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Vigil for Charlie Hebdo massacre victims in Bangkok


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Well France has allowed the scum of the world to stand on it's soil and now the scum are spilling French blood on that same soil. Will France do something now?

How can the French govt know which of its citizens are going to turn to scum?

Or are you just claiming all members of one faith are scum.

Nah, doubt any one could be that bigoted.

From the BBC today

"Dr Shuja Shafi, secretary general of the Muslim Council of Britain, also condemned the attack - believed to be in response to cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad.

"Nothing is more immoral, offensive and insulting against our beloved Prophet than such a callous act of murder," he said.

A group of 15 UK imams released a statement saying "cold-blooded murder such as this is the antithesis of Islam and its tenets".

There was an equally outright condemnation from one of the leading centres of Sunni Islamic teaching in Egypt yesterday.

Yes these killers are scum.

However they are not representative of any faith.

Empty words. They made similar statements when Lee Rigby was slaughtered in Woolwich. Because they speak these words we're supposed to believe them? How about these words then? He spoke them so they must be true, right? He speaks for ALL Muslims, he says. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xe9suuordxY

Yeah sure, Alwyn

Isn't it kinda special on TV when you can commingle all the anti-Islamic stuff together and then a few minutes later parge it with a rendering of hatred based subtexts ?

I guess that's because it's become so mud-luscious and puddle-wonderful to hate Islamic people.

But hey, thanks for all your exquisitely banal observations and perceptions.

This is almost as productive as "the Piece Process".

Tree huggers like you make me laugh. Condemn anti-islamic feeling and jump on the anti-semitic bandwagon with glee. I say anti-semitic but that's not the correct word even though it's the word mostly used, even by Jews. But I digress. What do you have to say about the fact that Paris' largest synagogue has had to close for the first time since WW2 due to threats from the Islamic community? Nothing I guess as that is not relevant as it's the Islamic community? Muslims make up somewhere in the range of 20% of the World population yet account for 95% of the World news. Can you show me any news from around the World involving violence and slaughter that doesn't involve people from the religion of peace? Are you even aware that Boko Haram slaughtered over 2000 Christians yesterday? Anyway, thanks for your input and incisive commentary.

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Well France has allowed the scum of the world to stand on it's soil and now the scum are spilling French blood on that same soil. Will France do something now?

Of course they will!! They will ask "como se va" as more arrive and take advantage of political correctness gone mad! w00t.gif

I blame all of these human rights organisations for this situation as they are renowned for fighting for terrorists rights Eg: Abu Hamza was allowed to stay in the UK for getting on for a decade because of these pathetic people sticking up for these tyrants with their so called 'human rights' agenda. To a lesser degree, I blame it on democracy allowing people to criticise and attack every religion they feel they want to with inflammatory cartoons - a case of "look what we are doing and you are powerless to stop us". Well that's what they thought.

Governments and the security operations are equally culpable as they knew that these two brothers were radicalised and strong candidates rowards committing terrorist activities - they were even aware that one of them had snuck over to Yemen to receive terrorist training skills and that they had also attended mosques with several radical and extreme preachers radicalising them to eradicate imperialist Western scum (including Abu Hamza who has justifiably been dealt a long awaited and deserving life sentence for his promotion of terrorist acts and murder). This was well known so I would like to know why they weren't deported to a Muslim country that would accept them (Algeria in this case) as they are undesirables that were creating a security risk (the extent of their intent is clear now) but it has come too late for several people who are no longer with us.

Democracy gives people the right to freedom of speech but it also allowed these journalists to blaspheme and denigrate Muslims and their Islamic religion. Now Muslims don't take kindly to their Prophet and religion being ridiculed and they have sadly paid for this with their lives.

The journalists continually mocked Islam and baited them on Twitter and Facebook and so they brought this on to themselves in my book and so any sympathy that I have for them is muted somewhat by their irresponsible actions and their unwise depiction of Islam as being a flawed religion that has no place in this world. The people I genuinely feel sorry for is those civilian hostages that lost their lives because of the manifest errors and mistakes made by these foolhardy journalists (in the name of democracy) that precipitated this act of terrorism.


