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12 dead in attack on Paris newspaper; France goes on alert


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Anyone else find it odd that the attackers made one mistake : Leaving an ID card behind?

who goes on a terrorist mission with an ID card?

One with the ID card of someone else, of course.

The "forgotten ID" is the running gag among security forces, it just means a secret service had an eye on them already.

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No one is forcing anyone to read anything. But someone demanding that they be respected by the barrel of a gun. That is the very essence of a bully and bullies should be stood up and one should not cower.

That is the very essence of the human spirit.

Engage them all u like, but I have no obligation to respect their views. As a human they are accorded the right to think what they like as am I. They have no right to force me to do or think anything.

I very much understand where you are coming from. I merely offer it as a strategy. One of many potential strategies. With more engagement, you probably get better at distinguishing between dialectic and personal opinion. You can test the limits of your antagonist's true thinking. Your responses to different types of intolerance can vary. I am not a trained negotiator. I have witnessed negotiators in action. Calmness and objectivity seem to be key. That is why I continue to object to the barrage of noise on these types of threads. It interferes with deliberate thought.

I don't like to repeat this story often, but since you mentioned your experience in Egypt post 9/11, I will tell you of my experience in a Muslim village during 9/11. Widely considered one of the most moderate of all Muslim places in Thailand, a quiet former fishing village in Phuket, and my home was above the village on the sea.

Like others, I watched in shock and horror the live events that from my home on CNN/BBC, when my wife returned from the village and said that the locals were at the Mosque loudly celebrating and hooting and hollering with glee. We were both disgusted by that, and I never forgot that there are elements in every one of their communities that somehow manage to maybe bully the others into acquiescence during these tragic events.

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Every publication in the world should publish the cartoon that lead to that horrible attack


why to further incite hatred?

I see what you did there


You are as clueless as a terrorist.

This cartoon portrait Mohamet being appalled at the interpretation of Islam made by idiots. Yes it is a blaspheme and people are welcome to contradict with WORDS


Because we want to live in a society with freedom of speech

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Every publication in the world should publish the cartoon that lead to that horrible attack


why to further incite hatred?

I see what you did there

where is the "dislike" button?

This is what CHARB CABU WOLINSKI and TIGNOUS fully aware of the risk, died for.

They wanted to say this and they accepted to die "standing for their believe, not on their knees"

and this is what "JE SUIS CHARLIE" means

Edited by Kitsune
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Every publication in the world should publish the cartoon that lead to that horrible attack


why to further incite hatred?

I see what you did there


You are as clueless as a terrorist.

This cartoon portrait Mohamet being appalled at the interpretation of Islam made by idiots. Yes it is a blaspheme and people are welcome to contradict with WORDS


Because we want to live in a society with freedom of speech

I'm clueless? but its you that doesn't understand why Muslims are offend by cartoons depicting their Prophet.

well played fella.

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Every publication in the world should publish the cartoon that lead to that horrible attack


why to further incite hatred?

I see what you did there


You are as clueless as a terrorist.

This cartoon portrait Mohamet being appalled at the interpretation of Islam made by idiots. Yes it is a blaspheme and people are welcome to contradict with WORDS


Because we want to live in a society with freedom of speech

I'm clueless? but its you that doesn't understand why Muslims are offend by cartoons depicting their Prophet.

well played fella.

You still don't get it?

Charb had been the target of terrorist attack previously.

He knew he was at risk

But he believed in freedom of speech and carried on the provocation.

That's why he was killed

It was a conscious CHOICE

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In this interview he said : "I prefer die standing than live on my knees"


« C'est peut-être un peu pompeux ce que je vais dire, mais je préfère mourir debout que vivre à genoux. »
En savoir plus sur http://www.lemonde.fr/actualite-medias/article/2015/01/07/charb-je-prefere-mourir-debout-que-vivre-a-genoux_4550759_3236.html#c7dqkjE2wXfMphKi.99
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I'm clueless? but its you that doesn't understand why Muslims are offend by cartoons depicting their Prophet.

well played fella.

You just confirmed that you are the clueless one here.

Because we all understand why Muslims are offended.

But in Western democracies, being offended does not justify violence.

Opps I missed the bit where I wrote being offended justifies violence.

can you show me where I said that..

I just fail to see the point in playing a stupid game of "lets wind up the muslims" It won't work - it wont solve anything - other that create more hatred - then the evil people have won..

Try to learn instead burn..

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You still don't get it?

Charb had been the target of terrorist attack previously.

He knew he was at risk

But he believed in freedom of speech and carried on the provocation.

That's why he was killed

It was a conscious CHOICE

What do you mean I don't get it?

I know exactly what Charb said. It was his choice. I support him. I am as outraged by the meaningless murder as anyone else should be

As I said I don't see the point in getting involved in your stupid game of "lets wind up the muslims"

its full of fail!

