

Please don't mix up everything : Islam is a religion and 99.9 % of muslims are rejecting these barbaric terrorists. By posting such absurdities you are contributing to worsening the issue. And since we are talking about extremists, keep in mind that christians, and other religions, have also their followers. Open your eyes.

I beg to differ I don't know of any Christians from the west that are causing terror and killing people in the name of Jesus unless your talking about 800 years ago , in fact not one part of Jesus word mention or says it's ok to kill not one part of that new testaments

I usually consider the IRA a religious (catholic) motivated, foreign (US-Irish) sponsored terrorist organization (not so much anymore now but certainly less than the 800 years you mention). But usually, Christian extremism is so nicely rolled up into day-to-day racism that it's easier to label it with the latter (USA, Russia, some of Eastern Europe to be current examples).

I'm not going to read through 11 pages of predictable ThaiVisa reactions, but I'd wager that nobody mentioned or is even aware of the fact that on the same day, more than 3 times the amount of lives (37) were lost by a car bomb in Yemen, possibly from AQ. Is there a thread here on TV? Didn't see much about it in other news sources. Yemen? Not us, not like us, them, not worth the mention... day-to day racism when even 3 of them are worth less (in news) than one of "us".

Almost all of the victims of Islamic terror are muslims, and yet somehow that is all "their" fault, too? Ah, the bigotry of TV...

Cry, cry a river. I guess we hit a nerve. You can kiss their &lt;deleted&gt; all you want, here's a cookie, run off and let adults talk amongst themselves.

Edited by Friendly Stranger
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Warning graphic but it does appear they missed the final shot. I really hope the policeman was playing dead as there is no blood at all



The round missed, hitting the sidewalk. If, as some news reports claim, it indeed had been a headshot from that range, it would have been a quite obvious. And yes, head shots often bleed a lot after post-mortem.

The claims that these guys moved like commandos, is nonsense. Nothing of the sort.

It sure looked like a head shot at point blank range. So if the shooter missed that would

be pretty embarrassing for them. Also the Live Leak story said he was killed. Is there

information he is still alive ? If he was trying to play dead he certainly would have done it

as the two guys were running up to him with guns, rather than after.......


Study the video. Slow it down if you can, you can see a round hit the concrete a meter past the police officer. The weapon's selector switch is on single shot, not full auto (if this particular weapon can even be fired in full auto). The round hits the sidewalk.

All the media and government experts are proclaiming these guys were "trained commandos." But watch the way they move, it's awkward. They cross each other's line of fire. One fires while leaning backward. Commandos don't shoot from the hip, while standing straight up, or jogging. They especially don't shoot while leaning backward. Never.

No,they shoot from the shoulder after slowing to a walk, knees bent, stopping just long enough to fire, then quickly moving on. And they pull their weapon tight to their shoulder in a very recognizable manner, and lean into their shot, especially with an AK, which has a nice kick.

Anybody hit in the head from a meter away with an AK round is not simply going to drop their head to the ground. Their head is going to snap away from the shooter, and the wound is going to spray.

Here's one of the many "experts" misinforming the public. He does not seem to know about the selector switch on the AK. Whenever someone uses the term "clearly," they are usually full of $hit.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Time to close the borders!!

Who has entered already can stay if integrating!! If not, a one-way ticket to Mecca!!

This is the whole point, islam is a way of life not a religion, they don't want to integrate, it's their way or the highway.

According to history muslims have tried to conquer the world twice before, 7th century and 11th century but have failed both times. For me personally Allah, is exactly the same as Hitler, they both had the same goal, to rule the world, only time will tell if his wishes come true.

Please don't mix up everything : Islam is a religion and 99.9 % of muslims are rejecting these barbaric terrorists. By posting such absurdities you are contributing to worsening the issue. And since we are talking about extremists, keep in mind that christians, and other religions, have also their followers. Open your eyes.

"Strive hard against the unbelievers and the hypocrites and be

unyielding to them; and their abode is hell, and evil is their destination."

Quran 9:73

[snip because I ain't gonna read all this...]