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Well France has allowed the scum of the world to stand on it's soil and now the scum are spilling French blood on that same soil. Will France do something now?
How can the French govt know which of its citizens are going to turn to scum?

Or are you just claiming all members of one faith are scum.

Nah, doubt any one could be that bigoted.

From the BBC today

"Dr Shuja Shafi, secretary general of the Muslim Council of Britain, also condemned the attack - believed to be in response to cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad.

"Nothing is more immoral, offensive and insulting against our beloved Prophet than such a callous act of murder," he said.

A group of 15 UK imams released a statement saying "cold-blooded murder such as this is the antithesis of Islam and its tenets".

There was an equally outright condemnation from one of the leading centres of Sunni Islamic teaching in Egypt yesterday.

Yes these killers are scum.

However they are not representative of any faith.

Empty words. They made similar statements when Lee Rigby was slaughtered in Woolwich. Because they speak these words we're supposed to believe them? How about these words then? He spoke them so they must be true, right? He speaks for ALL Muslims, he says. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xe9suuordxY

Yeah sure, Alwyn

Isn't it kinda special on TV when you can commingle all the anti-Islamic stuff together and then a few minutes later parge it with a rendering of hatred based subtexts ?

I guess that's because it's become so mud-luscious and puddle-wonderful to hate Islamic people.

But hey, thanks for all your exquisitely banal observations and perceptions.

This is almost as productive as "the Piece Process".

Tree huggers like you make me laugh. Condemn anti-islamic feeling and jump on the anti-semitic bandwagon with glee. I say anti-semitic but that's not the correct word even though it's the word mostly used, even by Jews. But I digress. What do you have to say about the fact that Paris' largest synagogue has had to close for the first time since WW2 due to threats from the Islamic community? Nothing I guess as that is not relevant as it's the Islamic community? Muslims make up somewhere in the range of 20% of the World population yet account for 95% of the World news. Can you show me any news from around the World involving violence and slaughter that doesn't involve people from the religion of peace? Are you even aware that Boko Haram slaughtered over 2000 Christians yesterday? Anyway, thanks for your input and incisive commentary.

Thanks for your opinions, your stats, your racist hatred of Islamic people in general.

I can't even be @r$T to flag it.

As you well know, factual, ***FACTUAL*** responses to all your questions will get me booted.

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Well France has allowed the scum of the world to stand on it's soil and now the scum are spilling French blood on that same soil. Will France do something now?

Of course they will!! They will ask "como se va" as more arrive and take advantage of political correctness gone mad! w00t.gif

I blame all of these human rights organisations for this situation as they are renowned for fighting for terrorists rights Eg: Abu Hamza was allowed to stay in the UK for getting on for a decade because of these pathetic people sticking up for these tyrants with their so called 'human rights' agenda. To a lesser degree, I blame it on democracy allowing people to criticise and attack every religion they feel they want to with inflammatory cartoons - a case of "look what we are doing and you are powerless to stop us". Well that's what they thought.

Governments and the security operations are equally culpable as they knew that these two brothers were radicalised and strong candidates rowards committing terrorist activities - they were even aware that one of them had snuck over to Yemen to receive terrorist training skills and that they had also attended mosques with several radical and extreme preachers radicalising them to eradicate imperialist Western scum (including Abu Hamza who has justifiably been dealt a long awaited and deserving life sentence for his promotion of terrorist acts and murder). This was well known so I would like to know why they weren't deported to a Muslim country that would accept them (Algeria in this case) as they are undesirables that were creating a security risk (the extent of their intent is clear now) but it has come too late for several people who are no longer with us.

Democracy gives people the right to freedom of speech but it also allowed these journalists to blaspheme and denigrate Muslims and their Islamic religion. Now Muslims don't take kindly to their Prophet and religion being ridiculed and they have sadly paid for this with their lives.

The journalists continually mocked Islam and baited them on Twitter and Facebook and so they brought this on to themselves in my book and so any sympathy that I have for them is muted somewhat by their irresponsible actions and their unwise depiction of Islam as being a flawed religion that has no place in this world. The people I genuinely feel sorry for is those civilian hostages that lost their lives because of the manifest errors and mistakes made by these foolhardy journalists (in the name of democracy) that precipitated this act of terrorism.


