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Talk about a waste of press space. Asking a former Dem and someone who being criticizing the rice scheme and wrote a book on it for a comment.

True, true. They should have asked common people.

"Given that Ms. Yingluck said her RPPS was 'self-financing' and lost 700 billion Baht, given that this has to be repaid by the government from your taxes, and given that with less financial margin the government will increase VAT, do you think Ms. Yingluck is

- a: innocent

- b: negligent

- c: criminal

- d: other (please specify)

Thank you."

The common people were asked and they voted her back to office. What next was a travesty of justice with the court invalidating the result and now this attempt to ban her for 5 years. The case before the NLA is politically motivated and the NACC is on a self serving personal agenda. Let's see them open up the case of the 2010 killings. Doubt that will see the light of day for a long time.

Stop pretending Eric. She was never voted back in office. That is simply a lie.

Let's see them open the case of the extrajudicial murders during the war on drugs and the massacres of innocent moslems. PTP serves the agenda of one man and only one man.

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She's incapable of telling the truth just as much as she was incapable of governing without a puppeteers hand up her skirt!

Would that be similar to the infamous qoute " I will not stage a coup".

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The day before the RPPS started we had the government state "The government said the RPPS to cost less than 430 billion Baht, but the government would gain it back by selling rice."

So, a loss of between 132 billion in 2011/2012 only, barely 200 billion, 229 billion, 320 billion in 16 months, 529,789,123,456 or 700--/++.

Did Ms. Yingluck offer explanations why her 'self-financing' scheme failed and led to a unforeseen loss? Did she state again she and only she was in charge of her cabinet (like she stated in parliament during the last censure debate)?

Negligent at the very least, obfuscation to avoid to have to admit having lied and deceived, fraudulent. The only thing which is most likely true is that she didn't pocket any Baht herself, but than she's too rich to need it, now isn't she?

Probably the clearest post I've read on this subject (paragraph 3 in particular).

Most posters, apart from those who chose to support the Shins for whatever reasons, can see the reality. Pointing out the reality of the RPPS and the Shin lies and current obfuscation does not mean anyone is supporting the elites as the Shin supporters love to claim hoping to deviate from or cloud the issue.

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She's incapable of telling the truth just as much as she was incapable of governing without a puppeteers hand up her skirt!

Would that be similar to the infamous qoute " I will not stage a coup".

More like "I am too rich to need to be corrupt"

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She's incapable of telling the truth just as much as she was incapable of governing without a puppeteers hand up her skirt!

Would that be similar to the infamous qoute " I will not stage a coup".

Or the infamous vowing to pay the farmers next week quote; or the my helicopter can't fly at night joke; or the real gem lie about saying the contentious amnesty bill had been withdrawn, when it really wasn't.

Point is Eric, all politicians are somewhat economical with the truth, whatever party or faction they might support. Why do you try and pretend the Shins, and Yingluck in particular, don't lie when they've been caught out so many times and exposed?

Not often but your point taken and agreed that ALL politicians, perm secretaries, generals, rich and famous lie when required or as you out it eloquently "economical with the truth".


She's incapable of telling the truth just as much as she was incapable of governing without a puppeteers hand up her skirt!

Would that be similar to the infamous qoute " I will not stage a coup".

Or the infamous vowing to pay the farmers next week quote; or the my helicopter can't fly at night joke; or the real gem lie about saying the contentious amnesty bill had been withdrawn, when it really wasn't.

Point is Eric, all politicians are somewhat economical with the truth, whatever party or faction they might support. Why do you try and pretend the Shins, and Yingluck in particular, don't lie when they've been caught out so many times and exposed?

Not often but your point taken and agreed that ALL politicians, perm secretaries, generals, rich and famous lie when required or as you out it eloquently "economical with the truth".

Few are willing to commit perjury, lest they suffer the consequences, and those caught out are often expected to step down. But this Thailand, where repercussions are rare, and some see such actions as admirable.

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Well I have read the comments and fair enough we pretty much know on here who supports who but fair dinkum I wouldn't want to do a bank job with djamie he used to be a PTP red shirt supporter but the attitude adjustment worked out just but I'm still waiting for You to list Yinglucklucks criminal convictions past and present of which you have stated she is.

I have no problem copping the little school boy snide teasing remarks that just shows me you have nothing to offer and like the junta you are scared of Thaksin and Yingluck.