But in relation to the Quran's quote, I offer some "equilibria" for your perusal:-

Kill People Who Don't Listen to Priests

Anyone arrogant enough to reject the verdict of the judge or of the priest who represents the LORD your God must be put to death. Such evil must be purged from Israel. (Deuteronomy 17:12 NLT)

Kill Homosexuals

"If a man lies with a male as with a women, both of them shall be put to death for their abominable deed; they have forfeited their lives." (Leviticus 20:13 NAB)

Death to Followers of Other Religions

Whoever sacrifices to any god, except the Lord alone, shall be doomed. (Exodus 22:19 NAB)

Kill Non-believers

They entered into a covenant to seek the Lord, the God of their fathers, with all their heart and soul; and everyone who would not seek the Lord, the God of Israel, was to be put to death, whether small or great, whether man or woman. (2 Chronicles 15:12-13 NAB)

Kill Brats

From there Elisha went up to Bethel. While he was on his way, some small boys came out of the city and jeered at him. "Go up baldhead," they shouted, "go up baldhead!" The prophet turned and saw them, and he cursed them in the name of the Lord. Then two shebears came out of the woods and tore forty two of the children to pieces. (2 Kings 2:23-24 NAB)

God Will Kill the Children of Sinners

If even then you remain hostile toward me and refuse to obey, I will inflict you with seven more disasters for your sins. I will release wild animals that will kill your children and destroy your cattle, so your numbers will dwindle and your roads will be deserted. (Leviticus 26:21-22 NLT)

More Rape and Baby Killing

Anyone who is captured will be run through with a sword. Their little children will be dashed to death right before their eyes. Their homes will be sacked and their wives raped by the attacking hordes. For I will stir up the Medes against Babylon, and no amount of silver or gold will buy them off. The attacking armies will shoot down the young people with arrows. They will have no mercy on helpless babies and will show no compassion for the children. (Isaiah 13:15-18 NLT)

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At the Nurnberg Trials, a certain Julius Streicher was hung as a war criminal. His indictment included no charge of murder. The judgment read, in part: " In his speeches and articles, week after week, month after month, he infected the German mind with the virus of anti-Semitism, and incited the German people to active persecution."

There is no question that Streicher's anti Semitism was an abomination. But either his hanging was also an abomination, or what these terrorists did in Paris was justified. I assure you, I don't think the latter to be the case.

What the terrorists did was wrong, full stop. What the French magazine wrote or drew was also wrong, full stop. While their sins are hardly equal, and the cartoonists harsh punishment completely undeserved, we should not relegate punishment of incitement only to our defeated enemies.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

EU should consider bringing back the death penalty (at least for terror related murders). Note: I am not sure if individual countries of EU can opt to do it by themselves, independent from EU overall (I guess not).

I am saying this not just because of vengeance; I am saying this because of the fact that in jails, such murderers might be seen as heroes by some inmates and might inspire some to go for terror attacks after leaving jail.

"EU should consider bringing back the death penalty (at least for terror related murders)"

IMHO, I don't think any of them (terrorists committing offences against the innocent) should make it that far.

There is a time for fight and there is a time to mourn.

Please respect that

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When you invite the wolf onto your farm don't start complaining when it slaughters your chickens.

Religion is the root of so much evil on this planet.

Islam is not a religion. Its an ideology. religions assimilate, idiologies dont

Yes its the smae as nazis and Hitler - but try to lok how some persons here in this site evel celebrate it !

they welcomed it. islam is something the devil has created

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Almost all of the victims of Islamic terror are muslims, and yet somehow that is all "their" fault, too? Ah, the bigotry of TV...

Ah, the stupidity of the far-left.

Yes, it's their fault. :rolleyes:

Of all the ignorant, biased, apologetic and plain scummy comment from the apologists, that quote takes the cake.

Edited by H1w4yR1da
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I know what I would do to all these would-be Islamic martyrs. Make them unacceptable in their after-life to the 70 virgins they are supposed to earn.

Maybe make them eat bacon

You don't get the virgins if you ain't got the fishing tackle. Second verse, 4th line.

Yes hang them with a rope dipped in Pig's blood so the want get the virgins

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Cry, cry a river. I guess we hit a nerve. You can kiss their <deleted> all you want, here's a cookie, run off and let adults talk amongst themselves.