In your post, you seem to indirectly justify the killings by some anti-Islam bias of foolish Charlie Hebdo journalists.

I feel important to mention that Charlie Hebdo has been mocking religions at large and not particularly Islam. In fact, over the years, there has been much more mocking of Jesus, the pope, peadophile bishops, etc.... than of Islam. Here a recent example:


There was nothing like "depiction of Islam as being a flawed religion that has no place in this world". They were against excesses of all religions without discrimination. When Islam was the target, it was usually about the terrorists and the integrists, and some aspects of Islam that are contested even by moslems, i.e. some aspects of charia such as lapidation, etc....

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Well France has allowed the scum of the world to stand on it's soil and now the scum are spilling French blood on that same soil. Will France do something now?
How can the French govt know which of its citizens are going to turn to scum?

Or are you just claiming all members of one faith are scum.

Nah, doubt any one could be that bigoted.

From the BBC today

"Dr Shuja Shafi, secretary general of the Muslim Council of Britain, also condemned the attack - believed to be in response to cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad.

"Nothing is more immoral, offensive and insulting against our beloved Prophet than such a callous act of murder," he said.

A group of 15 UK imams released a statement saying "cold-blooded murder such as this is the antithesis of Islam and its tenets".

There was an equally outright condemnation from one of the leading centres of Sunni Islamic teaching in Egypt yesterday.

Yes these killers are scum.

However they are not representative of any faith.

Empty words. They made similar statements when Lee Rigby was slaughtered in Woolwich. Because they speak these words we're supposed to believe them? How about these words then? He spoke them so they must be true, right? He speaks for ALL Muslims, he says. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xe9suuordxY

Yeah sure, Alwyn

Isn't it kinda special on TV when you can commingle all the anti-Islamic stuff together and then a few minutes later parge it with a rendering of hatred based subtexts ?

I guess that's because it's become so mud-luscious and puddle-wonderful to hate Islamic people.

But hey, thanks for all your exquisitely banal observations and perceptions.

This is almost as productive as "the Piece Process".

Tree huggers like you make me laugh. Condemn anti-islamic feeling and jump on the anti-semitic bandwagon with glee. I say anti-semitic but that's not the correct word even though it's the word mostly used, even by Jews. But I digress. What do you have to say about the fact that Paris' largest synagogue has had to close for the first time since WW2 due to threats from the Islamic community? Nothing I guess as that is not relevant as it's the Islamic community? Muslims make up somewhere in the range of 20% of the World population yet account for 95% of the World news. Can you show me any news from around the World involving violence and slaughter that doesn't involve people from the religion of peace? Are you even aware that Boko Haram slaughtered over 2000 Christians yesterday? Anyway, thanks for your input and incisive commentary.

Thanks for your opinions, your stats, your racist hatred of Islamic people in general.

I can't even be @r$T to flag it.

As you well know, factual, ***FACTUAL*** responses to all your questions will get me booted.

Here's a fact for you. Islam is a religion NOT A RACE so when people like you pull the racist flag it does make me chuckle. I've lived and worked in Islamic countries, Bangladesh being the last. Like anywhere else there are good and bad but the difference is they live according to religion which, as we have seen in Paris and other places doesn't always work well. I don't approve of the religion of Islam, it's medeival and their treatment and subjugation of women is a disgrace. Still if you agree with it all then that's your choice. I don't hate Islam, it's - in my opinion - just pathetic but then I feel the same about all religions. You want to report me for having an opinion about it all but can't be bothered you say? Reporting people for expressing their opinions? You aren't a Muslim are you because they seem to not like freedom of expression either. You jump to conclusions and accuse me of hating Islamic people? It's the religion I don't like but I do hate people using it as an excuse to cause mayhem and murder. But I wouldn't expect you to understand the difference because people like you take broad swipes with the brush and fail to read posts and contemplate true meanings first. Just accuse everybody of being a racist when it isn't a racist issue anyway. Pathetic. Truly pathetic.