The only thing I can't understand is the love you yellow dem junta ( same same) supporters show for a mob that took the country via the barrel of a gun have the foot on the throat of the media freedom of speech and the voting public and you actually believe that any decision handed down will be legitimate.

Let's get this straight if I was a yellow dem supporter which I will never be because they have ignored the poor for so long but if I was and they were in office and kicked out via the barrel of a gun then you would the S/P asking the same comments in support of the yellow dems.

For the life of me I cannot understand people who were raised in a free and democratic society actual supporting what's happening in Thailand.

The attitude adjustments have worked out just fine on you lot.

You continue to make sweeping generalizations such as if you don't support the reds/Thaksin, they you must be yellow/Dem + support the Junta. That's just plain incorrect and stupid.

I've said here on many occasions that there is very little real difference in the way BOTH sides operate, neither are there "for" the people, BOTH are there to try and make sure that their side of the nest is nicely feathered, but for you to state that Thaksin does things for the "poor" out of some kind of selfless action is just ignorant in the extreme.

I've also said, when it comes down to "violence" and the use of it, the red side wins hands down overall. And the "pawns" that are being used to help keep Thaksin being seen as a benevolent dictator, are simply that, pawns to be used to achieve HIS own ends, and they are sacrificed at the drop of a hat and none of it is to help the "poor", only himself.

The rice scheme which was the flagship Thaksin policy to "help" the "poor" was flawed from the outset. It didn't help the few million who were truly poor in any way, shape or form (they weren't even eligible), it was also meant to be "self-financing", but instead cost every man, woman and child in Thailand 15,000 baht+ EACH! How did that help the "poor"?

You mention also "a mob that took the country via the barrel of a gun" ... is this not exactly what Thaksin tried to do in 2010 with the "occupy bangkok" terrorist riots? How was that ANY different? Or are we going to get back into that circular argument of he did this, so we did this, and then they did that, so we did this ... ? It was nothing short of an attempt to incite/ignite a civil war across Thailand where Thaksin could come riding in as the savior of the "poor and downtrodden".

Their are bigger games at play than you care to accept and they've been in the works/planning for decades, my previous posts linking to an article that describes what they are (it was the only English translation I could find) set them out quite clearly, and if you weren't so blinkered you'd see the bigger picture and Thaksin's end game.

Do I agree with the Junta? No. Am I a yellow/Dem supporter. No. But I'd rather have them in power right now than any member of Thaksin's crew with their greedy, lying, thieving, no-holds-barred sticky little fingers in the cookie jar. Whilst the protests were ongoing, I'd suggested the solution of Yingluck stepping down and a coalition Govt being formed of equal numbers of red/yellow MP's to oversee the much needed changes and reforms, those changes/reforms coming from polls that the people could actually vote on so that the "people" had a hand in what was being changed. But neither side would compromise, neither side would talk, and so we ended up with the coup.

At the end of the day, the situation in Thailand with regards to politics is going nowhere. No compromises are being reached, no real changes are being made and until such time as they ALL take a BIG step back and look at things objectively, we're just going to end up going around and around in circles with new laws, then new protests, then new coups, reset it all and start again and then new Govt's, then new Charters/Constitutions etc etc in a 4-6 year cycle.

Just for once, Thailand needs to look outside its own borders and perhaps take a look at the "best" of the "democracies" and "laws" in other countries, see how they work, see the problems therein, and model something similar. Cos the way they are doing things right now is ridiculous at best, and downright stupid at worst and it's going to end up going nowhere and solving nothing.

Well written & it reminds me that no one seems to address the numerous, perhaps millions, of poor people who are not farmers. I despair when I think about how all the rice money could have been put to much better use to help the poor throughout the whole country. Schools, hospitals, decent roads, farmer education to produce better quality crops, just to name a few.

Like you, I am equally despair of the money from rice scheme, rubber subsidies, fuel subsidies, billions to buy useless military hardwares etc etc that could have put to better use. Don't you think so?

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Like you, I am equally despair of the money from rice scheme, rubber subsidies, fuel subsidies, billions to buy useless military hardwares etc etc that could have put to better use. Don't you think so?

There is an old saying that mild men sleep soundly in their beds only because of the hard men that guard the gates and walls. It is historical fact that the better they are at protecting the citizens, the less they are appreciated and the more they are denigrated by those, gulled into a false sense of security, that are too stupid to realise they are needed.

So whinge and moan about the expense, and hope they are still there when the barbarians arrive.