Yeah, totally adult and mature reply. rolleyes.gif

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Time to close the borders!!

Who has entered already can stay if integrating!! If not, a one-way ticket to Mecca!!

This is the whole point, islam is a way of life not a religion, they don't want to integrate, it's their way or the highway.

According to history muslims have tried to conquer the world twice before, 7th century and 11th century but have failed both times. For me personally Allah, is exactly the same as Hitler, they both had the same goal, to rule the world, only time will tell if his wishes come true.

Please don't mix up everything : Islam is a religion and 99.9 % of muslims are rejecting these barbaric terrorists. By posting such absurdities you are contributing to worsening the issue. And since we are talking about extremists, keep in mind that christians, and other religions, have also their followers. Open your eyes.

I beg to differ I don't know of any Christians from the west that are causing terror and killing people in the name of Jesus unless your talking about 800 years ago , in fact not one part of Jesus word mention or says it's ok to kill not one part of that new testaments

I usually consider the IRA a religious (catholic) motivated, foreign (US-Irish) sponsored terrorist organization (not so much anymore now but certainly less than the 800 years you mention). But usually, Christian extremism is so nicely rolled up into day-to-day racism that it's easier to label it with the latter (USA, Russia, some of Eastern Europe to be current examples).

I'm not going to read through 11 pages of predictable ThaiVisa reactions, but I'd wager that nobody mentioned or is even aware of the fact that on the same day, more than 3 times the amount of lives (37) were lost by a car bomb in Yemen, possibly from AQ. Is there a thread here on TV? Didn't see much about it in other news sources. Yemen? Not us, not like us, them, not worth the mention... day-to day racism when even 3 of them are worth less (in news) than one of "us".

Almost all of the victims of Islamic terror are muslims, and yet somehow that is all "their" fault, too? Ah, the bigotry of TV...

Cry, cry a river. I guess we hit a nerve. You can kiss their <deleted> all you want, here's a cookie, run off and let adults talk amongst themselves

Throw the muslims out from europe they are children of the devil - .

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If they were offended by the politics of the publication, they had the freedom to publish their own publications, or peacefully protest. Paraphrasing something I saw on t.v. -- this isn't about a clash of civilizations. It's about a clash of civilization vs. NO civilization.

Unfortunately Islamic extremists have shown time and time again that they are not interested in peaceful protests, meaningful discussions or co-existence. It's their way or extermination.

When dealing with a rabid dog, there is only one choice for kindness.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I usually consider the IRA a religious (catholic) motivated, foreign (US-Irish) sponsored terrorist organization (not so much anymore now but certainly less than the 800 years you mention). But usually, Christian extremism is so nicely rolled up into day-to-day racism that it's easier to label it with the latter (USA, Russia, some of Eastern Europe to be current examples).

I'm not going to read through 11 pages of predictable ThaiVisa reactions, but I'd wager that nobody mentioned or is even aware of the fact that on the same day, more than 3 times the amount of lives (37) were lost by a car bomb in Yemen, possibly from AQ. Is there a thread here on TV? Didn't see much about it in other news sources. Yemen? Not us, not like us, them, not worth the mention... day-to day racism when even 3 of them are worth less (in news) than one of "us".

Almost all of the victims of Islamic terror are muslims, and yet somehow that is all "their" fault, too? Ah, the bigotry of TV...

More civilians were killed by Muslim extremists in two hours on September 11th than in the 36 years of sectarian conflict in Northern Ireland. (source)

Probably correct but what's your point? That anything below the 9-11 figures is not *real* terrorism?

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All the snipers are around an apart in- Reims. Those little bastards will not get out of there alive. And, me that loves love - not this time.

I hope you're right. Hunt like they are dogs and kill them.

The trick here is to stay way back and pick them off. They have to come out eventually. The ammo (7.62x39) for the AK-47s they have doesn't have a long range. The 5.56x45 NATO ammo is accurate out to perhaps twice the distance. The AK round is much slower and therefore gravity pulls it down into an arc at a shorter distance. The ammo for the M-14 (7.62 NATO) is much better yet.

That comblock crap is just that - crap.