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More of this is needed

I also have a thought. People get confused between the difference hating of all Muslims and hating scum who use Islam as an excuse for their murder lust, Instead of labelling these murderers as Islamic radicals or whatever they should be re-labelled as "invading tribes" and take the word Islam or Muslim out of the equation. Deal with invading tribes according to the situation. it doesn't matter who the tribe is or what their excuse is, just deal with it appropriately. Nobody likes invading tribes and by taking any mention of religion out of the frame then there can't be confusion and whitewashing people with broad strokes!,
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More of this is needed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6zRxSp7t20&list=UUJgaZdTGZBeNT25Sw4dYlCQ I also have a thought. People get confused between the difference hating of all Muslims and hating scum who use Islam as an excuse for their murder lust, Instead of labelling these murderers as Islamic radicals or whatever they should be re-labelled as "invading tribes" and take the word Islam or Muslim out of the equation. Deal with invading tribes according to the situation. it doesn't matter who the tribe is or what their excuse is, just deal with it appropriately. Nobody likes invading tribes and by taking any mention of religion out of the frame then there can't be confusion and whitewashing people with broad strokes!,

Well yeah, of course.

Yep-er. Let's really nail all those invading tribes.


Unless they're (like) from . . . . . (cough, cough)

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More of this is needed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6zRxSp7t20&list=UUJgaZdTGZBeNT25Sw4dYlCQ I also have a thought. People get confused between the difference hating of all Muslims and hating scum who use Islam as an excuse for their murder lust, Instead of labelling these murderers as Islamic radicals or whatever they should be re-labelled as "invading tribes" and take the word Islam or Muslim out of the equation. Deal with invading tribes according to the situation. it doesn't matter who the tribe is or what their excuse is, just deal with it appropriately. Nobody likes invading tribes and by taking any mention of religion out of the frame then there can't be confusion and whitewashing people with broad strokes!,

Well yeah, of course.

Yep-er. Let's really nail all those invading tribes.


Unless they're (like) from . . . . . (cough, cough)

have you been taking disco biscuits or something? I was going to say what b*llox you talk but you don't actually say anything, do you? (cough cough)

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3 hostage takers known to have been killed, 4 hostages killed and 2 policeman injured at the supermarket.

3 "terrorist heroes" dead, 210 young virgin girls to find up there for them smile.png

I don't believe 'young' is in the promise.

yeah right, 30 year old virgins! giggle.gif

I am curious though where do they get all these virgins from. whistling.gif

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I don't particularly like the cartoon that instigated all the trouble, (scum like those two brothers didn't need any excuse) but I'm reminded of and fully subscribe to the well known saying, "I hate what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it!"

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Nice words of peace from many Islamic leaders. But can be taken somewhat skeptically considering the obvious desire to reduce a backlash. The question is where is their FOLLOW THROUGH after events like this in their communities, after this event and previous ones? I think skepticism about their real sincerity to actually DO ANYTHING about it is well justified.

From the BBC today

"The family of Ahmed Merabet, one of the police officers killed during Wednesday's attack, gave an emotional news conference on Saturday.

Mr Merabet was "Muslim, and very proud of being a police officer and defending the values of the Republic", his brother Malek Merabet said.

"Our family is devastated by this act of barbarity, and shares the pain of the families of all the victims."

Malek Merabet added that "racists, Islamophobes and anti-Semites" should not confuse extremists with Muslims.

The family said they were "proud" of the gatherings that had taken place to commemorate the victims, saying they proved that France could be united.

Meanwhile, the family of gunman Amedy Coulibaly have condemned the Paris attacks.

In a statement, Coulibaly's mother and sister offered "sincere condolences" to the families of the victims, and said: "We absolutely do not share these extreme ideas. We hope there will not be any confusion between these odious acts and the Muslim religion.""

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Nice words of peace from many Islamic leaders. But can be taken somewhat skeptically considering the obvious desire to reduce a backlash. The question is where is their FOLLOW THROUGH after events like this in their communities, after this event and previous ones? I think skepticism about their real sincerity to actually DO ANYTHING about it is well justified.

From the BBC today

"The family of Ahmed Merabet, one of the police officers killed during Wednesday's attack, gave an emotional news conference on Saturday.

Mr Merabet was "Muslim, and very proud of being a police officer and defending the values of the Republic", his brother Malek Merabet said.

"Our family is devastated by this act of barbarity, and shares the pain of the families of all the victims."

Malek Merabet added that "racists, Islamophobes and anti-Semites" should not confuse extremists with Muslims.