Like you, I am equally despair of the money from rice scheme, rubber subsidies, fuel subsidies, billions to buy useless military hardwares etc etc that could have put to better use. Don't you think so?

There is an old saying that mild men sleep soundly in their beds only because of the hard men that guard the gates and walls. It is historical fact that the better they are at protecting the citizens, the less they are appreciated and the more they are denigrated by those, gulled into a false sense of security, that are too stupid to realise they are needed.

So whinge and moan about the expense, and hope they are still there when the barbarians arrive.

A simple yes will do.


Like you, I am equally despair of the money from rice scheme, rubber subsidies, fuel subsidies, billions to buy useless military hardwares etc etc that could have put to better use. Don't you think so?

There is an old saying that mild men sleep soundly in their beds only because of the hard men that guard the gates and walls. It is historical fact that the better they are at protecting the citizens, the less they are appreciated and the more they are denigrated by those, gulled into a false sense of security, that are too stupid to realise they are needed.

So whinge and moan about the expense, and hope they are still there when the barbarians arrive.

The size of the military itself, the number "employed" by them, and the military budget and what they use it for are a whole 'nother topic.

However, one could argue that they're obviously doing their job well and are worth the expense you mention as Thailand hasn't been invaded by any barbarians in recent years. Neither has the USA however, but they still have a massively bloated military/military budget.

But you could also equally argue the counterpoint that they are oversized and overfunded and unnecessary in modern times as the likelihood of the barbarians invading Thailand is next to zero, so trim them down, and use the monies where they can do more good. However that then brings in the problems of mass unemployment, lower longer term career prospects etc etc.

The sensible argument would be that there is a middle ground. So getting back on topic, with all the rice/rubber/palm oil subsidies etc, that directly benefit only a very a few, wouldn't that money be put to better use teaching them to farm better or more efficiently, to diversify or extend into other crops, or forms of incomes?

My answer would be yes, stop the subsidies, and educate and help them in other ways, not simply hand over cash that oftentimes doesn't even reach those that it is purported to help. One of my friends up north continues to farm rice, but has also diversified into fish farming and other seasonal high yield/high income crops, the daughter helped the mother/farmer in terms of educating them what needed to be done, and now they're doing MUCH better that simply continuing on with the same old circle of rice growing. It's not hard to do.

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Well I have read the comments and fair enough we pretty much know on here who supports who but fair dinkum I wouldn't want to do a bank job with djamie he used to be a PTP red shirt supporter but the attitude adjustment worked out just but I'm still waiting for You to list Yinglucklucks criminal convictions past and present of which you have stated she is.

I have no problem copping the little school boy snide teasing remarks that just shows me you have nothing to offer and like the junta you are scared of Thaksin and Yingluck.

The only thing I can't understand is the love you yellow dem junta ( same same) supporters show for a mob that took the country via the barrel of a gun have the foot on the throat of the media freedom of speech and the voting public and you actually believe that any decision handed down will be legitimate.

Let's get this straight if I was a yellow dem supporter which I will never be because they have ignored the poor for so long but if I was and they were in office and kicked out via the barrel of a gun then you would the S/P asking the same comments in support of the yellow dems.

For the life of me I cannot understand people who were raised in a free and democratic society actual supporting what's happening in Thailand.

The attitude adjustments have worked out just fine on you lot.

For the life of me I cannot understand why some people just won't admit that the only reason the past two coups happened was because of the actions/inactions of the Shinawatra regime.

Accusing people of being "yellow dem junta ( same same) supporters" just proves your ignorance and explains why you have no credibility whatsoever and are seen by many posters as being nothing more than a naive and boring troll.

I for one would love to raise my son in a coup free Thailand but that will only ever happen when evil organizations like the PTP and redshirt terrorists are shut down.

Perhaps then we can have free and fair elections, honest and competent rule by a true government, and no fear of being gunned down or blown up by a government sponsored terrorist wing.

Mikey, where is the free and fair election that you want your son to be raise when you have only the choice parties that the establishment want. Ain't you contradicting yourself. Surely you don't want your son to be raise when the dad is speaking double tongue.

Don't act the dumb fool with me Eric, you know exactly what I mean and you have no arguments to back your cause so you stoop to nasty and condescending crap a-la the late great Fabio. Save your rubbish for someone who cares what you think.

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Like you, I am equally despair of the money from rice scheme, rubber subsidies, fuel subsidies, billions to buy useless military hardwares etc etc that could have put to better use. Don't you think so?