So, NeverSure, if you awakened tomorrow to read that snipers had picked these three guys off while the three were in their apartment, that the case was now closed, you would be good with that?

You have that much faith that the dogs the government says did it, did it?

I should have clarified. I meant that if there was going to be a firefight, stay back out of their range and pick them off because the AK 47 is a short range weapon - maybe just more than 1/2 the range of a NATO round.

The muzzle velocity of an AK 47 is about 2300 feet per second while an M16 or other 5.56 NATO weapon is more than 3,100 feet per second. The NATO round is also a smaller diameter and will cut into the air better, losing less velocity over distance.


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Lone wolf attack. Absolutely nothing to do with Islam. Just nutters.

No, I don't believe that either. It's just that I'd thought I'd get in first before the apologists.

Just watched a video on Facebook of them gunning down a French policeman.

of course ith as something to do with islam try to read the quran full of hate and blood

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I am pleasantly shocked at how few muslim apologists are in this thread.

Maybe, just maybe there will be some reforms to immigration in the western states.

I am not an apologist but I do wonder why the strong focus by many

about immigration? Of these three "suspects" weren't two of them French Nationals?

The other it seems is yet unknown nationality wise?

Same in other countries many times we have what we call sympathizers. These are not immigrants

They react to what they have seen reported & perceive/define it as a wrongful action & then react with yet another wrongful action

I know many would like it to be simple so would I


Ok. F'christsakes! Let me explain it for the deaf and dumb.

These particular French 'Nationals' are obviously the offspring of immigrants. It's not rocket science!

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This happened because of French racism, unemployment, and poverty. We know this because the talking heads on CNN says that it is so. It's the French's fault. And now we must worry about all those "backlashes" that actually never really occur. Oh, by the way, 12 people were just killed but that isn't as important as the racism against muslims.

you are sick !

no one like arabs and it is ur own fault !

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I beg to differ I don't know of any Christians from the west that are causing terror and killing people in the name of Jesus unless your talking about 800 years ago , in fact not one part of Jesus word mention or says it's ok to kill not one part of that new testaments

I usually consider the IRA a religious (catholic) motivated, foreign (US-Irish) sponsored terrorist organization (not so much anymore now but certainly less than the 800 years you mention). But usually, Christian extremism is so nicely rolled up into day-to-day racism that it's easier to label it with the latter (USA, Russia, some of Eastern Europe to be current examples).

I'm not going to read through 11 pages of predictable ThaiVisa reactions, but I'd wager that nobody mentioned or is even aware of the fact that on the same day, more than 3 times the amount of lives (37) were lost by a car bomb in Yemen, possibly from AQ. Is there a thread here on TV? Didn't see much about it in other news sources. Yemen? Not us, not like us, them, not worth the mention... day-to day racism when even 3 of them are worth less (in news) than one of "us".

Almost all of the victims of Islamic terror are muslims, and yet somehow that is all "their" fault, too? Ah, the bigotry of TV...

"Almost all of the victims of Islamic terror are muslims, and yet somehow that is all "their" fault, too?"

Are you seriously posing that question??? No of course a muslim killing a muslim is not a muslims fault. It's the fault of the west; right?

I'm talking about the muslim victims of muslim terror, obviously.

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Just read in a french media that police got their names... because one of them forgot his ID in the car !

Brilliant jihadists, real smart scums.


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When you invite the wolf onto your farm don't start complaining when it slaughters your chickens.

Religion is the root of so much evil on this planet.

Some Religions, I am a Southern Baptist, and I have not seen any of them Rioting, Killing, Raping, maybe I missed something. Are the Buddhist in the South killing, burning Muslims ?

This is not the same World I was born into 79 years ago !!

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When you invite the wolf onto your farm don't start complaining when it slaughters your chickens.

Religion is the root of so much evil on this planet.

Some Religions, I am a Southern Baptist, and I have not seen any of them Rioting, Killing, Raping, maybe I missed something. Are the Buddhist in the South killing, burning Muslims ?

This is not the same World I was born into 79 years ago !!

What your saying is you were born in a bubble and probably remained there for some time, didn't do history at school or pay any attention to international media. Not a bad way to live but barely worth posting on this topic...

Edited by lil fluffy clouds
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