The family said they were "proud" of the gatherings that had taken place to commemorate the victims, saying they proved that France could be united.

Meanwhile, the family of gunman Amedy Coulibaly have condemned the Paris attacks.

In a statement, Coulibaly's mother and sister offered "sincere condolences" to the families of the victims, and said: "We absolutely do not share these extreme ideas. We hope there will not be any confusion between these odious acts and the Muslim religion.""

Right. Nice words. What's next from the Muslims that do oppose the Islamic Jihadists? We've heard nice words before and yet these incidents continue and the ideology of Islamic Jihadists actually gains even more Muslim adherents.


Because the ideology is the product of a major world religion, a lot of painstaking pretzel logic goes into trying to explain what the violence does, or doesn’t, have to do with Islam. Some well-meaning people tiptoe around the Islamic connection, claiming that the carnage has nothing to do with faith, or that Islam is a religion of peace, or that, at most, the violence represents a “distortion” of a great religion. (After suicide bombings in Baghdad, I grew used to hearing Iraqis say, “No Muslim would do this.”) Others want to lay the blame entirely on the theological content of Islam, as if other religions are more inherently peaceful—a notion belied by history as well as scripture.

A religion is not just a set of texts but the living beliefs and practices of its adherents. Islam today includes a substantial minority of believers who countenance, if they don’t actually carry out, a degree of violence in the application of their convictions that is currently unique. Charlie Hebdo had been nondenominational in its satire, sticking its finger into the sensitivities of Jews and Christians, too—but only Muslims responded with threats and acts of terrorism. For some believers, the violence serves a will to absolute power in the name of God, which is a form of totalitarianism called Islamism—politics as religion, religion as politics. “Allahu Akbar!” the killers shouted in the street outside Charlie Hebdo. They, at any rate, know what they’re about.

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Nice words of peace from many Islamic leaders. But can be taken somewhat skeptically considering the obvious desire to reduce a backlash. The question is where is their FOLLOW THROUGH after events like this in their communities, after this event and previous ones? I think skepticism about their real sincerity to actually DO ANYTHING about it is well justified.

From the BBC today

"The family of Ahmed Merabet, one of the police officers killed during Wednesday's attack, gave an emotional news conference on Saturday.

Mr Merabet was "Muslim, and very proud of being a police officer and defending the values of the Republic", his brother Malek Merabet said.

"Our family is devastated by this act of barbarity, and shares the pain of the families of all the victims."

Malek Merabet added that "racists, Islamophobes and anti-Semites" should not confuse extremists with Muslims.

The family said they were "proud" of the gatherings that had taken place to commemorate the victims, saying they proved that France could be united.

Meanwhile, the family of gunman Amedy Coulibaly have condemned the Paris attacks.

In a statement, Coulibaly's mother and sister offered "sincere condolences" to the families of the victims, and said: "We absolutely do not share these extreme ideas. We hope there will not be any confusion between these odious acts and the Muslim religion.""

Right. Nice words. What's next from the Muslims that do oppose the Islamic Jihadists? We've heard nice words before and yet these incidents continue and the ideology of Islamic Jihadists actually gains even more Muslim adherents.


Because the ideology is the product of a major world religion, a lot of painstaking pretzel logic goes into trying to explain what the violence does, or doesn’t, have to do with Islam. Some well-meaning people tiptoe around the Islamic connection, claiming that the carnage has nothing to do with faith, or that Islam is a religion of peace, or that, at most, the violence represents a “distortion” of a great religion. (After suicide bombings in Baghdad, I grew used to hearing Iraqis say, “No Muslim would do this.”) Others want to lay the blame entirely on the theological content of Islam, as if other religions are more inherently peaceful—a notion belied by history as well as scripture.

A religion is not just a set of texts but the living beliefs and practices of its adherents. Islam today includes a substantial minority of believers who countenance, if they don’t actually carry out, a degree of violence in the application of their convictions that is currently unique. Charlie Hebdo had been nondenominational in its satire, sticking its finger into the sensitivities of Jews and Christians, too—but only Muslims responded with threats and acts of terrorism. For some believers, the violence serves a will to absolute power in the name of God, which is a form of totalitarianism called Islamism—politics as religion, religion as politics. “Allahu Akbar!” the killers shouted in the street outside Charlie Hebdo. They, at any rate, know what they’re about.