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I'm clueless? but its you that doesn't understand why Muslims are offend by cartoons depicting their Prophet.

well played fella.

So they're offended. We understand perfectly. To be honest, our hard won freedoms trump their feelings of being offended. If it wasn't cartoons, it'd be something else. Gays, lack of Halal food, immodest dress etc. It'd never end.

This is the west, not some goat shagging shit hole in Pakistan. I'm offended by Islam but I don't grab an AK and visit a local mosque, do I?

The west isn't going to surrender their freedoms to the barrel of a gun not matter how many 'refugees' in the west celebrate the attack.


I'm glad you are not taking to arms. I won't be either ..

I just do not see the point of playing a stupid game of "lets wind up the muslims."

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Opps I missed the bit where I wrote being offended justifies violence.

can you show me where I said that..

I just fail to see the point in playing a stupid game of "lets wind up the muslims" It won't work - it wont solve anything - other that create more hatred - then the evil people have won..

Try to learn instead burn..

It's not about winding up the muslims, they wind up all religions anyway...

it's about keeping our freedom of speech and not letting any religion telling us what to say or not to say.

These people died so we could have a society with more freedom.

That's why we should thank them and especially the press by publishing what has been destroyed, to show the terrorists they have not won, like Charlie did

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You still don't get it?

Charb had been the target of terrorist attack previously.

He knew he was at risk

But he believed in freedom of speech and carried on the provocation.

That's why he was killed

It was a conscious CHOICE

What do you mean I don't get it?

I know exactly what Charb said. It was his choice. I support him. I am as outraged by the meaningless murder as anyone else should be

As I said I don't see the point in getting involved in your stupid game of "lets wind up the muslims"

its full of fail!

We should not have to tip toe around their thin skin.

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When Muslims say they are offended by the depiction of the Prophet as it is harem and not allowed, that's another one of their lies.

The depiction of the old devil was widespread at one time:



As Chard said when asked what he would say if he could speak to a terrorist, he answered :" I would give him the Coran to read because most of them are clueless and have not even read it"

Edited by Kitsune
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I'm clueless? but its you that doesn't understand why Muslims are offend by cartoons depicting their Prophet.

well played fella.

So they're offended. We understand perfectly. To be honest, our hard won freedoms trump their feelings of being offended. If it wasn't cartoons, it'd be something else. Gays, lack of Halal food, immodest dress etc. It'd never end.

This is the west, not some goat shagging shit hole in Pakistan. I'm offended by Islam but I don't grab an AK and visit a local mosque, do I?

The west isn't going to surrender their freedoms to the barrel of a gun not matter how many 'refugees' in the west celebrate the attack.


I'm glad you are not taking to arms. I won't be either ..

I just do not see the point of playing a stupid game of "lets wind up the muslims."

And, frankly just because well known islamophobe BONNI INTALL publishes stuff on its website doesn't make it true..

Edited by MrTee
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You still don't get it?

Charb had been the target of terrorist attack previously.

He knew he was at risk

But he believed in freedom of speech and carried on the provocation.

That's why he was killed

It was a conscious CHOICE

What do you mean I don't get it?

I know exactly what Charb said. It was his choice. I support him. I am as outraged by the meaningless murder as anyone else should be

As I said I don't see the point in getting involved in your stupid game of "lets wind up the muslims"

its full of fail!

We should not have to tip toe around their thin skin.

I totally agree Mosha, but revenge isn't going to happen on the cover-page of some rag!

Don't you see that this just drags us in their bullsheet?

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We should not have to tip toe around their thin skin.

Exactly we, in Europe have fought very hard to be in a country that allows us to say what we like, and we should CHERISH this dearly.

This is what they died for, and this is what we should fight for.

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You still don't get it?

Charb had been the target of terrorist attack previously.

He knew he was at risk

But he believed in freedom of speech and carried on the provocation.

That's why he was killed

It was a conscious CHOICE

What do you mean I don't get it?

I know exactly what Charb said. It was his choice. I support him. I am as outraged by the meaningless murder as anyone else should be

As I said I don't see the point in getting involved in your stupid game of "lets wind up the muslims"

its full of fail!

We should not have to tip toe around their thin skin.

I totally agree Mosha, but revenge isn't going to happen on the cover-page of some rag!

Don't you see that this just drags us in their bullsheet?

Revenge is for weak

We want peace

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Radical Islam has already won, everyone is running scared, from newspapers to governments. At some point unless we actually stand up for what we believe in, Europe WILL become an islamic state in 30 years time, and that will just be the beginning.

This reminds me of a discussion I had with a very moderate Muslim in Penang 25yrs ago. He said quite bluntly " you Europeans are far to soft on Islam, in approximately 30 yrs time you will allow Muslims fanatics to take over your countries" OK his time frame is a bit out, but he was right.

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