There is an old saying that mild men sleep soundly in their beds only because of the hard men that guard the gates and walls. It is historical fact that the better they are at protecting the citizens, the less they are appreciated and the more they are denigrated by those, gulled into a false sense of security, that are too stupid to realise they are needed.

So whinge and moan about the expense, and hope they are still there when the barbarians arrive.

Except in this case, the weapons are pointed inwards.


Like you, I am equally despair of the money from rice scheme, rubber subsidies, fuel subsidies, billions to buy useless military hardwares etc etc that could have put to better use. Don't you think so?

There is an old saying that mild men sleep soundly in their beds only because of the hard men that guard the gates and walls. It is historical fact that the better they are at protecting the citizens, the less they are appreciated and the more they are denigrated by those, gulled into a false sense of security, that are too stupid to realise they are needed.

So whinge and moan about the expense, and hope they are still there when the barbarians arrive.

Except in this case, the weapons are pointed inwards.

Because Thaksin brought and paid for his own militia. It ALL stems from Central World. The man just cannot be trusted, how many times has he said no more politics for him only to pop up 10 minutes later with a puppet or as a caddy :-D

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Every Thai administration since time began (and since WWII most have been military) has raided the Treasury and commandeered the economy for their own enrichment.

There is not a senior military family, senior police family or top political family that does not have a net worth of over 10 million dollars and many are worth considerably more, exponentially more.

What is going on here is application of pressure in the 90-year-old battle for power and national resources between elected representatives (mainly with their constituencies in the North and North-Eastern regions and rural or industrial masses) and non-elected senior figures (mainly with their constituencies in the military, civil service, judiciary and royal court).

The impeachment proceedings and any subsequent impeachment will just be another negotiating lever for the non-elected senior figures to hammer out a better deal for their lot at the expense of the other lot. Neither side would like to devolve any power or resources to the people through better justice for the masses, better health care for the poor or better education for the non-wealthy.

Finally, could you imagine any senior military figure over the last five decades having to publicly account for their actions under threat of punishment from the government? No, it is not possible. They are accountable only to themselves.

Doyou have specifics or just ranting. All that you say maybe true but it doesn't absolve the former PM of resposibility


It's very simple, in every election since 2001 the PTP (Thaksin) party have been democraticaly elected. If Thailand wants to encourage continued western support, it needs to go back to simple democracy. The Army, the so called Bangkok elite can jump up and down for all they like, but they know that in any fair election they will be out voted. All the enquiries, court hearings and impeachment hearings are irrelevant. Please do not tell me that that the Army or the Bangkok "Mafia" are any less corrupt than than the Shinawatra family. Now hold a free election and allow democracy to take its course.

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Djamie still waiting re post 114

As for Valentine calling me a serial liar well mate you and mikemac and a few others follow this bloke and give him plenty of likes and that's fair enough that's your opinion.

However I don't personally attack you blokes but you continually hurl schoolboy insults.

It's pretty simple djamie on several occasions called Yingluck a convicted criminal I have asked him to list her convictions finally I said put up or shut up he stated he never said that and prove him wrong then mr valentine said I won't and called me a serial liar.

Well it's all there to see and not only all creditibty out the window but a simple admitence that he makes false statements would have sufficed .

So Valentine the parrot doesn't lie and doesn't report members I might have different veiws to you and other yellow dem supporters but I respect the posts and differing opinion of other posters.

I don't lie and jamie?

Still waiting!


There is an old saying that mild men sleep soundly in their beds only because of the hard men that guard the gates and walls. It is historical fact that the better they are at protecting the citizens, the less they are appreciated and the more they are denigrated by those, gulled into a false sense of security, that are too stupid to realise they are needed.

So whinge and moan about the expense, and hope they are still there when the barbarians arrive.

Except in this case, the weapons are pointed inwards.

As they should be when a criminal's private militia start threatening civil war and secession. As in "enemies domestic and foreign."

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There is an old saying that mild men sleep soundly in their beds only because of the hard men that guard the gates and walls. It is historical fact that the better they are at protecting the citizens, the less they are appreciated and the more they are denigrated by those, gulled into a false sense of security, that are too stupid to realise they are needed.

So whinge and moan about the expense, and hope they are still there when the barbarians arrive.

Except in this case, the weapons are pointed inwards.

As they should be when a criminal's private militia start threatening civil war and secession. As in "enemies domestic and foreign."

Then where are the charges for treason? As far as I know, the acts of treason have been given an amnesty in the interim constitution.

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