Islamic scholars condemn this attack. Imams condemn this attack. Ordinary citizens pin the protests across France at this attack. The family of one of the victims, themselves Muslim condemn this attack. The family of one of the scumbags in this attack condemn it.

They all make clear that the scum involved do not represent Islam.

Yet that is not enough for some because the new yorker says different.


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I actually did not say it represented Islam nor did the article. The point in the article is much more NUANCED than that. Maybe read it again. Beyond that, I think most rational people well understand you can't really fully and HONESTLY talk about Islamic Jihadist terrorism and fully leave out the word -- ISLAMIC.

To add a video that addresses related issues in more detail:

"When there's this many bad apples, there's something wrong with the orchard."

Bill Maher

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I actually did not say it represented Islam nor did the article. The point in the article is much more NUANCED than that. Maybe read it again. Beyond that, I think most rational people well understand you can't really fully and HONESTLY talk about Islamic Jihadist terrorism and fully leave out the word -- ISLAMIC.

To add a video that addresses related issues in more detail:

It is wrong to blame all Muslims for the actions of those who misrepresent it.

They represent their own twisted version of it.

As did the serbs when they massacred Muslims in the 80s.

As did Hindu fanatics who murder Christians and Muslims because of their faith.

As do Burmese and sri lankan buddhists when they carry out religious based atrocities.

As do the LRA and their warped view of christianity.

Religious bigots are everywhere.

They represent their own hate and bigotry.

Not their faith.

The same is true of the scum responsible for the cowardly murders in France.

They may claim to represent Islam, to be Islamic, but they are not.

They are terrorist scum.

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They are terrorist scum.

They are Islamic Jihadist terrorist scum. Leave out the truth and it is the TRUTH of their identification with Islam is not going to be helpful to Muslims who do wish to deal with this sickness head on.

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They are terrorist scum.

They are Islamic Jihadist terrorist scum. Leave out the truth and it is the TRUTH of their identification with Islam is not going to be helpful to Muslims who do wish to deal with this sickness head on.

"Dr Shuja Shafi, secretary general of the Muslim Council of Britain, also condemned the attack - believed to be in response to cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad.

"Nothing is more immoral, offensive and insulting against our beloved Prophet than such a callous act of murder," he said.

A group of 15 UK imams released a statement saying "cold-blooded murder such as this is the antithesis of Islam and its tenets".

I'll take their view of what is Islamic over yours.

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Fine, tell that to the Islamic Jihadists and their supporters who DO identify their actions with Islamic beliefs. Nobody of good will wants an unfair backlash against all Muslim people. But that doesn't mean there isn't a problem with the Islamic Jihadists because there obviously is.

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I actually did not say it represented Islam nor did the article. The point in the article is much more NUANCED than that. Maybe read it again. Beyond that, I think most rational people well understand you can't really fully and HONESTLY talk about Islamic Jihadist terrorism and fully leave out the word -- ISLAMIC.

To add a video that addresses related issues in more detail:

Funny thing JT, you come on here and want to be perceived as one of the good guys, and compared to the terrorist in Paris of course you are.

But the irony is, at the same time you are part of the problem.

People clinging on to their ethnicity/religion at almost any price are behind all major conflicts in the world today.

This is 2015 and about time people realize, there are no supernatural invisibly friend called God, Allah, Jahve or whatever out there in space keeping an eye on us, not matter what the fairy tale books called the Quran, the Bible or the Torah are saying.

Spirituality comes from within, no need for guidebooks (more like dictates) or buildings.

Get rid of all religions and move the world forward!!

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Fine, tell that to the Islamic Jihadists and their supporters who DO identify their actions with Islamic beliefs. Nobody of good will wants an unfair backlash against all Muslim people. But that doesn't mean there isn't a problem with the Islamic Jihadists because there obviously is.

They are being told that, by Islamic scholars and religious leaders, by Muslim citizens who join the vigils and demonstrations over these murders, by Muslim victims of these attacks.

For some, and this is not directed at you or your opinions, though that is not enough.

Every time an leading scholar, a centre of learning, an Imam condemns violence by those claiming to represent a faith, you hear

"oh well, they would say that. They don't really mean it'.

Nothing is ever enough.

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Funny thing JT, you come on here and want to be perceived as one of the good guys, and compared to the terrorist in Paris of course you are.

But the irony is, at the same time you are part of the problem.


Dude, in future please kindly desist from attempts to make this personal about me. There is a topic here. It is not me, so ...


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Fine, tell that to the Islamic Jihadists and their supporters who DO identify their actions with Islamic beliefs. Nobody of good will wants an unfair backlash against all Muslim people. But that doesn't mean there isn't a problem with the Islamic Jihadists because there obviously is.

They are being told that, by Islamic scholars and religious leaders, by Muslim citizens who join the vigils and demonstrations over these murders, by Muslim victims of these attacks.

For some, and this is not directed at you or your opinions, though that is not enough.

Every time an leading scholar, a centre of learning, an Imam condemns violence by those claiming to represent a faith, you hear

"oh well, they would say that. They don't really mean it'.

Nothing is ever enough.

Looking for ACTION. Not just pretty words. As the video pointed out, this is mostly about a conflict BETWEEN Muslims rather than anything external. Based on previous history, the pretty words will fade away until the NEXT major Islamic Jihadist terrorist action. Good enough? Not even close!

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Fine, tell that to the Islamic Jihadists and their supporters who DO identify their actions with Islamic beliefs. Nobody of good will wants an unfair backlash against all Muslim people. But that doesn't mean there isn't a problem with the Islamic Jihadists because there obviously is.

They are being told that, by Islamic scholars and religious leaders, by Muslim citizens who join the vigils and demonstrations over these murders, by Muslim victims of these attacks.

For some, and this is not directed at you or your opinions, though that is not enough.

Every time an leading scholar, a centre of learning, an Imam condemns violence by those claiming to represent a faith, you hear

"oh well, they would say that. They don't really mean it'.

Nothing is ever enough.

Looking for ACTION. Not just pretty words. As the video pointed out, this is mostly about a conflict BETWEEN Muslims rather than anything external. Based on previous history, the pretty words will fade away until the NEXT major Islamic Jihadist terrorist action. Good enough? Not even close!

And nothing ever will be.

Edited by Bluespunk
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Fine, tell that to the Islamic Jihadists and their supporters who DO identify their actions with Islamic beliefs. Nobody of good will wants an unfair backlash against all Muslim people. But that doesn't mean there isn't a problem with the Islamic Jihadists because there obviously is.

They are being told that, by Islamic scholars and religious leaders, by Muslim citizens who join the vigils and demonstrations over these murders, by Muslim victims of these attacks.

For some, and this is not directed at you or your opinions, though that is not enough.

Every time an leading scholar, a centre of learning, an Imam condemns violence by those claiming to represent a faith, you hear

"oh well, they would say that. They don't really mean it'.

Nothing is ever enough.

Looking for ACTION. Not just pretty words. As the video pointed out, this is mostly about a conflict BETWEEN Muslims rather than anything external. Based on previous history, the pretty words will fade away until the NEXT major Islamic Jihadist terrorist action. Good enough? Not even close!

And nothing ever will be.

The end of Islamic Jihadists would be enough! That's going to have to come mostly from WITHIN the Muslim people. Are they up to it? I don't see it yet. Maybe someday.

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They are being told that, by Islamic scholars and religious leaders, by Muslim citizens who join the vigils and demonstrations over these murders, by Muslim victims of these attacks.

For some, and this is not directed at you or your opinions, though that is not enough.

Every time an leading scholar, a centre of learning, an Imam condemns violence by those claiming to represent a faith, you hear

"oh well, they would say that. They don't really mean it'.

Nothing is ever enough.

Looking for ACTION. Not just pretty words. As the video pointed out, this is mostly about a conflict BETWEEN Muslims rather than anything external. Based on previous history, the pretty words will fade away until the NEXT major Islamic Jihadist terrorist action. Good enough? Not even close!

And nothing ever will be.

The end of Islamic Jihadists would be enough! That's going to have to come mostly from WITHIN the Muslim people. Are they up to it? I don't see it yet. Maybe someday.

And that's where we disagree I guess.

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